The Wingham Times, 1898-09-16, Page 1VOL. .XVII. ---NO. 1378
a°,`i'i' q
t sets h
.4q. at.
121 � iaf,3.�.1L: , r�t,���i
y •, rbc ,..
We etre now in a position to an.
- azounee that our Fall stock. of Import-
ed and Domestice6ti
, nodi iscomplete
and are justified in saying that a
- more varied and up-to-date , assort-
unent of Dry Goods, etc„ was never
-pit.ced on sale in Wingham. Our
Dress Goods are particularly worthy
• •of inspection. Amongst them will
be found all the latest
Call and see our fine assort-
ment • of Scribblers, Exercise
Books, Pen Holders and Lead
Pencils, all of the latest de-
signs. They are the best, value
in town.
Book Covers and Blotters
given away with books at
L r
Lo �AAW LTO17�7'
test effects both in Corner Drug Store, Wingham. �.
Colored and Black goods. We ex-
tend a cordial invitation to the ladies I ---'
ON Tari INenResi,—
of the Provinoial Boa
tario is just to band,
23.4 deaths reported fr
the month cf July, 15
lather., 16 from dipht
les, 12 from whoopi
typhoid fever, 148
The inoroaae , of dea
cause is 28% over Jul
total deaths in the pr
were 167.
lallv known that pert
es are legally bound t
owner if they know hi
to secrete them is un
code regarded as the
cordingly. •A.reward
fully demanded. 1 p
onse is necessarily i
with the found artiol
be recovered.. The
per medium by whic
er and finder is ex
to call and see them ; both sty
Trims are right. In Flannels, Bltxnk,-.
•sts Ladies' Underwear, Linen, ete.f
Dimerous Misr— committee of Dir-
tural Society will
o,;' 'rielay (to -day)
so of letting booths
shtnents ou clay of
-we have an immense stock bought in actors of the Agrric
due best market and to be sold on i meet on the [rounds;
*mall marghi of profit, As usual w
.excel in Bouts and Shoes. ' We claim
in these to carry the best line in town
.and what is of just as mueh moment•
the pries' are all right for the,, porch,
•aser. Don't forget we are sole
.*.gents for Slater's; celebrated Shoes.
"The wet weather *ill soon be here.
Don't forget that we 119,ve a full line
-of Rubbers in all varieties, Our line
tle eeand wents' Furnishings
iareslowingnvasnobl y
a lot of Ties as tele market affords.
Call and see thein if you are in want
f kwear. Shirrs Coll', Under -
at 6 p ni for the pa,
for the sale of refs
in a new plant at the
things up in general.
he has been burning
good satisfaction, I
about four weeks, at
of 32 tons this week
Srume Palm,—
Northwestern Fair h
the Collingwood Pori -
for the best:4 bacon
the 25,00 alnrtdy• of
Sperling is putting
1t block, and fixing
or the past month
oal; and it is givi ng
e has used 100 tons in
received another car
'tt nee
•clothing, Hosiery, etc., we allow in . which makes the
endless variety. We are still on top $0.00 as printed
Tailoring department, . � ,
have the largest and I prizes in fancy work
J . 1 artment and
'in oar .I tt
slain t_
;finest variety of woollens in town
.and to turn out the most stylish and
best fittii'g C!othing in the county.
-When ordering your fall Suit or over-
v;oat, be sure and give us a call and
see what we can do for you.
special prize far the
s been received from
Packing Co., of $5.00
hots, in addition to
Dred by S. 13irchell
es 610 00 instead of
PnvE Wixeras—A
bition were Mrs.
Sperling of this town
first on ivory embroi
chief sachet, second
and on underwear
took second on fanoy
Root I3treoyESLENT
men have peen busy
musical and histri
have ever come to
on Wednesday eve
the opera house, u
Wingham Fire
to be those two
Miss Ethel Web
Hoesdon. We
tertainment lar
gadeis anxious
purpose of hold
-- --
- `putting the different
good repair. Tho
SeCarriage Licenses good service on a
Issued by FILLA:Nlt PeTEnsorr, No 23, Vic- Gravel bas been pl
stolid street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses and spread. The to
'required. appearance when t
The granolitliic wa
fall I•CYm Opera bepte ber 1st.
time of the year to enter the famous
laid for this season.
1!zNEn.—Eddies of
One of the largest. most popular, and
most successful Commercial Sehoels in
• Canada.
Thor:sands of former students now in
succeesful business life. Revises courses
stady ; beautiful rooms; strong skiff of
teachers ; satisfaction guaranteed. Refer.
