HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 7',C C'! 41r AllAQAD PQMiit Q.a illi' Derec,tiveb wlcllinnPinlcerTOn `VZ 3t• :Y ,tt ter for ce ases 81t' hub ,to • � Few peraone also have sojourned en .any of our largo citfos can fail to have emit the jLnnoo1101+11teit of "Desk -room to let" 1t is one quite peculiar to trade ;centers, and is rarely to ho met with save •• , •i cgs quarters. in the busiest of bale n However little of interest the sign may have for the ordinary pedestrian, to the •detective, like thyself, it is often quite .suggestive. Most frequently tho impulse Is to regard the spot With attention as •ono in which, as the reporters say, "fur- ther developments may be expected." a year 186 • 1 latter months of the3 In tho 1i notice of "Doelaroom to Let" was dis- 1)layecl on a card -heard sign at the en- trance hall of No, '323 Celestial street, Ph}1adOIp11ia. ` ho building was a large • 'one, 1t out in separate offices, except that the second floor was occupied en- •nt of a establishment tlrely by the prilltiur, Pstabl •Ml. P. M. Grattan, The composing and l •press rooms of Mr. Grattan covered about • tenement. Elle -sixths of tho area of his true The r()maining space, front, -teas a small •ofli.ce, entered by a distinct door from n EL tri roti by ` 111111 ] g (11 d ( an t11P landing, rearward door with the printing roams. This office had two windows facing out •on Chestnut street; and though quito un- pretentians in its appointments, was, a .cosy and. pleasant -looking apartment. 'The floor was covered with a gaily - 'striped. fiber Inatting; some lithographed • speeimens and pictorial trade cards hung on tiro painted walls, and 0 srnall fire- proof safe was disposed in ono of the cor- ners. 1n a railed inelosure near one of the 'windows stood a polished evalnnt-wcod desk, faced with green leather, and a -cushioned ()flaw chair to nultele A larger desk extended from the other window to -card the door of the printing room. .A. medium -slava parlor stove, two or three •cane -seat chair:,, tt11d a c1oek, Completed the total of ofllia equipment. • At the desk last lI1elltinlled wag 11StlC.11y to be seen a young gentleman -fair and bluc`ared--mnded Dlilk`r, who officiated TIE V1N HAM1 riA;s, 'SPTFMBER 9 1893 . . to the aee for C 1panY a8 till rowing ]lave seen, haatI a n Y noon's tatslc. Adt1u14 � l foRoavi t3' On two. or three ocrasiallS express par - (i' lir. Contuing e andtasry came this cleatl>of>dr alice nit - Maces turn mostly delivered in the fore- noon ltd was on bond to receive thein personally. t His identiflcatfoll in such rases as !;. IL Cone, Real klstate Broker." i$ easily sheeted through Air, (rattan, HO even became slightly .morin ' Be wess agent, through t ((I Butt sllout(1 come , ,,, of Not 0 turir t' left or a after I letter 3 i 1"' "; Yettr`F and a h keenly mortified by tete intelligence fore- regret rens ever lett t)e11iu(i after leis f to the Adams the incidental exchange of pleasant re- marks, while engaged in receipting for ,. c1-tt c.. hie packages. tTbaul.sgiving, Christmastide and in the New Year holidays, Cone was ab- sent catch time for three or four days. Mum, from the second weak of the new year, itis absence woe more pro- tracted than usual, Alt. Grattan, for a time, thought nothing special of it, ex- (( Pt, teat his desk rent would be c1 little (.01(Lyei. As my readers will learn, boa. - ever, he might just as Welt halo lama out again, tho notice of "Desk -room tt g T.eU. sial. It Wt1s aftt'r . cu° , hem:keenly Mr. Balicock's letter. parcel from Trenton wee brought in by conveyed to hint n r 1,1 the money nwescllgct. of1. n . press. The narrator paid the charges, from the treasurer of the company, eons and t'creived and opened. the package, tabling the particulars of such a series but found to his surprise that it eon- dtteoffonios,hahlost not to moment in rained only railroad time tables, and nq hastening with the information. to my iurinstt'ro of j('eu liaryvalnP, `11('11 Cone, superintendent on his return, Wits informed of the chi- As early as May o1 tho prececlin„ year, elufStalee, 11e glibly re)itarlced thin )tis tin` letter colltinned, a draft far fifteen friend most have forgotten to put the hundred dollars was made by a bank at looney in; and when writing, he should La Crosse,y wiscanslo, in favor of Gov- (ive lila. a good ''raking up - forit. Two eru01 C . ( \Vr.