HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-16, Page 6• •Y 6 THE WIN(. HARM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 1.6 1698. • 1. e atillOPM eS IfRIDA1, 8E1YERIVIIIIM 16, 1liiid. OUR OTTAWA LEITER. *}Yom onr awn „ortrsnon cot ) Ottawa, Sept.. 10th —In the chorus of congratulation and t,ntlorsatioa of which has been called felt) ii r the *access. of the Government's efforts to bale; about Imperial Penny Post• sge it is pieasant to tind tt word of approval frim a distinguished flam- bee of the Opposition. Sir 41dolphe Carol'., Must Master Gl'nerrtl• in the late Government, nment, says that he al -ways approved of Imperial penny postage but could not see how Cana- da could afford it. Posssibly it the lenoneY spent during his regime in dying Centraet0re for carrying the wails had been .100,000 less, as it glow is under 1Ir. Mulock, and the 4thee leakage: stopped, as they now ire, the ex•Pest Master General should have been as well able to bring about the reform as his sue. •+ssor was. But the Minister who stance must not be forgotten,. that a• people in Dawson, of the alining pro - very comfortable percentage of the speets of the future, of the most pro - boodle found its way eventually into •• raising points to make tor, and co on, the Conservative Election fund, The ! but strange to say the is not asked Curran bridge scandal in which the about n Ge overnment odfingrtloperf tions of the bridge over the Lachine Canal in overn and exactions of the postal Montreal eventually cost 5130,000, p etencethe original estimate was but. x;•123- clerks, of the shameful trafiieing in 000 and the Government's own mining claims, of the outrageous ac. court of inquiry decided that $160 tions of the ti ovornlnont iu practite- 000 would be ample, .so that the ally gtving away valuable wharfage et)nntr Was left $270,000 poorer, privileges, of the discontent almost though the investigation. in the Pub- amounting to rebellion in Dawson lit) Accounts Committee showed that against official tyranny, of his own file Conservative Election Fend was disgust at the prevailing condition of •o ortlouatel enriched. things, and of 50 other things in proportiouately y which Conservative, papers have MANY 21ORM MIGHT Bl; ADDED. shown liceb interest during the past The list might be considerably ex- few months and Which is of far more tended, for the simple enumeration national importance than the ques- of the scandals of that period, not al- tion of whether Aunt er Creek or CCESSFUL NT EN leged by a disgruntled Opposition, Salphur Creek is likely to prove the bat proved by sworn evidence of un- richer. willing witnesses before Parliament- MANY Of THEM ARE HANDICAPPED WITH cry Committees, is a lengthy one. When Conservative speakers and writers discourse glibly on expend- iture and extravagance, using the words interehangably, as if they were synonymous, they will show more wisdom if they do not take it for granted that the publlo memory was responsible for the expenditure is incapable of the task of going of $112,700 during the elections of back a few years. It is not possible 1.892 in that section of Quebec under in this one paragraph, to go more nanagetnent, money which by fully into details, but if the Opposi- is own confession wns "milked" tionists have the temerity to deny from the public contracts, could not any or all of these charges, we shall be expected to trouble himself about he compelled to furnish sufficient ;fie minor econouliee of hisIdepart- detail to satisfy the most sceptical. menT,, BON. MR. FOSTER SEES SIGNS. lion, G. E, Foster, ex•minister oI licurxlscExcns. There were other departments Finance, has returned from his trip meet it, accompanied by a married ( Many men understand this, and make •ftl$0 where public works alight have to the West. In the course of his fiiendevery effort to cure it, but it is be - Once Too Often. The story is told of a missionary who, as some one remarked, "had been unfortunate in , his wives." This missionary had married at home CATARRHAL DISEASES. D .A1 . CHASE SLIi13AT11 i3a'lli'VIC i$. M TII0DISr1'---1te)v. 1)r, Pascoe, pas or. Sol•viees At. 11 a at and 7 p in, PRESBYTERIAN—Rev. D. Berrie );alto!