HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-05, Page 10Fix it Now" • Wood or Aluminum " Broken windows • Broken glass indoors. Time to get a I those broken windows fixed before the snow Bring it in today Crown Hardware Seaforth Phone 527-1420 .....,. THISISIT 1111r5.,.1011HRT. Yelftt WON YOU-SEE THE BERG HVON001011.11-111ANURE, pimp It 'forces the manure from the barn, through an underground pipe to the storage area. As the manure enters storage area from below, the outside surface forms a crust, which retains the' important nitrogen and potassium inside the pile and also reduces the odor_and fly problems: And the manure is ready for spreading, when you want it. For details call • Koh Slemoii Plumbing — Farm Equipment R.R.4, Walton, Ontarfo Phone 345-2734 wurLo • EVERYTHING GETTER FOR EARNS Y, sisters, Miss Vida Vforci Toron-to,', Mrs. Robert (Muriel) Fitzgibbon, Coburg; Mrs. Russell (Audrey) Avery of Trent. River; and Mrs. John (Norah) Summers of Haliburton, and one brother, Clifford of Oakville. Friends were received at' Whitney-Ribpy :Funeral Home where a service was held Tuesday. at 2 p.m. with Rev. James R. BroadfOot officiating. Cremation fol- lowed a memorial service held Monday evening by Seaforth-branch of the Royal Canadian Legion was fol- lowed by a visitation by members of the Seaforth Lions Club: VESSEL VAN DEN AKKER Besse! "Ben" Van den Alcker, Sr.. of I 5$ • Wilson Avenue, Sty Thomas died en.' Monday; October 2 after a lengthy illness. Born in Hol- land on October 18. 1912, he was in his 66th year, He was a retired maintenance carpenter for the Ontario government in -London . He came to Canada and Seaferth in, 1952 and later in 1965 'he moved to .St. Thomas. Surviving care his wife Aartje,,(DeGroot); two sons Besse! (Ben) Jr., Seaforth: Anthony, Unionville, Opt. , Three sisters and three. bloaters in Holland. Two grandchildren irt Seaford), Amy and Brent Van den Miter. The funeral was conducted at the Sifton Funeral Home, St. Thomas 'on Wedgesday afternoon by Rev. J.L.4 Petrie of Knox Presbyterian Church, St. Thomas. Following eiremation inter- ment is to be made in St< Thomas. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. WIILFRO TITF0110 Wilfred 'Word,. 62, of Harporhey„ SundaY, at Seaforth 'Community' Hospital. Born in Coburg, he was a son of the late William and Mary (Robson) Titford. He came to Seaford/ from Toronto in April 1970 as maqager of the Seaforth Stole of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario'. He vas' a member of Seaforth Lien's Club. During World War II he served overseas t in ' the Royal Canadian Airforce. He was a' member and' former secretary of Seaforth Branch No. 156, Royal Canadian Legion. Surviving are 'his wife, the former Grace Giles, four Men's Industrial 'Hockey REGISTRATION 4 All pla),ers must register and pay their fee, $30.00 (for 15 regular season games] by, Sat., Oct. 14. Register at the Forge - or Recreation Office Please Note: Players still having sweaters please return for cleaning when registering. • 4 Obituaries 7 • PRE. B'1 :cifORcH - Sunday Worship 11:15 am. Church Schodi - 11: 15a.m. Nursery Provided, COME, YE THANKful4PEuriA, COIF It Curling news By Wendy Tremeer The membership commit- tees aro working hard, and . 