.ences : —M1 Stratford. Write for beautiful
imposed on several
driving over concre
at a crossing.
coming in contact
gets thoroughly set,
and it has to be islet
and those with teams
walk is being put d
Trio PLEsisoire.-•
town for taking the
20th, will be the
last local elections,
ming's store ; War
Ward 8, Town Ha
Guire's building,
els, the returning off
Friday last and ap
deputy, returning of
viz : i\7edsrs F Pater
McPherson and Wm
taking the Plebiscite
20th, will bo printed
warded to the retur
question to be submit
as follows : "Are you
ing of an act prohibit
manufacture or sale
beer, cider and all oth
for use as beverages
provided on the ballot
whereonthe elector
" T&' according to his
TILE FALL FAItn—A• week from Tuesday
f the Northwestern
is therefore in order
re that it is time to
r attending same, and
tries to the secretary.
o the fair this year
s. The special attrae-
of any previous year
number of people will
Remember the dates,
ong those who took
t the Toronto Exhi-
at. Heel and Miss
Miss Sperling took
ery, first on hendker-
r, lace work and sec-
ndmede. Mrs, Heel
A. number of work -
using the past week
treets of the town in
ad grader has done
number of streets.
cecl on many streets
n will:present a tidy
work is completed.
has about all been
FATAL Accioi:
of Duluth, well
vicinity, met wit
on Thursday of 1
ber of the Fire. Co
going to a fire the
0n which be was
trolley car, killing
His remains passed
day night for Luckn
interred on Wednesd
to Duluth from Ludo
ago, He was a mem
leaves a wife, Lister of
Lueltno , and two chi
loss, -
e monthly report
d of Health of On-
t shows that of the
m this province for
ere caused by sear-
ria, 18 frown meas -
g cough, 20 from
rom consumption.
s from this latter
of last year. The
ince in July of 1836
mem •-'?00 tube choice Dairy liuttet
also Eggs ; highest prices cash or
G. E. Iiiwi,
—Mr Alf lebasttahas added greatly to
the beauty of his bar' r shop by putting in
a costly linoleum fie cloth,
—The Western Fa
in full swing all this
I this vicinity have be
-•-John Robinson,.
three beans, a new v
they produced 67 pod
vN---It is net gener- , r—Mr P Tansley,
o fielding lost artiol moved hie family to
restore tbern to the Be will oscopy Mr
• To hold them or _,..Rev Mr MciNab
r thenew oriminal ()banged pulpits wit
at>d nishable ao- Sunday morning. la
annotpube successful- penman sermons.
any trouble or ex- —Counterfeit fat
curried in connection ing around Iii apon
s, such expense can T
eeted to advertise at 4 —A. bnslness tad
bey are thicker t
wspaper is the pro- I have a greasy feel.
to discover the own -
`in regard to alive
i tries to do bcsiites
RT—one' of the best ': like ttte man who
-io entertainments that;
Inghamat a pretty girl ; h
;. a to be hers doing but noione e
inch, September 28th, in _Tho afternoon
der the auepices of the (Toxonto on no n
igade. The artists are Torontors te, The
ell -known entertainers, , large te.Of p
and Mr. W. Graham argen number r.
ould like to see this en- I
ly attended as the Bri-1 —On his arrival
o procure funds for tl.e Saturoay evening,
g a gala clay here some wee taken sudden)
to state he is agait
at Landon has been
an4 many fr.m ia Inglis is vis
in attendauoe. cardiac).
Mitchell,. planted Miss Bond was vi
Miss Ada Cline is
Mr J H Broadfoot'
forth Sun,
Miss Cornwall, of
Miss Sparling.
Mr. John Broadfo
Sttuday in town.
Mr John Ritchie
Clinton on Saturda
Miss Alice Johns,
ing acquaintances
Mrs Crisp, of Lo
ing with i'11rs John
Miss Jennie Mol'
clay morning for 0
111r Sills left on
where .she will visi
MrRBJeffrey a
spent Sunday in toe
Mr W T Fyfe ret
Friday last, where
Miss Mead, of
up ber residence wit
wo shall be clad to have contributions to tele
column from any of our readers. Ir von hate vii
tors or purpose toil; away yonrs:if, drop in an I
WO us, or seal us a 'tote to that etfeat.
Reeve Wilfred, of 1 Lyth, was in town on
iety, last spring, and
and 2311 beans. .
nemen for 13 T Co
Ingham this v�teek._�
m Wailace'e house.