•. Services at 11 a ri and 7 p in, EPISCOPAL, Si,Paul's--•Rev, Wrn. Lowe, rector. Services ah 11 a ui and 7 p ro, BAPTIST—Rev, Jas. iTotmilton, pas -,1 tor. Services fit 11 n m and 7 p to CONGREGATIONAL --tow, H. E. Mason, pastor, Services at 11 a ni and i 7pm, CHRISTIAN WORKERS — Misses Outram and Lock in ct.tnalunll, Servicesl at 3 p n1 and 8 pp m. SALVr..TION AR M.X _Adjutant Mlles and wife in command. Services at 11 a. m, 3 p tn and 8 p m, In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is heal at x,30 p rn. df(er. Wood's Phoopho8,islo, The Great Engliet'Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovorea. Six °kages guaranteed to cure all ITnre. -t, torics of Sexual WPaltnef;s, all effects or excess, Mental Worry, Excessiveuse of To- ba000, Opium orStixulanStimulants. Mailed nn receipt six,suo2aekhltor°, S wprice,, Pprpets eo One address. The 2.Vbed Company, Windsor, Ont. ; ,a1 t1 b3111(N31.0 f1 IS reatestiee ^-_ p„e, EVEPX P:EtIIJAi ItIO ; ING TtPet +* 3 OFFICE, , J,9'SEPH11ve STREr WING IIAM' 0,'1r''d'it.1tIO. $nbsoriptton1)r,}0e,tl:lper year,ine dvanoe• Art is° i,.iaiNtt Ito' .ES ,n' .act - t yr. I. too. I 3 010. i -i-inn i _ one collo, $d0 00 I -440 0p- $20 00 1- 48 Aa Halt "° 40 00 91) 12 00 ii 0 00t" t quartee' 20 00 1 12 00 ' 7 00 { 8 0D .'r.t• ,ii7 h 5 00 1 0u 2 00 f 1 A0 ' , ') eual cud othe °omni advert Is,uulat, 8r par 1111p3 I.for firs.; insortiol,muti tic per line for each subeoqurint in^ertlun. Rle,.surui b, nonpareil seatu, ..cull notices 10e, per lino for firer irrertiou, nes i 6a. per line for each sb t nt ,userticr. Advertisements of l,nst, Bound, Strayed, bltuetione and L'usidess,(ihances \Vanted, not °seceding 8 line i nonpareil, $L for first ntouth, and 50c. for each. ' subsequent month. Hooses and Lanes for Selo, not exceeding 8 line. f,1 for fits* month. 50e. per snbeequent montb Larger advertisements in proportion. 'Chest) terms will be strictly adhered to Special rater for larger advertisements, or or longer periods. Advertisements tied local notices without specifier directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged.' ' accordingly. Transitory advertisements must be paid in micelle.) !Changes for contractadvertissmentr must he in.. the odic° by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week H. B. ELLIOTT, PI oiio31rort AND PUBLISHER . Sold in wingham by Cohn a Campbell, and taken his wife with him to COMES TO 7.17cILM AID. Druggist. India. There, after two years, she died, and the broken-hearted widow- er had another chosen for him. Success in life is almost impossible Bat fate was still unkind, and at for a man with ba(} breath. Nobody the end of a year he was once more wants to do business with hien. No - bereaved. After considerable corre body wants to associate with him. He spondence and sundry delays, the is handicapped everywhere. offen- sive breath comes from catarrh; some- twicebereaved widower received times from catarrh of the stomach, word that a third bride selected for 1 sometimes of the lungs, sometimes of him was on her way to his arms. the head, nose, and throat. It is from the bride -groom elect went down to The day the steamer was signalled catarrh somewhere, and catarrh is an- other name for uncleanness. ,:!leen carried out, and needed re- peregrinations, he more that forms affee1e3, bat for the scandal- assured those he met that his tour *us looting of the public treasury, was entirely a business trip ; but he which made the record of the late found frequent opportunity for im- tdmtnistration a bye 1i ord among p"omptu political meetings, which he :ttie nations. It is not a pleasant took advantage of to place