HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-26, Page 20you'll eye the want ads regularly 191"0711'.." 77'; ( OCTO8eR 26J 1918 ye an eye for real value A 010,000,00001111•1•NUMI If you 20 The HURON ,F;)(POSITOR Notice of Poll Town of Seaforth A poll will be held in the Town of Seaforth to elect the following: Mayor - one to be elected P.U.C. Commissioner - fwo to. be elected Huron Coutity Board of Education - one to be elected Polling day will be Mon.-, Nov., 13, 1978 Polls will be open from 11:00 O'clock in the morning and will close at 8:00 in the afternoon at the following locations: Polling Subdivision No. 1 Presbyterian Church-Goderich St. West Polling Subdivision No. 2 Mrs. Mae Watterworth-39 W. William Street Polling Subdivision No. 3 Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Dolmage's-32 Main Street North Polling Subdivision No. 4 Seaforth Public Library - Side Entrance Polling Subdivision No. '5 Town Hall —Clerk's Office Polling Subdivision. No. 6 Mrs. Ella Munro's - 25 John Street ADVANCE POLL k, Will be held for the purpose of receiving , the votes of .electors ‘,,,ftlo expect to be unable to vote on the Regular Polling Day. The Advance Poll will be held in the Clerk's Office on Sat., Nov. 4.th The Advance P011 will be open at 9:00 o'clock in the morning and close at 8:00 o'clock in the afternoon. PROXY VOTING A person who has been appointed a voting proxy may apply to the clerknot later , than 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of Polling Day to receive a certificate to vote by proxy for the Polling Subdivision in which the person appointing the voting proxy 'is entitled to vote. laMes Crocker Clerk 22-72-2 AUCTION SALE • Antiqueko furniturer- appliances, 8 HP Ridifig lawnmower with snowblower, misc. items etc. to be held at Richard • Lobbs Barn, 289 Bayfield Rd. C)nton Ont. for Exeter estate plus additions SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th at 12 NOON Inglis automatic clothes washer; Kalvinator electric stove; 8 HP .MTD riding lawn mower with trent mount snow blower; Antique desk; cold •pump organ; washstand; dresser & mirror; old phono- graph; fainting couch; antique baby cradle; odd pressback chairs; blanket box; couch; trunk; cedar chest; organ stool; upholstered chairs; leather couch; 'pressback nursing rocker; modern nursing rocker; coffee & end table; two round chrome table and chair sets like new; couch bed; small chrome table and two chairs; odd beds; record player; sewing machine & cabiet; carpet; bathroom vanity; small china cabinel; exercise bicycle; chime bells; pictures; oil lamps; jug; vacuum Cleaner; Apple, peelers; sad irons; moustache cup; cabbage slicer; B&W TV; chime bells; small fire proof safety box; gun rack; small wood lathe; duck decoys; shell belt; step ladder; fishing pole; wooden washing machine; cracked 'iron kettle; 75 ft of electric cable; electric paint sprayer; plus a large offering Misc. dishes and glassware including antique pieces, plus many items not listed. SELLING AT 1 P.M.: 1 - 18 ft. 4" grain auger; I - Arch #500 hog feeder; I - Archer #300 hog feeder; electric 'Motor; wheel barrow; 4 ft. water trough; 2 , hog water nipples; .1973 GMC C20 % ton truck with' flat ,rack. selling as subject to reserve bid. TERMS CASH RICHARD LOBB, AUCTIONEER Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale 20-72-1 20 Auction Sales 21 Tenders Wanted 21 Tenders Wanted 22 Legal Notices .20 Auction Sales 22 Legal. Notices Sale • Auction Sale of furniture, household effects etc. to • • • be held at the Mitchell Town Hall in Mitchell on • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 • 7:00 P.M. , • OFFERING INCLUDES: Chest-a-bed and chair Gold • • floral plush, nearly new; Small Simplicity clothes dryer; 2 single bads' with box spring and mattress; • . ,• Double dresser; night table; Twin beds, dresser, & • night stand; 2 chest-a-beds and chairs; Vinyl • • • recliner and stool; Chrome kitchen table and 6 • • chairs; telephone table; Chesterfield and chair; 72" : • • x 80" lined , gold drapes; gold tub chair:0 lamps; • • liquor cabinet; luggage; Upholstered chair; 2 ; : Lazy-boy chairs; Magazine racks; Electrohome • • cabinet