HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 3-. _.,.,• _ _ _ BREA:X.1V G A COLT.
Paine's Celery Compound gives
needed stimulus to good
digestion and assimilation,
and keeps the blood pure.
aatitarts'$ medicine brings
It ealth and lnagig�iness to
those in advanced
P 1 c Cured without the Knife,1
I have seen some ugly runaways
prevented, says a writer in The Na•
await Stockman, by using what
horse men call the "side line," A
short chain is fastened to the ring on
the left end of the bit, then passed
under the jaw and through the ring
on the right side. A strong line or
small rope is attached to this. One
man holds this line in readiness,
wbile the other handles the check
lines. This side line is very severe
and should never be used ntrol hi except
when really necessary
but when his coltship attempts to run,
and becomes urimanngeable this lino
will always bring hint to terms.
Before hitching up, the wagon or
sled should be run out in the open
field or road, so there will be no turn-
ing at first. The colt will have
enough new impressions to take in
without being pulled around to right
or left. The ground should be
stuouth so there will be little rattling
of the wagon at the start, If this is
increased gradually, it is surprising
how soon lie will become accustomed
and pay no attention to it.
Hitch the old, steady horse first.
Snap the, other lines and breast strap
on the colt and biter its traces the
last thing. Don't keep it standing a
moment after being hitched. Have a
,good, strong man in the wagon to
handI e the lines, but let the best
hordseman, the one with the most ani• mane ru *s au
mal magnetisln, lead the colt at lust. the troublesome part of the work was , ia�, before me en- the couutet t
pas. perfectly coot whatever bap- the dyeing. with the old faRhioned and I it had been deserted byel her in a
ti or.y prepared dyes the dyeingr . Th
pens. tion was long and unsatisfactory. '1'ho mail rush for the other end of the
100 to 1 that � eR dvith .
The chances ave introduetaon of the ntamond Dy counter.
t:alr epee sal colors for wool, and epr cots- "To teach her a lesson I emptied 1
there will xe no serious trouble. If ond raised roods, has been a boon to the contents of the purse in my
mattersate is, excitement will only make
very much w nese. womankind. Old and faded rags a 1 pocket and recreated to the edge of
Don't be alarmed or discouraged I yarns for mats and rugs can now be dyedi te crowd tu• await developments.
a❑y beautiful and brilliant shade wltlt.'p wife
if the colt, as seen as it finds itself the Diamond Dyes—Rhades that are perI It was nut long before Icy
g fectly fast to sun and soap. crowded her way out, tfiuu]phantly
going, tries to run and rears, lunges,
fol in dying for rug and mat maaiug. i holding al..
ft a 20 cent cresol jug
throws use f, etc. This shorva spirit if you wish to bo at all tithes success-' that she had succeeded iu buying
and will po�vela two very co trend- we here tetter a warning note against I
able traits in the burse. Nearly the use of adulterated package and soap for -l9 cents.
grease dyes that only produce muddy 1 " •I didn't know that they charg-
thing bad spirited colt will do some-
thing bad before. he is that
thoroughly stand streaky colors that
washing. possibly
l ed things here,' I began feebly.
broker,. It is much better that he tDioneonrl Dyer, use them as per duce- " `They don't,' She answered. 'I
tions, and your success is euro. left mouey for three ice cream sodas
do his best to get rid hofe the whole of stripa of car tickets.' and she eithi-
business as coon fps hitched up. Then biteci the contents of her purse to
ve a splendid chance THY'. 'WESTERN I
prove her assertion.
"I nearly fainted when it dawned
upon me that I had taken the ccn-
tents of a purse belonging to some
other woman. I have no desire to
retain possession, and if a woman
who lost 79 cents, a postage stamp,
h • hair pins and a . receipt fur
1 tI
son]+a pleasure, appreciate Barn's `vll Mr.
uut.,13rownriapain says:--•'•I,•or�,
feelings. and while the thirteen years 1 was a sutterer from
tie stopped bidding, llpleediog piles and the intense agony
red -whiskered man, siill expectorat-: which 1 l+assed through dnrinl;by C rhs e
ing, •was paying flown an instalment
Chita-lentaranti reliept mbtai Bede this tuts
on the heifer, Burns pushed forward ( menial ivlr ppts man wished ane to
through the crowd and got the auc• halve an rperntfon but I felt I could be
ticneer's ear. That functionary list -I „urycl without the knife. 'i'hree hoses
ened, then arose erect once more ; et
teDr C hand's Ointment
ae nt stopped
ti e
and in his professional drone corn- I
mended :
This gentleman informs me that SHE WAS CARELESS.
be has lost his pocket book containQ AND SO THE CAREFUL HUs13Aw1
who have found holes in your pec to b i os A, W chuso's Ointment,
where wallets ought to be, can, in Y fl1Dtor, of Wood.
