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The Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 6
DIE \VJ2I UUtUAM TIMES i • �,1 Sia lflll a.�11 ti.3iu 9, 161 s. 4je Oliva 1am times ir11IDA-i, 8FItTetelI3k,R 9, 1899. OUR OTTAWA. [E FTE L (recto our own „ urrespum lett.) Ottawa, Sept. ;i,—There seems to Ile a lliisun(fe;atau(ding in sonic quar- ters as to the attitude of the Liberal press with regard to the Administra• *ion of the Yukon and the ttllee(1 wrongdoings or Government officials there. It is claimed that the papers supporting the Government are de- claring that tbe policy* inaugarated :and carried out by the Minister of the Interior is perfect and could not 'ander any condition be improved, while with regard to the officials, the Liberal papers flee represented as declaring there to be absolutely without blemish, and indeed para gons of virtue far above the average mortal. To any unprejudiced reader who bas taken the trouble to watch the discussion, it is scarcely necessary to point out that there is not a sem- blance of truth in either of these -statements. Supporters of the Gov- eminent ove;rnment are fully alive to the :fact that so little has hitherto been known of the conditions in the gold 4eids, that any form of Government must necessarily be tentative andex- perilnental and that the greater knowledge gained by the experience of to -day, may naturally modify and =even reverse the policy of six months ago That individual or minister would be worse then a fool who would refuse to be guided by experience. What is claimed with- out hesitation or reservation is, that an honest effort has been made to taut into force the best possible form of Government under the circum- stances, and the manner in which 3aw and order have been maintain- ed, and the lives, property and ma- terial interests ot the heterogeneous population have been pruteeted, is unique in the history of mining camps midis suelleieut answer to the Critics. THE IMALIGES AGAINST OFFICIALS. As to the charges against officials, the position of the Liberal press has been just as wantonly misrepresent- ed. It is not denied that there has been wrong doing, there may, or There may not, have been, all that is claimed is, that the evidence so far to hand is not of such as, character that any satisfactory decision, or even safe opinion. can be arrived at. The Winnipeg Tribune, which bas been extensively quoted and widely endorsed, by its Conservative con- temporaries in the course it bas pug- xued in this matter, puts the case fairly enough when it says : "The organs of the Tory machine have seized upon every report of dissatis- g:Ietion with Almost savage glee, and whether the subject matter seemed to warraut it Or not, they have glade ell such reports the texts for virul- ent onslaughts on the Minister of the Interior. In the Mind of the intellig- ent, and unbiased reader these undis- xsriminatirg attacks creaite the con- vietirn (which is undoubtedly a i sound one, that the eliicieney or inefs I#ciency, the guilt or corruption, of the Yukon adlninistrt.tion is a !natter of little moment or interest to the -writers of the articles, their sole ob. t ,feet palpably being to injure and discredit the Government, and to bring the leaders of their own ma- rycbine within a measurably closer Range of the offices and tilts patron' t age.- If ge ,.I'f the opposition have so strong a ease against the (Government sure they oan afford to wait for the ine ;`- I Yr t' 0 MAY VOTE ON SEPT, 29, itable developments, which will c tablish thele contentions beyoud an possibility of doubt. I'r 1s-o13KS I30'TH wee' i. Ono of the strange things abot this preferential tariff pulley of ti s, ' Information 'l.'nat s'Vllt leo of Uso to Many Lal,uadlans, Tillenovieetete 1,Isrs Titin 1897 To iiia LINED, SAVE WIIERL IIEVI:i1ONS It HAVE i31ML•':i Main:, ie Liberal party is the ul:uaner in which according to the Opposition press, it works both ways and produces dia- metrically opposite effects. In thei