stereo; Floor lamps; pictures; wall, plaques; ;• chrome kitchen table & 4 chairs; 2 smoker stands; • • Christmas tree and decorations;, Clothes hamper; Garbage & trash cans; coffee and end tables; • • Matching bed spread & drapes; Small appliances; • • Cooking utensils; some dikhing and glassware; and • • other items too numerous to mention. NOTE: This Is an excellent offering of cfean • furniture. • Mrs. J.K. Young, Proprietress • • - R.G. GETUKE • AUCTIONEER • Perth Co. License No. 6/78 • office at 103 Albert Street, • • 7 Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D.J., Cochrane R.J. Elliott Director Chairman 21-43-1 alime# Auction Sale for ESTATE OF MRS. SMITH to be held at THE RATHWELL BUILDING ## MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONTARIO on Saturday, November 4th at 10:00 a.m. Sale to consist of: AdMiral 26" color TV; 2 chesterfields with matching chairs; wicker straight back chair; wicker rocker; wicker hamper; 3 piece walnut bedroom suite c.w. dresser & vanity both with tear drop handles: oak drop front secretary desk; flat-to-the-wall cupboard; 2 glass front china cabinets; 5 tiered corner What-not; sideboard; rocker; platform rocker; oval back, chars; upholstered chairs; 2 treadle sewing machines-, fern stand; walnut magazine racks; pailout tables; coffee& end tables; oak hall tree; „54" *faith-ft bed e.w. Matirtrs-; bemiet chest beds & prattresses; kitchen table with 6 matching chairs; RCA black & white TV; chairs; table & bedroom lamps:. Waterbury clock; mantle clock; kitchen table with 4 thatching chairs; Axminster area rug: Westinghouse refrigerator; Westinghouse stove with glass oven door; electric stove; Hoover portable spin Washer & dryer; wringer. washer; a complete selection of cookware & appliances; a fine selection of dishes, glass, china & silver; a large quantity of bedding, linen & towels; travelling trunks; hand & garden tools, plus a host of other`interesting items & antiques. PLAN TO ATTEND 20-72.1 ezdamiiiV dJoeadeo AUCTIONEERS, 1-101110ATORS, APPAAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAPORTH, ONTAFtiO NOK IWO i•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• co' • Auction • e • • I. • • • _ • 4, • • • • • • * • • • • • • • se Plainly marked'-sealed tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon Thursday, NOVEMBER 9, 1978 for stioW removal at the following Huron County Schools Seaforth Public School Seaforth High School Stephen Public School Hullett Public School Exeter Public School Hensall Public School Tender forms may be obtained from the above schools or at the Huron County Book" of Education • 0 • a•••••••••••••• ••••••• • - • 20-72-1 • • •••••••••••••. Tenders Invited For services required by Seaforth Community Hosp- ital as follows: 1. SNOW REMOVAL for necessary snow plowing, mow removal,• snow blowing and sanding as may be required from time to time on roads at Seaforth Community Hospital and on Centennial' Drive. Tenders to indicate equip- ment to be used and rate per hour including necessary operator each unit. 2. GARBAGE DISPOSAL • For the removal and disposal of accumulated wet and dry garbage at intervals of not more than 24 hours. Further information con- cerning any of the tender requirements may be' ob- tained from the undersigned. Individual sealed tenders covering each of the require- ments and on which is , to be indicated the particular re- quirement of the tender i.e. "No. 2 garbage disposal" may , be submitted to the undeitigend On or before .12 o'clock Noon, Friday, November 3, 1978. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: GORDON McKENZIE ADMINISTRATOR SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 21-71-2 Notice to the Electors in the Township of Hullett of a Liquor Plebiscite under By-Law 1978-14, being a By Law to submit to a vote of a question under the provisions of the Municipal Election Act 1977 to the qualified Electors in the Municipality. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Municipal Electors of the Corporation of the Township of Hullett that a vote will be taken on the following question under the provisions of The Liquor Licence Act 1975 and The Mu niVipal °EfecTionS Ad- 1977, both as amended: 1. Are you in• favour of the sale of Spirits, Beer and Wine under a Lounge Licence' for consumption on Licensed Pre miser? The vote will take place at the same time and places and in the same manner as the regular Municipal Elections. Advance Poll November 4th 1978 9:00a. m. to 8:00 p.m. Regular Pon November 13th, 1978 11:00a.m. to 8:06 p.m. CLARE VINCENT Clerk & Returning Officer 22-70.3 .4,01 %may. decr.odeirtletealien Snow Removal Tender SegforthRnhile Utility Comnrisslon Tenders will, be reeeivec by the undersigned no late: than Nov, 10,1978. 12:00 NOON For a one-ton Truck Cab and Chassis Specifications- and details at the Seaforth Public Utility Office. Tender Price for above complete wtih trade on 1974 International Dump. Seaforth Public Unitility • Commission Manager THOMAS P. PHILLIPS Box 719, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO 21-72-2 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the-Estate of CLARENCE LOOBY All persons having claims against the Estate of Clar- ence Looby, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Contractor, deceased, who died on the 5th day of January, 1978, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November, 1978, after Which date the assets will be' distributed having regard only 'to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 11th day of October, 1978. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX . Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-71-3 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of a Isabella B ERMANN All pe ons having claims agains the Estate of Norma Isabe a Byermann, late of the awn of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, House- keeper deceased, who died on the 11th day of October, 1978, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 16th day of November, 1978,, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of October, 1978. McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux Solicitors for the Executors. 22-72-3 TENDERS For TRUCKS AND CAR SEALED TENDERS, on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the underagned wifi be accepted until 4:60 p,rn. local time on: Wed Nov-8, 1978 for the following vehicleS for-the County of HUron Highways DepartMent: HC-78-104 -1 - ton pia-up truck HC-78-105 -1 -1 ton 12 passenger van HC-78-106 -1 - 4 door passenger auto- mobile. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DEMPSEY, f. ENG., Huron County Engineer Court House Oeitiarith, Ontario 1M2 21-72.1 Township of Hullett Notice of Posting of Preliminary List of Electors 1978 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 23 of the Municipal Elections Act,1977, and;that I have Posted up at the, Municipal Office on the 19th day of October-- 1978 the List of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at the Municipal Elections and that such List remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all Electors to take immediate proceedings 'to have any errors oromissions corrected, according to law. The last day for filing complaints is the October 27th, 1978 Revision of List will be at the Clerk's Office beginning on CLARE VINCENT CLERK - Township of Hu 'ett 222-71-1' Elections in the TOWnShiP Of, Huilett will be hf.dd Monday, Nov13th, 1978 To elect one Deputy-Reeve one. School board member and to decide a Liquor Plebisicite Polls are open from 11:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. #1 Poll at The Forester's Hall, Kinburn #2 Poll at the residence of V. Fox, Con. 12, Lot '5. #3'Poll at the residence of T. Flynn, Con. 4, Lot 22. #4 Poll at Londesboro ComMunity Hall. #5 •Poll at Auburn Community Hall. ADVANCE POLL for those unable to vote on the Regular Polling Day will be . held at the Clerk's Office on Saturday, Nov 4th, 1978 from 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that November 134h at 5:00 P.M. is the last day 'for making application to the Clerk for a Certificate to vote by Proxy. CLARE VINCENT Clerk of Hullet 22;72-2 22 Legal Notices 22 -Legal Nooces 24 Cards of Ti We wish to exoress our most heartfelt appreciation for the many kindnesses extended to us in the loss of a beloved husband, father and brother. A very sincere thank you fb all the neighbours and friends for all the kindness to Frank since we came to live Brussels. We wish to express a very special thanito Barb and Max Watts forthe-kind-and.