HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-02, Page 7ar st \t / THE HURON ome them'e a ?crow' Npvi‘iy) Ft, .1,97,0., • Correspondent ,Mrs. Bert Shobbrook 523-4250 Mrs., Dorothy MeCool, Clinton widow of late Fred 'McCoy} former residents of the community died on Thursday in Clinton Public Hospital:, Sympathy is ex. pressed to her daughter Mrs. Roy (Doris) Green, Toronto.. Mrs. Orval (Jane) Wolfe of Cambridge, sons Paul R.R.5. Wingham and Bob R.R.I, Londesboro. • ' .Attending Brueefield United Church .Anniversary On Sunday night" when Ford. wich United Church choir presented the musical pre- sentation ''The Miracle Worker - Were Rey. McDonald. his mother Mrs. Carl McDonald. Elaie Shad- Snackers meet Clip this coupon and cash in for Thursday Noy. 2/78 to SOL Nov. 11/78 wit we ire open Wednesdays Hours Open 6 days daily 9-6 - Man-Sat. 9-9-Friday Corner of. Hwy 4 County Rd. 25 an,, one-piece ST1OWSU IT Sizes 2-14 I 1 00 Off • onn„.,,,,.purchnse•E 1 Limit one coupon per snowsuit . Hansel The Corner C Fr. Gretel age For Children's 'Weer SNOWFLAKE SPECIAL ,As well as holding an election on November I3,' HuIlett Township . is also holding a liquor plebiscite. It's no because somebody is planning to start a liquout lounge in Hidlett. according to clerk Clare . Vincent. httt • .beeanlie • as of January 1. .1979 municipalities h'at'e to he "wet",: -municipalities Wore they can he given the attire. , The girls .math 2 supper dishes. "Cod It aliano and "Souperior Steak.- A gelatin dessert called Maple Treasure was made. Everyone had a chanee to sample the food and found it all good. Cod Italiano•was the favourite. . • The (it h meeting of Walton #2 Sensible Snackers 'vas held in the form of a Hallowe'en party for the youngerbrothers and sisters Of members„ Costume judging, ho for apples and se • contests were participants. • A lunch of hot dogs and freshie was served amid. the hallowe*en decorations of jack-o.lanterns and • ghosts. Rice •Krispie Squares and fudge was then passed. Before adjourning each child was given a popeon- i•hall and bag of candy. ibiilg tther •njoyed by Fall. Specials Values Values 2100 Leyland with cab 270 Leyland with cab and turbo 384 Leyland with cab and turbo and duals 465 Nufield . 1060 Ntifield with cab 345 Nufield with Loader 40 M.F. Industrial with Loader 50 M.P. gas with Loader 35 M.F. Diesel EARLY ORDER Discounts on all makes of S-nowblowers extended till Nov. 15 Correspondent !WI's. Allan McCall 8/4"-oh77 • • • Mr. and Mts, Jack Gordon spent a recent weekend at Wheeling, West Virginia. Miss Joan Benhett, Owen Sound is spending this„wc,ek,.,. at tile home of her naren!ts. Londes boro Mr. and .Mrs.,'ROn Bennett. Mrs. Mariory .Humphriest Mrs.. Viola Kirkby and .Mrs. Leona McDonald SI11,11t Monday and Tuesday al the Instit ute Area Convention at Bingenuto Park, Waterloo, There' were' 10 tables of etiattie in play Tuesday JOYCE NORTH * STAR SELBY u-I O NOW taking orders on BOULET WESTERN BOOTS YOU CHOOSE A STYLE we will get the size MOST ORDERS WILL ONLY BE A WEEK LU <1. Main Street Secaorth Phone 527-1110 • HUSH PUPPY OOMPHIE SAVAGE C7 C L ("I —4 m av 0 SEAFORTH .JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY. FINEICHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527.0270 evening at the Walton Cont. Arl-rg, Genie Boigt.r , munity, Hall, • hist hint: liostesse . were Priie winners were for Ma's. Lavern Godkim Mrs. High Lady • Mrs. Wilbur Herb Tray•isst. sGeorge Turnbull! Low-Lady '7 4Mrs. MKail and Mrs.. Harvey , lei ijie Stevens: High Man Craig, Dave Watson: 'Low Man - '1**re girl br tutor er Harold Bolger. Special prize., &INIT.., in two weeks. illumination 'was won by' November 7th at' 8:30 p.m.. Mrs'. Ross Bennett was hostess for the October nieeting when the unit met in her • home on Thursday Psalm 103. The TOpie, "tbanksghing back to Hall C411 Horne as . Welt oming into the North. on. Sunday 10:30 ton, sire Miss Edythe Beactun and Jim Jameison ushers were David Lear, Ken Pollard., Edward Riley and Bob. Thompson.,. choir anthem was ".For the. Beauty °lb....the' 'Earth - \\ ith Mrs. Allen Shaddick director and Mrs. Glenn McGregor , or- ganist. Mrs. Margaret Whyte Clerk of session invited the