HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-09, Page 1VOL. XXVII.--_NO, 1377.
4e,uth:; rnr
Sale d3 FA
Corner Drug Store, Wingbarn.
Call and see our fine assort-
ment of Scribblers, Exercise
Books, Pen Holders and Lead
Pencils, all of the latest de-
signs. They are the best value
in town.
Book Covers and Blotters
given away with books at
I LT h'
The time has arrived when the
wise storekeeper looks around his
:stock and notes what has to be got
xid of before the summer season
tomes to an end. We have been
.doing this, and find not Nlthstanding
.a wonderfully successful season. We 1
have still good lines of seasonable
.,goods in all departments that we
should like to get rid of before the
arrival of our fall goods. With this
end in vsew, for the balance of the
season we shall sell all our summer
goods at either coat or a very small
margin over, and some lines wewill
positively sell considerably
first cost. Do you. want Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery,
Gents' Furnishings. If so come and
• see what we can do for you. We
want your looney and we are sure
you will want our bargains when
you see them.
Remember, all summer goods at
or nearly at cost. This particularly
applies to Gents' Furnishings.
th1Cy in Shirts, res,C.Ve
sell at prices that will make, you glad
you came to see us.
Buena kiss Am. While letaeter Percy I -Mr I) Stewart shipped a car load of
Smith,son of Mr, John Smith, of the G. ' lambs to East Buffalo on Tuesday.
T. R„ was walking on stilts an Tuesday I -Messrs M.nT)onald & Burohill made
Minnie street from the pumps to Victoria street '•
V.etoria street from Aiinnt : st a •t to Jnsaphtno et ;
John street troth Josephine street to Carlin;; street ;
Carling street from John sheet to Patrick street,
Patrick street fres'• Carlin;; street to Shutes street.
evening bo had the misfortune to fall from their weekly shipment of hogs to {,u I m &Three mon to sleep in !iso hall, ono alcels i
them and the result was that one of his wood on Tuesday. 'PAW Mil at prfsr nt
arms was broken above the elbow: The
The rate war on the railways is at an 6 The Chkt to he paid for his whole time and to
little fellow is doing nicely. end. Rates are to be restored to their o
A. Goon SIGN --The general enquiry basis on the 25th instant.
around town these Java is "Where can > --work has been commenced op the
person rent a house'?" This is surely n new conerebe walk on Alfred street from
good sign for one town. We hardly knowCentre to Josephine streets.
of n vacant house in town and there are 1 Dr. Macdonald is now permanently
many people who would remove their tam I et home and eau be consulted by
Wn Antr•. Du.tT-The TIauts job printing
department has been turning out all kinds
of neat printing during the past week.
Telepbone.No 4, when you are in need of
anything in the printing line. We will
call for copy and give you estunae on
your work.
Plasm PICKING -the Winglsam baseball
club went to Mildmay on Monday last to
take part in the Labor Day demonstration.
They played a game of "call" with the
Walkerton team and were easy picking for
the northern boys. The game was very
one•sided, resulting in favor of Walkerton
by a score of 12 to 2.
WANTED --200 tubs choice Dairy Butter-
also Eggs; highest prices cash or trade.
tf. - G. E. KING.
ily here if they could find a suitable
SHOE ENIUInlTloN•-The Slater Shoe Com.
pany intend giving a ten days exhibition in
our town some time in the near future,
showing the manufacture of these famous
shoes, from beginning to end. This ex•
hibition will be purely for advertising
purposes. Il;omuth & Bowles are their
representatives in Winghatn.
his patrons.
-The local W 0 T U have had` boxes
placed in many of our business places.
The boxes contain temperance literature.
31r Thos hell was taken quite eeri-
ously ill on Tuesday last, but at last re-
ports we re pleased to say is improving
-Mr. W. Pattison has purchased .the
roperty recentl vacated by Mr. Thos.
have n•. ot't •r duties e::cept as policeman.
7 Tao 5 gallon chemical Gra exttrtgulehers re-
gnirrd. water for
8 Tho delay of eight minutes in giv'n;
the test snows clearly the need of improvement
either by standpipe or eo» tinnnns pumping.
Inspector, C. P. U. A.
The above report was referred to the
Fire, Nater and Light Committee.
Petition was read from T. Haltom and
others, asking that a concrete walk he laid
ou the north side of Albert street, between
Sauter and Josephine ,streets. Clerk re-
ported that the petition was not sufficient-
ly signed.
Petition was read from Geo. Mason
and R. Kinsman, asking that a concrete
walk be laid on the south side of Alfred
street from Centre to Josephine street.
