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The Huron Expositor, 1978-10-26, Page 9
R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS - sales and service of most makes. CB RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES • SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES • MOFFAT APPLIANCES • SMOKE SENSORS • INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS • HANDCRAFTED GIFTS Varna, Ont. 482-7103 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, OCTOB R 26, 1970 rowel hetfrs Rev Royal WI tries recycling peok.at•Lanclesboro Urge congregations at- *dud the Anniversary set- vices at Londesboro United hunch on Sunday, Octo- i V:- w67-in Rev. G. Leek- hart Royal of Goderich PreSbYterian ' Church was guest Speaker. Greeters in the morning, were Margaret Taylor_and • 'Lorne flunking, ushers reie— Tom Polland, Wayne. Lyon, greg Andrew.Lansk. Steven Bromley, ministry of music was Louise McGregor, organist and Gail Lear pian- ist, The Senior chore favored with special music singing "I'm going to sing", "Any- where with Jesus" and "I'm on my way" with choir director Ruth Shaddick, ' Rev. McDonald conducted the se vice, and introduced , Rev, i cishart Royal whose rnessa e was "Saints and aars" at evening service Weiconiing was Gordon Shobbrook and Ken Pollard. Ushers' were David. Lear, Calvin Lovett, Tom Pollard and, Mark Mitchell. Music was supplied by "The Teen Tones" of Goderich., 23 teenage girls with leader Mrs. Stewart singing "All OlOry be to God on High,_ "A song is a gift to God" and "Sing to the Lord." Rev. ,• McDonald thanked all who , had taken part. Rev. Royals "'" rries,sage was "A Rapsody of .Love." Rev: McDonald gave - the Benediction. , the tiowers on memorial .Stand were in loving memory • of Trent Shobb'rook who 'was killed leaving Sunday school October 17th 1971 placed by his parents Gordon and Darlene arid family. ' Flowers on the memorial 4board were in loving memory of Leo Watt who tied October 14, 1978 placed 'by his family. Flowers in church and Narthex were Stipplied and arranged by Cathy McDougall, Helen Lee Shirley Lyon and Alice Buchanan. ' Following the evening service, all were invited to the church hall for coffee and fellowship. Brenda Radford and her committee of the United church women .... briSted this reception. Sun- WY Worship will be 10:30 a:m. E.S.T. Cheerios Club . Cheerio Club met October 18th at 2 p, ni . at the home of Edythe Beacon. Edythe as acting president welcomed all and read a fewthoughts of famous men, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thomas Carlyle and Mark Twain. Roll call was answered by 11 members and 2 visitors. Correspond- ence. was a thank you from Ida Durnin, Mervyn and family. November 15, Group 3 will meet at home of Myrtle Fairservice. A contest on Halloween by Margaret Good was won by Vi Burns. Cards and crokinole were played and lunch was served by Edythe Beacon and Margaret Good. • Arniwell Unit met Oct. 16, with the I3erscan Unit as guests. President Audrey Thompson welcomed all and read poem "Did you think to ray?" Audrey gave .reading on "Time with God" c, lowed by Lord's Prayer. A visitation was received from Seaforth Presbyterian Lucknow. She spok&on the facts of saving energy and showed a film on solar heating. Members were asked to bring a recycled item which • were judged by Miss Hazelden and prizes were awarded to Mrs.. B. Humphries and Mrs. Harold Bolger. Mrs. Dave Watson pre- , sented the guest speaker with a gift following a discussion period when many questions were answered. Business was completed when Mrs. 115on McDonald reported on the progress of the Christmas Concert plan- ned for Friday, December 1. The bazaar for December 9th was discussed when commit- tees would , be chosen for Bake table and Candy pro- duce table,. plant table with craft table, Eitelife •;'committee for Church Thankoffering on Thursday, October 18 at 2:30 p.m. Lunch for November, 'Margaret Good and Helen Lee. Program