eagerness, for example, to discredl the efforts i'f the Government t bring about a better aniierstaudin between the States and ourselves they have cireulated various rumor inimical to the suecess of the Quebe conference, chief among these being the alleged deterdninatiun of tl "Wheat lists are to be used in the vote en the plebiscite un Tlearsday, Sept, :!diff ?" asked a (Aube repurter r t Uf Mr. Alex. Seguethe Liberal er- t + ganizer, en F'r'iday. "Teat i5 a qualm asked quite g frequently," wits the reply, „and 1 ishall elldaatvur rs/ answer Ghia and 1 ether g ut:stiuils teat seem to came up c regularly. Without referring to the l a use C �I,a u th•a' ,,, s e the, I may say that the le 1 laic iii that any person under the fraueuise act of any PreviewPreviewentitled to vote on August let, .1898, tor a candidate for the Legislative Assemb- ly is entitled to vote on the plebiscite unless he has become disqualified. "In the.t'rruvlut'e at' Ontario someet the municipal lists were finally certified to Were August 1st, and in every suets mane:apatity the lists for the year 1898 will be used. In all other municipalities the lists of 1897 are the hats to be used. "What about registration ?" ' "Tile law provides that when a regestratiuu list is Out more than at year old (so to speak) it shawl ice the list to oe used 10 any muuieipality ,. where regibtratlon prevails. ":are there any exceptions to the Provincial lists?" ' "Yes, there are additions. Take the franchise act of Outario. It es- pecially mentions some classes of uf- lielals as nut entitled to vote, but tie Cording to the new I)uniinion lean- ehise aet surto persons are entitled to vote, without being on the list, pro- vidiug they do not refuse to take the i oath as sea forth in the aut." „Are the returning officers ap pointed tur Provincial ridings or for Dominion eunstittleneies?" -They are appointed for Dominion Constituencies, but the polling did'is- 1 lune to be adopted. are those ebtab • i lished fur the purposes et Provinuial !elections. Where there are 110 pee- vinetal polling divisions the plaices fixed by the Iaws of the Pruvifice fon taking the vote and the lists used at suets places fur a Proviueial elee- tien shall be , the places and lists used." "I have seen it stated that the lists to be used i:1 this Province are the lists used on 1'larcb 1st lash" -Yes, that is true, wherever the lists have not been revised for 2898 by .August 1st." "Do I understand you, then, to say that the retu'•ning officers are appointed for the Dominion tollgate. - emits; that the polling divisions to be followed are the PioSineial poll- ing divisions; that the lists to be used are the Provincial lists of 18971 or the lists of 1898 wherever the latter were completed on or before August 1st?" "'Yee, that is the law in brief, (without mentioning the exception above noted, with reference to cer- tain classes of officials); but it dies not always necessarily follow that because a man's name is on tbe list be is entitled to vote. Ile may, by change of residenee or from some reason, have becomnedisquallied from voting." "Where -are the lists obtained?" ''l'he lists for the .plebiscite vote t are obtained froth the doeal custod- ian. The custodian in our province is the Clerk of the Peace." American Continissioners to refuse to consider better trade terms, unless Canada snakes the impossible conces- sion of repealing the preferential tar- iff with the Motherrland. Right alongside this sapient an• uouncernent appear articles Ctluwing conelusivel v (i') that the effect of the preferential clause so far has been to greatly decrease British inverts and inerease the amount cif imports (rout the States. If this is the fact is it possible that the keen American trader would wish to kill tbe goose that is laying his golden egg? No; our Food friends, the political econ- omists of the Conservatite camp, Must try again—they are wel- come to take whiebev er position they prefer and stick to it, one has as little solid ease