4 things seem to 'be under way. The first party of the year • is tcheduled. for Oct. 22, - 1978. It Will ibe , achreakfast„ and a six-end curling game. If you arc interested and haven't been contacted yet . call LorineDZ.nOrnme, •It will be a fun day so come on out and find out what niuscles haven't been used since last year. • • The Ladies Executive , Meeting.scheduled for Oct. 4' willnow be held oil Oct. 11 at 8:00 at the curling club. , Nikes should be in the mail. The Seaforth Curling Club Executive meeting., is scheduled for Oct. 10 at 8:00 at the curling club:. If you are a committee head be sure to keep this date in mind. .The opening potluck sup- per will be on Sat..; Nov. 4. Keep this date open and notices will be • mailed. Bowling SNOWMOBILE PRICES SLASHED FOR 3 BIG DAYS & NIGHTS OF SAVINGS 140\14 10( St. St titA Cgt THURSDAY, FRIDAY Winter fun is just around the corner. Just imagine the enjoyment YOu'll get out of snowmobiling on Arctic Cat, a number one selling snowmobile. It doesn't cost nearly NI as much as you might think as we'll be p v' g this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Prices have been slashed and 'profits sa cra • ed on both new and used snowmobiles, accessories 'and clothing. Bring the family and joi.n in the fun and see' for yourself how you can really save. See our large, newly-expanded premisesand inspect our selection and you'll"know why we're Number One in both sales and service. Check our reputation with other people who have bought from us and you'll feel more con- fident than ever that you've made the right choice by buying from us. , '1 /4- Where else can 'you get professional "while you wait" serviCe, backed by a large parts inventory and four licensed, factory-trained mechanics. COmbine this with our -policy of competitive pricing and the largest selection of new and used snowmobiles and clothing in Ontario and you'll have some pretty, solid reasons to deal with us: If you have a snowmobile and you would like to move up to an Arctic Cat or a better used machine, don't worry, we're one of the few dealers IG rge enough to accept your trade-in 'at its true price. DON'T FORGET: IF YOU'RE AT ALL INTERESTED IN SNOWMOBILING YOU'LL BE DOLLARS AHEAD, BY BUYING FROM US. IT DOESN'T COST ANYTHING TO LOOK AND'WE'RE CONFIDENT YOU'LL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE. WHEEL ASSEMBLIES BOGIE WHEELS REES. i4.29 $3 .79 , USED MACHINES • ' Dollar for dollar, _ pound forpourd you can't buy a more versatile snow machine than the Panther. There's plenty of power, comfort and room for two. That's the beauty of this,beast. And that's exactly why you've waited long enough. YOU'VE WAITED LONG ENOUGH BOMBARDIER TRACKS FITS ELAN 71•75 NOW $8495 OLYMPIC 63,71 ONLY • TNT 6141 '71 SkIroule S440 '71 SktDoo Olympic 304 '72 Snow Hawk 340 "73 Moto Ski 400 —'73 John Deere JD '73 Evinrude electric start 30 H.P. '73 Scorpion Super Stinger '73 Yahmoha 643 '74 Skiroule RTX 447 '74 Sk lroule RTX 440 '76 Johnson 400 '77 JOg lobe '78 Yahmaha 18 360 '77 Lynx 2000 twin '711 Lyme 2000 single Pantero 3000 '71 Eltlgre 5000 '78 Eitigre 6000 IS Polaris SS340 '71 Rup * '73 Motoskl FUlura 440 4 matt luta models guaranteed 30 'boys from the first Wags. For your REPLACEMENT TRACKS See the experts at Hully Gully -262-3318 PHONE 1-262-5809 or 1 NOTICE Now Paying a High Rate of 1 gip Guaranteed Trust ow% Certificates for 5 Year Term A CUT ABOVE THE REST r It „4; fo ilf)h Id 7,3 'r, bisCount 14% 9 3 / of l'4 /0 Monthly, Semi-C.6111pound If You can not come to the office Jo will call at your home. The Company is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. RONNENBERG INSURANCE AGENCY ivlonklun Office Open Brussels Office Open Monday thru Saturday Tuesdays '&' Fridays Phone 347.2241 ' Phone 887-6663 „. Annually or Compound • • si z FARM, EQUIPMENT LTD. SEAFORTH- CAMBRIDGE-AYR-WOODSTOCK BIG OCT: SALE , Aasil. 