HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 4WINGHAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 9, 1898. eikliPBELI S HEADACHE WAFERS guaranteed to cure head- aches. For sale only by C111 A,AMDLL DRUGGIST, TO ADVERVISERS. Notice ofchanges must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy. for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening, Casual advertise. meets accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. . LIMIT -GOVERNOR CAMERON, of the 1T,. W. T., who for some times past 3...tas been far from well, left Regina en Wednesday for Gederich for a rest and to recuperate. MR, JO EN CRAIG, M. P. P., for East Wellington, who has been seriously ill for some months died at his home in Fergus, on Tuesday even- ing. He was first returned to the Legislative Assembly at the general elections in 1894. he was a Liberal. 'Dm Liberals of West Huron will 'meet in convention at Dungannon, en Monday next for the purpose of morninating a candidate for the Com - none. We understand that their will be several names before the conven- tion. The Liberals will need to put the very best man available in the Reid. We understand that Mr. Rob t. Mc. Lean, who ran against M. C. Cameron at the general elections will be in the field in the Conservative in- terests. [Since the above was put in type, we learn that the eonvention has been postponed.] BLYTH. Mr. W. D. Bentey, of Winnipeg, was visiting his parents here last week. Mr, Joseph Combs and Master Andrew, are visiting with relatives in Miehigan. Miss Stevens has resigned her tpeeitioYi"our nor Public School teach- ing staff. She has been troubled 'with her throat. Mr. Alex. Eldee is making an ex- tended visit at his old home in Hunt. ingdbn county, Quebec. Messrs. McKinnon & Co. have ruinteeneed the extensive alterations to their store, and when completed they wilt possess one of the largest general stores in Baron county. Rev. C. L. Mills, of Ilensall, the stew rector of Trinity church, eon. doted his first service in the Church en Sunday last. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. D. McConnell, Mill street, on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 31,at. ilia third daughter, Misa:Lily, W2k5o 1.1nited in the holy bonds of I EAST WAWANOSII. The following is the -school report for S, S. No, 9, for the month of Au- gust. The names are arranged in order of merit ascertained hy a sys tem of daily markings, deductions being made for bad eond tact, lateness, e LC. 3 W. -Florence Mien, Maggie MC - Dougall. Sr. IIL-Willie Elliott. Jr. 111. - Nellie Bickle, Frank Shoebottom, Robby Johnston, Sr. IL -Bella McDougall, David Johnston, Alex. Rintoul, Herbert Shiell, Roy Anderson, Ethel Hicks, Roy Elle:tit, 'Willie Hicks, Jr. II. - Howard Shiell, Willie Shoebottoun Part H.-- Berlina Johnston. Part 1, -Carrie Deacon, Wilburn Ferguson, Stanley Elliott. Sr. Ist.-Obrissy RID t011), Wilma Bickle, James Fergueson, Leamon Hicks. Jr, Ist.-Harvy Linklater, Tessa Anderson, Barbara Styles, Ella Walker'Maggie Casemore. The following promotions have been made :-From part 11 to IL - I; Bile Shoebottom, Howard Shiell; part 1 to part IL - Carrie Deacon, Wilburn Fergoeson, Stanley Elliott. Lome B. Dune Teacher. School Netes.--Last week the boys brought scythes, rakes. forks and wheelbarrows to school and on Fri- day afternoon set to work cutting the grass, thistles and weeds in the schoolyard, The imprevement in the appearance of the yard amply repaid them for their bard work. The school received a call en Tues- day from Miss Maggie Currie. All were pleased to note her renewed health. Harry Ainsley, of Lower Wing. barn, a pupil of the Hingham public: school last term, tendered bis ap- plication for this school for 1899, at 5200 per annura. The trustees have not hired him yet. . Good Work.