HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-11-02, Page 5,
$7000. clear from Centennia
Mitchell. $20.00; ChaS
Meyer. Mitchell. $35.00; Leo
Walt. Kitchell, $20.00:
Marojic Dale, Seaforth. $20.:
David Kramers. I $35.
Jack-pot did not go so next
Wed. will tie $140.00, on 60
numbers get your cards early
and don't be disappointed.
Last Wed found the Dublin
and DiStrict Lio.n workers
without telephone .service
the 'Bingo was held 7:00
Thursday night after Bell'
Telephone repaired the Ser-
vice. This week at the regualr
Mi.s. 'jean Dill was in
London attending the wed-
ding .of her nephew Kevin
Dill Cif St. 'Marys and Mol
Ann Lawriks of London; later
on the weekendvisiting with
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Dill. St.
Peter Bakos
Basil Lane died Oct. 15
at. the Humber Hospital. in
Weston after, a short illness
due to a severe stroke. Born
in -McKillop Twp., to tholate
John and Catharine Lane•
Nov. 1907, he received his
• primary education at SS.#I'
McKillop and Se a forth'
In 1928.he went to Toronto
and for 33 . years • was
',purchasing' agent for Easy
Vap-her Co. and • later with
Root. Sliaw',Co. In the same
'capacity until hiS retirement
5 years ago.
He 'married the ' former
Mildred Crowley of Kinkora
in 1940 and they had a family.
of 2 sons. Stephen and Jerry
both at home who survive.
Also surviving are two
.brothers Vincent and Joe A.
of R 2, Dublin, two sisters
(Mary) MrS. Jack- Moylarid
R2, Dublin and (CiLtherine)
Mrs. John O'Reilly Stratford.
Ready Pasted
Resists Most Stains
8.95, 10.95, 11.95 per S.R. Value
• ,)
Inierior & Exterior becorators
Main St. 527-1880
Recreation Rooth Carpet Reg. IT"
SpeCial 4 . 95sch yd.
Bedroom Carpet Reg, $9.95
• Special •95 sq.yd.
Living Room Carpet Reg. $14."
Special 1 2°95 sq•Yd.
Main„ Seaforth
Phone 527-0680 .
FILLING. UP THE 'EMPTY SPACES = These St. Columban Separate
School students didn't waste any timeialking after the hot dogs were
served up on Friday at noon in the parish hall. The school held the safe to
raise some extra money for_sctiool activities.
Pre Christmas
From Nov..1 to Nov.3 Oth
Main St.
NE11111111AYS TO
Spray ONLY
ir)k, DEODORIZER 13 oz. •
Glad • ONLY 4. ma „
Pei)ai hillileiA I N112 $ FOR 1 00
PATTIES 125 g• ONLY 11 •
TOBACCO plcligts
58 The Square, GODERICH/Main Corner, CLINTON /Main Corner, SEAFORTR
I ,)
4H girls invite
friends to
allowe'en party
at Hallowe'en
Manor residents
is otavibusty a ixot_dog—fan, -a faet4i-e--proved--
during St. Columban School's hot dog sale in
the church parish. hall on Friday at noon. The
proceeps from the sale will .be used to fund
School activities. ▪ (Expositor Photo)
Corre ,,pcmdc:nt
• f rail Malone
34z-,2388 .
Mr,,i and Mrs. Vincent
lane 'visited Mr." and -Mrs.
Frank -Vandenberg in, Sarnia
!Or ,ind • Mrs. Pc4t, Van
Drink- spent this past week-
in Port Colborne.
;10 Cr so. n mg Ttiitet 1 aHt ionnksn di gtom h tent.
acclamatiOn to McKillop
council, Marie is the first
woman ever to be on the
We Danny and
Rhonda Nolan to our 'com-
munity and wish them a long
and happy life together.
,They were married Ifist
. Friday night in Dublin. The
,wedding reception was held
in Brodhagen with a standing
room. only crowd of well'
wishers.. Danny and Rhonda
and going to be living in
Clarence Maloncy's houst.‘.
Mr. and Mrs Ab Cronin
and Mr. and Mrs. Janies
VConner ha‘v rek.ently re-.
United . from Florida. 'They
rcroo rain ‘‘,..ither at times
s may to
Columban area
, ,
THE HU ON EXPOSITOR:, Npvelvi ER,'2, '1978 ,--f 5 ;
with temperatures in the BP's
I ey visited Disney World,
had a boat cruise, 'visited a
real•castle. saw Flipper doing
his tricks. They travelled tp
the Gulf of Mexico side and
visited Mr. and lAri. Dqn
Miller. They saw the orange
and banana groves .around
Miami but unfortunately this
is the wrong time of year to
pick them as they 'are still
green on the trees. , •
'Mrs. Bill Falconer,, Cam-
bridge..Mrs. Bill Cullen and
Mrs. 'C. Worsley, of
Kitchener. visited last week
with Mrs. Mary McIver.
