HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-05, Page 18,...7"...r.".."-VrTr, • WM' be wise use illilerrIlsktIMMPTSIFPRIPIP,FroulimPulmir, 10 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, ovroa0 , 1970 Don't be apumpkin head sfieds 25 In Memoriam KRAUSKOPF—In loving, memory of a dear mother who passed away' Oct. 2, 1976. Today recalls sad memories Of a dear mother gone to rest. And the ones who ,think of her to-day, Are the ones who loved her best. Lovingly remembered by Marie, Jim and family. 25.69-1 28 Deaths WILFREDVITFQ11D ' At Seaforth Community, Hospital, Sunday, October 1, 1978. Wilfred Titford of Harpurhey. Beloved hus- band of Grace (Giles) Titford in his 63rd year. Dear hrotherof Miss Vida-Titford; Toronto, Mrs. Robert (Muriel). Fitzgibbon, Coburg, Clifford, Oakville, Mrs. Russell (Audrey) Avery, Trent . river, Mrs. John (Norah) Summers, Hali- burton. Rested% at the Whitney- Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St. West, Seaforth, where service was held Tuesday at 2 p.m. Cremation. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. 28-69-1 Somebody WantS What You Don't Need! SELL Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads. BUTTERICK at LARONES ti A complete line of. Butterick patterns have returned to Larone's fabric department. We have mail order service for Vogue Patterns LARONES Seafotth (51'9) 527-1458 Auction Sale for the . ESTATE OF MRS. LEILA FORBES to be held at the premises in EGMONDVILLE, ISEAFORTH], on , Saturday, October 7, 1:00 P.M. 22 Legal "Notices 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of FREDERICK Carl Schmidt ALL CREDITORS and other persons having claims against the Estate of Fred- erick Carl Schmidt. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. retired farmer, who died on the 15th day of May. 1978, are ., notified to send 'full ' ularS of such Claims to, the undersigned on or before the 19th day of October. 1978. after which clte the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims of Which notice has then been received. DATED this 25th day of September. 1978. BYERS AND XENNY 25 Williatit Street Stratford, Otattirlo). Solicitors for the Admit:Asir:Ark 22.68-3 24 Cards of Thanks My sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends for the lovely flowers, cards and visits while 1 ,was a patient in Clinton Hospital. It was all greatly appreciated. Wilfred Shortreed. 24-53x1 During our stay in hospital and since returning home we have received many gifts, cards, flower's and wish to thank those our family, friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness. Thank ou to the 0.'8. staff of S‘aforth Community Hasp- tal, the opportunity of "rooming in". - And special thanks to Dr. Underwood and Cindy Flannigan during the birth of our son, Alan. Jim and Evelyn Henderson. 24.69-1 adoe# VS/lave-474J Goderich Auction for the Estate of Mrs. Thomas Sandy to be held at SALTFORD' VALLEY HALL, GODERICH, QNT. on • Wednesday , October 11th AT 6130 P.M. SALE TO CONSIST OF: 6 piece French inlaid twin bedroom suite (eicellent condition); *3 piece bedroom suite; three piece chesterfield suite; drop front secretary desk with glass front book case; 8 piece walnut dining room suite c.w. oval table, 6 chairs and sideboard Columbia gramaphone; walnut tea wagon; two walnut ball & claw drum tables; 2 tier carved walnut drum table; Duncan Fife drop leaf' 'table; pine table; walnut hall table; umbrella stand; wood base lamp; parlour chair; arm chair; two upholstered- chairs; two large area -rugs; bed; blanket box; walnut wardrobe; walnut chest; vanity; night table; radio; vacuum cleaner; compots; figurines; set of Old Colony silverware; cranberry dish; Canadian glass; press glass as well as many • other fine pieces of glass, chin a & silver; excellent selection of pictures and frames; single chairs; plus a host of other intersting articles and antiques PLAN TO. ATTEND • 20-69-1 erdeoei/V .10Ciede.4 