King David, the sweet singer of Israel
says : "The days of our years are three-
score yours and ten ; and if by reason osf
strength they be fourscore years. y
their strength labor and sorrow."
The physical troubles and burdens of
old people are n.any. Disordered nerv-
es, constipation, flatulence, drowsiness,
indigestion, palpitation and impoverish•
ed blood seem to make them grow weak
sr from day to day.
Paine's Celery Compound is a precious
and invaluable medicine for old people.
It is nature's true nerve, tissue and lle=h
builder ; it keeps the blood pure and
Fresh from day to day, regulates the or-
gans of digestion, and keeps the appetite
-natural and healthy. • No othecru medicine
In the world so quickly
strength and waning energies of mee
and women adVsnced in years. Paige's
yearsytoothe lives has
of old peoplemany
in long the
;past, and today thousands sing the
'praises of the wonderful medicine, be-
cause it bas bestowed peace and comfort
and kept them free from the intirmitie
of old age.
ing the sum of $`200. He offers 1
for its return. Now--"
"I'11 give $20," broke in a voice in
the corner.
"Thirty," cried another. lit of leaving her pocket book ]n ex -
tones from fthe reds whiskered minedmanj posed places," said the man who was
caution -
"That was beyond what I could 'telling the story. I have
ed her more than once that she will
afford" says Burns, "and I came i lose it it' she isn't more careful."
away and left them bidding still. ,.I came down town with nes the
Lewiston Journal. , other morning and the first thing she
"My wife hada disagreeable hab
did after boarding the car was to
A Popular Home or • i deposit her purse upon the car sat
;while she relieved herself of the ter -
Successful Only When the Dia -
I rfble suspicion that her hat wasn't
mond Dyes aro Used. ' on straight. A movement of her
In thousands of happy and thrifty arms knocked the purse on the floor
homes ill the Dominion and in the cul- where it reamined until I piekcd it
ony or Newfoundland the work of rug up.
I rescued that purse no lees than
anti mat makine is becoming vary popu- I 1
lar. Detnen,ade rue's and mats are 1
a dozen times before we reached the
more highly
This is
Ii snot t now than
sing I bargain 'ounter that was the goal of
pureed g I my wife's ambition.
when we remember the taut that the
home articles are the best wearing and "Events around a bargain counter
prettiest.occurr with kaleidoscopic quickness,
The Diamond Dyes haus given a great
impetus to the wort[ of making home -land 1 soon found myself the sole
d mitts. In former times guardian .If my wife's purse, whielt
eak Kidneys,
Always Cured by Doan's
Kidney Pills.
Mr. I. Patterson, Croft St,, Am-
herst, N.S., makes the following
statement ; " Having been trou-
" My little boy, age 1 7 years and
r5 months, was a victim of Scrofula ors.
the face, which. rill the docto,•s said was
incurable. To tell the truth be was so.
bad im-
At last t1 tried t I ela bottle of Burdock Bld not bear to look at ood
Bitters, and before it was half used he
was gaining, and by tate time he had
three bottles used lie was completely
'bled for some time with distress- i cured. I cannot say too much 10 reeom-
ing backaches and weak kidneys, I mendatioe c.f B.B.B. to all who suffer as
I decided to try Doan's Kidney 1 he did." JOSEPII P. LABELLE, Mani -
Pills. They acted promptly and
effectively in removing the trouble
with which I was afflicted, and re-
stored me to my old-time form. It
is a pleasure for me to recommend
them to others."
Doan's Kidney Pills are the most
ice remedy in the world for
wake P.O., Que.