-shbnrne1 and payable in nr three, days after be exclaimed quite be- New York at the Bank of North Amer- c.ldc+tttally, "Olt! Miller, 1 got a elieccle. to- ice. Governor Washhurne had indorsed day tor that fifty dollars that was left this paper over to his physicilul, who in fpm to . Boston l out of ley Trenton parcel. It wits just turn irldorsel. it to a Iia. t n , as I supposed, a staple'', hiunthr." Tltis I whom he remitted it by mail. Altltouglt i occurred shortly before Mi.Cione left. this firm hod Hover received it,. the on at drat had Ileo.i • Pd for Cq SCllt • presented "Not much blundering' about thea .was soon after p o..prees transuetlglls,"Imllttered Lilnden to ; the Pittsburg branch of Adams' Eli- Air.C'ololhlau; "they rather Tool: to ole i press, apparently indorsed by thein to like a plan to (,7*rapo itequaintauce with , one R. L. Dudley of that grimy city. your officeraelind thus gala the way to I Dudley, identified in the usual manner, s it fitifhcation," I had obtained the fifteen hundred. dollars; an easy Colenliin nodded a rueful. assent. 1 a loss -vhioh reverted to the enpress coma Thio professional zeal of I.i.uden eras • pony whet the paying hank discovered a' an out to his favor w • � • and he directed he indorsement now thoroughly aroused; al d I that t Were sent^ 1, hi ' attention to the desk by which they I undoubted forgery. When the: eomptUny and which be had learned began to ingnir0 after Dudley he was was Cone's, foend to itaac left Pittsburg for parts "Dir,Grattan,"lie said tersely, "lot ane unknown.. see if your tenant has left any papers•" In tilt September following two drafts 'lir. Linden looleva anxiously into tiro I were put in for collection at the eom- \ew Jersey by •ams another letter CHAPTER II. At the period of which I write, and almost Within a stone's throw of Diu 1- 1 • � -ency in Philadel- phia, de Chlvttta 1's office, n � 6 hitt, lead been several years in operation. b was under the superintelhdeuey of one Irt J. be �U aids, of 1117 most tuconlph, l , Linden. On the morning o1 the 14tH of Febru- ary, in the Mlleo wits seated Linden R fl ury e i uta or. the Agency, When a clerk eons trmou.lor, a call from 11ir. B. Coleman, i iiuerintendent at Philadelphia, of tho Adams' Express. As for years previously, I had transacted the detective 'business of the company, Mt. Coleman was wdl- lmown, end. at once admitted, The gen- tiomen exchanged greetings 'cordially, but the visitor lead 0 vexed and serious air, as ho sat down, and there was a vis- ible strain in the cheerfulness with winch Ile introduced. his mission. "Linden, 1 hops you .have got through with your Valentines," lie said, throw- ing a foldaa letter on tate table; "I Want your to take a peep at that little ono of mine." • My superintendent responded to this pleasantry only by it smile; for ho read- ily divined there were graver matters on hand t11a11 the love missives of the sea- son. Ho then took lip the letter, which read 21 Single driver 1 50 1 00 l2 Hack Horse, in sadtllel 50 1. 0`3 23 Team, road or carriage, ist, $1..00 103 whip and, $2.00 cash; '2nd $ 2.00; 104 1rd, 81:00. Walt • zeal as the printer's nook. eepet 011(1. 