Kennedy -Irwin -That the request of
Geo, Mason and R. Kinsman bo granted
and that the new walk be laid where the
board walk is at present. -Carried
Mr. R. Kinsman was present and wished
to speak, protesting against the alouncil's
action in laying the walk on the inside of
the trees. The Mayor informed Mr. Kins-
man that the matter had been settled and
therefore he was out of order and the Coon
oil could not hear him.
The Mayor, ae Chairman of the Public
Works Committee said he was unable to
have a report from his committee ready
I for this meeting, but informed the`Council
that something would have to be done with
the sewer on Alfred street and also the
drain in front of the upholstering factory
was in need of repair.
The Finance Committee recommended
iZ men. of the following accounts :
1 H. Manuel. salary for August6 8 34
T. Hall, yoters' lists and advt'g 25 90
loaal imp 1 70
Municipal World, bal. Rol] 4 77
II, B. Elliott, advt local imp.. ,
V 40
Vannorrrtan, salary for August 31 00
Bell Telephone Co., tc-Iephrtnine00
Thos. Irwin, salary, July and Aug. 20 00
Ireland cel Button, funeral outfit, 12 00
Rhoda Elford
> 78 45
Chas. Barber, work on
Wingham Elec. Lt. Co , lights for OJ 02
August 3 07
7. Clegg &; Co., supplies
D. McPherson, work on streets1 25
Isaac Davidson, , „ . 1 25
'' 50
2 82
Our Nsw STons-°'Railroad Forger," by Donde' butcher�Ie will move his stock of
A Pinkerton, is the name of the new story flour and feed to his new premises in a few
started in this issue of the Tints. All who days
enjoy good reading, should not miss it as--1+'or first-class tailoring and cheap
it proves of absorbing interest from start gents' furnishings, try Webster et Co.
to finial'. The Trims will be sent to any Remember the place, in Queen's block.
Marriage Licenses
'issued by PEANIt PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
o•sorta etrdet,` Ingham, Ont. Nowitnesses
• requirad.
address until the end of the year for 25
cents. Subscribe now and get the opening
chapters of the story.
House For SALE -Owing to his intend-
ed removal from town, Mr John Neelands
offers for sale his brick cottage on Minnie
street. The house has all the modern
conveniences and will be sold on easy
terns. For full particulars apply to Joni.
NEELAND9, Willr,a m.
C. 0. F. MEETING -The regular meeting
of Court Maitland, No 25, Canadian Order
of Foresters will be held this (Friday) even-
ing. Mr R Elliott, 11 0 R, of Ingersoll,
will snake an official visit to the Court and
every member is urgently requested to be
present as some important matters per-
taining to the welfare of the Court K ill be
brought up for discussion.
LONi)ON'S F.ATR-The G. T. R. are offer-
ing special traies and ratett_from here to
London during next week. A. sproial
train will leave here on Tuesday, Wednes-
day and Thursday. of next week at 5.45
a. m., and returning will leave London at
10.15 p.m 00 the same dates. The return fare
of Tuesday and T'hurrsdfly is 161.70, and
all other days it will be 162.25.
Fall TOM °Pens September 1st.
time of the -year to enter the famotta
Coenee Hxat-Tho Brussels Post speaks
in glowing terms of Miss Ethel Webb, the
humorous and dtknio.tic" reader, and Mr.
W. Graham 110(14dou, .the noted terser,
who appeared before a Brussels audience
last week. This couple will give an enter-
taintnent in the opera house here, on the
evening of the 28th inst., under the auspic-
es of the Alert Fire, 'ompany.
QUIET WEDnzNe : A quiet wedding was
performed at the home of Mrs. Stuyt h,
Patrick street, on Tuesday evening of,•tbis
111 week, when 111r. Alfred Ireland, conductor
of the London freight, was joined in the
holy bonds of wediocktoMrs. Wm tihsith,
: of town, by the Rev. Mr. Freed, paster of
the Baptist °humble We wish the newly
martied couple much joy and happiness.
Ora Porui.aTzo The following is the
report handed in to the town clerk by Mr.
William Robertson, who was recently ap•
inted to take the census of the town,
THE Grain Mee -NET -Messrs. Coffee &
Co., who have bad a buyer on the Wing-
ham market for some seasons back are re-
tiring from business here. Messrs. Hay
Bros., of Listowel, a very reliable firm are
t,king their place. Mr. A. Barkhclder
who has been on the market for Messrs.
• nno
Coffee, is buying firm,
farmers in this section are sure to receive
the fair treatment they have always ro-
csived on the Wingham market.
