HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 5f+„ THE W.fix!GHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER VICTORIES' FOUR MEDALS -4001d and 1 Silver, World's Canton - mal Cotton Exposition, New Orloanit,1984, MOH .STAWArtCIO-Nebraska AarlculturaiFair,1587 PiPLONSA--Alabama AF•'1 Society, Montgomery, 108.1. stwee ?•-.Ghottshoocnie Valley i;tpug, ion, golum• bus, Qa., 1688. Hiesiess. AWAR --St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association, 15E9, Its COLO iYIEDALS and 0 DIPLOMAS -World's Colum- bian fxrr,sirn , Chicago, ifO3• aNiC"EST AWA ftns--WcaternFair Association, Lou.DO �n✓r�filr tt 114.9a,;;c , OM1, •diii i 1,; «. �-.;., nor., Canada, 1[93. 1.:rr-vcn Nt Si AL --Industrial Exposition, Toronto, Can,, 1695 ;;38v,W+iw =carte Comfort Itau.tc•s hold to ,iT. n. 1s#. 18137 Femme tttnst-atet1 is sold nn; i fr-m onr own witgonaat a sttlifort.a nriw throufihut,t t'.:uad,L and. the United Staub. 'two of o»on hearth, cold rolled steel -plate and. malleable �r'An—.wlll Lost a ltie-tlmo with ordinary caro. ;.I a'OUGC- T BROM RANGE CO.9 geliftetTED 1}'oundea 1se4. said -up Capital $1,00o.0oQ Factories, t3alosroores and Oiihoos: Tanoarre, CANADA, and ST, IOUs, ESO., Western 3a1o11rooma and QiUoos: DENVER, CU&(D.. jPZ-V`ro auanufaetnro a•+d asrru. a ootnnlste stools o2Boto1 'Maumee and aitohen geode; also the ronesTaa.let131Si)fIE coetur Laos twee', esustd'FACTs,9. Write for oatalot;'ue auci prices. J . A. Latimer has opened a branch of the above business in Walkerton. Repairs for old Ranges will be made free of charge. •a+A.l,�Ys{iv:l•,r<:`.eX• 4Y.•.•,WCT.7.[Y. Mineralized Leat WA er cArr LO FREE Ii i c Kidduek"---A .i;I ta.nrleclso that water `creeps" off it, perspir- ation evaporates through it, and friction wears it slowly. Can. be boiled in hot water without injury. Made solely for the $4. and $5. grades of the Goodyear Welted. Slater Shoe ria.... N. 1 •4.tlk,i„111iLYi/63;1'IYii1v.144..Y.I.[L,•Lf,,._:•4rM.,'eSL.%454MJN,1MMiil,ii,11,1 ...4.1.1444*• Hb 44,34. Far Sale Oniy by & BOWLES. BUGGIES! SUR IES ! Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness 011 and Soap. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R. J. AC M A T H. GREAT... Slaughter Sale In order to make roost for our large stock of fall goods which are daily arriving, we will offer for the net thirty, days goods at lower prices than have ever before been'shown in» Wingharn. Dress Goons in hnctiiy different patterns. and colors worth 40c .fir 3.0c.. Also a few Remnants at greatly reduced prices.; Wool' Delaines worth 40c for Sac. Fine Organdy Lawns,beautiful patterns, -worth 15c for toc. Linens and Linenettes worth 15c for I = z c. Prints, usual price 1ec for 6c. Ginghams, usual price Sc for 5c. Table Linens wqrth 45c for 33c. Linen Towels worth J5c for e5c. Also a few Shirt Waists and Ladies Wrappers i't ill be sold i t A bargatil. r r. . A 'nice line of Black acid -'Ian Kier Gloves worth 75c for hoc. Call and see our nice; new Iine of T)ress.Goods'tn Blacks and Colors. We will be pleased to show them to you. :■ 0 IL BELGRAVItl. Miss May Kennedy, of Blyth, was the guest of Miss Mary Vannorman. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle of Gatetta,' Ont , are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Geo.1 II, David. Messrs. Watson and Geddes have I purchased a beautiful Brantford' chopper, and are prepared to do ehopping on the shorrest notice. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson, of Clifton, Kansas, who have been renewing old aegeaintances, returned to their horse last week. Qaite a large crowd took in the Toronto fair last week and more will follow this week, A box social is announced to take place at the residence of R. J. Tufts, under the Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian church on Sept. 26rd. Every body welcome. BEL MORE. ' Mr, Robt. Lane bas gone on a trip to Manitoba and Dakota. • Mr, Bobt. Wilson has gone to Manitoba on the harvest excursion. Snyder, Lake Odessa, Michigan; Airs. Miss easel() Barton is visiting J. G. Stewart, er Rosenfeld, Mani - Needs in Toronto and attending the toba, and Mary and Susie who re- main at lime. The funeral took place on Saturday and was very largely attended. Mr. Collie was a trusted employee of the G, T. It., a. genial friend, a kind husband and an indulgent father. Mr. Charles Fraser, B. A., has accepted a position on the staff of Ctilhingwood High sehoul at a salary of $1100. Mrs. William Messer has returned from