1 hu opened out, and cn•reiully •order clerk, The other desk, Within the I through e the and, railing, hail formerly been need by Mr. It was a communication to Coleman Grattan himself; but as the young l )o ills front the Tmusurgr of the Express Conl- keeoer had become conversant with pony, in ~tier York -Mr. J. S. Babcock business, its clerical requirements al- -and apprised him briefly, that two most entirely devolved upon him, and the certain tir:lfte. which he had sent forward langur desk was found adequate for every for collection on the 10th day of J£Lnitary, per;lsC. Hence the Walnut•evogd desk "to and of which the proceeds were duly re - let•'+ nutted to Philadelphia, for account to T. About the middle, of November is H. Cone, 328 Chestnut strict, aver() now tan'satronger stepped jauntily 3n e 111x. Gaut- :Urcex•tained to have been stolen from the office, to act: for ..' information about malls, and negoti;Lted under forged en - the tan::!lis(' that. He was ltll, spruce,1(011dorSP1ne11t0, The draft, Were for amounts „••, apparently abort 02 t Sillee.8ti and were draw gent ems 1, a• - ,,,1.,1).8(1 1111( , siuess-lite „ of . 1 n7 and thirty luta;. 11 t�i.' and had a pilo and respectively. 0n silo Metropolitan •soma avh)rt: delle:: countenance, framed, Fourth National Danks of New York. in pert, by sltlrt, cladk elite whiskers.)111The treasurer ixpreSsea a hope that in :Iia was c;u;ii genteelly, if not mle, an- payola ever the money to Cone the proper .ably, d1•eeeed, Mid 111` pliancy of tone, and steps had been t tken for his identifies. - tum; of r•a-y as:;utn;cti"n, brtc>kcTho th0 tion; so that the company might now ensiles of these Foverui;*n stairs. Tho shill look to hint -if, indeed, there were such with-vhs.cit len c::nrn sed eandOk, c+apeetnr;tt11 it person ,t.t all -for the reinburscnleiit of tobltr•ro-,juges, might be rrckouedi by some Mr,B bcock's letter, as though °bare -ors ..s an evidence to the sense that it U now opened des.:. '.'here were carets, let - known oilleo in Newark, . , " • C 1 was 1-nown aS R. D. Ran- CATTLE TL 10 106. Class 4 -Thoroughbred. 24 Cow, 82 and Wingham r 107 TIMES 1 year..3 00 1 50 1 00 25 Two yr. old heifer -1 50 1 00 20 Year old heifer 1 50 1 00 27 Heifer calf ... , , , 1 50 1 00 1108 28. Bull calf.... • •. • . • •. • •1 50 1 00 11" 29 u t two years or over 1 L_l > r 11 net less, tha3! two 50 r, 25 bunches each,.... 5025 Plate crab apples.. Noll less than 2 vari• eties p111Tns.. , ... , , r>0 `25 Plate peaches., •. 50 25 Collection of fruit --$1 in goods by Duffield & Son and cash 50e1 50 75 Table bouquet -arm chair by Dutton ' Fessant 150 50 Med bouquet flowers 5i)' .9.5 Flower in pot 50 25r 0 Collection house p•1'ntt not less than 5 kinds. 00 50 1 Cordon foliage planta. 00 5(0 ter paper and envelopes .of 1. Il. ollc, arranged. . Real Estate Agent,"all meetly is their Foveral mases; but that was all, Mr. Coleman. turned away ial d.isgnac tiara lie a en . p t l 8 attention I.11 1(l] suddenly tl But Y ca, e riveted cu ono of the article i in the sled.. Casually regarded, or by a cosaal observer, the ol),i001 would have hest/• a 111(111W10 • .i n was to • -1 ifica 1 'iC.t , duo 1. Who On ,L l and , 1 a , r d , enabled to receive the proceeds. These drafts bad both been 11111(10 in Toledo, Ohio, land were drawn on New York in houses lol� 1 • or of mercantile fav banks, in Boston. Allo amounts were five hundred dollars in ono case, and one hundred dol - in the other; and tho parties in '2 and inghan. Ad- vanee,•,......3 00 1 50 1 00 2 Blyth and B rth hantwo, 00 ' rI ,,0 Bull, uncle Standard .... 