A very successful Senior
Citizens part,. was held in St.
CO11111111011 parch hall Mon-
day afternoon"with 10 tables
for earth.. Mrs. Mary
Margaret O'Leary decorated
the 'hall tastefully. and a
deliciqus lunch was served.
High , lady was Margaret
i',„Smalei Low lady was Lenny
MacDonald. High Man 'was
John Kerrand low man was
Leo Murray. The lucky :cup
prize went to Mrs.Don
'Burns. Mr. -Eddie Byers had
Mr. Don MaeR4e
. 345-2842 •
The .Dublin Centennial
Committee met again last
week to decide where to
, allocate the money from this
summers very successful
centennial celebrations.
The 'committee treasurer
C,harles.Friend, reported that
• the . centennial celebration
brought in $30..355 411nd Apr
all the invoices were paid.;#a
balance of $7410 remained.
• After ' the secretary,
Audrey .Hoff, read out a
numbcrof congratulation,
, the committee decided to
donate:'. the 'money :to ',the-
, following local organizations.
The village of Dublin was
-- given $1000—to----b-tr. used—f'o'r
the erection of a cairn in
19'79., .
The Dublin Athletic As-
saciation•was awarded $3000
for the pOrchase and erection
of childrens' playground
The c6mMittee also
donated $500 to the building
fund of the Dublin and
.District Lions Club for the
, use 'of the
The, 'Dublin Community'
• Council received $100 for the
purchase of sports equip-
merit and the Dublin, Parent-
Teacher Association receivcii
the saint: amount.
The balance of the money
raised during the Centennial
will be retained until a
worthy cause is found which
the committee , feels merits
assistance. • .
The ne,xt meeting of the
Dublin Centennial Commit-,
tee will bein the spring of
.1979. . , .
Doti and Marilyn Ben7
ringer and children Lori and
Brad of Hespeler yhtited with
Mrs. Hugh Ben-Mr. .and
• finger, Matteda St., Dublin.
' Visitors with Mrs. Tessie
Costello were Kr. and Mrs.
Doug MeGilv..ery ' and
krirt,, -KearMiehael and C: ni
Tim ot I i of-Cluit harm .
Mr. and Mrs. Jas O'Con-
nor, Mr. and Mrs. Ab Cronin
•have just returned from a two
week holiday in Miama
Beach. Florida.
' Mrs. Dianne! Moeser of
.Stratford visited with Mr.
and.. Mrs. Wilfred Maloney
on Monday.
Winners on the Dublin and
District, Mitchell and District .
Lions TV Home Bingo were
as follows Cathy Eicktheier,
Mitchell $20.00.
Mrs. Florence . Boyd,
Three brothers John.
Thomas and . James
predeceased him.
He was an active member
of Humber Valley K of C
Council ,and took. an active
part—in--4all sports activities.
He was well known anti.
highly respected in Weston
as 'well as locally, and
appeared in good health until
the 'Week he was stricken.
Funeral mass was
celebrated in his hon'n,
parish. St. John's, 'Weston,
on Wed: Oct 18 attdwas one
of the largest .recorded in
that .church which included
several friends and relatives.
Burial was at Holy Cross
5, Brussels. Also surviving
ate two granddaughters
Mary (Mrs. Wayne Baker),
of Darwin, Australia; and
Brenda (Mrs. Dan Raven), of
RR 3, Sherwood Park. Alta.
and one great grandson John
Raven-He was pre-deceased
by one sister Christine (Mrs.
T.Y. ,McDonald).
Funeral services were held
Saturday, October 28 at the
M.L. Watts funeral home in
Brussels with Rev. Ken
limes officiating. Burial fol-
lowed in Brussels cemetery.
Pall bearers were Murray,
Keith and Wayne Elston and
Paul Strickland, Mait Edgar
and Jim Bowman. Flower
bearers were Bill.Elston and
Lloyd Humphrey.
Suddenly • at - her
residence, on Monday.
October 23. 1978, Ila Mary
Walters of . 121 . Orange
Street. Clinton died ih her
84th year. She was the wife
of the late Frank -.Walters
who predeceased her in Feb.
A daughter of the •tate
Aniog • Townsend and
Elizabeth Crich. Mrs.
Walters was born April 22,
1.895 ' in Tuckersmith
Township and married Feb.
16, 1916' in ,Clinton. She
resided at RR 5, Clinton until
her husband's death, when
she moved to Clinton iii May,
She is survived by four
i•hildren: Beatrice k. (Mrs.