as the other, but they should not insult the intelligence of their readers by asking them to accept both propusitious and recon- cile them. Tat, EFFECT OF FREER. TRADE. it is a significant fact that the year ending June 80th last, which witnessed an increase of $44,000,000 in the trade of Canada, was the yhar in rvilicla the operations of the prefer- ential tariff brougtit us nearer tree trade than we have ever been be- fore. This will not be denied by the ultra -protectionist for his slain criti- cises was that the prelerence intend ed for the Empire alone, was benefit- ing a score of other countries as well. It is no new experience for the pro- teetianist to exercise his ingenuity to make the facts lit his theories, --dere is another opportunity for him. A GR0tJ DL..SS ATTACK. About a month ago certain East- ern papers gave prominence to a complaint from a firm of biscuit ini- porters i2_ the maritime provinces that they bad been unjustly assessed additional customs imposts upon bis- cuits imported by them from the L ulted States. The complaint be- came of public interest because it was not only insinuated but definite- ly asserted that this action was taken by the Department because the Min- ister of Customs was a biscuit rnanu- lacturei'. The charge was so en- sure that it attracted very little attention et the time, though a couple of weeks later IN. -ben i1r. Pat- erson returned front his h,.lidays, he Look the trouble to netive it to tbe extent of quoting the regulations made long before he became Minis- ter of the Department to show that I1tli this partieular instance, e s uppo5lug the facts were exactly as stated, the elerks in the Department were sim- ply following the usual routine. Of tbe specific case ander consideration he i tinister, of course, had no per- sonal knowledge. One' would suppose that this ex- planation would have settled the matter, but the Mail and Empire re- ttrns co the attack and quotes anoth- er alleged case, somewhat similar. The further allegation that this pro- cedure has been followed 10 she case of biscuits alone, is absolutely without foundation. Aft goods are appraised aeeordingly to the price: list in the hands ot the eheeking elerks. when a nierehant pays duty on the invoices lie submits, it is with a clear understanding that, he will be 'table for lurcher a larges if these invoices are found, when com- pared with the price list, to be under the schedule valuation. It isnovere• Bitable to Canadian journalism that these Unfounded attacks should be so frequently made upon the personal integrity of the Miele - tees •of the Crown. Sarsaparilla l la and O3OtAVA P Z The Greatest of all Liver,. Stomach and Blood Mediciries. A $Ptg(ilpK,l 'raga Rheumatism, flotit,•&/ld Chronic Cfitpplallnta. Cleanse RN Purify tlke Blood. . Drilitgists and General Dealers. Globe Loa! a+tCa Savings Co., oor. ot '.Vietolia and Lombard Sts.. Toronto. SV: Day, 141amager Globe Loan r: 'Savtogs Cu,, says : ' l consider Dr. Obese s Otntwment lnraluable," we have thou. *ands of testimonials ttinm protrrinettt" beehive! men all over the Dofniniotd" I7R. 1'OWLERee EXTRACT •Oli' WILD STRAWDEItalt. DNothing has yet been Sound to su per - see it for Dttt:rn:te t, Dy.ientsry,L3 holera eratnp3. Oahe and Saullner Comp) aunt. on't take a sebotitute. tnssstea gett- ing the genuine. Seasonable Advice, "Sec. heah; Resettle," said the ,good old colored deacon to his eldest son, 'To' all ant gwine out inter de wicked wort' ter make er Iivin,la yo'?" "Yes, sub," replied the youngster, "I'se dobe gwine ter try gittin 'long on ma own book," "Den erbottt all I'Se got ter -sate I€ascus, am des 'beak,"eontinned the old mail : "Don't try ter breok de .re. cord blowin troth Offen beer ; don't 4111et ter raisin poultry in de light oh de moon an don't loaf rotted in trout rit do Wu' part of er mule. An may de good Lawd !tab Itlerey ori yeah soul." Roan's Kidner Pills are the Ingot oftret.ivel reeiedy known for weak. ! irt'n. fill belts ; Dropsy, Diabetes, I3righee