for November Gail Lear and Betty Hulley. Flowers for November Marion and PatIllunking. In charge of making hospital favors will be Gail Lear, and Betty Hulley. Marion 5nell introduced guest speakers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Homuth of Clinton who showed slides of their nip to Fiji, Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia. These were enjoyed by all. They were thanked and pre- sented with a' plant by. Marion Hunking. Program convenors were Marion Snell and Kathy. McKellar. Lunch was served. by Gail Lear, Helen Lawson and Betty .Hulley. Meeting closed with "The day thdu gayest Lord." Hattie Wood- thanked the Aimwell Unit for' inviting the Berean Unit. November 7th is Mrs. Gerald Watson; Mrs, GraemeCraig, Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs. Herb Traviss. A couple of quilts will be quilted, to be put up in the hall in the near future. Reports of 'the County Rally held in Londesboro recently were given by the delegates, Mrs. A, McCall and Mrs. N, Reid. Lunch was prepared by Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Alvin McDonald and Mrs. Herman Plas. Unit holds Thanksgiving Meeting The October meeting of the 8th and 16th Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Alvin McDonald with de- votions in charge of Mrs. George McCall. • ' For the Topic, Mrs. «McCall chose two articles entitled, "Extra Blessing of Thanksgiving" and ''Fiv Somethings" followed by a Hymn, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest" and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Rae Houston presided for the business opening with a poem on "Stewartship" also welcomed the U.C.W., pre- sident, Mrs. C, Wey to the meeting. Minutes were read by Mrs. Don 'McDonald fol- lowed by the, roll call an- swered by seven members and there were three guests present. Announcements were given out from the recent U.C.W. executive meeting Plans were made for the Titrkey supper to be held at the church on Wednesday, November 1. Tickets avail- able but may be purchased at the door. Copper Contest money to come in next month at the ome of Mrs. Don Fraser with Mrs. Sharon Bromley on • 'for lunch. The evening closed ,with social half hour duringlunch._ Personals Friends of Mrs. Gertie Ennis will regret to learn that she suffered a stroke last • Week and is a patient in . Seaforth Community Hospital. The Ennis were in business in the village for a . number of years. Mrs. Gertie, Bennett 1 moved to Huronview, Clinton one day this past week, Jim Clark has returned to Clinton Hospital, Energy Conservation was the main topic at the Walton Women's Institute October meeting, Wednesday. ' The President, Mrs. Bill Humphries read poem, "Vyhat to do when your husband is' watching the football game on T.V." Mrs. Herb Traviss was. pianist. • Twenty-one members gave a variety of answers on the roll Call. "What lam doing to. conserve energy." There were also 8 'g ietts present. A thank-you card was read from Mrs. Torrance Dundas, An invitation was accepted from the Cranbrook Institute to attend their meeting on November 2 at 8;30 p.m. The short courses on home de- ccratin g were announced, anyone in the commit)/ can attend. Convener on re- solutions. Mrs. Laverne God- kin readarrarticle on Energy Conservation and a poem, "The Good old • days and Now" was given by Mrs. Dave Watson. Nand Godkin, Heather 4 '041440 * • **** or • • • • ***** 00 000 ..,• • * • 1'4i • • ' • • • • • • • • • • •• • • Director Londesboro 000 0 0000 *** Os - • • ▪ • • • • • ** fo' ** • huffieboard McGayin and' Donna Godkin • • • sang songs., nging in the Sunshine" and "Open up -your heart and let the sunshine-in" accopanied by oo • • • • • t— APPLIANCES ** 7777.7 OPTICIAN ---Anyorte-inteiested in Adult-----Church -services. SEWING r Sewing Machine Serv17;\ Depot Service to all makes. Free estimates 90 day warranty - Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St. 2 doors south of Hudsons] Stratford. 