- Mr. J. 13. Hoover, who is 72 years of age, accomplished a great stroke of work the other,day. He pulled and bound a quarterepf an acre of fax in seven hours. , If this MD be beaten by anyone else in the country Mr. Hoover would like to hear from them. Mr. R. Currie has bad the roofs of his house and barns covered over with a coat of tar. Mr. F. Anderson Was in -Dungann- on on Tuesday last.attending a meeting of the West WawanosInh'ire Insurance Co, This company • has been very 'fortunate during the re- cent electrical storms, having not lost one barn and at their meeting on Tuesday paid the insurance -nn the cements of a barn whieh was itisur- ed in their company. Messrs. Herbert Canaebell ad George Cunningham left on Monday morning last to attend Chatham Business College. Miss Alice Hoover, of Ma took in the excursion to Edm where her sister resides, Mr. William Bone, who ha been ill, is slowly recovermg. Mrs. (Rev.) Geddes, of St. Oather- ines, who has been visiting in Calvin: e last, congregation, raturned hon week. .: Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, preached in Whites s been. the Presbyterian church at church last Sunday evening.' • Miss Jennie Hintoui, who ha visiting in Windsor, retu.rned home efield last week. Miss T. McKenzie, of Bruc, is visiting her sister, , Mrs. W. Me Barney. Miss Louie McBurney, of London, Mrs. ttend- Misses', NI -hitting her parents, Mr. and II. McBaeney. . Miss Lizzie May McGee is a ng the Toronto fair 'with 7---- r MARalilT REPOnTS. !*• miles/es. Wingliarn, Sept. 5. 1805. • Oorrected by P. Deans, Produce Denier. Flour per 100 lbs . 1 75 to 2 25 Vail Wheat .. 0 05 to 0 07 • Spring Wheat.. ... ........ . 0 05 to 007 : Oats, old 0 25 to 0 20 Oats, now 0 22 to 0 22 ; Barley, -. , ..... ........ 0 60 to 0 35 i Peas 0 43 to 0 50 Turkey, drawn rnoch, onton, -. ussie and Annie IliteCallurn. Mr. Robert Shic11, of :the 10th, is 'siting in St. Catharines. Miss Kate Robertson, of Blyth. is visiting at her grandparents, Mr. ' n Mrs. Morton, 1st , Castle Shielikwho hap been (maned to the house with a broke# I'm, is able to be around again.ite I Mr. Beecroft left for St. Thomas, where be will resume his duties as school teacher. ' '.intiAilmony to Mr. Blanchard lier- S riegton, a prominent young fernier or Hallett, by Rev* A. McLean, in, v the presence of only the immediate relatives and friends, Miss Young, v of Lortlesboro', was bridesmaid, and a ritr. Webb McConnell, brother of the I bride, assisted the groom. The bride e was the reelpietit of many useful and 'a beautiful pretents. NiirAg THZ TOILM/111TOItSits VI Years of irritation, Torment midi' Pain, Relieved and Cared with 8 One fax ofDr. Agnew's Ointnient, or Skin Diseases and Riles. • 10- A. Darnell, of Bayden, Neb., wrilee: °Pot 12 yenta 1 WO tormented with it. I' thing lilies, the egotly at tirririe Was al - *twat beyond hearing. 1 tried dozen em tor snore eocalled pile remedies. without v, ante. laetime heeefit. Otte hot of De, 11 Agnew's Ointment tared me Thie remedy tures eezetna when all else fails. llmlold by A. L. liamilten, Winghain. A Illyspepata's Clutch« --"Di. Von tab% Pineapple Tablete are nature's •Get wonderful remedy for all disorders C the stomach; The digestive powers f pineapple Can be tested by mixing (teal parts ,ot pineapple And hoof and gitating a temperature of 130' Vall- e:Melt. when the meat will be entAly igested, Pineapple Tablets, relieve In • tie day. 35 cents. Sold by A. Ir4. ton, Wingharn. A . Sheriff Springer died at Berlin on tonday last. 0 07 to 0 08 6 Butter.- •, •\ 44•• .11 ,I. •.}11, 00 1 1 : 10: 81 ::: : 90:: • • ! Eggs per dozen... . • ... .... 00 A•e 1 Hay per ton, . .••. ,1c?,,ciiietartee:, per bushel, 1: :: 40 .. . 0 1 Tallow ,per lb Dressed hoes . .. 0 5 , Driod Apples, per lb 0 I Wool It's True That we are going to move into the Macdonald block, and 04 to 0 05 carry a stook of 40 to 0 00 12 to 0 13 Dry Goods, Groceries, 3.0 to 0 3.0 tio to 1 25 Crockery, &c., 50 to 5 00 flOto 035 but our announcement 03?, to 0 04 1, will appear in good iu to 21 00 to 6 00 time. :t.tve tztook margins, Toronto, Ont., 'Sept. 6.