HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 88
of New Dress—Goods and
Silks. All crowded full of every
new weave and novelty, and
many exclusive Dress Lengths
in 131 i::k and Colored Suititlgs
and 1._;, lstl.ime Cloths in every
shale and make.
tiIu s
Sh !wing a very large variety
in Plaids, Checks and other
handsome Shirt Waist Silks.
¢yard i LE DEME .
With its array of new Jac i-
ets, Coats, Capes, Underskirts,
Wraps, Boating Shawls; Real
. Shetland Shawls at special
Alr L Hembly, of Palmerston, was a
visitor with Winghaul fri::tlds a few days
this week.
Miss Annie Linklater spent a couple of
day9 this week with relative and frieutts
in Asililuid.
Mr Devic R 'McKay, formerly of. the
I Tres stall !las secured a Situation on the
Blvtle Standard.
lust• opened this week a
'very large shipment of Furs.
Th'.. -;e goods shold be seen
early in the season.
E.. g OHS T111S WEEK.
.:.arpets, Lace Curtains,
:Linens, Furs, Underwear,
511:, and Slippers, Gents'
Sofa and Stiff Hats, Ready-
nmade Clothing and Tweeds at
nigsws.�` ,a: -4s
'�'s' � ``__ S�r1 f,la yF`3
� I�� h
2En30ir LS.
we r •71 egt.1 to have contributions to this
column ;•nm ny of our rexaar'. it ren h.tve vial
torso 4eletr a say yourself, drop in and
ti l' u'. ,•i us a rote to that effect.
Ill DerefAiee. V lu WItt'ghatn, on Sept. 3,
to eel r. find .111re. 1), 13. ;ri.A, nalcl, a
danghtor j
C'r.rlln n Winahanl, on September
7th, the wife of Ala Juba ()Bibb ; n
dullghter e•
Ietel.att In Culto: fa, oo Aug, 22nd, the
the wife of Alt.. Davit! Edgar ; a Non.
tell/ewscal--OtreoMAN—At Guelph, en
Mr. Wm. Barrand spent a few days with Aug. 30, by Rev. Mr. G.l:sefortl, Mr. I tt:c-
old friends la town. He intends lecuting
in the N. 1V. T
Miss C errio Coady, of that telephone
dace, is spending her vacation in Toronto
;tied other points.
Mr S Day has returned dome from In-
gersoll and has resumed work at the up.
holstering factory.
Hiss Irving and Master Clare Dever,
of Dresden, are visiting with Mr and
Mrs Jesse Button.
Airs B Clegg where
returned from Inger-
ng er-
solwhere she had been vieitlu� with her
perert3 and friends.
Mr John Davis, of Goderich, spent
Sunday and Monday with his patentee
Mr and Mrs 11 Davis,
Mi. Jahn C3liehohn returned to Toronto
Led week, where he will go to '.Criuity Col-
lege for hie fourth term.
Miss Kite Gaunt and Mr Samuel Dur-
gin. of St Helens, Sundayed at Mr Edward
Baines', Catherine street.
Mr II 0 Bell returned borne on Wed.
nudity from a business trip to Montreal
and other eastern points,
Miss Sarah Stewart has returned home
from Chicago, where she had been resid-
ing for the past few months.
Mrs R 3 Macllath was called to St
George this week, owing to the serious i11 -
nese of hee sister Mrs Poole.
•&.r la Campbell, of Ingersoll, is visit•
iin;ate;.L Win Moore's.
Aire C P Smith, of Listowel was visit-
ing wail friends in town.
Ar Ed N :sh spent a few days in Kin-
eardine during the weak,
17.71 Dawson, of Toronto, Is visit
,Ing at her home in town.
Miss :Autrey, of Ilensall, visited with
•friendi in town this week.
Mr 1o:1 llolndoo, of Peterboro, is vis-
aing his uncle, Mr R Mclndoo.
Mr Wm Dnublede., of Clinton, spent
,Sunday with his parents in town.
.Mr 'Will Campbell is speuding his holi-
awya at Milbank and other points.
ars Jos Bradwin and son Lorne spent
Sundry with friends at Kincardine.
i~«a. Il J Galbraith. of Guelph, is visiting
with his parents and friends in town.
Mise Annie Orr, of Winnipeg, is the
' west of her sitter, Mrs. J. S. Borden.