There can be no grtestion about
it. Burdock Blood Bitters has no.
equal for the cure of Sores and
Ulcers of the most chronic and
malignant nature. Through its
ertect powerful blood purifying proper -
J; ' ht' D' ase Diabetes Dropsy, ties it mets at the source of dis-
Urine, and all kinds of Kidney and I ���i��'{ eradicates it front
Urinary Troubles. Price 5oc. a box 1 rt Mutt. the system.
f $1.25. The Doan
rig s ise , , >a
Backache,Gravel, Sediment in the' ease and complletely
t 33
or 3 boxes or r.a .
Kidney P111 Co., Toronto, Onto
Remember the name,"Doan's," • i'
and refuse all others.
'Well Brod Hogs.
It is always the best quality of live
stock that with good feeding brings
the best returns for feed. With swine
the animals to attain good size should
trot be inbred. They should be well
bred anti well cared tor, and the care
should begin with the coupling of the
sire and dant, The sow should be
compelled to take exercise, not fed too
highly on heating foods, but with
liberal feeds of ground oats, wheat
bran and a small quantity of oilmeal,
with a few ears of corn eaeh day.I d'd L ice to size STERV FAIR.
It is best to feed the corn on the ear you ha _ __
gather than eornmeal, a5 the chewing I him up, for it' there is fight or run or I All things are ready for a most
and grinding of the corn cause allow kick in him it will come to the sur• successful fair. Entriesdore coming
�of saliva, which greatly assists digest face then. and by the
youngpigs should not be Finally, do not make the first less-
in in large numbers,
ion. The y : 7th of September, her the date of closing
allowed to get too fat. While they on too long. It i, very worrying same, every department will be
' veru fine when very fat with for the colt and very trying on his
and mood temper to hitch him up and crowded to its fullest capacity.
The interior arrangements of all
young it stops the growth of bone :, on the stmt.
anusclee, the fat coverS the muscles, It he li�ehave half ldrayIf r ie
gathering around the heart and lungs,
incloses the intestines and finally I well, dont not
thim in the
ghaen SS
causes trouble. A good, healthy long, Short
growth of frame is required during
' the first two months of the pig's life.
Well bred hogs fill out better i»
all points than others, bnt the feeding
Aust be done with case. A small our blood
field sown to wheat, rye and oats in I
1ha;,you enrich and purify your
this the troops under them now are en -
y enrlcha
very fine pasture perfor»] I
early fall makes a J in theepall as in the Sprtu> the qualities needed to tom) the nerve
ti brood sows to graze on in winter time, owing to decaying (reuses,
o there
I ante van be quite new. The fire I and mulish the whole system. It cures
I low water lure!, and other uaa•uses, all blood humors.
time. 1t about us and 1 „•1-s at the evenin; performances,
sick h
the exhibition buildings have undel. makingangel food, will call at my
gone a change which in itself will ofiiee e nay have her property."—
add greatly to the appearance of the Detroit Free Press.
something extra good to cat. ' exhibits.
but frequent lessons should be the i hTheibi special features are all first•
rule. class, and while the names of two of
I the ma.r.agers which appear in the
it is just as Important programme have been engaged
by the London management before
Meets Your Needs.
When you tel tired, lau�cuid, nervous
and are troubled with pimples and erup-
tions, you will tind Hood's Sarsaparilla
exactly meets your ueec;s. It purities
s the blood and imparts to it
are disease germs a t tvd
t,rt, lu4 debilitated system quickly 1 will excell all previous displays, and
the representation of the battle of
Manilla bay will be very entertain-
The success of the "Art Loan" is
assured, as the ladies who are man-
aging it have secured over 100 select
.ed pictures from the leading private
col ections of Toronto, Hamilton,
London, Clinton, Strathroy and other
WRY HE DIDN'T BID UP- places. The exhibition of I:adies
Work and Decorative Art is also
There was a red flag out in front
of a farm house up in the Swift day
.HOOD . eadac e,
Manse,{, biliousness and ail liver ills.
Price `2 cants.