--1t was. quiet at the Toronto cattle market to -day. Receipts, 5(1 cars, including 940 hogs and 1,525 sheep and lambs, Export cattle were dull, and weaker cables. The best cattle were quoted at $4 to $4,40, and selected at $4,50. Butchers' cattle quiet, at $4.10 to $4.20 for choice, and $3.75 to $4 for fair to medium; bulls, $3.50 to $4 per cwt. Stackers and feeders slow at $3 to 53.50. Sheep and lambs steady ; export sheep, 53.26 to 53.45, and bucks, $3 to 53.25; lambs, 53.25 to 54.25. Calves steady, at 51.75 to 55 each. Mitch cows and springers, $25 to 550 each, Hogs weak, but prices unchanged ; choice, 54,75 ; light, 54 to 54 14 ; choice baeon, 54.75; light, 54 to 54.25, and thick fat, 54.25 ; aows, $81e. to East Baffaio, N. Y., Sept. 6. - Cattle -The offerings were princi- eipally steers that were left over, and sold. about the basis of yesterday's close. Calves were in fair demand; moderate supply at d steady at yes- terday's close; ehoice to extra were quoted at 57 to 57.25; good to ehoice, 56.50 to 57, Sheep and lambs -The trade was unsatisfactory to day, as half of the offerings of 10 loads- were the unsalable lets of yesterday, and the demand was light; there was one load of Canadas which Sold for $5.40; native lambs, choice to extra, were quotable at $5,40 to 55.50; good to ehoice, 55 to 55,40 ; there. was only a partial clearance, Which' consisted.of the, plekecl,hunches '; sheep, cheicanto extra wetbers, $4.50 to 54.75; mixed,. choice to extra, 54.25 to 54.50. Hogs -The offerings were 22 loads ; the demandtor gcod corn hogs was ae- tive and higher than the close yes- terday : heavy Were quotable at $4.0 o $4.07Yorkere, 54.05 to 54.10; pigs, 53.75, but not many sold ; roughs, 53 40 to $3.60; stags, $2,75 to 53.25 ; grassers, 53.90 to 53.95; about all the gond stuff was reaned up. L'UCKNOW. There was a great gathering of the clans at Lucknow Wecineiclay of last week -The day of the Cale. donian acranies. Lucknow in the past was 'celebrated for its Highland Sports, but for several years lately no games were held, it being sap-' posed that file people might tire of them. This year, however, a. revi- val set in, and 'Wednesday's great 'celebration was the rest*. The town Was in gala attire, the decora- tiOns being handsotiie and abundant, The Pipers of the'48th Highlanders of Toro'nte, sent forth the strains whieh Seotehmen love so well; and the titektiOW brass band also was oitt in full •iorce, It is. estintated tbat five tholisand visitors were in the village. Highland dancing and piping and the Stone -putting, caber. tossing and °thee games invariably assoCiated With Highland sports Oc;.- cupled the afternoon, • Prtvate, Geo. Start, of he 48th Highlanders, 'who won a great reputation across the ocean in the fames bayonet' eompetitioh, took a. prominent part in the contetta. In the tug-of-war betweeti teams from Huron and Bruce the latter were vittorious. A concert hi • the evening brought the d. y to a elose. , • • Mr. f, H. Combo, one of Clinton's oldest and most: respected business men died on Ttinrialay of last week. '1'be law 'will 'be allowed to take its eourso in the tams Wm, 3. 'Ham- mond, awaiting execution in Barrie jail on Sept. 15th, for the tnurder of his wife, Kate Tough at GravenbUrst. 6oder1ch town offigials thought $35 wcsa,cnougli .to ask •as a license fee from Main's eirens when there. Owen, Sound taxed the eirettit $00, and thd Council 1 finding teak with their Mayor beeattto he latt the shirer off too •light. At present and. up to about the tenth of Sept., we will offer all our stock at reduced prices in order to save expense of moving. AU goods must be paid for before leaving the store, or they will be delivered C. O. D: All accounts must be settled by cash or note at once. Groceries, Crockery, China; Glassware, • Stationery, School Supplies, Smallwares Sm., at wholesale Prices. IT PAYS TO The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. still leads its contemporaries in plae. ing pupils. 