-A number of the Canadian Foresters
of town will go to Brussels on Sunday next
to attend divine service with their breth-
ren of that pisco• Itev Mr MoRobbie, the
High Chaplain will preaeh the sermon.
-Dir P Tanely, of Hamilton, lineman
for the Boll Telephone Co, has been stip,
tioned at Winghatn. He will remove his
family here as soon as he is able to pro-
cure a dwelling.
Ono of the largest. most popular, and
most successful Commercial Schools in
Thousands of former students now in
successful business lite. Revises courses
of study ; beautiful rooms ; strong staff of
teachers; satisfaction guaranteed. Refer-
ences :-All Stratford. Write fur beautiful
The regular monthly meeting of the town
council was held on Monday evening last.
All members present except Councillor
Ranson. The minutes of last regular and
two *eclat meetiuls were read and ap•
Mrs. Houghton w,is present and present-
ed a petition signed by Thos Bell and her-
self eleking for the extenaion of the, new
w rk 00 the West side of Minnie street,
sat her property. The Connell could not
consider the petition as the Clerk had not
heels given time to prepare his report.
The Treasurer's report was read, as fol-
lows :
-Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
eed to cure headache,
-Listowel's tax rate is 25 mills on the
-Mr N A. Farquharson, of the China
House, has put a: new deliyery rig on the
road. It is a candy.
-Seeding is well advanced in this sec-
tion. The acreage of fall wheat sown will
be considerably larger than usual.
-A new warehouse has been erected at
the rear of the store in the Macdonald
bloek,Whioh is to be occupied by Mr. John
lite -Work has been commenced on the
new building to be ovected by Mr. Geo. MG -
Kenzie gsr''• his property on Josepbiue
Rents .................. 5' 5 00
Ula sidewalk planks 12 00
1000 01)
Sale of Debentures and tweed Int 0087 45
Thos. Bell, repaym't Bonus loan 250 00 1 SI. Saint, teaming
Int. on Mortgage27 50 W Pattison, draying tile
65151 'J9
Balance in Bank........ is 372 02
The report was ordered to be spread on
the •
William Robertson made1
repaired as indicated by captain of the fire
brigade. -Carried.
Hanna -Irwin -That we purchase se
third hose cart, price not to exceed ;645. •-e
Newton -Robinson -That the Chairman.
of the Firs, Water and Light Committee
have the absolutely necessary repairs made.
to the hose tower, as was recommended bee
the captain of the fire hrigado.-Carrried:.
Kennedy -Irwin -That the Chairman o€
the Fire, Water and Light Committee
have four fire alarm boxes placed in post -
tion in the planes indicated in the report.
lianna-Irwin-That we insure the fire
hall and the contents to the extent o€
5,1,000. -Carried.
By-law No. 303, to borrow 62,500. foe
local improvement and current expenses
was read three times tend passed.
' '* b-
. Win. Ito
- �fn
By-law No. �:0, ap,,ointtu„
ertson collector of taxes at a salary 0$16501
was read three times and passed,
Angus -Reading -That ;6100 be placed
to the credit of the School Board.—
Captain Dlanuel, cf the fire bri.eadee
asked Council to rebate amount of clie.rges
paid for electric light at a previous•; con-
cert and at the coucart to be held by Aherne
on the 28th inst.
Newton -Robinson -That the Alert'1Firet
Company be granted use of hall of 28tit.
inst., at the usual fee, less charges for, elee-
trio light at preview and coming concerts.
The majority of the Council was ii�•?fav-
or of granting the firemen the free type of
1 ee the hall on the 28th iust„ when i(e was
7° 04 moved by Councillor Kennedy, secgnded
10 00 by Councillor Irwin, that the firemen
be' granted the free use of the '-'town.
ball on the 28th inst.
Councillor Newton then withdrew his
motion and the above motion was git'rriect
on a division of eight to two. The'.Mayoc
showing the population of the town to be I street.
-;Notices are up in all the banks, notify -
23D7, divided in wards as follows : Ward
1, 497; Ward 2, 429 ; Ward 3, 547 ; Ward ing the public that on and after Oct. let e.
4, 3i 4. This number is 141 more than discount of one perecent, will be charged on
was reported by the AssessoitjRtnd will bo bi
grant the extra hotel license. Royal Carriage Oil Ton Polish makes
sufficient to
buggy tops like new. Sold at MACMATII's
. ANOTIiEr SI1OrT Sermon -A subscriber Harness Shop.
sends us the following :-"I sea in last -Many of 'our townspeople are in Tor-
onto this weep attending the Industrial
Fair. The G T 11 agent at Teeswater was
selling return tickets to Toronto for 611.50.