,.of \Vhitecburob, ix -
the Rev D Perrie, on
each preaching tem -
-cent pieees are o
parts of the province.
rt the good coins and
expresses himself thus
tieing ; "A. man who
withont advertising is
ving goggles on winks
may know what he is
e does."
rain on the GT R from
av was • nearly three
lay was caused by, tl e
ple returning from the
r Archie Finlayson, telae... --Tide Seaforth
nown in Wingham and.the senior champs
a sad and fatal acdident tario forna second
t week. He was a mem- team have seclso nd
of that place, and while sandhi of the HO
hook and ladder truck pi p
iding collided with a _David Maxw
im almost instantly. implernant Ulan
hrough bore on Tues »avid Maxwell &
w, where they were Saturday rnornin
y. Deceased moved -
-There was a
ow about eight years d this week that Meg
the 1 ttewho left here last w
re Dan Gee dds,, of died- np [hero.
ren to mourn his 'Zr P MoLare
of Luelmow, died
This is the between
on Saturday mo
when merchants, the Lucknow bus 1
ring and summer --A mass mead!)
and are making
dvertisiug columns wevening el ill be held in 8 p m. the
eek this paper con- will be Rev Capt
ents—real money [unity will bo giv
closely scanned by rest their views.
l advertisers are p liens% Polt SALE—Owin;; to his intend-
ble dealers in this ed removal from town, 15Ir John Neelarids
of experience who oifei.s for sale his brick cottage on Minnie
the people and are street. The house has all the modern
eno. Kaon compepermanency
terms. Fo »full particulars apply to Joni
and will be sold on easy
and and permanency linErems, Wingham.
hot goods they offer Tho Teport thatMessrs McGregor and
ham along with several
idike, lust spring, were
tter from Mr 'McGregor
ng since, written while
ve Lake, says they a
d health.
ones from Toionto, on
Air John 1' Linklater
i11, but wo are pleased
able to be around as
ting friends in Ria -
ting with friends in
t present visiting at
, Jarvis street.—Sea-
oronto is the guest of
t, of Seaforth, spent
of Wingham, was in
t o
of Toronto, is renew -
eeboro, has been visit-
ughton left on Toes -
berry, Man.
edneiday for Toronto
with friends.
d wife, of Londesboro,
n with friends. . DRUGGIST.
rned to Kincardine 00 -
will attend school.
islop Mich SCHOOL BOABOARD.has taken
Price 25c.
For Stoalach, Lig er and
Kidney's have no equal.
t;atieteetion guaisuteed
or [Honey refunded.
For sale by
A. A. MO
Mr H g Elliott, o
ing a few days with
Mr and
Mrs Peter
as' with dfriendsr in
Brussels,, spent
11 Maxwell In town. Regular meeting ,f the School"' Boarcil
the 'Imes, is spend- held in the council r ern 00 'I'ne•i-[ley erien--
is at Inger- ing. Present, M ssrs, Cirtilpi, Moore,
h parents
KerrHomuth ,...., brehant. ,'lhiutes
ddIt of<
n cd.'-
it mit tee reeoemendecil.
loil"tvimg accounts :
%'2 2v
43 25
4 55
33 10-
gallons, seconded by 1T
t,ate aread be paid and.of Yeimg ,. 1'q.ulin:
the T'u,ance Committees
crosse team have won town.
nship of Western On- Ur and Mrs waits
time and their second Ilton, are the guests
the intermediate oham-
on district.
Il, er, the well-known
acturer, of the firm of
ons, St. Marys, died on
aged 07 years.
inner going the rounds
s McGregor and Snellter for Klondike, had
21.00 and costs were
parties this week for
sidewalk other than
nything of weight
with walk till it
eaves an impression,
therefore pedestrians
when near where new
• W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Wedding Stationery.
latest style. We have the type, work.
men end beep a complete assortment of
Wedding Stattenery. No ordering from
enemies. You can hare your WOtk on
thort notice.
Visiting Cards.
The correct styles win be found here and
we print thorn neatly. Yon will always
gild a complete stock.
Office Station.ery.