his views task to recall our country's shame, upon enrrent itolitics before the elect - bat when the Opposition press and Ors. Ile appears to have gone over platform speakers from the ex Cab- the old hackneyed ground of explod- inet Ministers down, persist ia talk- ed charges against the Government, "tug about extravagance and boodl• ringing the changes with commend- ing, and increased expenditure, it able impartiality- upon the "extrava- l:'ecomes the duty of pablic journals gance" of the publtc expenditure, to.' remind the electors of the past. the "rottenness" of the Yukon ad -- They should not be allowed to forget ministration, the Cr11W's Nest Pass the record of the Department of Rail-• Railway and other "deals," and so !Gar's and Canals when the 14 mile forth. With su lunch material to branch of the St. Charles Railway his hand, but—though this does not cost $1,760,000 instead of $136,000 appear to have troubled hirn,—with as estimated, and (i miles of the Tay precious little evidence to support Canal cost $477,12,6 instead of $132• his position, the voluble ex•mitiister 45(30 as estimated. since earning did not find time to refer to the set - about $100 a year towards the $2500 Clement cf the Manitoba School goes. that it costs the country annually to tion or the operations of the prefer - !maintain. Then there is the Caloi s ential trade, and the post Master Rapids Channel, in the Cornwall General's Imperial penny postage Canal costing doable the contract vletJry and the wiping out of the de - price, and, on the admission of the licit in hie department, the redemp- Minister in Parliament is even then 'tion of the pre election promises to alseless; and the Shieks Island Dam reform the Superrannlaation scheme, in the same locality up.,n whit) h 1 repeal the franchise Aet, and take a '315,000 was expended and thee the Prohibition Plebiscite, and so forth. work stopped. At least a dozen A SAFE PREDICTION. '+ether transactions equally wasteful. Upon his return to Ottawa Mr. might be quoted in this department Fosror is reported to have said that etlone when it was under the weld: he never saw the country in such .n.nce of Hon. John Haggart. splendid condition or the ;people so Prl;1.IC ‘VORMS SCANDAL. prosperous, and this is an honest ad• Turning to the Pablic Works De- mission for which he should receive partment the detractors. of Hon. J. credit. He added, however, that Israel Tarte, when indulging in the public were fully alive to the Betty criticisms of expenditures ne- "villainies" of the Grit Government cessitated by his tour of inspection and were impatiently waiting for the this summer through the east, might first opportunitiy to swecp it out of with advantage recall the Langevin power. Mr. Foster is to he congrat- block scandal where the new depart ulated upon his optimistic disposition mental block in this city which was which must greatly assist him to to cost less than :500.000, actually bear up under the absolute failure of cost over ;'1,000,000; the roof al me all his prophesies of blue and disast- costing as mach as the original esti- er. While finding such unlnistak- estiate fey the whole building. The able indication of Conservative re ac- C;onolly Mcfreevy fronds, in which tion through the West, it is certainly 'the country lost $700,000, the result hard to understand why Mr. Foster of a straight steal, is another exam I;le, and a painful attendant etreufn On the return of the latter So his 1 yond the reach of ordinary practice. house he was pounced upon by his I No self-respecting man cap ignore wife, who demanded all the partial- ; catarrh. If he has it in any form he lars Of the meeting. I makes constant effort to be rid of it. "Did Doctor Simms seem much , There is something about the man- , 1 ger of lite and the climate of Canada OverCUme when he saw Miss J31oom? " that seems to breed diseases of the was the first question. mucous