parents to , present their children to Re' McDonald ha pi ism. They w ,ere• Sttatin Douglas son of Douglas and Nitriey* Robbie •James Cottle. son of James anti Rosemary 'John- Sion. I.canne Marlene Thurlon, Ann Marie Thurlon ' 'Mary slime Visser McKillt4 02 Metric Munchkins Inc( at Cai-olyn. Thompson's on Oct. ID. Before the ineetiin,„; was officitilly opened:, Lynne Dodds. Sharon Thompson. Doris-McClure tirade Healthy. Peanut Bread "hilt' Valerie Millson, Susan Jamieson and •j Rikt III/wheel made Yogurt ii,t1 • Also * Franeinc. .kinc cherI Campbell . made Energy StMares at the same time: Rit,t Blockeel. Ile%1 mem- ber was introduced to the tnher. members. ' Mciobers discussed \ tt rioy 'in break. Achic\ einem Night co'crs for our hooks. The mentbers sampled the Healthy ' Peanut Bread. Yogurt Lodi and Ent•rg'y Squares which the'v eeio , t•d. The 3rd meeting of I\R:Kil- lopls 2 Metric Mtoillikens at Carol' o T1101111W111',. sat all 'members answering the roll call .' "My Favorite lit•cak • fast-, . • The , dempnsi rat ion was making thick. medium and thin w hitt, sauce as •wa as Potato Cheese ChoWdev.. The girls discussed variety* in lunches. I kit menth'is tasted the loiti.en Chei.'sv '(;how der. They :also tasted the Peanut Butter, Apple :Spread, The Peanut Butter. Carrot Spread which "as prepared before the meeting.. Most of. the members enjoyed the ehow der inn disliked . the spre:ols.. • • Prosident 'is Valerie stills to .and the Vice- APRONS AND OTHER THINGS — Betty Hulley of Londesboro stands beside a table of crafts with her purchases while sellers Marjorie Bickel' of Toronto and Ira Smith of Walton stop selling long enough to pose fdr picture at the Burn's UCW bazaar and tea held Wednesday at the Londesboro hall. , (Standard Photo) Liq-yor vote for HuIlett specra I licences to \ e licuor at dances` mid other 1 &vision to go ahead with- the vote at a council meeting last spring. igndesboro locals AttendBrucefield Church Walton #2, •. Walton le St,rnsible Snack. et•s' met at Mrs: Hudies.. Nutritious lunches and- ideas to add 'interest to the: ordinary. lunch • were dis- cussed.. Peanut butter and carrot, spread as welt as• pe:Mut •'• butter and apple si read were' made and sample ..iy• all on slices of. yogurt loaf and , pet:lint bread. The 4th and 5th meetings , of the Sensible Snaekers from Walton were held Oct. 23, at MeCallums. '• Members discussed what a good •tea7biscuR, should, be like and then sampled whole Wheat tea-biscuits and plain tea-biscuits. They were quite tasty. What a supper meal con; • sists of was then discussed. Some of the pointers men- tioned .were to vary colour, flavtour. texture and temper- 1001111.44 404 00111-1E13A siaroy nEwsot,u5AD 1.111,LAND. • FAKM'EOUIPMENt LTD., - swam Walton BRUSSELS 527;0245 887-6365 with all but . one member present. Members discussed aeltie\ enfent day in Auburn on December I I. Book; are due Deeember 1, Group ••1 made cheese and bacon s‘N irk; Groups 2 made wh.at germ biscuits: Group 3 made Creamy Ham and Mushroon Super, when food • was completed members ;t11 tasted them, they proved to be quite-good. Dishes were done and motto. recited. • , , Kittie's Kooking Kitts met October 23 at home of leader Kitty McGregor. Nancy- Wallace minutes of last meeting. Debbie Wallace read au', nests : report-of the previous-- meet big, Nancy Pt•eseiator's group. made ';fink Velvet" and -Maple • Treasure" Kip ie MeGregot•*5 group made • "Steak Superior** and President is Francine Visser.• C.dortul Fruit . CoCktail". ° Dinner's' a Winner Members' planned' a Hal- The 'Anti started off low een party at Mrs. meeting 5 with a roll call and McGregor•s. October 30.. then started talking abodt . Sampled goodies were Menu Planning. ' • very good with the exception • Saving energy was the of the Fruit Cocktail. next topic and members By Debbie Wallace • learned how to save energy on small -al flianees. At t h e Londesbord1,A4.1 Lon•desbbro I 4-H met 'tt end of the 'fleeting the dub tirade sou perior steak and it home . of Hattie Snell. Cltdi was very Qood . name • is "Might' Metric ' „ given by Mrs. Snip, It was -1111P1- .in December When roninding Its 4 %he Fats( Q,1,11.