HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-26, Page 17j.••••44. TEi E RON go SIT013 , OCTO'BB X28, 1979
A LOVELY MEAL — Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Gregor
McGregor enjoyed, their supper at Brucefield United Church last week.
(Photo by Oke)
Sales barn activ- e
y _ • •
Attending the Huron-Perth
Presbyterial at Chislehurst
last Tuesday, October 17
were Mrs.' Shirley McAlliSter
Mrs, Jessie McAllister, Mrs, •
Dorothy Mickle, Mrs. Pearl
Erratt and Rev. T. Garnett
HusSer from Hensall.
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Pepper
attended church;in Corrunna
on Sunday and visited with
Rev. 81 Mrs. Don Beck Mensal! afterwards.
tralia; ladies low; Mrs. Jessie
McAllister, Hensall; -lone
hands, Mrs. Ethel Schroeder
Exeter; lucky chair, Mrs.
Mable Munn, Hensall; draw,
Canned ham, Mrs. Lelta
Taylor, Dashwood; basket of
apples, Mrs. Martha
Weigand, Dashwood. Teson-
elude, "Happy Birthday"
• 3 Mi!lion Busliels Storage
• New Fast Unloading and Drying Facilities
At Your Service
• Open 24 Hours-Mon. through Scit. Midnight
"We Want To Serve You°'
r,ttet,es oticec
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7 r
NS • .
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HE Foot CLOsEmouls
OHNE 7 8 s
4 doorsedan, Serial No.
GH41H8G206415, Tan . cloth &
vinyl bench seat, FR78X15 WSW
glass belt radial, Light package,
• • Torqueflite transmission, 5.2 Litre
%318 4BBL Lean Burn, Electric
heated rear windoW, Left chrome
remote control inIR, Tan lower rear
deck tape strip, Classic Cream,
Push button AM radio 2 Watt, Gold
or cream fully vinyl roof, con-
ventional spare tire, Discounted To
2 Dr. Specialty H, , Serial No.
GH22G80300888, Blue cloth &
Vinyl benCh seat, FR78X15 WSW
glass belt radial,Light package,
Seat belts-colour keyed,
Torqueflite transmission, .5.2 litre
%318 2BBL Lean Burn, .Electric
heated rear. window, Left chrome
remote control M•IR, Electronic
digital clock, Deluxe front bumper
girds, Starlight ' bide sunfire
metallic, Push button AM Radio 2'
Watt, White Landau Vinyl Roof,
Conventional Sapre Tire, Tran-
sportation Charges Discounted to
4 Door Sedan, Serial No.
NL41D8B369685, Tan cloth & vinyl
bench seat, DR78X14 WSW glass
belt radial-, Custom interior peek-
age, custom exterior package,
Power-- disc brakes, Torqueflite
transmission, 3.7 Litre (225 2BBL)
6 cyl. Eng., Electric. heated rear
window, Tan vinyl• hotly side
moulding, caramel tan metallic,
Push Button AM Radio 2 Watt,
Power steering, Deluxe wheel
covers, Conventional Spare Tire,
Discounted to
$5670 .00
$5720 °°
Serial No.
NL45D8B370316, Tan vinyl bench,
seat, F78 x 14 WSW glass belted
tire, custom exterior package,
Torqueflite transmission, 3.7 litre
%225 2BBL 6 cyl. eng., Electric
heated rear window, Roof rear air
deflector, Tan vinyl body side
mculding, Caramel tan metallic,
Push button AM radio 2 Watt,
Power steering, Deluxe wheel
covers, Transportation charges,
Discounted To -
This does not incpcle -licence or sales tax
$6240 -°°
. 2 . Door Hardtop, Serial No.
WL23G8A242758, Red vinyl' bench
seat Wjear, FR78X15 WSW glass
Torqueflite transmis-
sion, Sprinnaker white, 5.2 litre
%318 288L Lean Burn, Electric
heated rear window, Left chrome
remote control MIR, Dual horns,
Locking gas cap, AM FM Multiplex
radio, Power steering, Red vinyl
Roof, Deluxe wheel covers,
transportation charges, Discounted
$5980 °°
2 dr. Specialty, 7XS22K8R1838-16
Serial No., Red. Vinyl Buckets,
GR78XIK WSW Glass Belt Radial,
Light package, Console, Accessory
floor mats, Torqueflite transmis-
sion, 5.9 litre (360 •2BBL) Lean
Burn, Electric heated rear window,
Dual chrome remote mirrors •-Rae,
Body side & or, deck tape strip,
Door edge protection mouldings,
Tapestray red sunfire metallic,
Push button AM Radio 2 Watt,
Single Rear Seat speaker, white
landau Vinyl ,roof, Conventional
spare tire, Discounted To-------'----'---
626O °°
4 door Sedan, Serial No.