Ypsilanti, Mich., accompanied by her daughter, Cora, who has been visiting their several weeks, 9, 1898, i3LTJEVALI':. Phe ninny friends of Mr. John. Collie,awere sadly bari:rised to bear of his sudden deal on Thursday morning ()Mast week. Air. Collie had been in poor hettith for more than a year but had no dangerous malady, On Wednesday he took congestion of the brain and slept away, dying without a struggle next rnornin .ir. Collie was horn in AM.urray�shire. Scotland, neturl-v sixty-- five years ago, Ile came to this eonntry in 1856 and settled in Wood- stock, Ile entered the se, vice of the G. N. R. et I3eachville in 1868 and had been connected with railway service for thirty years when failing health compelled hits to resign his position as agent at l3lucvale last December, ivhteh position he had held during the last, twenty-one years, 1-Je leaves a wife, two sons and four daughters; Henry Collie, engineer on Clicag i and Northwest• ern, iMatshlield, Wisconsin; John Collie, jr., who suceceded his father as agent at Iliuevale; Mrs. (Dr.) ex hr hition, Misses Sadie and Bertha Mulvey, of South Dakota, who have been vis- iting their parents during the sum- mer vacation, returned to their horse last week. Miss Maggie Hooey, of Toronto, is spending a month's holidays with her parents. Misses Ada Ilugill and Florence Bremner have gone to Walkerton to attend the Model School and Miss Emma Cbittiek has gone to attend the Walkerton High school. Airs, John Latnonhy is visiting Miss Alice Duff is attending Clin- fr"iends in Hamilton this week, ton Collegiate Institute. Mr. Anderson,, whose barn was struck by lightning during the recent storm has decided t', erect a new one irnmediately, Mr. Edwards has put in a cider ty are attending the Toronto 'Exhi- mill in connection with his saw mill, bition this week. and is doing considerable work with Messrs, A. 111eEwen and Robert it. Black are auditing the, Iiluevale flax company's hooks this week. Mr. W. J. Duff and the Misses Duff visited over Sunday with Mrs. William Sproat, Seafortla. Mr. R, L. Stewart, of this village, who resigned his position as sciel>,ee master in Alexandria. high school this summer, intends to study Inedi• ciue. Mr. i'ldgar Coude:;, principal of Ripley public sehoul, spent Sunday at his haute here. A goodly number from this vicini- WROXEniER, • Mr. Joseph Thompson has moved his , family and household..effeets to Brussels. Miss Sara Bray is visiting with friends in Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy are spending a few holidays with friends at Niagara and St. Catharines. Rev, T. Hall, of Winghenl, is taking charge of Mr. Kennedy's work dur- ing his absence. Mr. and Mrs. John Brethaur are away on a driving tour, visiting friends at Georgetown, Toronto and Other points. Miss Laura Hodgson, of Wingharn, was visiting with friends here last week. Miss Mary Hazlewood was visiting with Ciill'ord and Harriston friends, A number from this section are taking in the Industrial Fair at Toronto this week; Rev. R. S. G. Anderson occupied bis own pulpit on Sunday, after an absence of a few weeks, Miss Pearl Snell, of Goderieh, was visiting with her aunt, Airs, T. F. Miller. Mrs. Thos. Gibson and daughter Edith have returned from their visit to Parry Sound. Miss Crookes, of Brussels, was visiting with bei friend, Miss Minnie Heinphilt. Messrai. Gibson St Barnard have disposed of their oatmeal mill and business to Mr. Thos. Hemphill, of this plate. They are taking stock prior to the new proprietor taking possession. Fat t is absolutely neces- sary as an article of diet. If it is not of ,the right kind. it may not be digested,. Thep the body will ,not get enough of it. in this event there is fat -starvation. Scott's Emulsion supplies this needed fat, of the right kind, in the right gdantity, and in the form already I d' t d ages e party .< • . Asa result all the organs See w line of nvielopeg atarta tissues take on activity. sot. II(t $a.ie,.it:iltlfisiaati. 