HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-16, Page 8'Y]UU.. A . TIMES, SEPTEMBER 16,
' _ �-�- .� ._ _ _m. - -.• • - _ - I N'c\7e Notes.
'3 0 as
cANDRFW—In wingham, on Sep-
tember «nd, the wife of Mr, T. B. Mc-
Andrew ; a daui;hter.ki,+d'
GAttTrtt--ia Culross, on Sept. 7th, the
wife of Mr, idi 'W. Darter ; a son,
Iaast Wawl,nilsh, on, ept•,
lat,, the wire or Fred 'roll; tt eon.
1 ..r, is on Sept 4th, the
Christmas cards first came into
fashion in 184(1,
Jatnes Chambers of Glen Allen was
fatally injured in 14 threshing machine.
A rope walk is to he established at
the Central Prison, Toronto, lvlach•
ip o\vN - p 1
wire of jolly A. Brown ; u eoci.tiw ' finery for this is being placed in the
words prevent a good deal of
at the residence or the bride's mother, that pet"versones l whtt;kl rough and
Brantford, by the Rev. Wee Coekrane, ,
D. 1)., Win, J. F. Mallftgh, Secretary of imperious, usage often produces in
the `Voting Men's l h,istiva r• 41,1 a foto generous minds,
�T( prison,
9r 1:IIIT 1GF1—SALMOND- OP Sept, 7th, Kind
As all of the nove•ltiCS shown
In 1.�:'e: s Goods, Silks, Jackets,
Capel; Furs, Costumes Dress
Skirts, :•r11k Waists, Silk Skirt
Lengths, 1,lt�.ck and Colored
Dress Fabrics are positively
exclusive to ourselves and un-
repeata le, This week would
afford at. excellent opportunity
of a quiet survey of the stock,
when selections could be made
the chance of a "firstchoic`''se-
,cured al.d the fatigue of select-
ing m busy days avoided.
Kingston, and fora .,rly of vv >u>, r
Elizabeth A1., youngest daughter of Mrs.
I' pert Salmond. `
aloe ensow- ivlcltlwsx---Ai; the Pres-
yyterlau manse, .Atwood, on the s
byRev, P: A. 1loIasod, 13.D.,
hart' 111cI'heraua, or Bluevale, to Mies
Mary McEwen, of Moukton. Ijoa
RFT.AND—In Culross, on Sept. 2nd,
nn Jane Whiteman, beloved wife of
Mr. 1). A. Irland, aged 49 years and 2
months. i,org
z e- n Culross, on Sept. 5th,
hn, daughter of the late Jq ,
37 years and G hsAir
ogISos+aiAN—In Morris, on Sept. 13th, Jda,
youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed.
Bosnian, aged IO years. ice,
What One Man Has Made Out Of
Showing exclusive novelties
and the largest assortment of
all fa .11ionable weaves in
blacks and colors ever shown
by us.
Rich display of Carpets,
Furs, iv1anties, Silks, .f rim-
anings, Gloves, Hosiery,
Read;; -made Clothing and
Every stylish dresser recog-
nizes the erne; c x -
1 orta c'e of keep-
Good inten.cions are very mortal
and perishable things; like very
mellow and choice fruit they are
difficult to keep.
None so little enjoy themselves and
are suuh burdens to them -selves as
those who have nothing to do..=.Only
the active have the tree relish^ of life.
Thomas Donaldson, a farm hand,
wasgiaen fifteen years' imprisonment
at the Stratford Assizes for attempted
criminal assault.
Over 400 diamonds are known to
have been recovered _frons the ruins
of Babylon, Many are uncut, but
moat are polished • on one or two
Wingham Sept, 27.28.
London he 11t. 8 to 17,,
13elgrave. Sept. ''49.30.
L1 dowel . Sept. '.10'21.
Brussels Oct 0.7.
(Minton . ..,Sept. 20.21,
Olifford, ....Oct. 5-0.
Attwood Oct 5.6.
Goderieh Sept. 27 ':'J.
