HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-26, Page 1• • ....• • ,
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$12.00 a year in Advance '
Single-copy 25 cents,, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAYy;'OCTOBER 26, 1.978 — 24 PAGES
:Whole No. 5772
Court cito kays payment
For- dispatch Council set- b.
race for ma
FALL FUN Tdny Todd, a MiChigan resident visiting with the Britton
family of Seaforthpver the,,w,paitad ut i1d 'probabiy NI this p,tleof leaves
as one of Canada's better attractions. After all; what's better than a roll
in some crisp, autumn leaves? (Expositor Photo)
'favour of not. having any say in it."
Councillor Ellis said, "Why weren't we on
the ball to form a committee, to run the
system in,the beginning--we leave it until too
Mr. McInerney said, "By. paying in to
Goderich you would be paying for a
Reeve John Flannery stated: "If Goderith.
is going to run it then they are going to run
it, and pay no attention to anyone telling
them how to do it. Goderich said in the
beginning if the county dispatch system isn't _ _
-iti"Gbderia then the' town will buy, its own
Mr. Interney who attended the meeting on
Pblrce Chief:John Cairn's 'invitation, said
"I've never seen any real probfems in other
systems, In the systems I've seen there has
been input into them and they work out fine.
In your by-law it should be, stated that .all
operating costs are on a per capital basis,
and thaf input into •police decisions be
Mayor Betty Cardno said, "From, the
information brought out here tonight, I
would suggest a management board be
provided to operate the, syStem. It is a
people's service, therefore it should be on a
per capital basis. Before the by-law is paSsed
for the. 'administration of the system, there
must be a 'consensus among the five towns
that everyone agrees' to the per capital
The mayor suggested that Councillor
lrwin *Johnston should go back to the county
committee and get some of these points
worked out have an administration
set-up worked out and a budget drawn up:
Mr.. Johnston who represents the town on
the committee, said that -so far no chairman
or secretary has even been elected tby the
committee members. j
At the conclusion of the discussion on the
communications system ) council passed a
resolution that the structure and function' of
'the police cominunication system "Manage-
it-tent Board7•be established agreed upon
by the Municipalities of Goderich, Wing-
ham, Clinton, Exeter and SeafOrth and that
' (Continued on Page 3.' )
The Nov. 13 municipal electionsthis, par
of Huron and Perth may be most notable for
the• lack, of political battles. •
•When the .nominations closed on Monday
afternoon, .a. • number .of municipalities-
returned their - leeted officials by .• ac-
clamation, since 'no -new candidates Offered
their names for the ballot..
lit Hibbert Township;-there is a battle,
both for the posititon of reeve and for . the
Cocneillors' positions.
Reeve loss McPhail' is being challenged
by..fortner deputy-reeve Henry Harburn.
Both men have servedon-Hibbert council for
several years.
By Mite Gibb ro er councillor Ro • Swart also a
ri • .)
t council veteran, was .acclaimed "as deputy
reeve.. •
incumbents Herb Brown and Don Johns
are both seeking another term. as members
of council, They are being challenged, by
John Kinsman and Leo Kroonen,- both
farmers in the township,..
In the village of Dublin, 'a battle is also
shaping up for diet:Mee trustees' scats.
Incumbents , 'Louis Maldney, 'and Matt
McCreight, :both local merchants and
postmaster Don MacRae are being chal-
lenged by Jerry Murray, employed in the
construction industry.
• 4d:''• .
By Alice Gibh ,
With all seven Seaforth council seats filled
by acclamation, th.e one campaign here for
the Nov. 13 election that's shaping up is the.
race for the mayor's seat.
Reeve John Flannery and Deputy Reeve
Bill Dale were both acclaimed. Councillors.
will be incumbents 'Irwin Johnston, Gerald .
Groothuis and James ,Sills with newcomers
Bob Dinsmore, a former ebuncillor, Bruce
Hoelscher, a merchant and Henry.. Mero,
real -estate. Writ. "I rit VaYn e Ellis,
Bali Bennett and Ken Roth are not standing
for re-election.
In -tire—mayor's race,' incumbent Betty
CardnO i5 facing John Sinnamon, a former
Mr. Sinnamon, 42, who is the ineat
manager at the Seaforth IGA StOre, has lived
in the town for the past 12 years. He is the
father of four children, has one grandchild
and is a member, of First Presbyterian
Church, where he is an active elder and
chairman of the finance committee of the
board of managers,
Mr. Sinnamoiverved on Seaforth council.
during two terms between 1972 and 1976.