Incleetite Envelopes, Pill Hoods, State.
ments, NOW nendS, Lotter Heads, etc,
We always have a lull stock in this line
and the printing is always neat.
season time of the ye
anxious to clear out
goods, have reduced pi
it known through the
of TILE Tarts. Every
tains new announce
savers—which should
our readers. Tau T
among the moat" rel
he polling places in
lebiscite vete on Sept,
me as these used for
etr, WRI3 10 WWII OE
'nted the following
cm foe this town,
en—The ballots for
vete en Septembe,
t Ottawa and for-
ing officers, The
ed to the reople is
in favor Of the pass -
g the importation,
f spirits, wine, ale,
0,1°1101101k liquors
A space will be
after the meestion,
ay write "Yes" or
..t a or ing nesters. Bale 13111s, iland Bills.
Shipping Tags, Circulars, Pamphlet
ina lino, No Joh tne lona and none
too small for us. MVO US a call NI hen
'you ore in need of anythine in tee
etenting line. Our prices aro as low as
town or county •—r./3
know the wants of
anxious to supply t
tion secures low price
of residence demands
be as represented.
se.faguard, and worth
of shoppers. To deal
is a guarantee that ev
, a well known resident
t his home in that place
mg last. He has lave
e for many years. too"
in favor of prohibition
Town Ilall on Tuesday
The principal speaker
it Kimball. An oppor.
the opposition to ex -
Mrs A. Roe and
returned from
Miss D Elliott, o
in towte
Mrs John Hen
Tipling returned
hoed on Monday.
Mr Da Winttifr
morrow after se
frienas in Ghia vi
Miss Meted S
Listowel ori W*3
panied by 'Mr B
Misses Moggi
have been visiti
ed. to their home
Mrs D 'Venal
gnest of Mrs
Mrs A Damson
Maggie and Sar
friends in Clifford
'Bert Ross wheel
urday and spent
that place, returnit
Miss Nellie Cli
from Toconto, Se
where she had bee
Mrs H. B Elliott
Morris, of Gragetow
co ple of weeks in
Mr E Patton, o
ory, has moved
have take; up thei
(3 Telford and
with friends itt t
Miss Fisher a
Misses Loa Verg
of Wingham, are
Elliott, Margaret
Ingersoll Chronicle
returned home last
the old land. 13ot
had enjoyed their t
ing friends in tow
Emig, of Wingliarn
town.—Ingersoll C
Mr E J Skelton
treat and Vermont
stock his Wingha
Mr and Mrs joh
ford this week 1
dwellings prior to
ed and had large ex- sidence in hat pie
nd other prohibition 1 month
oollected front govern. Mrs John Nichol
evonder101, educative ing her parents, M
1. taking one's breath of the Illuevale roe
, even in eau own I this vicinity, retort
tut Libeettl. i eago on Friday last.
Thompson, of Barn -
Mr and Mrs 3as A
rs Geo Duffield heve
lacteal:It trip up the
Ingersoll, is spending
latives and old fliends
erson awl the Mime
their borne in Cleve,
last meeting read a
The Finance Ct.
the payment of th
A Rosa. supplies
B Jenkins, work
• F Davison, era
T Bell 8z Son, s
Moved by T Al
Kerr zhet the wee)
thee the account
be referred. beetle t
for faller informat (in.—Carried. e
Moved by J .7 °meth eeconded ley If.
here' and effieers,
returns to Chicago to -
ding -few weeks with
all returned home from
esday. eine wee LLOOOM-
and Mamie iVicInnes who
Mr I) M Gordon return•
tine, of Wingho,m, is the
Wright, Themes street
rid Mines E ya Dawson,
Stewart visited with
ne day last week.
unday with friends in
g home on Monday.
e has returned home
forth and other poiets
viseting with friends.
na her sister, Mrs (Dr)
, Mich, are spending a
ngersoll and vicinity.
the upholstering fact-
s family here. Thev
residence in the Shaw
V Clarke, of the Bank
gham, spent Sunday
wn.—Mt. Forest Con -
Miss Cummings, of
guests of Miss ()hereb-
y till Tuesday.—Blyth
son and Clara Pelton,
be guesta of Mrs It
street, this week.—
on and ;Fes Chisholm
eek from their trip to
are looking as if they
to-day.—Aliss Jennie
is visiting friends in
ft on Tuesday for Men -
and Teeswater marble
Neolands are in Brant -
king et a number of
wit. taking up their re-
aboat the end of -next
on, who has been viait-
, arid other friends in
a to her 110tne Chi.
's latter is a great
the consideration Sne w 1 ft Win
ith our advertisers others for the RI
rything is as repro- , dead, is false. A.1
ito bis wile not I
going up great SI
all alive and in g
—Partridge shooti
—It is rumored tb
a, third bus.