' Mliss 1.1 I3riefman, of Kincardine, was
.- ieitrng with friends in town this week.
- Mr and Mrs Wallace /lough and Master
.collie, are visiting in Toronto this week.
Mr Eextus Kent has returned home
from a couhie of weeks visit in Toronto.
Mia W T J Homath and little daughter
+Orere visiting with Blyth friends last week,
AIiee Bine Neelands, of Hensall. was
Visiting with her uncle, Mr John Noelands.
Misaee Mamie and Maggie Melnnes, of
lCLiple;^, are visiting with the Misses Gor-
Mice Lottie Orr, of Wroxeter, was visit-
ing with her sister, Mrs J S Borden this
Mr Aralcolrn Campbell, of I31yth, has
•taken a situation in Mr John Hanna's
. tore.
Mr Wm Heffernan, of Ilarriston, has
'taken a situation as clerk at the Central
Miss Maggio Beck and Miss Dinaall, of
3arriston, are visiting with friends in
Mr Bert Lewis leaves Saturday morning
!;.or Toronto, where he intends to reside in
Messrs las Dawson and G 11 Robb, of
,Clifford, spent Sunday with Wingham
Mr (leo. Crisp has again taken/charge
as operator at the 0 1s 1t station. Mr
%Vixt Smith has;gone to Orangeville.
Mr Goo Russell returned home on Wed.
nesday evening from Dauphin, Man..
where he had been residing for a few
141r W H Wallace has returned from his
trip through Manitoba and the N W T.
We understand that he has decided to lo-
cate at Daulphin, Man.
Mr. "Teddy" Wiutield, of Chicago, for-
merly in T. A. Mills' store here, is visiting
with his pareats at Whitechurch and call-
ing no old friends in town.
Mr. A. E. Galbraith, wife and eon, re-
ttlreecl to their hone in Chatham on
Thursday last, after spending part of their
vticatinn with the former's parents.
Mr Frank McLaughlin, of Detroit, and
:hiss Maggie McLaughlin, of New York,
have been summoned home on e.coount of
the serious il)nese of their f.ttlter, 'Air James
McLaughlin. .
Mr J West of WLigham was a truest at
Mr ?aa Flynn's the forepart of the week.
—Mr and iJrs Will Harland visited the
for mer's sister near Wiughatn on Sonday.
--Clinton News -Record.
Aliases Doyle, McKinney and Stone,
miiir t rs, have returned from attending
tie millinery opelings nnJ hive taken
tl eir .,.aces in IL math d: Be•xles,' Mise
M.er'iierson's and ;Hiss Beyd's respectively.
Mr Bad Airs Cray, of Altnira, •ti Y, who
have been visiting with the rtn ,r's bio•
tet;, lir Mark Gray, left for their home
this morning. They were accompanied
h:nice by Master George and Miss !Maggie
Mr Ogle .Iohnsten, of flensall, formerly
of town, left here on Weduesdey morning
for Souris, Manitoba, where he intends
residing. Mr Johnetoe's fancily will re-
main in Iienseli until be is settled in his
new home.
Mr W 0 McIver and family, of Detroit,
;,ilei), after spending a couple of weeke up
the lakes, have been visiting his father at
Lucknow and renewing acquaintances in
Wingham for a few days. They returned
horse on Saturday.
Mr. W. J. Chapman. the wide-awake
proprietor of the Wingham glove factory,
left this week nn a trip to St. John, N. B.,
and Gloversville, New York state. where he
will pick up new ideas for his fall and win-
!es�rrassortment of gloves and mitts.
Iil'(:onductor and Mrs Quirk and their
daughter, Mics Quirk, left last week for
Wingham where they have secured a
handsome home in that town. They will
be badly missed here, as the genial con-
ductor and wife were note;( for their hos-
pitality to guests ooaeall occasions.—Kin-
cardine Revievrel
over 1).l stoa, of 'L'oronto, to Miss bean)
Mey:Chaprnan, of liirughatn,
aelitr:1,.1Nn---f meTtt ---At the residence of
tt,e bride, on September lith, by Rev.
4r, Freed. Mr Alfred Ireland _typ 11rs.