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 L. AT 6:00 P.M. SALE TO CONSIST OF: BUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: Two well construct- ed and excellently maintained buildings, the first of which comprises of the store itself with a very large retail selling area along with live-in quarters consisting of rather spacious kitchen and-bathroom facilites on the lower level with four large bedrOoms and living room on the. upper level. The second ' building is an attractive two storey frame house with three bedrooms; living room. dining room, kitchen, bath and full basement all on a well treed and landscaped lot. Both properties will be sold uader one lot and represent a Valuable piece of commercially zoned property, with an extremely attractive location for a truck stop. a fast food business or as a general store, (Property to be. sold subject to reserve). EQUIPMENT: Schaefer 8 ft. glass top freezer; Schaefer 5 ft. glass top ice cream frceler; Trojenaire 10 ft. two shelf meat & vegetable cooler; up-right glass front dairy cooler; Schaefer 5 ft cooler; 8 ft. freezer; Berkel meat slicer; Defiance meat scale; A.D.S. cash register; check-out counter c.w. Rolmaster conveyor; commercial coffee grinder; paper cutter: approx. 80 feet of 5 tier metal shelving; large quantity of metal shelving; grocery carts INVENTORY: large quantity of food, confectionary & drygoods including 250 bottles of soft drinks; cereals; juices; soups; canned vegetables and meats; tea; coffee; frozen vegetables & dinners; soaps; detergents; candy; chocolate bars: health & beaVty aids; dry. goods; work boots; Candle .stereo set;i8 track tapes, Plus many other goods and items found rot a general store, - For viewing of property call . . . . 20.69-1 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (519) 527-1458 Advertisii helps you to know. eleateea re" .1.10Ciez . w tor, Sale.to Consist of: PROPERTY; A very attractive large two storey brick house complete with 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, laundry room and a single car garage, all Situated on a large, well treed lot. (Property sold subject to a reserve',bid). FURNITURE & ANTIQUES: mahogany dining room table with six matching chairs; walnut sideboard; bowed front glass china cabinet; Heintzman up-right grand piano; chesterfield & matching chair; Obk oval table; oval back parlour rocker; hall bench; spindle baby cradle; captain's chair; wicker rocker,-child's- rocker; selection of mantle clocks; sofa beds; rockefs; swivel rOcker; writing desk; cane bottom chair; hall mirror with frame; wicker fernery; fern stand; steeple clock; flat-to-the-wall cupboard with pie shelf; kitchen cupboard; parlour tables; hall tables; lamps; stools; book stand; B & W T,V.; cabinet, stereo; brass. pole lampz 161st regiment plaque & picture; 3/4 walnut bed; walnut bonnet chest; serpentine front walnut dresser with mirror; wardrobe; bedroom chairs; night tables; Jenny Lynn poster bed & dresser; 3/4 bed; dresser with mirror; walnut bed; ,dresser; treadle sewing machine; child's poster bed; press-back high-chair:, trunks; brass light fixtures; wash stands; Quantity of pictures & frames; mirrors; books; Frigidaire refrigerator and stove; Frigidaire up-right freezer; wringer washer; kitchen chairs; crocks; Brantford crocks; glass, china & silVer; plus a host of interesting items. PLAN TO ATTEND For viewing of Property call , 20-69-1 adOell .1.1oCeezte.i . A AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST/.. SEAF9RTH, ONTARIO 'NOK IWO Clearance of LADLES al sir's and snapes Scented and Non-scented Candle Trimmqrs Also a special group of holders price Seaforth jewellers Seaforth open Friday till '9 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales ,' 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales 22 Legal Nosjmes 22 Legal Notices adme, FdiJeceolerTh Liquidation Auction Sale of the CENTRALIA VILLAGE STORE [Mr. and Mrs. J. Rolm