HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-02, Page 8THIS IS IT I TIIRT'S WHIT YOU'LL SOY OMER YOU SEE THE BERG HYDRO-MN IMMURE PUMP it forces the manure from the barn, through an. underground- pipe to the storage area. As the manure enters storage area from below, the outside surface forms a crust, which retains the important nitrogen and potassium inside the pile and also reduces the odor and fly problems. And the manure is ready' fat spreading, when you want if. OUIL01111 IEVEPVTHING METTER F011e .1411:11NB For details call Keith Siemon Plumbing — Farm Equipment R.R.4, Walton, Ontario' Phone 34512734 Kawasak 111 KAWASAKI 440 INTRUDER • Fan-cooled engine • Oil injection system • Side-mounted engine for low center of gravity • Lightweight, aircraft- type hassis • Thr age racing-type exhaust dndur- SEE THE Hot ONES TODAY AT . . KAWASAKI 340 INVADER • Liquid-cooled engine • Oil injection system • Racing:style, 3-stage exhaust system. KAWASAKI 440 INVADER o' Liquid-cooled engine - • Oil injection.systeni , • Set a new world 24-hour once record. Davidson Sales & Service moNicroNN ONTARIO NOR 1P0 PHONE 347.2235 Stanley wants artists: Twper st nee e EDUCATIONFOREMPLOYMENT Conestoga College Certificate Programs Enrol.in our Home Study Program now! Study Mathematics and English in the convenience of your own horne. • For more information' visit our Clinton Campus, Vanastra Road, Clinton, or telephone 482-3458 between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Cone-stoga College of Applied Arts andTechnology We've got a lot to share. WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR TYPICAL BUNGALOW INSTALLATION INSULATED -PIPE - Selkirk 8" 8i 7" Metalbestos Chimney, Black Matte Pipe, and Accessories in Stock. .11 * mild Ireng, Craig MarY t s.,v1sited Rua Banner', man. ' Olive StaPhetiOn. Pracell . • and Anna Noyes visited. with Th en tiensali:(34)r I issel I grratt. Mr, and Mrs 10 Latimore, andAllan Ker"- Cecil Smith •visited Lynn, bingo at the tai dence on Monday. coilducted • P.' • '4•4 • $trike slows canvas - rick. Rey.4 Van pr. Exeter ceonductOd'churelt set,4 vice accompanied,, t?'Y Mrs'; Van Eric Luther advises that donations to date 'total $1,117.25. We have set an objeCtive of $1,400..00, The mail strike has affected dona- tions ordinarily received by mail. As the strike is' now Over rural residents are requested to mail, their contr' butions immediately to en- sure we meet our objectiVe, Thank you yeti+ intleh, Eric Luther, Campaign Chair- man. INSULATION_ SPRAY ON URETHANE FOAM For Cattle.and Hog Barns, Workshops; , • Homes, Attics, etc...also Vans, AGRICULTURAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL Elowit in -.Mineral wool, fibreglass, cellulose., H.VAN MOORSEl. INSULATION R.R.#5, Mitchell Phone 348.9376 4 The Beautiful Franco-Beige Stove All new: The Franco.Bolge WOC;OBURNER Is one of the few stoves designed for lust one fuel.wood. • The cast iron and fire brick hearth Is long and large. It will bu'rn logs of up to 16" long and 6" diameter. • Loading is through the side to allow largo logs to be easily handled. L An adjustable air blot gives a co..Yrollable burning rote and heat output. • The stove will give a high heat output and will always burn at maximum efficiency. • The stove is finished Ittworm coppertone porcelain. The top hinges up to reveal a ground cast Iron hotplate which can be used : for cooking or warming dishes. ' This is just a small sample of the many stoves we have in stock. At Wiseway, we're dealers for Shenandoah, Finlay Oval, Lakewood, the Farmer's Stove, Selkirk metal bestos chimneys, and fireplace ac- cessories. Kenneth Koehler died in Huptsville .H-Ospital in his 69th year. . A native. of this area-the deceased Was•..a %on of Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Zurich and the late Oscar Koehler, Hav Township.. He :taught school for several yearS and later-farmed in the Huntsville area. • • • Surviving is - his, _• wife, a son' • Hareld,. 