• unit are responsible for „customs and now. Mat this setting' up tablPS ,• eke, thought. (is our way of giving There was a disc4sion on quilts, with plaices to - be thanks to. God changed.) 'looke into before • next Mrs., Graeme Craig . meeting at the home orMrs. opcnetit-ttle•tlpress with a Roy Williamson, reading 6n the United. Mrs.. G. Craig closed' thii Church , Women. MlifiReS' ..meetingting With .prayer followed . were read by Mrs. Helen With ' the hoStesses. serving Willipmson,,thank you cards lima, read from Mrs. Shirley Clark treasurer's reLiort and Mrs. Hugh Johnsort reported for, the miseella0otts fund. The offering was received and dedicated. Dates to remember were. cs Babies a p t I z dick, Edythe Beacom. 1.:11.ra Lyon and Margaret Good. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. JohnstonJim on Sunday attending the baptismal set- vice' wsre her sister Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simpson, Doug., Daryle„ and Dartefi of Daryle. and Darren of Exeter. *Mrs. Airie Diner returned home on Friday ' from spending pact 4 weeks a patient in Clinton Public 'hospital. • W.I. World. .Affairs meeting will he held November 8 at*, 8 p.m. Roll Calf bring an article ttoin anothwr,,, country. GlleSt speaker will he Bill Bromley on Lions Clubs. Remember W.I. Card party this Friday Nov. 3 at 8:30 p.m. . Mrs. Carl McDonald of Atwood spent \veekend With her SM.) Rev. McDonald. • Explorers The Explorers met October 26 with 20 girls. present. The Explorer emblem was' pre- sented hY. Mar in Gibbings and Brenda Nesbitt. Connie Hoggart presented . the Ev• plorers pictures. Mrs. Wright 'gave the 'lesson about Halloween craft .\\ as made. The 1st girls '1%, ere innate!! and a hallow ern party closed the meeting. stiVil functions. `1.11(2 Htillet t • t'Otillcil first made the .. - munchicins make . bread and °WillLim Rod Thurlon children of Mallen(' and Ken Armstrong. Junior and Kindergarten teachers were Mrs. Melvin Knox. Mrs. Ron Gros and • Sharon Thompson. Rex, McDonald's. message w as "Baptism The 54cl a nx nt of Beginning Conti for Lite", Flowers on memori?in stand were placed in living memory of Genii Jenkins by Meal Mitkers", Members made -CI)owder" and tested the Carrot and Peanut Butter Spread.,and the. Apple and Pcantit Butter Spread on Yogurt • her husband Gordon. • . Londesboro II, 4-H Loirtk' cbOrt-111-,-- • 4 :-Frivie r the home of Mrs. McGregor read die and Mrs. Mary 'Pennington, evening.. • Mrs, Paul Snip gave the Thanksgiving hymns "etc' • used during the devotional period, Mrs. Paul Snip lets in prayer. Mrs.. [inlet: Clark read a poem. Thank God I'm it emintry* Boy"' followed 1i the I Cs '1011 6'001 "given out including the Presbyterial meeting on Noe( mber in Wingham and th,, U,C.W. Pot' Luck . VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" Many different artists to n choose frOm. Buy early while 111(11""frib ' the Seleciion lasts. fig WERE '3.99 EA. BOY'S 2/$3 .99* -SWEAT to 42. SUGG. RETAIL '60.00 OUR REGULAR '48.95 NOW $43 • 4v1/00/4\0 , L.P. RECORDS ideal for Making small animals, cushions, and other crafts. 9 5 LB. BAG Warm ski jackets for the man of the land. Shell of 50% polyester and 50% cotton-inner lining of 100% polyester. Sizes 36 Highway 4 - South of 'Clinton at anostra SHIRTS i1 Fleece lined, sites White front with red, arms,end trim. Ideal for those cot* winter nights. Choose from 40 differeni rolls in striped pat- terns. Approx. 60" wide. Stock up now; for those Christmas gifts ahead. 97 OUR REG. '2.99 YD. $ 11 - fib YARD Choose from a various usiortment 57 Of patterns & colours A LB. "OMEGA BARONESS" nit portable Machine tongs in free-arm or flatbed. Built-insititches & buttonholer Super Special! T-SHIRT KNITS cURTAIN ENDS REG. '5.77 ' COMPLETE WITH s CASE AND CONTROL "The Store that Saves You Mort: sin MINI NOSS LADIES DUEEls DAD.' WtAft SASS GOODS SEWING MACHINES POUND GOODS DNOCENITS AIR HOCKEY GAME Fastest hockey game made. Portable-play anywhere. Operates on 4 "D" Cell B at- teries. (Not included) SUGG. RETAIL '30.00 COMPARE AT the cdmptete BOOK OF HOME CRAFTS 294 illustrated pages Sugg. retail '16.95 COMPARE AT $8915 • NEW STORE HOURS: Monday • Saturday, 10 a.m. • 4p.m. ,Stinoloy 12 noon . 4 0.en, a