I '� P1LL� aura
For Over Fifty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winsluw's Soothing Syrup has been
-used tor over •fifty years by millions of
ttaothers for their children while teeth-
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the gums, Malys till pa
cures winil'euhc, and is the best remedy
for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
-value is invaluable. Be sure you nett for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
yields to attacks of ina,aria , t our Woad•
1 y purifying anti enriching y
with Hood's Sarsaparilla you may build
up your system to resist e dangers. end
as well as coughs, colder, pneumonia
the grip which non-u with colder weath-
er. To be on the a ire side, take
beu Hood's '
Sarsaparilla now,
is Hood's and not something else repre-
sented to be "just as gond."
cele -
At an early hour Friday morning
fire destroyed the Bertram Engine the the
Works, Toronto, •causing a loss ofler lregion in Oxford the moth past the the exhibits. Among
r,200,000. I
-• Burns was drivin., pt
He can never get by au auc. 1 ions otltliiefe►tt twoifrtthwe
e Pictures
by them and wi
far in advance of lot mer years. En -
dosed glass cases have beenprof
vided for this work and will greatly
add to the quality and numbers of
Children Ory for
S ti
Ln Minerve, the French morning
Conservative: paper, has reappeared
at MIontrenl.
lolo Gripe
tion sale. There is something about
a bargain at vendee that strikes him
just where he lives, so Burns unlit -
When you ta'x' Ilnrnrs Pills. The big, okt•fash-
pieces, are net in it with Hoods. Easy to
chat his horse and stopped on t number of applicants.
bene l ttlin f the crowd.
Auction lhe1em. at- I that he Will sendfreeto app iC
tended he bought two pod augers,
and an ox -yoke, and this time he • ALL NER n eS:all nervus' j
steeled himself lent he might commit
1Vlady..redple airy Y
a g G In fact he ' easily startled or upset, easily' worried 1
singular e„re„tousttes., Milburn's Heart and
Nerve pills are just threstoreray such
• t
`concluded that lie would not bid at and irritated.
all.,people require. 'Ihey
But when the cl'o'd got wolf harmony of the nerve centres and give
• bushel j noi•ve force to shattered nervous systems.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen expect
to bid adieu to Canada and to sail
from Quebecf'or home on November
London artitist, the late Paul
The Secretary has still on hand a
en y
toned, sugar-coated plus, which tear you tto
0 0
`and easy to °pirate, is true
, et Ilood's ?ills, which aro
ti to late In eve
tlafe, esrtaln and
lkugglsts.':An. .' .- tiil:tr .. The CCl.et book gone.
tW only Pelts to take mill tfood's Sersanarille p
For Infante and Children.
worked up over a Jersey
Burns chipped in a bid or two and
finally got to going hard.against a
red•whishererl man who carriedto�a
whip in his left Mind and expector-
ated violently at every bid.
As the contest waxed somewhat
energetic Burns reached
for his n dow-
ket Boole His fin„
every respect. rood b
t titre. All Unlit they slid into a R
•o x,ilwelf, titaas. i Was
and down into his tronse'rs
poet; et
"1 was run down in health and weak
and could not get anything
good until I tried 13drdock Blood 'Bit=
s which bas ad. 'ttte ,t�rong end
.Terry `Nova Out,
ti!�.ut.vw+ Rsi nab
Pried At3at all
aaaYat !tuns.
4NeT Mit
re You
of those who, when business is dull, don't advertise
hat e ?
Have you ever considered what a mistake
When business is brisk you are bound to get a share
in what it going. Of course, you can increase your
trade by advertising liberally then. But when the
"off" season is on, why not try and capture the cus-
tomers who are getting the necessaries of life. It's
your own fault, or there is something wrong with
your advertising, if you don't succeed.
The best business men of the world say ta if
you have something that every day people want
you can make them know that you have it, you are
on the road to a great business success.
There is no other way of tellingtlhese people o the
anything you wish them to know .quite
advertisement in the local newspaper.
You cannot utilize the local newspaper in a bet-
ter •manner than by advertising in Til!.. TIMES.
Why ? Because THE TIMES reaches all classes
of people in the Town of Wingham, and in the County
of Huron and immediate vicinity. TITS TIMES goes
into the home in every
its columns have advertisers
have found that a liberaluse
them. Why not you ?
d a oar
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for FiveCents mama tor n low 9
�'!1/ t -•i 1. put up ehe►pl7 to Gratify the snit.rrl pr'000n s.
If you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggist's
Sena Ave Cents to Tisa RiMIIS C be sent to pis by t' .
Spruce St., New York, aa they e , you 'need.
__ atrton>; will in tnailell for ya cents. Th c'.ta+ae� aro ts'ft to
pne that Ripens Tabules aro the very' sheds ine y