Blyth Oet 4.5
Kincardine Oct 4.5
Ripley Sept 27.28
Walkerton Sept 14-15
Farm Poultry thus tells the story
of what Mr. Dee of New Hampshire,
starting witnout experience, has
Made out of hens in eleven tears:
Having a few hundred dollars,
which he had saved out of his wages,
he decided to build a poultry house
and stock it with pullets. He levell-
ed off a piece of hillside west of nix
father's barn, and built a nice sub-
stantial poultry house, large enough
for one hundred fowls, at a cost of
about $200. He kept, the first year,
which was 1867. ninety-four pullets
and hens and his net profit f >r the
The Assignee of the estate of
(Lifer sole by public au ion, s
bid, and to the mortrar s the
Queen's I' - , Wingllam,
There is an American hotel at
Limon, Porto Rica. It rests on piers
set in the coral reef where ceaseless
spray from the nearby surf reflects
rainbow tints in the sunlight.
ing in touch with our Dress year was $144.01, an average of
81.53 apiece from eggs alone. Re
GoodNo Better place than somewhat altered the plan of tris
this to formthe correct ideas 1 house (which was originally built to
of prev iiing styleswhich al have the birds roost in the second
ways gets first showing here. d they went d,
Cotte this week and see the
latest dictates of Danie
Fashion at
1.,%19t? , l 3
At .
I.�,:a �,f�r
"\San's inhumanity to man makes
J nes Stewart ,will
jest t., a reserved
,n subsisting, at the
Friday, 30tH flay of Sept., 1898
at `2 o'clock p. m., the following lands
The North 100 acres of L d N. 2 and the North
103h acres of Lot no. 3 in the 2nd concession of the
Township of Turnberry,
leans -10 per cant, cash, and the b,lance in one
month. For fertile: particulars end conditions of
4118, arp1v to Win. \Vinson, 1'roxet•:r, or Peter
Peter McLaren, Wingham, Dive tors, or to the un-
(lrtsigned Assignee or his Solicitor.
Our Mantles are greatly admired by all who see them far'
their Excellence of Materials, Style, Fit and Finish, but above;
all the marvellous low prices at which we sell them. The sec-
ret of it all is we understand the markets of the Old and Nevin
World, and buy only the best for our trade that money can
secure. They range in price from $3.Oo to $ir,00. If youlil er
to think of FURS NOW, ours'are just in, and they shoulder,
please every taste and every purse. .
Arsigneu. Soficitnr,
he annual meeting; of the
ax Man acturing
' rials, Bluevale, on
„EPT. 10th, 1898
MEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING in Ordered and Ready-made 13 • a.
growing trade at this store. ) oit can: get Men's Suits here from
$2.75 up, and Boys' from $1,00•tup. •
DRESS GOODS --The largest stocit,,ttid greatest variety, the very
est in all the new shades, patterns•°and materials, and prices
in your favor, ,
SEASONABLE UNDERCLOTHING for, Ladies and Gentlemen, --
quality right, prices right.
GROCERIES-•-•TEAS—Eeadquarters for 'everything in fresh, new•
Groceries, 30e Tea for 250 ; 40e Tea foe 30e ; 50e Tea for 42e ; 5..
lbs good Raisins for 25e.
If you want good fitters and goOd. vearing,Boots come here fo '
will be held in the Fare
countless thousands mourn" ie the
legend in lieu of 'the proprietor's For
name, w hick adorns the sign of ahai
a High street • Ice cream saloon in I the
Sani Jones in one of his .spiritual) ` p E
diselosut es spc,ke of a clergyman's '
wife who wt\s a (.,atter preacher than ie �i r� '°a � -
her husband., lter:anse he always re- �1 `fit -,d
• while all i
wo o'clock p. m.,
the Pur• sn .1f winding no diagnose' business,
elect , of a Board c Directors, and - trans.
on • any other bus:uess that may coin afore
quirecl a text fin. a Fel neon,
she needed was a pretext.