—Ternberry towns
Bluevale on Monday
A new drain is hei
in front of tbe uphol
—The brick on 31
on Victcria street h
.—A. Blyth hotel
and costs for sellin
—Our telephone
of anything in the
irt the opening day
Fair at Wingliam, it
to remind out read
make preparationef
to send on their e
Everything points
being a grand aueoe
WW1 are away e,he
and no doubt a ler
be in attendance.
wield/AIL September 27th an
ped carload of h
—A. fresh coat
groat improvemen
—The cold sinap
regarding the shri
—The last harve
ba and the North
WWI held on Tuced
—Messrs Itithe
tributing 'apple bar
ter uit.
Mr Wm Barr
hold effects moved
he intends locatin
—Dr. MoDonal
dress at a temper
this (Friday) eve
1 The fine farm u,nd homestead of t
Ptlatthew Pearen, being the neat)
began Thursday. 1, in the 10th concession E t
! will be offered for eels at hi'
Wingham is to have Thursday, lath e
ip council meets in ' ditions and particulars apply to .T. A.. Nor.
ton, barrister, Winghean. This property is
fternoon next. Ione of the finest farms m Wawanosh. 4
put in on Alfred st,1 —In the evening th church was filled
ering factory. . 1 with those eager to h r Capt C 11 Rimball
I the soldier -orator a preacher. From
j B Cummings' 001180 . ftrat to last be held ie close attention of
beer. cotnmenced. 1 his audience, and ma were visibly moved
keeper was lined $20 : by his loving appeals. As a preacher Mr.
liquor on Sunday. I ICitaboll is direct, eloq nt, original end at
No. 4. When in need \ times drarnatic.—King ton Whie.
inting line call us up -I —The contractor of ie granolithio side -
1 make in Mitchell has losed up his work.
and McDonald ehip- ,
Somewhere in the neig borhood of 55,000
s to Collingwood this'
equare feet have been 'd, at a total cost
f paint has made a 1 is only
of 66400. The town's roportion of this
21,600, which, hen paid in ten
in Mt 11 Lemmex's I
1 annual instalments, w h interest, will
amount to something ke 2160 a year.
improvements made.
—The crusade in fav of the Plebieeite
was opened wttie a le ture on Saturday
night by Rev Itimball objections to pro-
hibition. To say that e handled this sub -
eloquent discourse
ly. From start to
s spellbound, The
f lot 40
auctton on,
orders for the tea
Boiled then selje
held on Monday
new proposed too:
reception of the
Committee. M
Reeve, Deptity-
Lennox, Newton,
from Angus Hong
the constructiou
on west eide of
points 152 feet and
street, ba graaatec
local improvemen
ceed with the wo
report and. assese
Court of Revisine
at the lest regular
construction of a c
J oseehiue to Cent:
side of Alfred street
Geo. Mason and lk
on the eonth side of
Josephine and Cent!
and that the superb
provertents be instil
the work, ..a Cult
assessment bo refe
structed to proceed
of a, 41 foot concrete
tee to Minnie strm
Petrick street. Cal r
The following wee
Thos Montgoreer
23.12 ; Isaac Regime
ed, and checks issue
the reccorints.—Carri
Council adjourned.
ing et lbe,Councilt wee
evenibee'eet mead* Chet
report of the Mance.
—lb At files pk4tition,
tou une Tilos B41 for
St) feet north of ,Alfred.
am: that the silpt. of
be itistructed, tb pro-,
, heti that theAelerlest
1011 be referCett.lo the
:liat the motion mese
crew sidenvalk front
etrtet oh, title soutle
be rescinded:J.:par.
That the peqiion
inantan for 4. cent-,
streets, be granted*
tendent 'of ''40a1
eted to .prcOed with:
he clerk's, rtort au&
•iiproverne,ii.ts be bee,
011 the no4th side or
tits were thpn consfita
a., ellen nyrri Rave
mment, do, 61.8T g
0, as reedi;be adoptv
for the ;mount al
.a. fellOw anxious
kage in his last winter's
de Son aro busy die- ta putting it very mil
ele for the fall and win- finish the audience
rev. gentleman has 1'
na is having hie house- , potence in elate°
o Datiphin,111.1a, where I awes, The live
M P, deliver an aa. and startling, alm
nee tneeting Clinton to hear such Inc
—We have inst ,re
Monthly publieetio
information to tietv
regarding Winnipeg
tortes, Britiett Co
railway titne cat
routes, Inape,
eived ootly of 'Stair
ontairrinj vattrOli
rs and rata
1,mbotiie: i:finiten:17
giving steamship vi