3 00 1 50 001 pissed by as unWolthy' of notice. T3uU In ln,s the soignee of crinnl.al detection there is 'Mose favor tthessorsftgmslt� e r 1)eon` nuiand ed nothing too macre tr trifling to be en- to vttltlno'Wiest Were severally prepared to t I from ' e •er re- d n a ttrrly without significance. T11Preforo . Was that Mr. Linden's attentio1111at1 been fascinated by a little square of blotting sheet, uo larger o1 surface than a page of 11ote paper. But it was also a )11uc11-used 'piece, tlmmb-soiled and frayed at tho edges,and scarred all over with t1 net - testify, not only that they fl calved then., and never endorsed them to such a person as R. D. Randall, but that they did not even know hint, and their Via- aeries. e esuxRandall,,as Slice -ere Dudle ,lhadtsince •red 111, Cow 2 Two 3.. 33 Year old heifer 1 00 r '.I 1 Heifer calf ... , ..... ,1 00 50 35 Two yr. old steer, .. ,1 50 1 000 36 Year c;ld steer 1 00 31 Steer calf 1 00 50 SHEEP Class 6•-Leieesters and Grades. 38 Aged ram 1. 50 1 00 30 S+hearling rani 1 00 50 Ram lamb 10}a Class 5 -Oracle, .2 00 1 50 1 001 yr. old heifer ..1 50 1 00 112 10 tarda flannel . , , ..1 00 ; 50 00 '3 unionflannel." ' 1 1. 10 vtis 50 114 Pair blankets 1 00 .:0 115 Set tear,) harness, With collars 1 50 1 00 110 Set single harness..1. 00 fa0, •, 117 Pair coarse boats, 1 00 • 50 ' bootol 00 50 Pair men's fire 1 13 re i119 Bot. bonne made wine. 00 ' 50 o Cooking stove with 10f✓ furniture complete, i 00ee CC 50 HOOTS AHD LLS C1»$' 15. 121 Pek elephant potatoes 5Q. 25 122 Peck:matehlese corlies 5O 25 123 Peck empire state, . C>,i)t _ 25 124 Pck any other verity '5t) 1 25 125 2 heads cabbage.... 50 25 126 2 heads red pickling ['. Ram lamb 1 00 5)0 cabbage 50 25 SA (,UF-iAMTURES Class 14. work of 111 1 S• l .let C 1 00 50 •41 Pair aged ewes having raised lambs in 1808 1 50 3. 00 42 Pair shearing ewes ..1 50 1 00 43 Pair ewe lambs 3. 00 50 Class 7 -Downs and their Grades. 44 Aged ram 1 50 1 00 15 Shearling lamb 1. 00 50 1. snarls. ' 1 L 47_ Pair aged ewes haying 127 2 heeds cauliflower.. ,$>0 25' treasurer had also jest learned "Iwonder if Colic ever used 1 officers of the "Dulled d tl tat The , atnlr States" letters? Wonder from the ofilct that if anything c t me of an %;103,., tea haft be^n Nissho , d 10 t a raised lambs in 18931 50 1 00 128 6 long blood beets... 50.r 25 thing thing Wutd. his > r ican" exams companies, 1t: ould l)c deciphered from it: n:ld "Alec• t „ (141 ox • n:, Pair arca lamb _. . .. .. mangold 131 6 Swede turnips.... S0.5 25 Who .inoses what it Il:igllt lead to, frmi, Quincy, features of rnsmnbltLiioP. shecertainly halo i1 l trial far it, any- places west, The d 'ft and concha with the frauds on theAcit uns' 1 ray sllect n been o .Foil s 2 00 1 Co 135 6 anions from seeds 1 a ha )ra, hr t^.ok up file old blotting , ga 1�, had s lut.ido fo.ycriclF W}lich 136 Bali' peals (Mons of' , 1 Tn one of tlteSe n , ,1 Brood suer haLiug littered in 1 a0 1 CO 25 and quietly placed it in the kavas of his 111 anV other kind.. ;5p i pocket 111^illmplettlm Mr. (.rattan via had been- perpeteated at Rochester, New - Boer littered in 13`13, age p swindler 1 '1 wed the name n 43 Pair shearling ewes 1 50 1 00 129 6 turnip beets, *...50r 61k•, 25 If I could only 1)1011 oat 0 name, , lea of several thousand dollars on draft% address, from the tangle of ink stains, I Rock d. dr(1111 tU0•p other P 9�aS 132 6 field carrots... • • . 50 25 u F o:>:n tit. e Breed. 133 6 early horn carroty. _;5,1 25 hc>W;" Fuca evrro the rl -al :l .. CI w „'r)1; 25 l . . + lv. -a,rP inun•,r Its u> d striking; and snfli ass 8 -Large 'fn'hatn 134 G parsl.[ps.. sin11 0° his .,c.i co.logt • , _ . c tt) :,tui the :?t_Ina 50 Aged boar, e1 and \V t, } 50 �� 1} it to his • attested teat > g I \Vitllho daring to give publicity Y efellth, tO1 in every emir. Advance 1 year 50 lug on in complete mystification. having Fork, the swln. cl• 1a. J conandored 1 00 137 3 bunches celery,. ... . 60ia 25 25 next cautioned the printer and his gaol:- of S. W. Deals. b t Cols Coleman did. not wait to hear ;,3 Sow littered in 18!!B.agG con 138 0 ears corn �b'a 1 CO 139 Watermelon 5v' z5, 140 Musk melon keeper to have nothing to Fay a ou Mr. Co em.. sidernd visit and its 1)erfOFP, the superintendent Lindens opinion 0n thio di:soloslt1P1 fn made a sign to Mr. Coleman, auft with this grave calmunieation, He therefore Class ?art, saying as h() 50 t 1 n 50.'' 