propreltors) to be held at the premises bi CENTRALIA, ONTARIO an Wednesday, October 18th AT 6:00 P.M. Sale to consist of: BUILDING & 'Property: A large and very well maintained brick building located on a corner lot on the Main Street in Centralia. The building comprises a large retail selling area as well as living quarters consisting of a large living room and kitchen, .,two bedrooms,• bathrOom and a single car garage. (Property to be sold subject, to a reserve bid). EQUIPMENT; Mohawk glass top freezer; Mohawk glass front up-right dairy cooler Schaefer glass top ice-cream- cooler; glass top ice-cream cooler; Belwood 21 cu. ft. deep freeze; 21 cu. ft. deep freeze; wet pop cooler; Toledo Computagram scales; National cash register; large quantity of shelving; - Rodgers air conditioner; Kenmore washing maclfines INVENTORY: Large quantity of food, confectionary and drygoods including 500 bottles of soft drinks; cereals; juices; soups; canned vegetables and meats; tea; coffee; frozen vegetables and dinners; soaps; detergents; candy; cookies; chocolate, bars; gums; health and beauty aids; dry good; watches Plus many other goods and items found in a general store. For viewing of Property call ... 20-69-1 adaa,ite.4 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH. ONTARIO. NOK IVVO (519) 527-1458 adoell VS4.4oriales LIQUIDATION Auction Sale of RUTH & VERN'S GROCERY [Mr. and Mrs. Vern Steinman - Proprietors) to be held at the premises in ST. COLUMBAN ONTARIO [on Highway #8 between Seaforth & Mitchell) on Wednesday, November 1st aloe, Auction Sale for the ESTATE OF MR. J.L. HEARD to be held at the premises on ONTARIO STREET, CLINTON, ONTARIO on . Saturday, October 14th AT 10:30 A,M. SALE TO CONSIST OF: PROPERTY: Parcel #1 - an attractive 11/2 storey, John Manville siding, 4 bedroom house, with a large living room; den; kitchen-dinette urea, 3 piece bath & 1/2 basement, all located on a rather well treed & spacious lot. (sold subject to a reserve bid); Parcel #2 - a very large, well treed corner lot adjacent to parcel #1 (sold subject to a reserve bid) FURNITURE, ANTIQUES & IiO,9SEHOLD ITEMS: walnut table with self storing leaves; sideboard; Clough Warren piano .& stool; commodes; pressback arm chairs; rocking chairs; lounge; parlous tables; ferrstands; jam cupboard; oil. lamps; Gone with the Wind lamp base; chairs; stools; 54" bed; 2 dressers; blanket box; bonnett chest; wash stands; Moffit 24" stove; Admiral refrigerator; Electrohome colour TV; glass' & china; books; pictures; bedding; Plus a host of other interesting items. Plan to attend For viewing of property call ... 20.69-1 aadeeaeliVSLoceezie.4 AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 adtme, Farm Machinery & Equipment '"..\\ Auction Sale to be held for MR. WESLEY RUSSELL on Tuesday, October 17 at 1:00 P.M. located Lqt 13 Cone. 12 ilibbert Twp. 1'/a. mile south & .1/2 east of Cromarty CONSISTING OF: Allis-Chalmers D17 tractor c.w. duals; A.C. D14 tractor c.w. loader. A.C.W.F. tractor; A. C. 90'conibine (excellent condition). Innis 570 bean windrower; 12 ft. mounted cultivator. Allis-Chalmers 10"-12", 12"-14", 14"-16" ploughs A.0 •4 row 'bean pullers, to attach to 4 row scuffler; G.W.'30 ft. sprayer; Beuler 9 ft. cultivator; International 81/2 ft. cultivator; Beuler wagon; 15 run seed drill; side rake; K.B. 130 bu., grain bin; M.H. spreader; inthrow dis,; 6 section harrows; 12 ft. gravel box; 2 G.M.C. trucks (cab removed) each with 500 bu, capacity, aerated with 12" perforated pipe c.w. fan and motor; three 20 ft. 4" augers; grain aerator; Monarch pump e.w. engine; litter carrier; bucket and carrier c.w. approx. 