271.9660 Closed Mondays .1 • • • • • • RESTAURANT • • • • OS • • • • • FUNERAL HOME Whitney -Ribey Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shob- Mrs. Neil Mca at the brook and Mr. and Mrs. it . piano. Clarence Crawford of Blyth Godkin introduced were guests on Friday of Mr.. the guest speaker Donna and Mrs. Perc Gibbings, Hazelden who had worked at Clinton. the energy conservation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snell centres in Goderich and Shuffle board meet at the • hall November 1st at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson Clinton and his daughter Doris Warren and Mr. John Turner, Tuckersmith, with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth on Sunday attending anni: versary service at United Church. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Waymouth of Sebringville spent Sunday with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman and attended anni- versary service. • Attending First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, Thankoffering meeting---on- Thursday from here were Nona Pope, Dora Shobbrook, Laura Lyon, Edythe Beacon and Addle Hunking, speaker was Margaret Whyte. Mrs. Garron of Clinton visited her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Bromley, Cheryl and Lori on Sunday attending church service. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McLeod, Mitchell, visited on Sunday with her sister Mrs. Olive Penfound and Elgin attending Anniversary • • • • • • • • • • • DECORATING Th Expert Interior & Exterior Decorators Kern Paints Wallcoverings Armstrong Carpets Window Shades HILDEBRAND' PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 15 Main St,. Seaforth David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 • Main St., South, Seaforth OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAMOLOGISTS • • • a • • • • • • a • .0 • • • • • • • Appliance & Refrigeration Service Autorized factory warranty Service and repairs to GE , FRIGIDAIRE & INGLIS APPLIANCES ServiCe and repairs to all makes • BOSS W. RI B EY, DIRECTOR • • Win at WI party There were $ tables in play on Friday night October 20. Winners were' Ladies High Mary Clarke, lone hands, Elsie Shaddick low Hazel Reid, men high Bert Shobbrook lone hands Ted Fothergill low. Don Buchanan most zeros, Don Buchanan. There will be another on November 3rd and in charge will be Margaret Taylor, June Fothergill and Dora Shobbrook, her niece, Saron Potter to Larry Johnston at Holmes- ville on Saturday October 21.• Sunday visitors and attend- ing church with Mr.......and Mrs. Jack Snell were Mr. and Mrs. Rick Snell, London and Mr. and rs. Bev. Dewitt, Woodstock in p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jewitt, Clinton -- and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Busman. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ellerly, Clinton honoured her mother Mrs. Bert Shobbrook to a birthday dinner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs-.: Charlie. Scanton were guests at her. nieces Johnston and Potter wedding also brides brother Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Potter k on Saturday at Holmesville United Church. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick were Lloy of Kitchen and Ruth of Clinton. • 87 Goderich St., Seaforth Prescriptions Filled Promptly M9n.-Fri. 9-5:30 p.m. Wednesday :Closed Saturday - 9-,124c)f) . COMPLETE OPTICAL '1 SERVICE 527.1303 PHONE, 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service INSURANCE IS YOUR INSURANCE UP PTO DATE?