134 or our pupils wore placed in choice positions in the ten months ending July the lst, an average of nearly 4 per week. What do you think of it "It Pays to Attend the Best. College re -opens on Tuesday, Sept. 6th for the fall term. Write for catalogue of eiter de. partment to D. MeLACHLAN & CO. LICENSE TRANSFER. The undersigned hereby notifies the publics that he has purchased the hotel bus:uess Ierel,y carried on by Jacob Ming, known as the Central Hotel, and that the license will be transferred on Sept. 3.0th, 1898. .1 AU. O'LEARY. House For Sale or to Rent, The undersigned offers for Rale or to rent. a good two storey frame house, en- training seven rooms, pantry and fruit closet ; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty ac -es of land if required. For particulars apply to GEO. 1VIeRENZIE, Wingbam. PUBLIC NOTICE, Rasing moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied by Geo 1' Wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the G -T B, I am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for ankh:ids of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair. Wool Pickings. Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at toy residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. MONEY TO/LOAN Any arnotint of money to loati On good farm property at 1;per cent per annum. Straight Loans-PaYments made to suit borrower. Satisfaction guru anteed. 'Oh urges mw. , -AVollice Friday afternoon and all day ;Battu rday. ABNER COSENS, M a cdonald Block, Wi p g h am . and • FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offer for sale the farm property, being lot 32 in the 12th notices- 3i0o of the Township of East Wawanosh, 3ontran tog 152 acme, more or less,140 %ores of which is' cleared. There are upon the premises a good bank barn and 'rame bones. The farm will be sold on mason able terms Apply to THOS GREGGRY, ' or BENJ. WILLSON. ..e.-.- -• House and tot For Sale. The undersigned offers his house and ot on Alice street for' sale. The house s a etre room frame one; with kitchen there is a. number of good fruit trcee m tne lot. For full partioulars apply to JAS. 'WILSON, Wmgh.ana. BOAT FOR SALE The row boat with oars and cushions' owplete. owned by Mr. W. 11. Wallace, an. be purchased at a bargain. Ayply to R. VANSTONE TORES FOR SALE 'The administratrix or . the estate of 1 liegander Dawson, deceased. offers for le the Stores tn. Wbighani , Ow occupied by Messrs N A. Farquhar. ,hand' Miss l3oyd. Offers for the same 1 3oulti be addressed to . J A MORTON. Wingham. , . Solicitor for the Estate. 4, or a Su it F that will tit comfortably, look well, Went well, and keep in good shape, you bad better go to •We „Xerr Spring Goods and Samples of all the latest designs itt Scotch .and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,. Selves and Overcoatings to choose from. Orders filled promptly at very low prices. • 'Webster 8; Co., .0 Queen's 13leik. SOMETHING FOYOL:v:AIMERS orig 1 4 t gota I have between so and 60. pairs of home-made Boots on hand. 40 pairs of French Kip, the balance Veal Kip, all made of the best material, The a;ove range in size from 6 to, I 2 and will be sold right down in price. Also a large stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes of all kinds just received. Repairing, etc. J. G. KARGES. • • • • • ••••••.,.... RETURNED O TIME. ' Carefullv washed, properly ironed, correctly finishecj and fairly priced-. that's the history of s,our linen tvben brought here. Not a thing in our washing preparations to injure ihe fibre of the goods and not a thing. unhealthy about our work rooms. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Factory. T e from now till January' ist, i899. AAA . or the TIMES and • • • • (Ron to • EEKLV -010E • from now till end of the year, vvtof OUR NEW STORY: " RailroadF orger," will commence Shortly ,ysfillt be a good one: if you are 4;41': a Sul7scriber of the T,IMES, now Ts the the to becom one. Tell your friends about our 'great 01/.64, 4 o: • Y •' 's • ."; Th CO in el