The allowance of the lord mayor.
of London, up to the mayoralty of
story, anf wn on to t le I Sir Sydney W at.erlow 7n 187'2, was
ground floor for food, etc ) so th_lt $40,000 annmtli}', but it was in -
he could put birds on two floor, In
it and the next year, 1888, ile kept
creased it, that year to $50,000, at
which sum it has ever since re -
one hundred and seventy- e fowls, 1 mained.
then went on, adding more buildings I
and more fowls until he has kept, A gentleman well versed in ele.ct,ri-
in the last two years. four hundred cal matters, suggest that .if parties
and fifty head of laying stock. who have windmills on ,their bares
Mr. Dee gave us the privilege of would connect the same with the
looking over his accounts, and we earth hv' a• copper vie, they would,
down some figures from his run less risky of their barns being 3
On and after August 3Jth, wo will be
prepared to buy any quantity of, apples
delivered at our Evaporating Factory on
Alfred Street, lVio„ hate. Parties having
apples to sell will do well to see us be-
fore selltne as wo contract for the whole
orchard—shaken MT—suitablefur drying
15 girls and 5 boys wanted to peal
applbs. Call at the fswtory.
Wrotham. Readers', Arithmetics,
D'M. C) a Direct Importer
took struck by lightning.
—A. t„ ,.':ci>d^d meeting of. the Plebis• (book., and {give here the agoras of
cite i ,, :,tion was belt', at the Baptist I the eleven years' business:—
church en '=onlay night. Arrangements Year No of hens Net profit Av. profit
were co:=1 -ted for the distribution of liter- 138794 f, 144 03 e1 53
175 `d22 85 1 27
ature. (16'�6
"Is there a liell?" will be the subject of lsuo
Rev Mr '.NIP,011'S ,;erroon at the Cengregrr- 1890
Coned oht..cit neat Sunday evening. 91
A Dahlia meeting of the temperance 1893
'workers \v.'.i be l elcl next 'Monday night.
—A ptt.hibitiun rally of ell 1.1.0 churches
that will suite will be held in the town hall
,on Sunday evening. Sept 24.
--Last Sunday afternoon the Methodist
'Sunday School held a very successful
temperance service. The program consiet-
ed of the lesson study for the day and four
short, wise addresses by teachers on the
subject of intemperance and the duty of
Christian citizenship. Music was supplied
es usual by the S S orchestra, two memb-
ers of which, 'Messrs A 11 Robertson and M
Park, sang very nicely two appropriate
•solos. The collection—a special one apart
from the ordinary collection, towards the
local Plebiscite funds,—amounted to
$10.75. The entire service was thoroughly
interesting, instructive and profitable.
110 230 82 1 C9
260 450 CB `38
2.25 bio 04 1 46
175 241 00 1 38
a 135 291 03 1 09
'150 76 1 25
11894 200 400 04 1117
1890 450 583 02 1 21
1 03
1897 450 474 23
The average profit eer hen fcr
eleven years was $1.47 ; the total
profit for eleven 'years $3,650.05
(this being the net profit), in addi-
tion to which the hens have paid for
their food, costing about $2,250.
The cost of houses, land bought,
fences, etc., was $1i220. In addition
to paying for these houses and the
land, the hers have paid for the new
two storey cottage and stable with
the exception of perhaps $150 or $200
not yet paid, but this last installment
on the new stable account will be
paid up this winter.
t f'OLLTiNQ 1113W3.
'The great R. Q. T. national handicap
vas run of at the Woodbine, Toronto, on
Saturday. This year the limit was ten
minutes. Among the 158 starters was Mr,
Chas. Skeates, of this town, who finished
in seventeenth place. Ris handicap was
7 minutes, and he was in the lead nearly
all the way. The fact that he bad hardly
any training goes to show that he is a good
Er :tent Men On Prohibition.
Of the right and duty' of Prohibi-
tion I have never doubted —John G.
I am a Prohibitionist; further than
that, I am an Annihilationist.— John
B. Gough.
What is dangerous to use as a bev-
erage ought not to be sold for such.—
Brussels defeated Milverton at baseball Dr. Canning.
..cu Labor Day by a score of 12 runs to 10 We believe in cutting that liquor
bogs tail off right behind the ears.—
Horace Geeley.
My liberty ends when it begins to
involve the possibility of ruin of my
neighbor.— John Stuart Mill.
There must be no entnpromise, no
high license but absolute and univer-
sal Prohibition. -Canon Wilberforce.
Vice must be prohibited let the
, and arriving a square difficulties of enforcing the law be
Mayor made a speech of congratulation to ► what they may.— Lord. Chester flele.
• which the rang wheelman responded I God is going to count the votes.
•:amid the plaudits of the crowd. Vote for Prohibition and you will be
voting for pine, for order, for relig-
The third of the font. babies born ion, and for the Highest civilization.