niembnane. Medical science ''Well, I don'tuite know." ordinarily doesn't try to cure catarrh; q 1 it relieves" it; but Dr. Chase has he did say and dc,," i years, and 'For mercy's' sake, tell Inc what ;been curia~ catarrh for over thirty his name is blessed by "''!Cell," v►ith evident reluctance,' thousands who have shaken of- the grasp of this insidious disease. when he satin her shewas at the ; gold by a21 dealers, price 25 cents ether end of the deck, and she was; net kr5s, hlo'wer free. pointed out to him by the friend she i --- had travelled with. Shams looked I ' TOASTS, TO WOMAN. at her for a moment, and then pgssed his hand over his eyes, and I heard I Woman—The sweetest creature hila murmur audibly, "Red hair • the Lord ever made. again." . 1 Woman—The source of help, hap. piness and heaven HEART SIGNALS. ' Woman—She needs no eulogy ; she Quick as a Flash They Appear, but speaks fur herself. Just as Quickly will Tney Vanish Woman — A creature ' nobly Under the Healing Spell of Dr. planned, to warn, to comfort and Agnews Cure for the Heart. command." dLpe,1•1I'•,wiRMORV fC'•Y M u r ray Lan tria.n's FLORIDA WATER inn SSVnETEST Warr I:C ::?i;.NT, MOST REF=RESHING A'iii INDUCTING OF ALL pER,FiL'r,iSS FIOR THE I A?ilr)s.E.r:CHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ILL QDIIDSISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. When the breath is short—when you tire easily—when there is palpitatioo— wben there is smothering sensation—and dropsical tendency—all these indicate heart weakness, and are the danger sig- nals if you procrastinate. Dr. Agnew's (Cure for the Heart is saving lives which In many cases have been proclaimed by eminent physicians asbsyund hope. It will relieve most acute cases in thirty minutes, and patience and the remedy will cure any case, of heart trouble ii existence. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, \'yinghaln. Important Decision. The following decision is of in- terest to township councils and rate- payers :—Tanner vs. Tp. of Bay hain, and Huffman vs. the same muniei pality. Judgement in .actions tried together in St. Thomas. The first action was brought to recover dant• ages for personal injuries received by plaintiff on '24th of Oct. last, while driving along the public highway between the first and second can cessions of Bayham, in front of lot 3, owned and in possession of defend ant Weaver, the vehiele in whieh did not notice accurately the trend of plaintiff' was driving having conte local politics in British Columbia, in 1 into collision with a wooden milk view of the fact, that they were occu- stand which had been, as alleged, pying so large a share of public at- tention when he was at the coast. In an.interview reported in the Mail and Empire and other Conservative papers of the Gth inst., Mr. Foster in speaking of the troubles in Pacific politics is alleged to have said, "What will be the outcome no one knows; probably in the end a re ar- rangeMent of parties on straight party lines." Three days before Woman --Once there was a woman, sir, end here she is ! Woman—The tyrant we love, the friend we trust. Wulnan—Ged bless her, the queen of all creation. 1Vulnti,n —The fairest work of the great Author; the edition is large, and no man should be without a copy.. --iia ttiulnre World. unlawfully allowed for several years prior thereto to remain upon the - highway, by which collisionthe plaintiff was thrown from the vehicle and badly injured, so as to be un- able to follow his calling as a black smith. The second action was brought by the father andadminis trator 91 the estate of Lohlisa Nell Hoffman, who was driving with Tanner at the time of the col ision the Conservatives of the Province in and was thrown out and killed t ) reeover dainages therefor. Jude' ment for plaintiff 'Tanner for $500 damages and costs of this action asatinst both defendants. The above convention assembled, pa.ht a rest). lution declaring that the party, as a party, would in the fitture take part in Provincial elections, Really Mr. Foster: should keep better posted in judgments were rendered at Osgood° urr eent'events' if Ile wishes his Pro' Iloli the ether day by. Justice Rub. phesies of the futiire to carry wei'rht Doan Cures a ivranitoba Mr. Alexandria Fraser, Mituni, Man., writes : "I cannot refrain from reeom- m,!,nKidney ytiito any pdr4oc truu3.d with :thinly di3urder, WING -RANI 1111' 1 believe it they r,,u1J cure we they could dol to any Ort2 e.,, BANK oHAMILTON WING I ANI. Capital, 1,250,000. 