2a: too. up his flat to deg ss 9 -Small Breed. Z11 Pumpkin. 50 25 hint left the office. Arrived at the corner !. 50• `�5 of Satoh Third 'street, ho requested that (lid so, (`Linden, you will Walls a copy of 2 00 1 00 142 Squash lent,• to excuse flim fora While, and Eab000k's letter las one of your campaign 51 ar 1 Dear, year d gingham Prot in I leave it i•1 your caro for littered hear 0 1 rc age 145 peckt .... oucl more e plains. 1 00 u A few mese i later big. Linden lead " general character and considered 146 Collection garde.. veg- 1,, et he seen -if into by werrtt" roan, and • But so far as its g etables-Blyth Stat)-. t see caned the plan of mY til Sow littered in I898 age con•1 00 JO 1...(1 G �. 143 Citron..... • . • ..... 50, Tri pro:nisin; to confer With him arEtln documents; r m the the course of the cl^.y, turned his stops . the present, and shall drop in during .)u Bread seal having ilterl 150 100 144 P1ttte tomatoes 50 o••e to the 1` y'-tcy afternoon to ticlittle about your 1x98 - Half beans 50 25 ,G Boar ]tttteled in l d8 0 might bo FCCu-lf avy were there o . scope WCrO cant + full light of the Win- representative had tilrrni;v soon decide.? sidorecl lard pile year and -St:Lnd11. 1.1 the r: doev, iLlid gazing anxiously into n. tool;:- repreFP.ri r '1 , .5.' on. >;re yet ho had raissd his eyes fro::. Cash ..a(,c. 1 0 50 1 nature at the foot of the letter, he l S•tsh reetener. As the crystal surface ' ing glass cynics ao had suspended from the signature had illus concluded to himself. "The 1 fit Ct resources of it lees. tE , best talent and t e a e•- - cioclearly Fwit the tree ark of it the their back its labyrinthine. least the elements the National Detective Agency must bebe co11ow we with the the la be stn, d But oh, at once onlploy� d in this operation." nit liar Were pre ht, the dl oftf would be of writing 111 in iswhatbldisheartening aecoednnce with the requirenl alit es otf f tbn on hand, to prove. tie fact of frn Pert, what disorder, the erusal clutoF', maim he had mailed over night ` 11 . from g •c caching S t mrlutmtdert atray \few York, Mr. Air. Linden looked P e L 1 effete. When. the visitor anlln1neetl hiss pur- pose, the bookkeeper summoned Mr. Graben wile (prune:,,. at the moment 110 be in the :minting room. That gentle- man et once came forth, tendered the StrILll;rc1 a chair, and glen peered. expec- tantly c t 11i111 through hie gold -Thinned laesee. Tho latter was not long in intro- -clueing • s almost indeed, raa 'u •,'r and, n - 111 1 :u, 1 '. 1 cu do , • neeeleeely explicit in justifying his 0avn 13.11rll . 0 Fail -Trio as Ilio prune Was Cone he 1I. Cline, from Peterson, New Jersey. •when' lie had been in business for several .year.. 110 hail sold out in October from ..lis late undertaking, and designed to start a first-class real P.State agency in the srrillf;. Sante prior gumless relations 'with the City of 13rotheely Love 1104 In- duced hills to select it as the theater of • his naw. enterprise, Already he hard been cappci'ntcd tarot for some nice cottage :property, oevned by a friend at German- town, ,lust north of the city; other agate - site; lata been •promised him. from the mew year; and it was not at all unlikely he shoukd invest some of his own funds in stt'1u1'ban building lots. All this was rattled off with fluent plausibility. "MettnWhiln," pursued Mr. Cone, "I •Have only to WIltcll the .market closely, 'and shall not require a separate office for many .months t0 0o1110. I ham concluded that a desk fee my correspondence, in .sonic .Kation where I Pi111 nature nhy busin se plans, will Dns -seer •111 present ;purlv.