Disease, ited'rtnent'1I the urine/ and " all kidney and bladder troubles!, Ares t..s.et• f err ��A 1 l r 11#1'} 11' s. li . P,r I)n CUAtst" Y1811'1:1(1 WIN Stoic. liaised from aged of Dr. Cltase'is Cntnrrit Care and :Kid ne}'-Liver I';Ilt+ Conitailae,l for Perfect Interesting- Cure nterestingCure After bong Sant:ring. SI:Incoe, Tan, 18th, 1597. Messrs, I.dmanson, Dates, and Co,, To- ronto, Ont, :— Gentlemen,—For over five months I was eonlined to ray bed, not being able to move. The begat medical skill was called In, all treating me for catarrh of the stomach, but to no avail, I could not eat the. most simple food without being in dreadful misery, and found no relief until same was vomited up. Atter spending .a large suns. Gln n edict•.1 advice, I was advised to try a. box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, I said it was no use, for I considered mine a. hopeless case from which I could not recover, At length I par - chased a box from T. Austin and Com- pany, Simone, and to my surprise found great relief. Not being able to eat I tr:ed a box of Dr. ,Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills; the pains left me the third da)'. My appotOte has been fully restored. I cnnrider myself pesfect)y cured, and feel as well as when a young woman, although I am 65 years old at present. I was aliuost a shadow, now 1 am as fleshy as before •my sickness. Have used only three boxes of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and only tivo boxes of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I can do my house work as usual. I am positive that n:,I• marvellous cure (which T think it Is) is due purely •to Dr. Chase's remedies, which T diave used. I can honestly recommend the some to any persons suffering from symptoms similar to mine. Wishing you every success. Yours, truly, MRS. ANN CHURCHILL, Sr. Untruthful Clocks. When I an) travelling I never put the slightest confidence in a house. hold cluck. A betel clock ,I can de- pend upon. There are too many watches in a hotel—good watches, watches whose absolute correctness means money to the commercial men who regulate the travelling life of this country. A lying clock would be spotted in a quarter of a second, and the unhappy clerk scourged with pitiless s'trcasnl5 therefor. In the course of ruse wanderings up and down this part of the globe I missed a few trains and lecture engage. - meets by depending upon clocks in thsr homes of try friends Having thus paid for many le.-sons—fifteen or twenty thousand dollars, I think, --by my cwn Cotnpil'fttion of the value of niyr lectures (set ahead a little bit, you ktiow,it might be a t)'i• fie fast; T haven time to lorrk up the exact figures). I withdrew all my trust from mantle (-leeks, espec- ially the highly ornattlental marble r and gilt variety tvlrh the sliver bells or cathedral chirlaee.•--Ladies' Home •Joureal. AN A.W PUL COLD. Mrs. Win. Darken, rings (prove. Ont., pays : "I recommend Dr. Wood's Nor- way Pine Syrup tor (J iugbe. Colds, Hoarseness. and Sore Throat. 1 had ,In awful cold and could hardly opealr. One bottle of Norway Mine Syrup cured inc completely." The thickening of the plot frequent- ly thins the audience.# Some women are Blot as hod era they are painted and some artists are not as bad as they paint. There is method in some people's nuttiness, it is said, but method never yet saved madness from disaster. Children Cry for CAST Ip An epidemic of kora eyes is tr'ottbl. int; the cattle in the vicinity of WWI. 1011. , Coal's Cotton Itooi; Componlrti to nut', (' study used monthly over 10.009 Ladle,!. .Snfr, nffr©tnat, l,adle,task pimad.'Tlak' ri other for iill bflxturne ri1� and irritations are clatngnrcntg. 1'1'1041.14o, 1,41 . r UM, NO.*, re degrees ltrnngefr. Viper box. No. 'tor J. nlanett on re(" t)it of pries arm two i:rent, Nt�aui]M ,'1 Ii , L'er+k.Onmpn,,y Wttlttaor (tnf. F-- Ntwt, r an4 9 sett# nntl rnl'Istm'sIded i,y *1i raepoueible Ilrngtatn'"t Canada. kn. t -Ind No, .o, for :mire by Cahn A. Cm/Wolf, , S,e.rn1ATl1 Sul<li'<IT w..r.''ri3, M 'f'IIC)DIST---1tov. Dr. J'Occ•u.