Wm. Smyth, btitrt of \Vhtgham.^ar
Hun late r:•ro:l--MCCOlet.l:r.r.---At the re-
sidence of the bridc"'ti parents, Blyth, on
August :flet, by the Rev. A. McLean,
Mr. Blanchard Herrington, of Hallett,
to Mise Lily _'.1e0unneil, of I3iytll.
"- Toneaeros--In Turuberry, on Septem-
her 1st, .Tana Patten, widow of the tato
Jas. Jollns),ot', Lover iViugham, aged
73 yea re. ,,r
Cora.rn—Iu 131uevale. on September
ret, John Collie, aged tit years end 11
months. r'
Rin— In 7.'reswater, on Aug. 10th,
Grace D. Reid. daughter of 119r. David
Reid tiered 19 years, 0 months.
Losing flesh es one end a hacking cough
is another. If they come together the
warning is a hard and loud one. Scott's
Emulsion does some of its best work in
just these caries. It prevents oneuntp-
Small Silos Best.
Hoard's Dairyman: We are much
in favor of a small silo, notwithstand-
ing a given capacity, can be secured
cheaper in one structre than in two
or three. A circular silo 18 feet
inside diameter and 20 feet deep is
estimated to contain 85 tons of silage,
and one 16 ft, square and the same
depth would have the same capacity.
Either will answer for the winter
feeding, If two circular silos would
be used, they would need to be 14 ft.
in diameter in order to hold the same
amount, and would require nearly
50 per cent more lumber in their
construction. Ifa reetangular silo is
concluded upon, we should advise
building 12 by 24 feet and run a
partition through the center. We see
no necessity for a third silo, unless it
is desired to reserve one for summer,
but this is always desirable.
We know
of nothing better to tear the
lining of your throat and
lungs. It is better' than wet
feet to cause bronchitis and
pneumonia. Only keep it
up long enough and you
will succeed in reducing your
weight, losing your appetite,
bringing on a slow fever and
making everything exactly
right for the germs of con-
eal sumption.
"if Stop coughing and you
will get well.
cures coughs of every kind.
An ordinary cough disap-
pears in a single night. The
racking coughs of bronchitis
are soon completely mas-
tered. And, if not too far
along, the coughs of con-
sumption are completely
Ask your druggist for one
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
It will aid the action of the
Cherry Pectoral.
If you have any complaint what-
ever and desire the bust medical
advice yon ran possiblyobtain,
write us freely. Toe willreeelvea
prompt reply that may be or great
value to you. Address,
D11. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Mass.
I Irl
onn no Tales
But living women and hungry children
do. They tell a sad tale sometimes, that
brings the terrible charge of carelessness
and neglect to provide, against the bus
band and father whom the hand of Death
has stricken. What a little tiling a 5
cent piece is, yet 5c. a day will provide
$2,000 Insurance for a man of average
age in the
Wingham Sept, 27.28.
London Sept. 8 to 17.
I3elgrave, Sept. 29.30.
lastuwel .. .. Sept. 202].
Brussels Oct 0.7,
Clinton Sept.`20-21.
Clifford ' Oct, 5--0.
Attwood Oct 5.0.
Goderich .Sept. 27 '21).
Blyth Oct 4.5
Kincardine Oct 4.5
Iltpley Sept 27.2t1
!Walkerton ' Sept 14-15
1898 •
's business,.•
a trans.
cot betoro
- T annual meeting the
B1uevale . x nufacturing
Compa , Limited,
will be held in t Fore s 's' Ball, Bluevale,
SATUR r ' Y, SEP 10th,
at two o'clock p. m.,
For th purpose rf windin'. up thosaas,
the a .etten of a Board of directors, an.
ac • n of any other business that may
t • meeting. •
we will lie
of apples
see ns be-
the whole
for drying
to peal
• On and after August 30th,
prepared to buy tiny quantity
delivered at our Evaporating Factory
Alfred Street, Wiugifam. Partiee
apples to sell will do well to
fore selling as we contract for
crab ard —shaken off—suitable
15 girls and 5 boys wanted
apples. Call at the factory.
Owing to my removal from
my household furniture is now
for sale, including a good parlor
almost new ; bedroom suites,
pi:turos, crockery, tables, chairs,
mower, a "Happy Thought"
Range, nearly new, and other
The articles will be sold
of which can be bargained for
at my residence up till Saturday,
town, all
lawn 1
cheap, any
OMER3 l �Y
Take notice that the Cioler
Mill has commenced. operations
Mali Heil Every Day
until season is ended.
and have them made into sweet
or Jelly without extra expense.