200 ft. of track; hog scales and crate; breedingicrate; chicken feeders; automatic waterers;_twanew heavy duty 13' . by 23" canvas tarps.; well pumps; pressure system with tank; large quantity of snow fence; 12 ton jack .plus a host of other pieces of equipment and tools. ' • PLAN TO ATTEND ' al tee/ Jdoc4edeJ AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 20.69-1 24 Cards of Thanks The family of the late G.E. Haist wish to express our appreciation and thanks to friends, neighbours and rela- tives for floral tributes, memorial donations, cards and many acts of kindness shown during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, Vanslyke, the pall- bearers, flower bearers, the U.C.W. group providing lunch, Dr. Whitman, Dr. Malkus, the nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital and the BOx Funeral Home. Your kindness will always be remembered. 24.69x1 NZtice of Nomination Nominations of Separate School Supporters For Representation on the Huron County Board of Education will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Monday, October 16 and until 5 p.m.,„E.S.T, on Monday, October 23 Nominees must be Separate School Supporter and may b from any of the following--(aaunfsipafit[ s: — Ashfield, Colborne, Grey, Howick, Hullett, McKillop, Morris, Turnberry, East Waworash, West Wawanosh, Town of Goderich, Blyth, Brussels, Seafovth, Wingham. One representative to be elected. Required nomination forms may be obtained from any Municipal Clerk's Office. 22-68-3 Notice'bf Nominations Township of Tuckersmith Nominations will be received at the ClerA's office by the Clerk of the Township of Tuckersmith in the period commencing on October 16 and concluding on October 28 at 5:00 D.m.4ifor the positions of: A.,Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and three council- lors for the Township of Tuckersmith. B. One member to the Huion County Board of Education for the _\Township of Tuckersmith and the Town of Clinton. C. One member to the Huron-Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board for the Townships of Tuckersmith and Stanley and the Villages of Hensall and Zurich. Each of the members so nominated, if elected are to serve a two year term, 1979 and 1980. The required Nomination Forms may be obtained from the "Clerk's office and must be completed, filed with and accepted by the Clerk by the above deadline: For further information regarding the procedures under the Election Act, contact the undersigned. J.R.- McLachlan Clerk, Tuckersmith G.M.B.#117, R.R.#5 Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO Telephone 482-9523 22-69-2 24 Cards of Thanks Mrs. AgneS MacLean wishes to thank relatives and friends for their visits, cards and gifts while she was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton, Dr. Under- wood and Purses and' staff, also to Father Laragh, 24.69,•1 Minnie and Bert-Walters are very thankful to those who helped' to mak6their 45th wedding anniversary a happy occasion - family, grand- children, relations, friends and neighbours. Thanks for cards and gifts; we appreciate it all very much. , 24-69-1 We wish to thank all who came to our open house on our 50th anniversary and all who sent cards and the lovely gifts we received. Lavina and Dave Watson. , • 24-69x1 I wish to thank everyone for the cards, visits and treats I received while a patient in Se'aforth Community •Hosp- ital. Special thanks to the Doctors and nursing staff who attended me. Paul Doig. 24-69x1 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flynn, RR 4, Clinton, wish to announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Rose Marie, to • Harold Workman, son of Mrs. Gertrude Workman, Mitchell. The wedding took place Fri. Sept. 29, 1978 at 6 p.m. in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton. 26-69.1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little of Blith celebrated their '50th Anniversary when friends and neighbours of the 8th and 9th Conceision of McKillop called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connally in Seaforth, Present also was the maid of honour of 50 years ago, Miss Anne Geddes of Wingham. Refreshments were Served by the Pieces of the honoured couple. 26-69x1 LARRY MCCABE Clerk, Town of Goderich