Mr. Sinnamon told the Expositor his aims
in running for the mayor's scat include
promoting industry' in town, particularly
with the recent cloSure of the egg-grading
Mr. Sinnamon said there are a lot of
Hibbert has ,
candidates meet
. About 40 Hibbert Township ratepayers
attended a public meeting held in the Staffa
Cbmmunity. Hall on Tuesday night to meet
their candidates in the upcoming municipal
Ross McPhail, incumbent reeve and a
council veteran, is being challenged for the
reeve's position ,by Henry Harburn,'fOrmer
deputy-reeve 'of the township.
Roy Swart, a former councillor, was
acclaimed as deputy reeve "when
nominations closed.
Mr. Swart is the township's repre-
sentative on the Upper Thames Valley
Conservation Authority.
Incuthbant councillors Herb Brown and
Don Johns arc being challenged by two
newcomers - John kinsman and Leo
kmonen,• both farmers in the township.
Mr. Kroonen said he is running for office
since he feels the livestock man is not fully
represented on the Hibbert council.
in a question and answer period following
the candidates' rernarks,•audience members
asked if local representatives have a say on
the Upper Thames Valley Corr.,crvation
Authority (UTVCA). .
Mr. Swart said he had only served on the
authority for six months, but does not favor
(Continued on Page 3. )
housing developments in the town and
council should be looking to do something
for them including completing drainage
programs and 'keeping the streets in better
The cadidate said he has never felt
Seaforth channelled enough money into
public works. ,
Mayor Betty Cardno is seeking her third
term as the mayor_of_Se.aforth..
Before serving her two terms as. mayor;
Mrs. Cardno served on council for several
terms starting by filling in husband Nelson
Caidno's term when he died in the 1960's.
Mayor Cardno, who• has, two children, is
administrator of the Huron County Health
Unit's home careprograrn.
The mayor, who is attending a convention
in Sudbury until early next week, could not
be reached for comments on her campaign.
Damage minor
in stove fire
A stove pipe fire at the home of Mrs. Peter
Fehr, R.R.I, Seaforth late Monday night
.resulted inminor smoke damage to the
frame lhothe.
Members bf the family spotted.a smoking
stovepipe shortly, before 11 p.m. 'and woke
up the two youngest members of the family,
Sonya.-eight years.old and Bob. 10 years old,
who were already asleep in an. upstairs
Ledrooni of the house.
Mrs. Fehr, a Widow, liveS at Lot 27,. Con.
McKillop Township, just beyond the
Winthrop ball park.
, A truck owned. the which •:');ifor . - noticed beside the house, was —damaged
when a member oftte, family pulled it away
from the smoking home: The back bumper of
the car pulling the truck was pulled off, and
the truck swerved into a tree in the yard,
causing extensive damage to the front of the
. '
Fire Chief Harry, Hak ,Said th stovepipe
fire started in the wall and then an through
the upstairs partition. Smoke poured from an
upstairs bedroom window and the a•ttie., until
firemen blew the. smoke away with fans.
On Saturday afternoon at 2:20 p.m., the
Seaforth tire department responded to a call
at the home. of John Mero, Huron Street.
Seaforth .
A chimney fire in the home • burned itself
cut and there was no damage.
On 'Friday night, the fire department
answered a call •to extinguish a ear fire.
A car owned by Leonard Lanink of
Seaforth'was damaged when an engine fire
burned out the car's wiring.
Fire chief Hak said there is ito estimate of
damage in the fire yet,
By Wilma Hite
Seaforth town council agreed Wednesday
to take part in the countywide police radio
system, but it wants a say in how it is
Council passed a resolution to purchase a
county police radio system on a per capital
basis provided that 75 per cent funding for
fixed costs .is provided by. the Province of
Seaforth is the last of the five participating
towns to give its approval for the purchase.
It is the smallest of the towns whose police
forces will-be. linked-loyithe central -polite
dispatch system. The others ire Claxton,'
Goderich, Exeter and Winghain;
The-town's—share--of -the -equipment—M—be
purchased from General Electric at a. cost of
$99,829.54 would be '$4,242.06 based on a
per capital rate.
- Michael J. 'McInerney, communications
advisor with the technical services branch of
the Ontario Police Commission told council
the province has placed a March 31. 1979, •
deadline on its offer to provide 75 per cent
funding. The participating towns must have
the system delivered and operating .by then
to get the grant. •
However, council wants more detail about
the operating cost of the,, system before
'giving its unqualified support to the project..
Deputy reeve William Dale stated, "I would
like to know about the administration and
the costs."
Mr. McInerney explained that the
Goderich police must' hire the'--,dispatch_
personnel and the administration must be by
the peqple supplying the accommodation for"
the dispatch Office. (The dispatch system
will be 'located .in Goderich).
Councillor Wayne Ellis said. "The County
police communications committee must have
input while the GOderich police administer
it. .