Allan Cambpell) R. 1,
Seaforth; Lloyd, of London;
Eileen, (M:rs. Murray
Culver) Brantford and. Amy.
Mrs. (Mrs. Don Horne).
,'One daugher, Derbthy.
predeceased her in 196-7.
She was the grandmother
of. 17 grandchildren and 15
great grandchildren'.
The late Mrs. Walters was
also survived 'by on brother.
Elmer TOwsend of Seatforth.
one.. . brotha Raymond,
predeceased her in 1968.
Funeral service were held
were held at the Ball Funeral
Home, Clinton on
Wednesday Oct. 25,' With
interment in Turner's
Cemetery, Tuckersniith
Township. Rev, Norman Pick
Seaforth Manor
residents celebrated
Hallowe'en on Tuesday
afternoon with over' 50
residents and guests in
(e,, attendance. A number of the
staff appeared in costume
and kept everyone guessing
their identity.
Special music . was
provided by Walter Webster
of Varna on his harmonica
with a ghost. Edith Jessome
at the piano. ,
'Marshall Young ,favoured
with a solo, Doris Wills
recited ''Mousic" and a sing
song and dancing 'were
Special thanks to little
Julie Carter who appeared in
costume and treated all
residents frOm her little
basket. In the evening
residents were pleased to see
the +young people who came
to the door in costume trick
and treating. „.
Congratulations„ to, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilb'er Keyes who
celebrated. their 50th
wedding anniversary last
Friday. Friends • were
received 'at 't.their bome and.
visiting recently with Wilber
were Mrs. Pearl Cummings
of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Whitfield 'of Condon.
. Visiting with, Mr. fames
Shot-treed were Mr. Harvey
McClure of Walton also. Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Shortreed and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Stewart
of Port Albert visited with
Mr. Bruce Bennett.
Visiting with, Miss Bessie.
'Davidson were. Mrs. Stanley
Hille,n and daughter Jean,
also Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McDowell. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Miller
of Blyth visited , with Miss
Is° bel Lamble.
Mrs. • Jack Carter and
Christine Carter visited with
Mrs: Mary Carter.
Miss Mary Neville enjoyed
an outing to Goderich on
Saturday with. Mrs. Hilda
Montague. • Lelland, Donna
and Robert Restenmeyer and
Mrs. Edna' Weber of
Dashwood visited with Mrs.
Adele Fisher,
the lucky elutir.
The president of the CWL
Mrs. ,Jean Van Drunen and
the executive would like to
advise all members and any
new 'comers to our Com-
munity that the next regular
meeting of the CWL will be
held at 1:30 p.m. November,
6 .(Monday. afternoon) in the
parish hall. We look forWard
to seeing a .lot of members
ihere. as once again plans are
...belitg made for more events
in our community.
Mr. - and Mrs. Vincent
Lane -attended the grand
opening . of their son. Kea's
Uniroyal -place at Dundas and
Winnipeg'.51. in London -this
past week.'
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the
Lanelamily in the loss of Mr.
Basili Lane in Toronto last
We aic sorry to report Mr.
Bill Murphy had an un--
fortunate accident this week
,and as a result is confined to.
hospital., We wish him a
speedy 'recovery.
John Ernest Yuill. 78, of
Brussels died Thursday.
October 26- at Wingham and
District Hospital.
He was born in Morris
Township, the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yunl an
farmed there until moving to
Bnissels in 'September of
.1969. 'He was a member of
Melville Presbyterian
Church in Brussels and
served there as an elder for
40years. He was also clerk of
session for many years.
. He is survived by his wife,
the former Mary Boviiman,
one daughter Jean (Mrs.
Walter Bewley), of Walton., a
brother Sam, of RR 3,
Granton and a sister, Maige
(Mrs. John Bowman) of RR
The ' fifth meeting was
held on Oct. 18 at he home of
Mrs. Ted Vandenberg. The
Meeting was opened with the
4-H Pledge by, the President.
The Secretary read the report
from the last nieeting'and the
Treasurer gave us an account
of the Club Budget.
Mrs. Dorsey discussed
"Menu Planning" During
the discussion Mrs. Vanden-
berk put the -"Biscuit Topped
Meat Pie" and "SondraS
Sunrise Souffle" inthe oven
to. bake...
While these were. baking .
we talked about the party
which is planned for Wed-
nesday Oc. 25. It is going to
be in the term of a Hal-
lowe'en Party and each is .girl
to invite a friend: This is to
be held at St. , Patrick's
School in Dublin.
The food was served and
the fifth meeting of • the
Dublin Shake and Bake was
adjourned. Press reporter
Margaret Vairdervalle:
. •