-_Messrs. T, Bell st Son's and Button &
Peasant's factOli:a were closed for a few
days this wlo'allow
attend the
of their employees a chance to
Toronto Fair.
-Last Monday was Labor Day. but the
day was not generally observed
» office,
as a holiday. The banks, p
some of the business places were closed. A
number of our sports enjoyed a game of
picket on the park in the afternoon.
-The Beavers, of Seafor h and champion-
seh•Eluts, of T played
Note Bends, .e ship snatch at Hanlan's Island, Toronto,
to Net
Deceased was born in Louth, on Saturday, resulting in favor of Seaforth
W o alwnVs have a full I q 1 and removed With 1 biro hall of frame construction.
the 1 ting is ahvays neat, L,ng by a score of 0 to 4• This match pr ion-
t1 United. States about ll S forth the C L A champion• 2 Only one pump engineer, constant attcndanca
e Alarm not antisfnotorl ,
A. Graham, lowering walk on Min-
nie00 street
Hugh Hamilton, •work on street29 25
W. 0. Stuart, inspeoting local imp. 25 35
work on street 24 50
minutes. W m. Moore, 21 89
Dir. b app ica- I Thos. Moore,
tion for the position of Collector of TaxesG. T. R., freight on sewer pipe23 20
I Button & Fessant, pumping water 15 00
Wm. Holmes, supplies 0 48
John Cluhb, work on streets
McLean & Son, lumber
Wm. Robertson, taking census
Robertson_) enuedy--That the report
of the Finance Committee be adopted and
cheques issued for the respective accounts.
weelf's Tz,n,s, a sermon which is supposed
Vr> J. ELLIOTT, Principal. I to be the shortest ever preached. Dean
Swift (e. witty Irish clergymen) is said to
have preached a shorter one, being asked
to preach a charity sermon he took his
text, "Ho that hath -j?ity upon diel poor,
let,deth unto the Lord and that which he
hath given will He .pay him again," he
said, "Now friends you have heard the
conditions, ifu you accept
was a
with the dust,"
success financially.
DIED ni KENTooreltDied, in 26t1� Louisville,
Kentucky, on Thursday, Aug.
Henrietta, youngest daughter of the late
IJoseph and Mary Smith, and wife of Fran-
is Holloway (formerly of Wingham).
ECems Lincolnshire,
land Oet. , t r, 1870,
Wedding Stationery.
we can print Wedding Invitations in the
latest style. we have the type, work•
men and.lteep a complete assortment of
Wedding Stationery. No orderingfrom
samples. You eau have your
short, notice.
Visiting;. Cards.
o and
we print then nentivwill oYou will always
find a con,piete stock.
Office Stationery.
Including l nvelopes, eros Heads, tete;
..non . etnek in this lino
and prn
its to to lly gives e� t required.
n��•al Job Printing h ,, was Married on June' i g pis
for the pt�� .--
Kennedy -Newton -That the salary of
the Collector be 675. -Passed.
Reading--Lemmex-•An amendment,
that the Collector's salary be 650. -
Kennedy -Newton -That Wm, Robert-
son be appointed Collector for the ensuing
year, security to be the same as last year,
'the following report was read from
Robb. Howe, Inspector for the Canadian
Fire Underwriters' i3sso°iation :-
CHAN nue, -tight men added to bite othtde os paid
ata hook and ladder truck, no pay,
same as before ; total 22. 500 feet new hose last
year and 500 feet repaired. One fireman sleeps in
Town Ball near tire station. Belief valve at pumps
set at 130 lbs. Another switch box for alarm to
puma ei.gineer and driver placed near bell rope.
T1 ST.—Gaco a,arm from box lust below Town
tIali 0 03 a, m., general Matra bell pulled 001, horse
$reels and 0 men out OM, two lines
arrived 0 0171,
thrown Ina I boxes placed at the ttuion factory, Me.
1- 0 04 hunk and ladder truck and 6 men 5.00, 20 r
` a
noaz1es 1.i inch, hose 120 ft, each line. Lloyd s door ac
—Wa,500 hos°r°om be whitewashed, and the tires
works, direct pressure, 0 byone of the
feet of first-class and Soo feet of other servi'cab1on Recommend hose
runs 1 e properly set.
ell Hook and laddeelectric
r r• l ll
bell on Town hall, with o.octr cswi placed on fico hail and contents.
Ings of pump engineer and driter, and in the fact.
Hanna—lLobinson—That the report of
ery where Chief works. Night patrol. Brigade of
•t a Chief paid 3100 a year', the others brio per the Chairman of the Fire, Water and
the paid or sleepiest in fire hall, Light Committee be considered clause by
year each, non° fully p• P
A room has been fixed for 4 'nett to sleep in the clause,— Carried.