•ra. Now, your place, :lir Grattan, as so ventrally situated, aled so handy to the poet -office, banks, and so Petit, that .when I saw 111e tattoo down stairs 1 sloe at once Wren with it. If agreeable, •tlleref')r0, I should like to become your 'tentllht. I shall not be very much ill your way, so long as my business is luhdevel- ired, nor shall I have many callers, ex- •cept, perhaps, the mail carrier and the expressman. Lot's see; which is the de�ilc? What rent do 7011 ask for it?" Dir. Grattan indicated the derk within ;rho railing; and suggested ten dollars oath. perm gentleman On the sttecerciing day the g 1 'installed himself in the office, and theno0- forth attended with reasonable regular. in the forenoons. He ity, principally zvus chatty and pleasant of dcnlianor, g e Pahl n,rc .and prayed to be quite an ,- .neighbor. • If conclusions were to he drawn front litho regularity of Mr. Cone's correspond- ;once, til a f Metered. .t s ind eller, his business -va promise. lie seldom came in of a n10rn- • the `• ars fano. •inP without bringing lettere ••- ;fico. These 110 was t t set mat of this, letter. "'Your bird has flown, of course?" he tranquilly inquired of Mr. Coleman. "Flown!" exclaimed the latter, with a 113 seer„y. "I should say be has flown, t I can't findscouthe and so smallest.ean clue to hiway s where- abouts." ere - abouts." "Ahl indeed," was tho quiet interjec- tion of lir. Lindon, who was relic -ling in 111011ght the contents of the letter. "No, sir, not a clue," repeated Mr. Coleman, quickly. "I have merely to ask you to find tts this Ta H. Cone, that eve may give him a taste. erne state prison." "Yes, yes." replied Linden, smiling in spite of himself at his neighbor's inlpetu- Malty; `cave shall catch the fellow, no doubt, but we must proceed systemati- cally. You have doubtless called at tills address of his, three -twenty-three, Chest- nut!" Mr. Coleman answered in the affirma- tive, and then hastily repeated to my su- perintendent, the particulars about Mr. Gr,attan's desk -tenant. ";So that's all you could learn of Mr, Cor. el". iugiired Linden, nntsingly, whoa 11.;r. Coleman. had ended his Tec,}tat]. ""!hilt's all," responded the atter, The simpleton with unaffretcr1. chagrin. 1 eL minter doesn't even know Where thct fellow lodged or lived; 111' ran only r.•c•all ea/suely some allusions he matte to 1- . -, Cohan- . <11� ht • boarding at a Mr. L > At length, when hi; eyes w 1 ' genera t . ari1108l he began on a fresh ser- , rrie George R. Bangs, and to myscffo cry, with weariness, to of gravy marks, and clung to tilllus cago, the history of. tie Con g down to rho disc oviry on the blotting- paper. lotting be posse ee sunscross 111(1 m p painful he lo:.scs.;ed himself, by painful (1Pgrees, 1a er. Ile 1honld 110w telegraph for Mr. 1 p n.1 and Philadelphia, lila , I1 1 i Bangs to come on to of two athlowe and t1 distinct n! he. confer with him minute. on the course Somewhat " tat leaver down. and parallel! the Y word "011ie" Mal tLlrPady Fhnpad itself, to bo followed. , _ . to his perception; and liis Heart now beat fast with anticipations .ipations of success. ` I rTJ r• n oe :Tixttn,] Slowly, :lowly, but distinctly, one by one, the letters disengagedt Atmlast he I ri •grS iE .f:� and tool: order in his sig.EAST material for a complete word, and nd. ld triumph, llo rushed from the I+�e110avinm is the WI • 1ist t0 hOtthe lleid lief 'Lt i f l i f'tu window to his desk, and great, bold chaTtacters-a5 if•otherwise a(iit a.t BelgrttVe on Thursday and Friday, alight escape him -the following Sept. 29tH and 30tH : chess:- E "WILLIAM R. WALES, "Bedrock 110(3111'. 4111 .. with an eoolaulatioll of mingled ro- le } , 'rote out in East �'+TlLttialtOs 1 i t FAIR 1 HORSES , "Ohio." j Class 1 -Heavy Draught. r at 011? Had it any value, as rclatcdn to the forger, Corso? wo 00 1 50 1 00 f these doubts,at least, a Aide 'd " 1 50 1 00 civ in ties name of , Two V • old filly 1 50 1 Was it a secret 1. Brood mare, with foal by solution to one n tCFt Spring foal 5 enhttion avn,s PasAyprorurtLbic 5o•Gincleli 2 A. 00 POULTRY Class 10. 