•, pee or. Servicee at 11 a nt and 7 p i'l;,itNEYT'IiRIAN-•-Iiev. 1). z'errie pastor, Services at 11 a nt and 7 p EPISCOPAL, St, Paul's—Rev. Lowe, rectos Sorvutes at 11 as 111 ant:! 7 p liAP7.'IST--•-Itev, Jus. Hamilton, pas- t tor. Service's at 11 I1 in and 7 p to CONG REGATlONA &-•-i tmv. 11. 1+;. r and Mason, pasta!', 'Services at, 11 a !t t 7 pt}mr r, r�Y r (` ` yt /� (y CII {viSTXAN i'4O1�1KE Wt --- Misses Omtrana and Lock in ai.nrn und, Seniees t at 3 p nt and 8 p n). SAlA'a,; XONARM--Adjutan1Miles and wife in cotutnand. Morviees at 11 a. in, 3prn and 8pm, In mil ot the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2-.30 p Berore. After. 'Wood's Pho>;p%o8J iio, The Great .Englieit Nemeth. Sold and reeommended by all druggists in Canada. Only tell. able medicine discovered ,Sax packages guaranteed to pure ail forms of Sexual W,'akness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on ^eceipt se price, one package $1, six, 35. One milt ;:tease, siztuili euro. Pamphlets free to any address. The Woad Company, Windsor, flat" Sold in Wingbam by Colin a Campbell, Druggist. AK of AIILTWON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Ileal, , 1'75,000President—JOHN:'rrrARr, Vice-rreeidoni—A. (:. RAattiAt, DII1ZO'T'OIMS JORN PROOTOR. Usa, 1lo.tmi, WM 611n:30N, hi 0, A. T. WOOD, A. i3. Liss (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, Saviragia Iitanri—Tlours, lata 3; Satnrdays,10 to Deposits of g1 and upwards receive(' and Interest allowed. Special 2 01lO3ita also received at current rates of SL -:rest. 'Drafts on Great Rental)) and the United Stata bought and »old W. CORBOLD, A0r.7r E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.. !Wormy go l..oaL. 072 Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONA33LC RATES Money advanced an 41ortgaees at ti poi oentwith pririletre of paying at the end of any year. Not,. and accounts collected. ROUT. ItfeIIvI1OO. Boavar Meek win,rham, Out (,RAN D 1'111JN RkULWARY. DEPART ARRIVE Toronto and East 6 110 aa. m. 3 05 p. rn 130p. in 11) Jap n :Palmerston rnixect 8 55 s in 3 (15 v to London and South 0 .53 a nt 11 IO e m s 00t pen 8 R U p m 11 JO n, 0 50(. m 33Opm 33Opm 10 35 p nI S Bu a In 1 incardiue AGENTS: ',1E;INI(AL INSURANCE AGENT —18 I'ui'i,1S1I1;D •- . ENTRY 7:'1111).11'ORN1N , TUB -- TIMES OFFICE, JGnnpHn',E STgli r INGILAM, ONTAlt10. 8ubeerilt tdou prtec, t;I Dor yaar,1u advance - DVERT1hIN(I IIATI.R --. Sj.ntIO -.-1 1 _y4' .1 (i tna. Ono Column 900 00540 00 half '• 40 ,101 10 quarter" eu 011 1 1„ no "t.e inch } 8 an i a 00 1 J uiu. I too • S t3 05 i 88 oa Is 00 000 70> I 8 o 200 1o0 Lon at nod t !Iter oasnn, adPErltauu art, ti • per lino fnr ON: iasurtion,aud 3c per lino o, each subsequent • !mention. Mo..t,tued by nonpaenll Baala, ,.oa'tt notieus lac, per 3i,,e toe flesh Insertion, and 52. per lino for each suber.luset ,na't'tier, and Busirness hntot cs Lost, Found, not exceed nK $ Iipa nnuparcit, 0t for first month, and 60o. for Saab sui,scquent marn:h, ilo03es and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lino„ 61 for !list month, toe. !per subsequent month Larger adroniern,rut, in n•nportfao, TheSpecial trates!tll toulMerl adval•ertz eto z,w,its, longer periods, or or Advertisements and toted notices without spealfla directions, will be inserted till forbid and char ed accordingly, Tf81,nitua';• adverti3Unletlte must be paid 10 advance the oltico by Wednesdays noon, In3Cnts orcleritos appops - that week If, i3, ELLIOTT, YaoYSIRrou ANn PUBLt$9Rri. "nit, F. 11. NALIlrLEISoll, PII1'SICX.AN, SUE.. A (setae AND t0t'f,Ut;111 (7;i. Sncressurrto Dr. W. Outlaw 1111USS ETA OTT. 1st Class Honor 0t.;duate of the Universities of Trinity (Toro :1r.) it, teen s (Tito„stns,), and Of Trin- ity biedlcal l:uilree; Fallow of Trluity Medical college and .Met, her et the College,f lrhv$lciat,S. and Ru:::coos 15 Ontario. Post Oradtntts Course ire to Detroit 1 'sl;ir0oseeiatt`iseas,.of NyulNose and Thtoeand I,iseasts of Women. (lcnsult,,.inn ir, 1',nelish au$ !serums. it0'eat.,t','l, tirattad succe,tmlty in alt its togas. VAN .4 zk 04 RRLIISTIIR, beLICiTojt, Etc., Private and Ccn,pany tunds to loan at, lowest rate - interest. No cou,ndcs,un °hamlet:. Mortgages, town: and :arae prepert3 buurrbt am' sold ore lou iieavtr 13inek Aa'itieliu, _ J. A. MORTON It ARieisTEle, AA'nigh an, Ont. • L. DICNCescis, BA11RIST7::I1, ETC. SOLICITOR TO DANK OF ILAIlILTON, iroNEY TQ.