1wy $GOTTaat.oeValt, Chosiiste,Tama*. *The'lliltrilS Office, SLAi''OET1-1. run eleven years, and the owner says it was perfectly safe. A strong west wind was blowing directly from the engine to the barn, which was ecu - pletely surrounded. with Straw, The fire oeaurred just as the men left the barn for supper. They just got to the Nesse, e, distanee of about four rods, when the last roan to leave th.e, barn savr a. small cloud of'smoke issuiug from the straw at the barn door, The alarm was quickly given, but the devouring element was too quick for any human strength, The smoke immediately burst into flumes and with one gust of wind it was carried to the straw stack at tte far side of the barn. Meanwhile able hands ran to rescue the horses, but the flames were too quid;, and after taking out one span, the fire drove the rescuers out, leaving another span to perish. In getting the first two out one man was severely scorched about the head, and had a narrow escape. it Rims strange that the ales in broad daylight could not save tbe horses, but had they not just left the bat n for supper, all could not save themselves. To save the machine was entirely out of question. Half the big belt was also burnt, together with all the threshers forks' and coats.. Mr. Richardson had some insurance on the barn, but none on the contents; so his loss is heavy. Mr. Bird, the thresher, had no insurance on his mill, and his loss is estimated at $500. _ The citizens of this town were. Sunday evening greatly shocked as word passed rapidly from one to another of the sudden death of Mr. George Ewing, sen. Mr. Ewing was enjoying his usual health, attended church Sunday evenitig, and after ser - vines expressed his interest in a ser- mon on Psaltns 40, 7 and 8, preached by his pastor, the Rev. Dr. Alacdon- aid, He went home, spent a little tripe in reading his Bible, then read 'a paragraph out of the record. and aft- er banding the paper over to .his wife expired. He pawed away without ;t 1 warning. His wife anti daughter were alone at the time atltl caunot'. realize that he is dead it wasso sudden.' EwingMr was sine of the'earliest citizens of .Seafortli and for many years carried on business of hatcher, but eight or ten years ago gave up his business. He was about 70 'years of age, a good ueigbbor, a true.friend a good citizen, .'a kind end- Ioving hushartd and father, lie was a na• tive of (:lackruatlnanshir', ,Scotland.. He leaves two sons and two delight. ere The eldest sop,` Dr. Frank; lea present at Brooklyn, B.C:, George is at Rat Portage, His eidest.daughter is at Moonie and has beets organist of the L.'resbyterian Church f,''sr. some years daughter,past. Another daughter, Jennie, is a nurse in New York. JAMESTOWN... School teachers of, this vieleitj' holidayed on Monday.,. Labor Day only those 'Aho forgot all about, it.. From our village those who took in the Toronto exhibition are Mr. Malcolm ii'raser, lir.. Geo. War - lane, Mr. Wm. Morris .and Jas, and Miss Bella McDonald; , • s Nellie ,Patterson, of Detroit, oit, ,is spending a niont'h visiting her sis. ter, Mrs. Ab. 1xiatuip' ltna ' athea friends. , . , , - •T... Great Fire—On Friday 1'aist� 'we; bard a most disastrous fire in midst. it ells the barn of Mart ban. 1tii+haari son, together with..'a, good span of horses valued . at `.1.50; a sensori tun Separatets, every• particle of lilt teest g'raI1iaaafi(i'e>le pig: The disuse ni' the fire was supposed to be ''»"i t » m-4team engine. Mist :*aas t1 r esbing there tst the tulle. • .it 'wee CHURCH COtJRTS May Differ and Split Hairs on Doc- trinal Points, but may Join Hands for Humanity in Proclaiming the. Virtues of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. Catarrh, that dread menace to human- ity, attacks the high, the low, the rich, the poor, the learned anti the illiterate, but Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is the sovereign cure and needs no more reliable testimony of its efficacy to cope with and cure this disease than that such •ernlnent divines as Rev, W. R. Withrow, Methodist ; l3isbop Sweatmau, and otlher prominent leaders in the Church' courts, who have over their own signatures' testified of its virtues. What better'evidence for you that it wiI1 c.ire you. Sold; by A. L, Hamilton, Wiugham. B.RZIISSLLS. The Post is -having its week off. The East Boron fall fair to be held here on October 6 and 7, will surpass: any of the former fairs. Many'f°special features are being added'•lethis • yeare Several ,good speeding contests are promised for the second day of the fair. J. W,:'13tashiil, wife and children, went on • a visit. to relatives and friends at Ypsilanti and Northville, Mich. Itlr, W. H. Kerr is in Toronto -at- tending. the General Conference of the Methodist church. Work on St. John's church rectory is moving alons rapidly, and with good weather the work will soon be completed. The :anniversary sermon to the Canadian Order of Foresters will be preached by 2ev. Mr. McRobbie, High Chaplain, in the Methodist chureh,here on Sunday nestit