1',00t, X775,000 Pre,Iduut-J0119 STUART.e-Pre The-President—A. G. iU335AT. 3ZltstMOTORS JOHN Pr-00TOR, ORO. 'ROACH(, WDt GIm9ON, di P, A. T. Woou. A. B. Las (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Rank—IToure, !Oto 2• Saturdays, 10 to Lepoeite of al mud upwards recolred.eud interest ailowcd. Special Dol osits also received at current notes of ir,sreet, straits o. Great Britain and the United State* bought and Bold W. OORBOTJLD, AGxNT E. L. 1)ILaINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes !discounted AT REA.SONA3LE RATES. money advanced on ilortgagos at 6 pet eentwith prtvile ee of paying at thu end of any 1 our. Nut, and accounts colluded. EGET. 31c12.11300. Beaver !hark Winchatr., 005 J)1losn 1. F. 11, nALTIrLll, PHYSICIAN, SUR. rJJ 014:.N, AND 5c01.31.10u5UL1. Succesuor to Dr, W. 011111,111111411S8 I Ly ONT. 1st glass Honor fireduate of the Uniyerliities of 'rriuiry (Toro 1 ) (Hosea s Ofiliesten), and of Trin- itt' Urdieal L'u1tegr ; 1'ti104. of Trinity medical (: •1I o and Mee her of the t'olinue ..1 Physicians,. til d Surgeot;e 11f Ontarin. Lost 0redeet'• Course in Uattoir, turd Onicugo 1203 5peuhti attention paid to inseaa." of Equ Ii .r N,l3 and Throat and 'Diseases of Woman. een'n11.,1 Oh ft, kh0ulish and Garman. it.:41at.ritt treated sucee. lui1y in alt'' its ferule. GRAND 1RUNK R ULWWA/. DGPdnT ARRIVE Toronto and East 0 50 a. m. 3 05 p. m 3 30 p in 10 25 p m Palmerston mixed 8 55 e. ni 8 0:, p m London and South fi 58 a ni 11 10 a m -3 I1C p in 8 00 p In Kincardine 11 10 a nt 6 50 a m 380pm 380pm 10 zap m 830ani AGENTS: Book business is butter than for yoets rest ; also hnvebetrer and foster selling. honks. Auentsclenr int; froth DLO to$40weeely, A few lellde1R 1111': • tjueen V•eterie"; -Life 11 Mr. Gndetoou," Mother's Billie Stories " "Proareutite Sneaker." "Klondike Cold Wield," "%men." "Giin,psis of the U,ne,w,." "Breakfast, Dinner, Snpt'er, Books ne time. IMIAU1.tY•OAr.RETSON COM PANlV. Ltsesse, Toronto, ertson. Humor. People who sh3.ke -hands take the palm. To stand up for themselves some people have to. Because a man looks rusty is no sign that he has an iron eonttitutitan. ,honey in the bank is always u; some account. A pitcher full of beer would never satisfy a whole baseball te;i11I. It isn't likely that the bit; dipper his anything to do with the moon getting fall. Old-fashioned hoop skirts were very effective in enlarging wo nan's sphere 1'he alarm clock is dcctdedly off when it gats rattled, Lighthouses along; the way do not briehtetr an actor's prospects. The dentist snakes proristotl for filling an aching void. Children Cry for 0 and• 'rake no et er, AS all Mixtures, pills and Cook's Cotton Ptoot Compound Is successfully usSd•nionthly by over 10.000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies tisk your dru )fist for Cook's Cuttoa Root Carer STEM PIIMP ORKS F J Til LREAV WAY t• /\LLsTEEL VVitiq LL f > 4✓M1 YAN;KTON5, BAKK15Tkilt, auLlerrlli, Ete., Private and Company funds to lona at lowest rat* - interest. No oonuuiesion eiranreu. alortgage., town:, and farm prof: erty houcilt a.21 sut,_t 00910E—}+,agar Block 0;121111AD1. MY. 1r• vitsrh ton ei Cllr! 't'aet 4sai'>•+,v'r`M1LL I S t;riving pnrehnsed the entire business front Mr. Daniel Showers, T aro now prepared to supply the pablio with GVood .mu119i. Troia 'Force and .11Iniaaps, Atraaiix aaitd iron Cylinders. C atl•vrlli:r- eal iron Tubing. Cisterns, l'Vuten' Troughs. Sivalirt•1, Nit tii^a.la'film Pitting. 