; o Mrs, '1" in;. Bowman, Kingston, at 1Ile ani ill see
every ballot. —*John
'one birth is dead.
at the latter place.
The baseball snatch played in Listowel
..ea Labor Day between the Palmerston
Aberdeens nod the Drayton club resulted
oanii.equent y captured the i150it score of sto 10
Alex aleIvor, winner of the amortize in
tlrili.Q.T', at Toronto on Saturday last,
was accorded a gtand reception on arriving
borne at Goderich Ile was met at the
-station by a procession. with band and Car-
riagest theq re the
Poor clothes cannot make
you look old. Even pale
cheeks won't do it.
Your household cares may
be heavy and disappoint-
ments may be deep, brat
they cannot make youwlook
One thing does it and
never fails. .
It is impossible to look
young with the color of
seventy years in your hair.
Come mad Take Us With Yon.
Our Names mites Are
Tack Tar.
Great Si. Bernard.
British Canadians.
Great 500 Page.
We are in
Owing to removal om town, all
my household. ' niteris now offered
1 for sale, includins a „ood psirlor suite.
Ialmost new ; bed r suites, carpets,
pictures, croaker ;'to es, chairs, lawn
1 mower. a "I3 py ri'hc :ht" Cooking
Range, nears . new, and c er articles.
The art' ms will be sold .•eap, any
of whinh An be
at sriysidenco bargained
toll nSaturda. vSept
permanently postpones the
tell-tale signs of age. Used
according to directions it
gradually brings back the
color of youth. At fifty your
hair ntay look as it did at
fifteen. It thickens the hair
also; stops it from falling
out; and cleanses the scalp
from dandruff. Shall we
send you our book on the
Hair and its Diseases?
Th. arlwf Aniss raverIt you do fast obtain ell the bents-,
flteZet1 .xpeetel trolly the use of
tho Vitor,'write the doctor .bout 11.
ProbNbbly there is acme dirtied
pith your general a ate telttiitt
poi be WAIN* removed. Address,
Die, a. Q. Nast, L.w.11, Vies.
Ex utor'so_tice to Credit'
Notice hereby given pursuant to It.. \,. 1897,
Char. 100, 0. 32, that all persons h mg clans
nuninst the ate of Joseph Armstro , late of the
Township of 'yet wawannsh, ii tho County of
Huron, Tcachet eceased, w•ho d , on or about the
2nd day of Angus A. D, 127(3, re required to send
by post prepaid or . delive o U. Vanstone for the
. of the
Town of \Vinehatit, h sal runty, Solicitor
Executor of the Haat • the said decemed, on or
before the Twenty -so lay of September. A. D,
1308. the!r names, .. Ares• •a ai•d descriptions and a
full statement o .articular of their claims, and the
nature of thecurlty, if an ', held by them, duly
certified, a• • that after the id day the Executor
will proec + to distribute the a eta of the deceased
among' a patties entitled tiler 0, having regard
only o the claims of which he hall then have
no ' 0.
.ated this 24th day of August, A. D. 898.
Solicitor, tor the cooter.
your school supplies.
ALEX. R S S, Pap Iar Bock Store.
, 9
all colors
The Miner.
Moss Rose.
1 arch.
and prices.
Grammars, etc.
Caa and see us for
1t. vANSTONE \ri +ha P e
Order your__
We have just pat into stock a crate of the
directly imported from ten obest
makers in England, '
We have a full assortment ot this line, suek` s Pers,
,S Bo,vlls,eVe: e.a—.
table Dishes, Plates, Caps and Saucers ; Cees up3 onwilly);o it. Toilet These goods are.
which we intend to sell quickly if low .p
strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them.
Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling scr
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
artib rson.
" The China House," Wingham.-
Itlelr.,lEzelli clic :!SON, Props.
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber, Lath, Shingles,
1 Anple Barrels, Bard & Soft Slates
Also a large quantity of dry bard
wood for sale, delivered.
11 Telephone orders promptly at-
tended to.
7. hat is what everybody says when
they see our stock.
We make any style of Gold Rings to
We think we know as much about
watch work as any other man in Canada,
and will give
C11•Cio 4:3
for a watch we can't fix.