--- very efficient Way in which everything was conducted. Thank you to Rev. Dan Sargent whose words and prayers were very comforting when we needed them most. Thak you to the Anglican ladies for a Very lovely lunch. We wish to thank everyone for the gifts of food to both, houses, the beautiful flowers, and all the donations to the Heart-Fund. Also the beautiful cards of sympathy which we have received. 'It is in times of sorrow that we realize how many friends we really have. 'Freeda Skinner, Reg. Skinner, and the G. Ryan family. 24-72x1' The fainily of the late Nicholas Oud wish to extend grateful thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown to them in the passing of a beloved. husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Special thanks to the Doctors and Nurses of. the 8th floor University Hospital. Sincere thaks to Father R. Charrette for his comforting words. Ma* thankg for, -the many Mass cards and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to the pall bearers, flower bear- ers and Bonthron Funeral Home and' to those who sent floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund and Cancer Society, C.W.L. for putting up the lunch, Duttman's Bakery for donating bread and for all those who sent baking to the home. Your kindness will always be remembered. Wilhelmina Oud and family. ' 24-72x1 . 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dolmage, R.R. 1, Londesboro are pleased to announce the : engagement of their daught- er Doris Mae to John Leslie Fielder, son of Mrs. Margare Fielder, RR 6, Goderich and the late John Edward Fieldei': The wedding to take place at Londesboro United Church, Londesboro, November 18th, 1978' at 2:301. m, 27 Births BANNER1VIAN--1 o Cpl. & Mrs. Douglas Bannerman of Lohr, Germany, a gift of a daughter, Robinmarie Andrea, on Thursday, Oct. 19, 1978. Proud grand-, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Bannerman, Egmond Ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Van Landuyt of RR 2, Staffa. 27.72x1 GASCHO—to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gascho, RR 2, Zurich, on Oct. 20, a son. 27-72x1 KINSMAN—to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kinsman on Oct. 20, a son. 27-72x 1 14facLEAN: to Bill and Angela (nee Devereaux) on October 25, a daughter Taryn Elizabeth. HENDERSON—At Huron- view, Clinton, Friday Oct. 20, 19/8. George Roy Henderson of Clinton, form- erly McKillop Township, in his 78th year. Survived by a brother Thomas Arthur Henderson, Wingham and a nephew Larry, Wingham. Resting at Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street W., Seaforth, where service will be held Monday• at 2 p.m. with Rev. James Vanslyke officiating. Inter- ment Maitlatidbank Cemeter Seaforth. 28- 72- I Classified on next Page The family of the late Charles Eyre wish to_ express our thanks to friends, relatives and neighbours for floral tributes, heart donations, memorial fund donations, food brought to the house and the litany acts of kind- ness shown during our recent sad bereavement. We wish to thank the pallbearers, flowerbearers, the ladies of the church who served lunch after the funeral, and the friends who mite to the r house. A special tliatilcS to Rev. Robert Roberts for the fine tribute at the funeral service and to the Whitney Ribey Funeral Heine. Your kindness will be remembered always. Agnes Eyte, Ronald and Margaret, Janice and tarry Snell 24.72x1 24 Cards of Thanks 24 Cards of Thanks 28 Deaths. I wish to thank all those who sent me cards or visited me when I was in Victoria Hospital. Sincerely, James Neilans. 24-72x1 I would like to thank Dr. Whitman, Rev. Vanslyke, relatives and friends for their lo4ly cards, flowers and visits at London and at Home. Ethel Kerr, 24.72x1 Lorne And Angnes Flanagan with to thank their family, relatives & friends for the lovely evening in honour of their 25th wedding anni- versary. Also, a special thanks to Father Dill. 24-72-1