Town 11.ait 1vlitoh Is neat the the station but only T. II, Manuel, captain of the fisc brigade
ono sleeps .hero,
Was present and explained to the; Council
f7Rr[CIENCII 9 for (Ness "C.e the repairs tvhicli were absolutely neces•
orator until tittb When two streams 2 wmo 's' ' - Lean's saw mill, school house, and at
feet heel ontnlly and higher than 2 business houses, f tory b Recommend that
-1ceevr Hanna, and Councillor Itecdiug voted payee,
Water and Light Committee submitted the The Council then adjourned. i`s
following written report : 1. I find that the
machinery at wheel house is in need of re- C$Z7�,t;t1 iUTI;i3.
pair. Mr. Tt.ltunciman estimated that 1;54 1Ir Ueo lia..on conducted the seifivice air
wonld cover cost of repairs. 2. 6i a aro in
need of a third hose cart. Can pnrchase Ebenezer charct', Morris, on Snnday,aftes-
one for 16.15 and world recommend the pur- noon last.
chase of a cart. 3. The headgates at wheel Rev Mr Mac:7ab, of Whitecliuroli, will
house need repairing ; the work will cost occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian:
about 68. 4. The hose tower is badly in church on Sunday next.
need of repair ; the same will .fire about RevT Hall, of the Advance, took charge
0 00 5. We need four more fire alarm of the Rev J B Kennedy's work at `Vroxet.-
er on Sunday. Ile will do like serytce on:
Sunday next.
Ittruck. Alarm from pull
1 000 insurance be
+ i t°hcalshrdwo
her pare oa regi r , • "tlnrnetvell" or
years ago w ere she - eon t ship. °
line, inched• to Mr, F. >7. S. Hellos/My, k 1 by rho lost i cooly ctfeottva Sector hex system should be inslnl•
do nnytitinff. in this , 17111, 1391,
be -
We A
i m,
ing fosters, Salo Rills, ilni�d Rills,
Shipping Tags, C[rcUlnrs Pamphlet Mr. :Toho Holloway, of Wfng a 1 W ltatn pest Office and
I Tickets or ntoo lar' e. the print- good wife and a trite Christian, tihe•was be- 7 t boll fr�so•it system fully tntrlino 1v° i h loved by all who t David Camp -1 Alarm herein,
being e. u
e c
--Tenders me n q
„ lime, are
pump next
s in do
n t• 1• ma
" ile o be tot >; old
ur g would s e
riato h n
of acs
ire to 't g
t t.d t h
'n of I probability i to rob Y
ars and
forthe c crnen
carrying t
rent fl ,
nt r sum, p
Office Departure`boll and stables, to cult
mails between the ing I strike the genera alarm r year, as the present
lost wh tldtepower
�we in ds
`next year. !Cho p
the G. T, IS. station. Mr n, plaited under
4 A cenaiderabte t o requiredr the following manner :
portion of town is vary in Ade- bell has had this st beead for a number of ,i itte.y protected,
ears ago eo re it gWray bd foirtunatel t 1e.ast thefollowing extents: To be lad along Kennedy--Irwin-That the head gates be
y e to a
enough to secure it again,
sary in connection with the lire depart -
menti The Council as a whole were not
in favor of making any more repairs than
what were absolutely necessary, as in a
Last Satnrdny's Globe contained excel-
lent photos of the leading mtnisters in at-
tendance at the general Methodist Confer-
ence in Toronto. Among the number see
noticed Rev W Itiesby, of Blyth.
weds. job of largo. and nano
eve 1 knew her. She was a
too small for need
ovenythtt a liellen
the of the Protestant Episcopal
you gra in mend ofmember
lino. Our prices are as low no
Cliuroh, and the funerrl services Were con -
TIMES OFFICE, ducted by the Very Rev, Chas ,
WnSfeaLk d, D, Dean of the Diocese of Louisville, icy.
L Craik D
Rev 'Freed, of Lobo, has accepts le,khe call
recently extended to him by the s},3aptist
congregation of this place. He heti cote.-
meneed his pastoral duties and wilr4 entove
his family here in the near fttturl. Thi.
TlitEf welcomes Mr Freed and1,,falrnily to
oltr.Own, y1! "
Rev G "Trotter Carr, of Straf£o•d, who
occupied the pulpit of the Cougrc ati0nat
church here a few Sundays ago lea
sulksp resign-
{ 'pastorate in Stratford; reside,
'The y
l a
permanently in E
gentleman and has wife 'tsaiie 'farly hi.
October for their mita 4 rc ladle, .