Hastings & Ritchie.
and Jelly
Executor's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Chap. 130. Sec. 33, that all persons
arninst the estate of Joseph Armstrong,
Township of East Wawanosh, in the
Buren, Teacher deceased, who died on
Sud clay of August, A. I), 1803, are required
by post prepaid or to deliver to lt. Vanstone,
Town of Wintrhant, in said County, Solicitor
Executor of the Estate of the said decca'ed,
hefnre the Twenty-second day of September,
1803. their names, addressee nt•d deseripttons
fall statement of particulars of their nlaitns,
nature of the security, it any, held
certified, and that after the said day
will proceed to distribute the assets of
Ti. 5. 0„ 1897,
having claims
late of the
County of
or about the
to send
of the
for the
on or
A. D.
and a
and the
by them, duly
the Executor
the deceased
having regard
then have
D. 1803.
P, 0.,
the Executor.
amour: the patties entitled thereto,
only to the claims of which ho shall
Dated this 24th day of Aurnst, A.
It. VANSTONE, Wingham
Solicitor for
Order your._, :--�
1 "'
—101i01I TIIE—
Twenty years ago there was some excuse for those
who left their family unprotected, to -day there is
absolutely nonce. The only question is safely,
and in this the Canadian Order of Foresters easily
leads. It has a larger Surplus per head, and
still larger for each 8t,000 of a risk earned, and could
divide up and pay back, if so desired, mom
money per membor than any other Society of
the kind in Canada. Surplus per mctnbcr, $a1.Sa ;
per $1,000.oe of Insurance, $2o.96.
The Death Data of the Canadian Order of
Foresters last year was lower than that of any of
its competitors, being only 5.44 in the 1,000.
The Interest on the Insurance Surplus paid
over 20 Death Claims of a $1,000 each
Seat year.
For further particulars esquire of any of the
Officers or bie,nbcrs of the Order, or address
R, ELLIOrT, THOS. wIl1T1:,
Ingersoll. Nigh Secy, llrafztford•
or 1 RNST GARTUNG, Brantford.
'his week we are showing the large4t; the newest and the most charming
collection of seasonable
ever offered to our trade. They are in all the new shades, patterns, weaves
and styles. Ladies should make it a point to see our Dress Goods early.
They can then see "just the correct things for this season." There Is such.
a radical change in materials and styles that those who want to be up-to-
date in dress will profit by looking through our stock,
Do not forget that we have the very latest styles in high class Mantles
—perfeet fitters—and at prices that will astonish you .when you see the
quality of materials and finish.
Please remember thit we are headquarters for Gents' Furnishings,
Ordered and Ready-made Clothing ; style, fit and price guaranteed.
Best Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, and all kinds of Footwear. Pure„
fresh Groceries, and high class Teas, cheap as ever—always in stock.
l0>lcf4EA.N et SON, Props.
All kinds of rough and dressed
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs
Also a large quantity of dry bard
wood for sale, delivered.
Telephone orders promptly at-
tended to.
11/IcLEAN & SON.
D. M. ®F D 0 , Direct Importer
•r 4 ; ,`tea
and Take Us With Yein.
Our 1SL'res Axe
Tack Tar.
Great St. Bernard.
British Canadians.
Great 500 Page.
to aSW
The Miner.
Moes Rose.
We are in all colors and prices.
Re:tdera, Arithmetics, Grammars, etc. Call
$ your school supplies.
, LEX p ROSS, OS ,
see us
V) I C
Popular Book Store.
We have just pat into stock a crate ot'tbe
directly imported from one cf the hest makers in England,
whien IL'eans the best
We have a full assortment of this line, such as Pitchers, Bowls, Vege=-
table Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saucers ; Cups (only); Toilet Sets, &e., &C..
whien we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it. These goods are
strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them.
Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling say
quickly that we need not say anything about their merits.
" The China I -louse," Wingham.
7 hat is what everybody says when
they see our stock.
We make any style of Gold Rings to
We think we know as much about
watch work as any other man in Canada,
and will give
for a watch we can't fix.