GH41G8G304041, FR78X15 WSW
Glass belt radial, Light package,
Seat belts-colour keyed, Accessory
floor mats, Torqueflite transmis-
sion, 5.2 Litre (318 2BBL) •Lean
burn, Electric heated rear window,
Electronic digital • clock, Under-
coating/hood pad, Silver lower rear
deck tape st., Door edge protection
mouldings, Engline Block heater,
Charcoal gray sunfire metallic,.
Push button. AM Radio 2 Watt,
Silver full vinyl Roof, Conventional
spare tire, 'Transportation charges,
Discounted to
4 door Sedan, Serial No.
GH41G8G302664, FR78X15, WSW
glass belt radial, Deluxe windshield
wiper package, Accessory floor
mats, Torqueflite Transmission,
5.2 litre (318 2BBL) Lean Burn,
Electric heated rear window, Left •
chrome Remote-'control MIR,
Electronic Digital • clock, Under-
coating/Hood nad, Green lower
rear Deck tape srR, Engline Block
heater, Mint green metallic, Push
button AM radio 2 watt, Green full
vinyl roof, Conventional spare tire,
Transportation charges, Discount;
ed To
11t0deiniritil .J
41 . . . , . . ,
..:, %,4... : t
hears of human righ
Harold Parker presiding and The Roll call was, Answered
opened with a "Good Morn- by "A Highlight of the
ing Friends" and an "Aut- Year".
umn Poem". Rey, A, 'Taylor of Verna
The theme for the meeting spoke on ,"Christian Women
was "Human Rights." Fol- and his work as a Missionary
lowing the registration a in Nigeria." The Offering
sing-along was , given by and Prayer was by Kippen
Zurich UCW and a "Weleome U.C.W. Mrs. Laird ,Mickle,
to All" from the president of HenSall favoured with a
Chiselhurst U.C.W. Mrs., J. piano instrumental, Mrs. Bet
Brintiiell, Mrs. Wellington Batten, Exeter gave "Court-
Brookof Exeter was appoint- esy Remarks" and Crediton
ed secretary, U.C.W. gave the- "Closing
The Morning Depo tional Thoughts." Mrs. Parker
on Human Rights was given closed the meeting with
by Centralia U,C.W. Follow- Prayer.
tng. the Business the Presi-
dent WS. Harold Parker
spoke;'. An inyitation was
received from the Elimville
U.C,W, to host the 1979'
Regional meeting, The Tree-
sureir's--report was-given -by.
Mrs, D. Kernick of Goderich
and greetings from Huron-
- Perth Preshyterial by Mr. F.
Zurbrigg. Mrs. Leila Fink-,
boiner and Miss M. Johnston
were in charge of the liter-
The SouthHuron'Perth Ron Heintriich of iltii4; Where, several stitches were Sunday will be at 10;15
Regional U.C.W. meeting spoke on "Retardation and required to close the wound. Standard time. pie Ladies'
was held in Chiselhurst Human Rights," Following Mrs. Harold'Varker spend Aid will hold their anneal
United Church October 17 lunch a sing-along was' pre- a few days visiting with her Bazaar en Saturday Nev. 4 at
with the. presdient Mrs. seated by Greenway U.C.W. son-in-law and daughter Mr. a p.m, ____,,
• -....4.4.4444.4 -1-4 % 4,44 ' • 44
The Hensel! Sales Barn
• was again active last week
with higher priceO and sales
being mainly in -heifers and
was sung in.honoer Of Mrs.
Verna Hicks of Ceetralia.
The Hehsall and District
Kinettes met for their Oct.
meeting en Wednesday, Oct,
11 with ail members present.
The meeting was held at the
home of Mrs. Donna St.
John, who led in _tbc_ Kinette
Song. It was decided not to
4-H reporter
Starr. Jesney, one of our
4H deb • reporters, came
third in the senior divisionOf
the South Huron Public
School Cross Country meet
on Thursday, October II.