0 Coaheatio • - • 00,111anWinter... • takeyour best shot1 Buy Fri. Night & Beth Sales Tax' SEAFORTH 527-0120 711,•^1.7,7, ,-,--', "7-• By Steve Cooke What do you de if you see someone poaching? This question hat plagued me fee some time, so I finally got in touch with the Department of 'Natural Resources to find out. The answer is fairly simple. "Get all the information you can, and let us know as soon as possible", was the reply. The information they wanted was pretty straight forward. If you see the poacher's car, note . the colour, make and most important, the license number. if the poacher is wearing a back patch (the part of the hunting license that is supposed to be prominently displayed), make a note of it as well. A good description of the poacher (height, weight, colour of hair, clothes) will also be of immeasurable value. If at all possible, it is also a good idea to note just what the poacher has taken, arid le what numbers. Do not, however, confront the poacher. If this is done, it will not only alert the lawbreaker (and he may get rid of the evidence), but it may also be dangerous. Reember, the poacher is no better (and ma be worse ) than a common thief. • e next step then is to head for the nearest phone and repOrt the incident to the, D.N.R. so they may act as quickly as possible.. To do this, simply dial "0" for the operator and ask for Zenith 92,000. This is a toll free number and will be answered by a radio dispatcher who will contact a Conservation Officer and relay the message. The other alternative is to call the O.P.P. at Zenith 50000 Wand proceed in the same manner. The one advantage of contacting.the O.P.P. is that they usually have more patrol cars on the road and can reach the area of the offense faster than the D.N.R. (particularly if the offense is occurring at a distance from the D.N.R. office or radio base)„ Both of these Blues - 11 50's 19 Oi's 14 Celts 17 If Lites 14 Gddens 9 Ladies High Single. Kim Maloney 224, Triple, Dianne Swirkl is, 574. Men's High Single, Jerry Staple. 290; Triple, Lyle limey, 750. Look at all the dirt RINSENVAC got Out of our carpet! You'll be-amated When you see how really deep down clean your carpets can be. 'RINSENVAC rinses and vacuums out dirt and grime in a single sweep. Cleans the Way professicinals do—but at a fraction of the Cost! for palessionif carpet &sang PM con do yourself briiy RENT RINSENVAC $12.00 ,a CROWN HARDWARE 527-1410 numbers are manned 24 hours a day and ring into the closest O.P.P. dispatch office or D.N.R. office. A lot of people will' think --- what's this got to do with me? never see a poacher. That may be true, but on the other hand, you may happen on the same type of incident that occurred in Hullet Conserva- tion Area last Saturday. The Ontario Bird Dog and Conservation Assdciation were holding a field trial out there and had been releasing quail and pheasants for two days. At abRut mid-afternoon, just as they were preparing to start a pair of pointers tin their course, they heard a shot ring out about three fields away in the middle of their run, A couple of officials quickly jumped into a vehicle and went to investigate. Lo and behold, there they found a young man from London with his shotgun loaded and ready to doltnayhero with the quail and pheasants in, the field. What did he do wrong? Not much really. Apart from, the fact that Bobwhite quail are a protectd species in this area, and pheasant season doesn't open till this coming Saturday, and he was shooting in'therniddle Man organized field trial, he hadn't done much wrong at all. Did he do it on purpose, or did he just net know? If he did it on purpose,'I'd like to see him drawn and quartered. If he didn't know and doesn't have the initiative to check the game laws, he doesn't deserve to have either a hunting license or a gun of any sort. In my opinion,' if that's the case, he's just too irresponsible to be trusted with either. That's why I dislike poachers and feel no qualms about turning them in. They spoil it for all responsible • and , concerned people, whether they are hunters or not. If you see a poacher. turn him in.' You'll be doing yourself and everyone else a big favour. • 10 THE HURON OIROSITOR, f3ciroo 1 1$ Natuixilly spec4ing Catch the: poacher 1