Deputy reeve Dale said, "You're in. then
you pay fdr it from then an. You , have no
cont ro ,"
'You' would be getting, a tremendous
value for what you would be paying infol-it."
Mr: McInerney replied.
'',Mayor • Betty Cardno said, "I'm not
against the dispatch system but I'm not in
In McKillop Township, all candidates
were acclaimed to office. The council a
members for the' new . term will be .Reeve
Allan Campbell, " Deputy Reeve Harvey
Craig, and Councillors Art Anderson, Marie
licknell and William Leeming. Mrs.
1-licknell, is .the , first woniad to serve on
McKillop Council. Former Del-nay reeve
Ralph McNichol has retired.
The representativO for McKillop Township
and the town of Seaforth on the Huron-Pertli
Roman Catholic Separate School board is
Ronald Murray. .
' In Logan Township, the full council and
school board representatives for the area
were acclaitiied.
The Logan township council • includes
Reeve Carl Vock, Deputy-Reeve Laverne.
Gordner, and councillors Joe Vandenb'er ,
Joseph Waite and Edwin (Ted) Inman.
The two representatiVes on the Pert
County board of education are incumbents
Earl Oppenhauser and C. Edwaixt Dearing
These men represent Fullarto Hibbert an
Logan and the town of Mi ell.
, The representativd oft the Perth-Huron
Roman Catholic Separate School Board is
incumbent Arthur Haid.
In Morris Township, Reeve Bill Elston is
facing competition •fronr current council
member Sam Pletch.
Reeve Elston has been a member of
council for 12 years and councillor Pletch, has
been on council for, the past four years.
Deputy reeve Toni Miller is in by
acclamation and councillors Ross Procter
and Bob Grasby are running again for
council along with_.9ewcotner Clare Van
Caine." ,
In Grey Township Roy Williamson is in
again as reeve by acclamation as is the new
deputy reeve, Leona Armstrong Mrs.
Armstrong replaces Cliff Bray who decided
rot to ruin again.
The members of council seeking re-
dection are John, Gillis and John Johnston
and their challengers arc Ed Kratiter, Lyle
Pettapiece and a former council member,
Charles Thomas.
Donald McDonald is in by acclamation as
the representative on the Huron County
board. of education and the police village of .
Ethel trustees are Ronald Cardiff, William
Dobson and Phyllis Pfeiffer:
• Hullett
In Hullett Township, the only two races
which for shaping up are for the position of
deputy-reeve and fot Huron County board of
education representative.
Joe Flunking, who stepped up from
deputy-reeve, was acclaimed reeve. The
councillor who were acclaimed to office are
Joe Gibson former reeve, 'John Jewitt and
John Flynn.
The deputy-reeve's position is being
contested, by two members of council, Tom
Clin`ningliam and Greg Brandon.
Also, John Henderson, who presently
represents Hullett and McKillop. and
Seaforth on the Huron County board of
education is again being, challenged by
fort-der trustee Molly Kunder of Seaforth.
Also, Hullett• Township voters will be
going to the polls to decide whether the
township will allow lounge licences for the
serving of beer and alchohol. The 'township
is presently dry.
) In the village of Hensall, all the pqsitions
cc council were filled by acclamation.
Harold Knight will again serve as reeve,
The councillors are incumbents. Paul
Neilands, and Harry Klungel, with ,new-
comer Richard Packham, a Bendix em-
ployee. At press time, there was still one
vacancy' on council, but' clerk Betty Oke
expected a fourth candidate to file
nomination papers during the day.
The PUC commission was also acclaimed
with inn-tribe-MS Charles Hay' and John
Baker elected for another term.
In Stanley Township, all the seats were
Reeve Toni . Consitt was acclaimed for
another term, as was Deputy Reeve Paul
Steekley. and councillors' Don Brodie, Don
McGreogor and Clarence Rau. •
Robert k. Peck was also acclaimed as the
school board representatie from the area.
ew tural election battles in Huron
inside this week
11 ut'oIi Efxpositor
THE WilAtRO The top wi n ners in the races held at Hullett
CenServation area on'Monday Were (back row): Sandra Baarda, Girl's
Midget ' Champion, from Clinton Christian School; It/lei-Jetta Oskram,
Intermediate champion of Clinton Public School and Senior
charrip,, Pay CarnOchan, Of Huron Centennial School with (front row)
boys' midget champ, Mike Vincent of Hullett, Central School; 'Junior
Champion Austin Roorda of Clinton Christian School; Intermediate soy's
champion 8111 Millson of Hullett 'Central School and Senior 'Boy's
champion, Shane Elliott of 140mesville. )PhotO by Oke)
Centenaires V' first game • P. 12
Robeil SallOWS' Cartoon P. 13
Dr. Hitschmanova P. 22-
' Choir visits veterans . P. 24
• 999