is expected that a large number of visiting Foresters will be in attend- ance: ; 60,200. Plebiscite campaign traets and iI erature have been ordered by the biding. Executive for diistt iltil+it> in East Huron. The bundler u• eagle municipality will be forwarded *runt Toronte to each municipal Praeidenti and: will be divided up to the t•aariouts sections by him.. Melville church looks vert' much batter for its new dress of paint. James 1Vallter, who has lr'ta,l 111 the eerriage business in town for the past 12 ypare, sold out to 1). envatn„ the well known blaeksniith, and Walter Innis, of Morris, '1`1i' new firm have taken possession and wilt have Mr. Walker with the'is f'lr a. month, Mr. Walker will dispose o,< the new rigs he had on hated. A, CONVJiETFD PITY E KlinVe1'. With the Aid of Sourth American Kidney Cure, Nurses his "Hope- less" Cases back to Health. A. prominent physician writes this of diabetes: "Personally until very teuvut• iv I has se never known au absolute euro," lint this saws physician says t'irther that he has noted the wondertni word accomplished in patients of his t,y youth tmsrtcau Kidney Cure; patieua.n wlane, he had ceased to treat becaua<i in his estimation thole was no cur,3 and uo hope. What a tribute this is to be the medical genius in the compout rliot of this great remedy—this kidney ritienmfic. it soothe, heals and cures the diseased parts. Does it quickly and per:banent ly. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Win;ham. KINCARDINE. A quite honse wedding toik place Wednesday morning at the reside,nee of Mr. John tentless, when his eldest daughter h'iiss Lottie, was united in holy wedlock to Dr. W. J. ilruee'of this town, only relatives and a few intirnalte friends beim. present. Miss Louise Millar was bridesmaid, while Mr. Ed. Rinker supported thr. ;Vroom. the ceremony was performedI by the Rev. Chas, Miles, M. A., rector of the Church of England. Dr. and Airs. Bruce left by the afternoon i rain for a two weeks' tour of the St. 1 .wrenee and Lake Champlain district, accom- panied by the best wishes c'f their numerous friends, amidst sliawers of flowers. 111r. George McLagan, of iSsr•atford, was elected President of the Canadian Furniture Manufactures' Asa, eiation. The People's ralth Firmly Grounded Upon Real Merit -They Knox Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely and Permanently Cures When All Others Fall, Hood's SarsapariIIa is not merely a simile preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock, Stii- lingia and a little Iodide of Potassium. Besides these excellent alteratives, It also contains those great anti -bilious and liver remedies, Mandrake and Dande- lion. It also contains those great kidney remedies, Uva Ursi, Juniper Berries, and Pipsissewa. ;+Tor are these all. Other very valuable curative agents are harmoniously com- bined in Hood's Sarsaparilla and it is carefully prepared under the personal supervision of a regularly educated pharmacist. Knowing these fact!, is the abiding faith the people have in Hood's Sarsaparilla a matter of surprise? You can dee wlty Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, when other medicines totally, absolutely fail. - Hood's Sarsaparilla lathe best -in fact the One True 13lood Partner. Sold by all druggists. Si; six for $5. Mood's pill,. are the best after-dinner Dills. aid digestion. 25e. MBER I • Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take -eare of them forgot,. If you need • SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES buy' thefll from us. Also a full line' of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to;. ice. Jk=t• TOL'CT 17T "►1 .13/01/fir OViletiKS A.I`T3 JEWELExt. s. 01• VER ,111131 WESTERN•NOON ri , 1898. SEr'1'EMi3E t ' 8th ittitriea close 7th Sept'ornber.' Space aalettxt receipt of entry'. Onr ajitreetions will be grand, and exit is tsnrpaataea. 'Yeti an,. sae i.1l that Others QM quota, alta to hatter advantage. OW le goads. Prince O'Kabe' • :, Sib 1ts'daah filen Air's 'teeing, acid ratan tsther uncial., the est in the eoutitry, ' T „ work. each evening, hIalewinit tip the Sestet o" . 'iete't las alit ring and ataahi arra, nue. 'i4pe6iat eictltaibbai :trains 1069e bion cit at tO p. rn. .&u neer, so you nn it.y to We fireworks. Auction bate of 1finths and 1'' ilegee, WodOtsday, Augtl. i tri, on the gtounda:aal 'Sp, ria. rribe'Iii.td;: Preeseints tete., apply to • T,']'.•1Gbl.. 'NV. M. 'G Tsfxtiltr . T1 OS. • . Prom:eel. bearetac7. 11111111111111111w..- 1' eilitent.