041aWa; 'two daughterS 'Shirley and June, Toronto. his mother 'Mrs'„, Nancy 'Koe.hler, Zurich. two . sisters: 'Mrs. Leonard (Greta), Erh, 1-lensall; Mrs. Shirley Craig, Toronto. and one brother HarOld, Toronto. • Constance At the time of writing Mt. Ed. Dorrance is a patient in. Seaforth Hospital. We hope he will soon be home and , feeling much better. CANAOIAN wool). INSTITUTE ' • FRED!. NUM LiMITED, , . Bayfield Rd., Clinton 482‘441 OPEN: MON. TO FRIDAY • A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT.. II A.M. TO ditta P.M esotirmtlitireimiliqrstisir \inemilmeat EWAY I THE -HURON 'EXPOSITOR, NgoVEMBER 20 1-970 Children takepatt in bciptismal service Correspondent Mrs. Bertha. MacGregor 62.2025 Weleynte .neW teS1(104.4t • .Queensvvay. Nurs10,0. Mune., • Mrs. Alice -Rozekdal of Exeter.`'. Visitors with Mrs. Irene Kalbfleise.h were Joan Betteridee and Violet RIOT t• • - - Hozet Snell, 'Verna COatel. and. Ruby Poland visited Louise Mitchell. ClieSter and ila Dunn and Iva Ridley, vi sited Vera Lammie. • , lenora Butler of St. Thom- Mrs. Marvin Taylor and Baby Kari Lynn were guests of honour at a Baby Shower on Saturday evening at -the home of the hostess Mrs. Rick Parker assisted by Mrs. Don Dalton of Seaorih, .who conducted contests after which Mrs. Harold Parker, favoured with a reading "A Mother's Song". The gifts were presented by Lori Par- ker and Jennifer Pollock. Cindy made a fitting reply thanking everyone. 'Refresh- ments were served by the --Hostess Mrs. Rick Parker, Mrs. Dalton and Mrs. Ken Parker.' Mrs. Hilda Srnale and sons of Hibbert have taken up residence in the dwelling they purchased on Richmond The service at Hensall United, Church on SUnday, Ociober 29, was conducted by 'Rev. T. Garrett Husser when the Sacrament of Holy Baptism was administered to. MatheW William and Shelly Ann Gainer, children of Mr, & Mrs. Lester Jetties 1 Gardner. All the children of the ' congregation gathdrd around, the altar to watch the ceremony. • For his sermon, Rev. Hus- ser spoke on "Life's great hours''. All of us experience moving hours or- moments, he said. The disciples' great- est hour wa's when they saw Christ transfigured, 'but Christ had to lead the disciples back down the mountain to where the work was; in the same way; we need to return to the busy world and do our part in the work that is waiting to be done. Once again members wel- •corned Richard Fujarczuk of London on the organ; his' talents are well appreciated. The choir, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Marianne Mc Caffrey, sang the anthem, "Teach' me, 0 Lord." The flowers on either side of the pulpit Were in living memory of Mr. Robert Gor- don Aitel, placed there by his family and Mrs. Mary Funk and her daughter Mrs. Page. Unit 4 will be meeting on Thursday, Nov. 5th at 2:30, P.•111. Tfiis will be the last meeting of the fiscal year. The Hensall Sales Barn traded mainly inheifers and steers, sales being acye and prices steady. Fat cattle; •• Steers, $64.50468.50 top to $69.50; heifers, $61.50- $67.50, top to $71.25; cows, $32.50448.50; pigs, •$3.4.50- $54.50. James Bedard and family of DetrOft, spent Saturday with ,the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Oesch and treated them to dinner out„ Attending the christening of Mathew William, Shelly clearly o1 the envelope. All envelopes will remain sealed until Nov. 30th the last entry date. A cash prize will be awarded to the winner. There must be many town- ship'Jtesidents wl(o could come up with some good Mrs. Mary Merrier 482-7143 The Foresters Fall Dance was held on Saturday evening October 21st in the Seaforth Legion with the Music Makers providing the music. Spot dances were won by Clayton Mc,Clutle and Joanne RObirisoiVanY_Kgit'Vitf Joan- _ ne-vieva'r:Thr dirta-.•. for the quilt was made with June Fothergill' of Londesboro the lucky 'winner. The Foiester ,and friends made the quilt in, the spring and sold tickets on it with the proceeds to be dOnated to the cancer fund; we are quite pleased to report there wilt be $400 to donate. Thanks to. everyone ' for .making it a success. Ladies Night was held on Monday evening Oct. 23rd in the hall and was well at- tended, The evening was spent playing , progressive euchre with 14 tables playing. Lucky winners were High: Edith Beacom. Lone Hands: Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. Low: Florence . McIlwain. Special Name tag was won: by Vietta Hoggart. Lunch was served by Dclphine Dolmage's com- mittee and a pctrny sale was conducted. • ` Mrs. B r yan Wilkinson and baby Rebeeea returned home on Tuesday from, Seaforth Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Marris. Bo's and Steven. spent Sunday afternoon in Toronto visiting with his cousin, who is in the hospital. Mr. and . Mrs. David . Preszcator. Christine, Lisa. Christopher and Greg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lee of Strathroy. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Thompson of Etobicake. Me.. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Lisa visited on Sunday with their Grandma Plunkett- of Ann and Cara Mary Ann Gardner and afterwards at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bardner were Rev. Garnett Husser, Mr. & -Mrs. Bill Scotchmer and family, Mr. & Mrs. tester Gardner and family. (Junior) all of Hensall; Mr. &. Mrs. Lester Gardner and family (Senior), Mr. & Mrs. Keith Doyle and family and Mr. & Mr's. Stephen Gardner all of Toronto; Mr. & Mrs., Frank Boulton and family and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Boulton all of Woodstock; Mr. & Mrs. William Burgess of Warkworth; Mrs. Ellen Batstone of Zurich andMr. & Mrs. Tony Shepperd and family of Exeter. Mrs. JaCk Smith, 'Miss Margaret Sniith, Toronto and ,Mr. & Mrs. Don Cooper, Exeter motored to Keene Valley, New York., at the week-end and, visited with, the former's sisters, Mrs. Eva Spoor of Keene Valley and Mrs:. Lucy Brooks from New Jersey. Keene Valley is near Lake Placid. and the scenery was very beautiful. ideas." The date for the Senior ,Citizens'. Christmas Party has been set for December 6. For an afternoon of progres- sive euchre and a visit with your friends, mark this date on your calendar now. Auburn when they celebrated her 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brindley and Ricki of Hollyrood visited on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes, and with' , Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes, Teresa and Brian and Ivy. and Mrs. Marris Bos and Mr: and' M.S. 71tobeir Woods and Michelle of Gananoque , Mr. and Mrs. Cam Patterson of London were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs', Frank Riley. Mr.' and Mrs. Doug . Riley Kim and Greg of Winthrop and Ron Swarts also visited at the same home. St. S. Mr. & Mrs. Al Corbett and family have taken' 'up resi- dence in the dwelling they recently purchased frofn Mr. , & Mrs. John` Corbett. • MiSs Dorothy Farquhar of London spent the week-end with her mother Mrs..Emalie Farquhar. Mrs. Rilby'Bell spent a few days visiting „with her, son-in. law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mason, Tracey and Cindy in Bowling Green, Ohio. , A bus load of Senior Citizen s attended the Con- cert in the Wingham High School Auditorium, on Stuy- day evening which was pies-' ented by "The-Scott Family" the Huntsville Funeral Home on Saturday October 28th with interment in Yearley. Cemetery. Those attending from this district were Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Zurich, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Erb, Hen- salt; Mr, & Mrs. Robert Erb, Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Erb, Bayfield; Mr, & Mrs. _lehn, Erb, Goderich, & Mrs. Doug Dick, Port Elgin; Mrs. ••Pearl Koehler, Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Koehler, Hensall Mr. & Mrs.' Art. McCallum,. Kippen; Mr. •& • Mrs. Ray Armstrong, Goderich; Mr. & Mrs. Harold Willert, Hensall Mr. & Mrs. Norman Koehler Zurich. to an audience of 1,010 people. Those attending rep- ort an excellent evening of• Music. Rev. A. Young of Goderich conducted, service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, his text was taken from Mark Chapter 4 "Many Small Boats were there also'.' SerVice on Nov. 5th will be at the hour of 10:15 Standard time. It was announced Rev. Kenneth Knight of Rose Town, Sask. accepted the call ' to Carmel, Cromarty , and Caven Churches and is ex- pected to arrive by December 1St. The Ladies' Aid are holding their annual Bazaar , on 'Saturday N-ov. '4th at 3 • Mrs. Alice 'Ferg returned home after spending several days with her son-in-law and daughter 'Mr. & Mrs. Charles Eckel in. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hol- land, Gwen and Michael of , Clinton •were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster and :Brad. Mrs. Eva Parker of Mitch- ell was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Mr. and Mrs. John Solden, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ready, of Port Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ready and Allyn of London. Mr. and -Mrs. Pat Solden. Tracy and Jason Pinedale, Grand' Bend, at- fpnded service at .Cavan Presbyterian Church, Exeter. on Sunday and witnessed the baptism of Ryan Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael. Solden and brother of Sue The'Recreation Committee has come up with a good way to make a little money for their activities, and give people a great evening's entertainment at the same time. A big crowd turned out for the lowe'en Dance at Hully Gully, nd there were some very cl ver ideas for costumes. Mem .ers of the band, who chose the win- ners, found it a very difficult assignment. Prize for the most .original costume won't to Arnold Mathers in short pants (at both, ends) and long shirt. Best combination pair were Bob' and Joan Allan as• a lighted Christman tree and a Christmas present. Winners of the spot dance were Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Peck. Reeve . Toni Consitt donated' - ceramic- 'Chri-Stmas tree which went to Sandy Hayter. The ether door prize, a bushel of apples donated by Gerry and Jean 4tathwell, was won by Paul Stephen- • son: A special "thanks" to the Wonpetta Trio--Bill and Wonnetta Holland and Hugh Hodges---for playing fel' the dance on short ,notice. The October meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, .Oct. 25 with nine members in, attendance. Plans were made for the curling season, which will .begin the first week in- December at the Vanastra Curling Club. 'Anyone wishing ,to curl should con- tact Jean Taylor at 482-9155 Or Katherine Horton at 482-9806, New curlers are especially invited to call and get into the sport. There has been a very Poor response to the crest contest, so if you have any ideas. please enter. The rules again: It's for a township crest (not a spoils crest); it's open , to all adults and . children' who reside in Stanley Township; the de- sign should be drawrion a 8 x 10 -sheet of white paper; you may submit as many designs as you , wish; include your name and address on a separate sheet of paper; designs using three +or four colours are suggested. but those. - with more will be considered. Send all entries to Shirley Hill, Varna, and mark "Ci.est Contest" Foresters raffle quilt winner announced Obituary KEIAETH KOEHLER • The funeral was held from N If you do a lc 1 of trail riddle, you ye waited long enough for IN all-day comfort of Arctic's new Trail Cat 19 de technology is here to ay Correspondent Mrs. Hilda M. Payne 767•COIR Baby Kart honoured Anne and Jodi. Later the family were joined by Mr. and Mrs.' Frank Solden, Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kyle and children of Exeter at a dinner at' the home of Mr.' and Mrs., Solden. Catherine Corbett, daugh- ter' of Mr. and Mrs. L. Corbett returned to her home after undergoing surgery at Sick Children's Hospital, in London. • for modern times Here Is Lakewood Stove's version of this very popular Canadlan,wood stove of years ago. It is an airtight stove constructed of heavy gauge stool plate, lined with fire brick, Air control it both adjustable and pOsItive. it•will easily hold a fire overnight. Leave • the door open, and It can be used as o fireplace. it has two complete .cooking surfaces; fat fast boll Or,stow simmer, • • The Stepstove Is mode of heavy steel plate. Plates are welded with. deep penetrating "M3G welds, for completely airtight, construction. THE STEPSTOVE IS EASY TO INSTALL, EASY TO OPERATE: Any do.it.yorselfer tan Install the Step. stove, quickly and easily. And anyone con operate It. Here's how to keep warm all winter and save Oeitgy, top.) LAKEWOOD n Canadian Stepstove An old ,design made Ask us about the facts on Wood-burning stove safety. 14E:WAY Home &Building 'Centre (HWY Mt NORTH OF HENSALL, LOOK FOR THE RldNVJ 202131.# et;