_ Don Horne Maintenance 527-0636 Seaforth ELECTRICAL HESSEN HAUS DRIensintaur g -Loanunt gae Main St. Seaforth 820 ):: • • • • & STEREO—N• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL FARA ncillitING • !, • CALL GAR Y Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor 6 ,---APPLIANCES • APPLIANCE : and • • Refrigeration • REPAIR SERVICE • • Jim Broadfoot *82-7032 HOME FARM &. COMMERCIAL WIRING. Phone Auburn 526-7505 or • Mitchell 348-8684, *Smiles ORGAN "How many miles . per, ; gallon do you get with your new economy car?' a man asked his ;neighbour. "Oh, about four. My teen- age son gets the other 21." ELECTRICAL See us about your General Life, sickness, accident and investment Geo. A. Sills & Sons GULBRANSEN GALANTI wuitutzut, Best In Organs and iiilano• PM Organ Lessons Low-Cost Marital Plan All this and mo• at. PULSIFER MUSIC • . c--CAR CARE • Illik . DATSUN NNW Seafortil Insurance • Agency .52/-1610 _IMPROVEMENTSTh MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS I Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates 'For Siding - Aluminum and' Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings. ve • • • • . • • • seeortn • • • (—CAR CARE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Licensed Mechanic • : Service to all makes of cars : Detroit Diesels Complete Line ZENITH TELEVISION AND STEREO Seaforth SALES'& SERVICE Service to All Makes " Texaco Products SALES. SERVICE Off Regular Prices Gerald's Datsun 527-1010 Means 'Greater Savings I $11AFORTH 3274053 Closed Wedn•sdayi HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 527-1620 Seaforth Electronics 17 spariing St., 527-1150 PIANO Piano •Tuning and Repairs Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or atter six phone 482-9618 GORD'S GULF c—FARM SUPPLIES TE 1°‘14 EIS. 04. • . COV IS 3 jot to 3149 laik rho B Aarfehis e '°t" 12 tor,S.°° Feed Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplied,Heating Oils, • • S • • 6 • • Seaforth Coop 527-0770 'SEWING SUPPLIES 20 to 50cYa GIRDLES MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments WINTER COATS FLEMING FEED MILL 1kt:wens SHOES $3, $5,' $7 .,s SPORT COATS °I V) to 4 30 SHOES $3 & *5 tallies'' Nance Brand BRAS 60% '1' E5274333 • men• Womens Children • • • • • • • • • • • RESTAURANT —Th The RAGE R ELS, Lie. L. UL R. A. T Home of C4TH PIZZA litecidia4 Kentucky Style Chicken • CAR CARE • Complete lone. • • •• • <SUNEICO> • • CAR CARE PRODUCTS : • Now Doing Lube; and • • • Tire Repair. • • ArChier's.oi:.moco' • s • Sea forth • • a • • • Bulk Pelieted Feed, Fast unloading elevator, 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day Clinton 482-343$ 50 to 70% • • OFF 348-8383 OR 347-2435 Collect Call accepted at 348-8383 only • MITCHELL en's Stan eld Thermo COMBINATIONS Size 36 to !i4 bur Price" 749 Mens or_ Boys 0011111.1111.11111 Ladles a ANDS 445911 $ SION1111111.1"111 Ladies Pant or Skirt, - SUITS 1/2 ?A.. Special Groups $1 & S5 18 Hour Girdles 1 /2 Price Maps „WORK SOCKS Inscriptions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME 87 Goderich St., West • AgentlOr WIngharn Memorials Seaforth 527.1390 di • • • -- , •• FARM SUPPLIES "N • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 • • is • • WELDING ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. Vanastra 482-7931 SALES AND SERVICE OP HOEGY ilkcitat „ts Rum 41m FARM SUPPLY LIMITED ,...„.11111101111001111111111111 ERYTH HOG IN T TORE OW • LE 527-0443 f--OPTOMETRISTTh JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Sea forth Office 527.1240 Save Cop 0.2..70% Off rego'prices P.W6rgain House DECORATING FLORIST 'Graves MacLEAN'S Wallpaper FLOWERS • a Paint Featuring Hoene,,© • Canadian & Imported • • Wall Coverings • 527.0550 Seaforth Cattle Spraying, Fertilizer, Seed Corn And Grass Seed. • a 0 Aluminum Welding Livestock Racics Edbro Hoists Grain Bodies Fifth-Wheel Trailers Mon-Fri. 9-5:30 Saturday 9-12:00 United Service )ewers by wire 'S27-0800 Seed Wheat (former y.Saver's Centre) We have changed our name to emphasize that our LOWER PRICES mean GREATER SAVINGS to-you the customer Main Street • Seaforth Ont. tl'ORE porn Mon$ Tries, Thins, Sat. 9;00 to 5:30 p.m. Fri 9-9 Closed Wed. Closed Wednesdays 345-294i Free Parking on Premises' General Repairs ..1 Seatorih • • •" t., • atitaa a•as ilo•••••saaess•Istiosioaossaile• • • 0*.6 • • it •it• et,* \., ai•assa•ora•••*•••aSeetiseli•••6•60-0•,.•