58 1' 'r greee goods 1•,y Gee. Ma - eon value $1 1 00 50 50 Pair turkeys CO Pair sleeks (;1 fair Plymouth ltoc!rts G`2 fair Leghorns OS Pair Spanish (13:LPttir IVyen dottes., (;1!Yrdir Cnchhns 11 rues ' Bra Pair WWLE E &TS Class 11. 04 Farm ~ate -cash 25c, Brussels Port one ester 65 Churn OO Poing 07 Lumber wagon .... •... . G8 Democrat curing wagon 69 Buggy 70 Cutter.- ............... 71 flow 50 2•_ 00 25 50 :?5 60 25 50 25 50 25 130 •25 50 25 tclegtophcd immediat:• . , rat .of ' the American Il•s.pally, tondo agent in 4 Two vr. olcl gelding ..1 50.1 00 Glass 12• the e if a 1 W.B. Wales, ee 5 Year old filly �0 2 hush ,white fall -the and 7.2 Gang prow 7(1 lion harrows 74 Disc barrow • 75 Land roller 76 Horse hay fake 77 Seed drill 78 Washing l 0el,1ne • GRAM 125 1 00 1 00 50 1 5U 100 •1 50 1 00 1.0100 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 100 '+)0 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 �BABY .5' 6E .t�ri � '�.a class le, 147 Not lets tl, In 25 ib..1 - xZ 00 dairy butter 148 Crock c)f butter, not less than 10 lbs.... .1 5 149 Basket cif Butter in rolls or prints, not less t,ban 5 lbs. --2 50 in goods b y ,J . R.Mur.- sbaw, butter to be- come donor's. 2 150 Home made 1 read•• - goods by Ireland & But ton 1 151 5 lbshoney in crumb 152 5 lbs. maple sugar 153 Quart 0103)10 syrup. , - . 154 factory cheese 1 155 Home-made cheese1 FIKE ARTS Class 17. ,, ,•y Ir"J.0 Paniti1,µ, still life 1:-00 50) 157 Pencil drawing.. 59 25 158 0i1 painting-. .• 1 50 1 00 15!1 Cellectien of oil pau)tings1- 1;0 1 00 1(h0 Coilectlou 1.1 otog ep 1x1 04i' 50 LADIES' DEPARTMENT ,, icon 1.1- ?res- at Bedrock. . 1 ra at....1 50 1 00 quire if a person naalel > a , - , Silted in that vicinity; ]lis l:es. al i being 6 Ye it Old P' yoke, , 1 )0 h 180 `2 hnsb, red fall e hea.t., .....1 50 1 00 so weeded, as to su,Pest merely a difii- 2 J t h 1 5 2 hl 'h a ring wheat 1 50 3. 00 ^ (at 1 l bosh. princaaeci at t y 2nd neck5.Oke, .. o) bl ]s 1 ti le 1 00 50 eulty about the llxol)ri.etorship of some 7rrleam horses. 1n harness, 1st. 3. � ; 8. h1x-r oets 1 00 50 stray p01011. t tit natio north- u 2nd. neckyd)[:e, valise $1.`?5 and 88 2 sash 1 00 50 �• 84 ° bites white oats bit avenue and las entieth street. In an Hour from u.la 1. • • i . „ plain that see have 0 sheeted, -Sentient called over on Dir. Colemansturdily $1,00 cash; 81•d, $1,00, it isClass 2 -General Pur pose. experienced rogue to cleat with," now found that gentleman Wrestling f to a telegram he had n,)`.crv, (t of • , • mystery was only cleared 115 and ( f the 9 Spring foal 1 5? 1 00 1 Mr. Linden, "and file worst o ' with the a'1,wer `1 a,.r(1d never sent. The mys •, 8 Bread mare vt'ith foal by it is, he has got 0 old`nr. months stare u) for silo W- side.. • . . `2 00 1 50 1 00 us. However, we must try and plot up 1 when Linden narrated hie s trail in sonic way. I propose experience with t• o the fellow together, its promising result. The answer thi.t we first mala a call, eto conte Bedrock ex press agent .lad been, that a 10 Two yr. Old filly.. , .1 50 1 00 Chestnut street. Have yet R(c 1 • 1Prl W R Yates 1)Plonged to. 11 Two vr. O`ld gelding -1 F10 1 OO 189' 90 91 92 t .)1: 85 '2 hush. small peas 1 00 50 80 '2 bush. 'erre peas 1 00 50 87 Half hue). flax seed ...... .