'Well py;iM;ging and ov4rythntg in con- nection with water sul)1)nes. E J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ka. irmOhuu•, (lot. • L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANN OF HAMILTON. MONET Ter LOAN, Otnce—Moyer Work. \l inl;ham Ail • G. CAMERON, BA it MITER, SOLICITOR, t.(NVEYAISCna, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. Common, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J. 3.251301315, L. D. S., Winona* ,t y4 ;,, teeth esnuteetor tcheau ms try cans he made- 9010 sade- (•I I in tete Uoutinion. Taetb oxtraotei ar absolutely withcut pain, by ble ne proeese, guaranteed pude. My sato. OFFICE: In the Waver Block, opposite Um. Brunswick 80080, JWIN LtlTOillkl UENEt3AL, LNSIP.tANeh' AG5NT WIA(IIA V, ONTAHrty. ,. LLA\S, Ja., tlrne..Am, LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1'011 •Illi COMM, OF 111,1 ON. Sales attended 10 any part of the Co. charges tiludorate. 101124 UU1111L.E, 'VlsuoAu, UvT., • ei LICENSED ACCT101 EEn. Sales of Ebro Stools and Farm lluplelnoet$ aprclulty. 111 oenuts I.'ft at the Tiers olilee protnptfyYwten3k ed to. Terri., reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. _ Ooup (2eLniouin, .No. 49, Ineetr- , . Q. , —Chu 1,83 ..tad ttitlnl Mond.) ire 4131.1.2 locum, in .he odd l(,,3s nal.. Visiting brei 111313 wulee:0. J. hurl et.. Chem 1.1 Stew- art lien..Sou WANTED Zes,,,g leen 33,1 3l elllt9l, Or oilier 0009, $R 1l it ,rill y out.tr in npu•i,, of undoubted. rLa,..vtui, ;,00u tulke„r, aotu.i"tis DWI io1118lrlou9, Ca" 11011 un,pio; mewl 0, a wood eausef with 540 per. mucin mei misled.; '• uceot,t6to meaty. J(n\'. T. 5, 1d1.hJU1T, T.:moSTO, Vv Air .f.PO. 5e3 en order writers. i$tdary ur cvuuldsslon to suit. 5.3,30 pereeee. ADYi 11'rl lin, Dicdwal Buhdbig, Toronto, 1 WANTED. Slot and Women who rad work hard talking andwtufugr1x home deity t.n'sf.3 days aw..ck and wilt be content /wit ten u0 llus woody. N1 'd' ( 114.15 Co , TORONTO, WANTED rttea3h61.11•33,8 en,dU,nm1ar('eahtlty ttot :coolefait fol' .1,1 1;huy1'1.1 sett . of the Conntt V, in Five Rat 1 quarto (domes. ivn.(.' T rl I . Cnlmol paltl w ICkly, LIDne°,h1 ir11(181n11.4) 1:6, TnIIiseNTdon, JAB HINTING. V,(1,(IBING Booing, Pamphlets, Porters', 81. (Intat111iewl Steel Windntfile tor *power I ittett4, Cttcuiard,, exceeted lu *ht) best 811x1 put/atom water.;telt of trite art, at Moderato ln•ices, 'and on short notice Apply o)' witife%8 f).aalt w( 11 1.31111113A NrSVflalstr, If. 11 ELLIOTT, T Mos Lance, Winghatn 1':.il,airinta prnmpily id tended in. 333 103) Writhe/ for byte; mailer) or A LOST OP1'Ol:Tti\ITY. imitations aro clangorous. Price, No, 1, v. pet ordering by mall 3110111d 11111.1.1),4 Malo The Mail and Empire correspond - sores Healed, box, No. C,10degrees strong e,'.$8porbox. No. de,,th 3,3 well. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two stent ' eat in 'Winnipeg has interviewee 3 ergs and ulrers of the worst, We'd ant a Olin Conk Cnnirrtnv \vindaor, ()nt. X111 sonrla' !,llurttat0e(1 or no S at or Walsh res et) In (ex l ir- ll, healed b l3urdos T11uf t)1 . C Nos. 1 and 4 amd ars recent mended all p g p Y- r is 1 iL res amotirn BOOKBINDING. liI W 1 h t' hl ,1+ are rape \r ) y ouaibto Uro sts f, \ Canada. d -' tt e y r , r r^+! a et'u ars pleased with to 4 f on Bi tont any nooks or Litters, J'ttl,e o tlitel o di /mil t T) Y A g C. «.ir9. RNI ly ` S .1..Ca ft hi q:,rlrn's left ed t 1 s for Binding, an have, or- e tees in the XS.londyke, Tthl. Ma,)01 external! according t0 directions and . p10 11. ,13011 !nil, i rtcns for niadfnx iri clay styli speaks of the probable outpat of the y k \irr, 1' and' Vo, 2 far as:e br l u,i.l A. OrotPbul" B'"c 140 'ty ingihnm. ant, wylt tra { *ten on aupiiobtdon 'o'thr. rlatfas thnue eee how quickly It (lute \rlli be wade. de. ' nru tulrt