• lotN. OOlee--b)evcr $tock• Wiugham u. CA3IY.aoa, I./ASSISTED, Sr,LICI:COlt, CONVEYANCES, Sao,. 011iee-.Corner llamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colbernu Hotel. C,UURR[CET, ONTARIO. DN (TIST1t1,—J. S. JEI103113, L. D. S.,WINGBAN. ,rV elre tueifisn” nhtrp as h y -can hemsndn•- —.in the Dominion. Teeth extraote* absolutely without pain, by sus neW proeoss, guarantoctl putle, tly safe. OFFICE: In the Waver Block, appetite the Brunswick Houma. ( USN Book business is better than for years post ; also hare better at,d faster selling. books. At;outselear• in) fro,n:310 to $40 weekly. A few lenders are ' (21,000Vitoria' "Life of ilr. 0ndstaur.," „bit Mothers Bible Stories" "Prottrecsite scooter," "kinndfke (:old h'iold," "Women." "0111upses nt the Unseen,' "0t- 1cfast, Dinner, Supper, !looks nn time. 1311ADLtyGAaR1TSoN CObu'ANY, I.tstrran. Toronto, wrn*Gr_nIV STEAM PIMP %NORKS 'nt t4E,w AALL IEEL U ielliq tP L MY. r r fi f,:9 >f amen xt~ et rill iti Mitring Ifitillith eti },Gtr, a1,€ire hfieltfpe from 111r. /Metal Were/see., f seri leas' prepared to (teepee MN hitt tic With W0041 nod !tiot #"ofFP l>rp 141ft linnttioR itvo l id Iron ejef i disi'4,oft Iron Totoinky 4.:;'00.o?FemQ VirntilN Trotwilk, Minh NI lout le14 ii1Htt,, 411 f ek:1 11411 1011010f WA PeYAtvrij' i in Nit, tistutr7J t*' th b)Xt6f. ibtlfr 4HPf. 1ffilti t,l-/ 4 4;ti+t1 Vnteitedi !I fr•f'lr+ftetaf anti toeuttttets teeter; thew Itself poops N lfaaltlrhrow trtheeij,fd off iii, iir4t+ ifrtth trrrfitdata tr ficialrfl ltyt1t+hittlq depth- I,l i4'hil. All wok j/,tIssnf,fefel let' WI bilk ".NYJ I[ .i ('Y I est rrAR 1%hx 1111 leentillti,Hr that. WivonAnl, oarAntos ` 111 A:�S, JR., W1Newtm, L4CENS,tn AUCTIUNI,ER 1rOte .,11E CUURTIT 05' MAWS. • Solos attended In any part of the Co. ChargeID- Moderate. J OLIN 011111.1:1 h, WINCLUti1r, ONT., LICENSED 4.`SFP AUCTIONEER. ' TIUN" uI.I(. Sales of Paan Steel/ and Farm Implement% specialty. All elders lett at. the Toms ordeepro,uutly atasn$ ed�to, Term,'raennable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 0 $+ , ,Urtnip C,tkdonla, atJo. 4). myeetp. 011?)y 1o0/115, in ,hi 4hid6 Ail owe! lh41.. Viq ting Meth r00 Wuic, in. J. Jlurral'. Chief. D Stew- art N', n .ylt e WANTED 5,nf ,q n,oe an w u,lnln, nr ohler ones+• 5 gill, ,t Utsfsu itt spirit., of undonSte, iftt.j .f t, t, 5Jn',t 1 dlte+'n, ourhltfuus anti lnduatrious wit, f18,f 11145(4.1 wilt hs a good cause, with '40 pet IUNIIth my; oil* nrenrnrt,tir to abi.itt'. Jlt v, '1', 14, LtNI3Cu1"J , Toaoaro, le steel TED. 8ta.t, ut,lar'afltt=rr, thaw or commission to Mutt Welt. itafepluo, AJ1VBST181:n, *Wood Building, Toronto. WAWTBIL bi'ftt!t•HlN;ste t'1)a Ii✓tttrn,stu'ur'tt 311+'f eau aorlt loud' tntkfn}C an I .heel for elx da s a iv ek and will Iva r•,tltt,dil 5011 Um dolt4rs weekly. ,ld,Ir,'ns ; h.1tIAV 11)1145 Cu , •roltoaro. lt . tES ;1%41g I !h1 t r"ueNtlola leet lwtr'urho,nh(rIanwtn,m1n t 1rf e.o- trt ANT 'UuUdIt,OlN9mandrohtherut)tal,thtoimcin 114 Liaheutr I'Cnnsrustn Co, TnItOXrq JOB PRINTING. ilf'I.tiiiltJlt !tanks, Pamphlets, Pbetars, at !!:,hili!! !lie t411t1't)tar(moderate prices, and on rht ogle I,'ttt+ 4. Apply At' vddreas J.I. 0. i r t.toDr. 7,' oto oltice, Winghaes. 0444,... BOOKOINDINC. Nh, nn' p,"yawl 10 annonneo that any Book, of tl',N,ishies 1„fe n lth ttr for u Ilimmngi, will have oar x)u1mp'ptOfit m4145brbr0a/ay*11)1r 3 .1n See Lei teen in Tagil , dot sup 3s t •0n@ the not Rift; firs) P11i one the • tiro 11r. pre! ..live Th( mfii rho ren •on pr( mo. • Ti: •st1 sp •O pr I1C .ot dt tc 11 e t k •c 1