•1 00 88 Peck 'Plnlothy 1 00 FRUIT AND FLOWERS along'." „ man Hai resells away 1 50 1 00 "Oh! yes, by all means, answered. the ta•Lt village` but was at p 1.1 Year- olid filly .. • . . express superintendent. it detective froim bhtrAgeuay was 13 Year gelding,. om home.r ar old ..1 50 1 00 A clever CILAPTEB, III•14 Tears horses in Negress, now dispatched ap town,, to notice tt thea- 1 25 and neighborhood"value• ough search for Cone theinneclt�(olze, , Tho two superintendents at once went I cash `2 00.. - : 3 25 2 00 1 00 n air. (.rattan's where lie spoke' of having boarded. mats - out, ami -vdP speedily i gentleman by the l� 1 him, of course no Y office `:rated with that> ri Llndnn Speelal by Tl Potter, for best , k. `l desk. i l( ah a rad of dcd •cnr But, beyond what is already r� of cone Mr. Grattan really knew nothing seratelte0. Ho furnished, to the bent of his ability, a pm :aerial description of Cono, Sus down M Y Which Was carefully copier' 1. ,' ,•rat Linden. rn ,,\ 1 le x Mr. 1 'rho blonde young bookkeeper, pOS O WGTl O. ndicall on tho desk„ 1(1111er, erns 1e0t subiuttte tlgl)lt Sher told before him math y ii `and with n t tier he would then ex- rogatory, y, • recollected f Dir C^na IIs die - to won e. the occasion :With much ostentation - - Amine each cornnlunicatloll, and proceed what nothing' no -v,) llewovor, except 13. <,5 golden russet apples 50 50 Baldwins....... r 5 snows, .. , 50 5 Rhode Id. Greeningss 50 apples 50 5 winter e n Scott's p s e p 5 northern spies 50 5. r'1 es„,. 3Q 5 Ben n IJa 96 5 Canada reds.. 50 ;)7 5 kin of toutpkins' .. J0 98 3 varieties winter ap- ples, 5 of each kind not m'ntion'd above 50 09 3 varieties fall apples, 5. of each kind not mentioned above.. 50 100 5 fall petlre..... • .. floc :new 1 , r Thos O 'el , 5 , { 9 p ch ()At- te -to dI anda colts also cent a detective to Trenton: bled by t11. 00 send onhorse $300 SC]2 M to.00 0 012, . viva the New York Agency ..lien ! to Pitt:mon, each With 0 mission to hunt Class 3 -head and Carriage. r The forager, I evil. remind zon. .. r. of his tame or description. t 1 C ftl M re S front which Co readers, was the city creche 15 Broad mare with foal nee m p r . bogus Y ]lib •s Cone received 00 1 50 1 00 the latter ryas that in whish. he claimed: ; bar side- • . , ` .. 1 50 1 00 s. gin f al.•.•.•.•. to have done bttsiaies 16 Sp g" h of ilio' ie ea n d 17 Two yr. old filly, 1 50 5 The detailed reports et Ditties:ea tilos entered on -Vero nc York. and Chicago - 2nd Halter. value 1 dispatched t0 my �leav , ,r old gelding, 1 50 1 0 led. v< ti' b ` ` 0 a• �� the, day en 18 Two \ 5 1 00101 5 Winter pears ...... 50 indite the replies. Tllo folding, envoi- (, 1 0 opillg, an(1: addressing of these lettere envious little incident that pertiliged to CHAT?'CE13 20 �" would text be aecoalwa s, With leaving, one of Cowie named, he had vitiae- 'forinality; and he always, on leaving, Oltabl requested Dtillcr to Duca cess ( Dtr:. Colclllan.. 01' .tlt1iu11s' Esttrdsg' il) Year olcl' fill'�r .....• . ` � - � { 102 "Variety of gapes, Year old eldin-....1 J0 1 00 •+Qnrried leis own snail tea rho Host oil'ico. coon Y 0 550 0}1001 1 50 • 50? 00.;, 50 50 25 50,A 25 50 25 CO,, 50 00 50 Class 18. 161 Tatting 60 25 1112 Specimen crochet wort(50. 5 le8 .Bead Work , .. ' 58 25! 1 : N oo,l tl 164 Hooked shirt, 511 25 5 1 165 Fancy knitting; 1166 dents' Linen shirt,.....:50 25 167 Gent's I'a.ticy (1 1Itel :'l:irt, 50 25 25 1(8 Braiding. 1(111 Feather flowers 1170 Pair woollen stookiugs 251171 Pair socks ,l{4 21a q5 172 Pair woollen glavc(, 5 25 251173 Pair woollen tante 174 Log cabin guilt, 1st, picture 25 by Jas. Walter, value1,00 60! `251 175 Knitted (lent 76 60 7fii tilt Patched quilt .oto 176 1 ( 25 25 r tat *50 Reg tl it7 I g h5 l178Berlin No el work raised.. � 2525 170 Berlin woolrolktlut25 60 25 25 180 Sera pillow 5f 2 r `J 181 Silk quilt 8., Pam tt 2 tin oil eeti:l,eills orvelvet 1 5 a picture by R I.E;athirdate,valna��00 25 h5 183Ilair flowers 25 , on ilii., ..... .• t5, I .Olfle 1841,rtibl y 180 " Embroidery on linenf 25 25187 180 baro a"oak.....,,,...,.•+ • �0 �^2s,riuTaintsr lace ` 25188 11,ag Carpet........ ., G' 25 2 .5 '180 Collection of ladies' weak E apart troth a1.1 other entries "'r in Ladies' Dept..... • 2 00 140 h rIO 50 25 50 25 5,Q, 25