The Cookie Monsters, Her.
salt 41-I club #1 met in the •:
Hensall. United ,Church for
their third meeting on Tues-
day, . October 17. Assem-
bling in the • kitchen, they
. made plain and wheat-germ
biscuits., Nekt, they worked
in their books and then .
discussed what was to made
- for the next meeting. Judy
Ferguson read the minutes.
Leader, Mk. Gerstenkorn,
gave. instructions for home-
work and warned that books
would be checked next week.
Hensel] 4H club #2 met at
the same time. They made
tea biscuits and wheat-germ
biscuits and then the meet-
ing was opened by all
repeating, the Pledge and
then doing lesson 3. When
all had completed this the
meeting was adjourned.
The Granola Bar Maids,
Hensall 4H club #3 met on
Monday evening, October 16
at the home °Nil] and Robin
McLellan's:Where they made
wheatgerm biscuits, and
cheese and bacon tea biscuits
and creamy ham and mush-
room supper. Meeting 4 was
completed in ,their books.
• Axe incased to
ammunce the
- appointment of
Insurance Agency
As °Metal sub-agent
for the isle of the aew
for redeeming
tatatirrhatt botch. •
,anti the best method
of Saving taxes on the
putthase and re-
demption of bonds by
Mon. to Sat.
Ph. 34/4141
,• Ph. 8e1.666.3.• •
and Mrs. Don Dalton and
Carla at Seaforth„
Walker Carlile who has
been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital London following
major sur ery returned to his
hen-le last ek.
Mr, And d Little
recently sold their' residence"
here and have taken up
residence in Exeter,
Mrs. Bertha MaeGregor
returned home after spend-
ing the past two weeks with
her son and daughter-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren
Jodi and Brooke in Oakville.
Mr. Bert Horton and Mr,
Harold Parker returned
home from a moose-bunting
trip to Thunder Bay.
Rev. A. Young of Goderich
conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
day. Miss Sylvia Bell was
guest soloist, accompanying
on the guitar and sang "try a
Little Kindness." Mrs..
Robert Taylor presided at the
Organ. The service next
steers. 'Fat cattle; "steers,.
$63.50-$70:70, sales to
$72.75; heifers, $61.50-
$68.00, sales to $68.75, pigs,
The Granola 'Bar Maids,
Hensall 4H club #3, held
their fifth meeting on Mon-
day evening, October 23, at
the home of Betty Beer.
They made Superior" Steak,.
Pink Velvet and Maple Trea-
sure. They completed lesson
five in their books and
decided to 'hold the next
meeting at the Chalet on
Saturday, October 28 at
10:30. a.m., in the form of a
Hallowe'en party.
" • 'A Dessert Euchre was held
by the Hensall Wornen's
Inotitute on Wednesday after
noon, Octeber 18: Members
-from neighbouring Institutes
were guests and helped to
Make it the success it was.
Prize winners were; ladies
high, Mrs. Mary Kooy, Cen-
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor
hears of
Rev. T. Garnett Hussar
conducted - the • service -at
Hensall. United Church' on
Sunday, preaching from the
subject, "How •great Thou
art!" pointing out that God
expressed Himself through
the powers we enjoy today,
electricity, atomic power, all
forms of energy that guide
and govern the universe. Dr.
Ralph Topp was at the organ
and Mrs. Marianne.
McCaffrey and Mr. Donald
McCaffrey sang a duet, "Sun •
of my soul" giving an added
lift to the service.
Mrs. Hilda M. Payne
bold a Fall-Rummage Sale as
there are so few. members.
Plans for the up coming
Christmas season were dis- •
cussed and it was decided to
hold the next meeting on
November 11. Hostess Mrs.
Donna St. John served cof-
fee and lunch to close the , — evening.
Mrs. Helen Thompson of
Toronto has taken up resi-
dence in her dwelling on Mill
Mrs. Edgar Munn re-
turned home after spending
a few days with Mr. and-Mrs.
Don Gooding and Dale in
Mr. Ed Corbett had the
misfortune to slip while
working on his farm. He cut
his leg and, was attended at
South Huron Hospital Exeter
A lot of people are walking
around with those little pock-
et calculators and nothing in
their pockets worth caleti,
Mitchell '
Manure Pumps
Elevator Legs
Mitchell 348-9104
1 d .e.art. euchre a success
DINING OUT ---,Ken and Ruth Smith of Egmondville were
among the Many diners who attended the Brucefield
United Church.'