HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-05, Page 5with the 4-h pledge, Mrs.
Vandenberk 'and Mrs. Joe
Dorsey are the assistant
Leaders'. ' The officers were
then elected for Club
named "Essential Edibles".
Election, was as follows
Jayne Delaney, President;'
Betty Anne Kraonen Vice-
President; Debbie Vanden-
berk Secretary; Michelle
O'Rourke .Treasurer;
Margaret VanderValle Press
Reporter, and Theresa
mgrs and Michelle Row-
were assigned to the
,Phone committee.
Mrs, RoSa Van Bergen
.K of C have good attendance
The regular meeting of Share the Wealth draw wele
Seaforth Knights of Mien Crowley for $30,8.00,"
Columbus was held at Wayne Rolph the seller. Fifty •
Council Chambers, St.. dollar prize went to Matt
tenuroban with a large at. Denome, Zurich; seller Clem
dance. Winners of the Regier.
demonstrated hoW' to .make
Metric Cripy Granola,
girl was the advised to make
their own granola at home.
St. Columban CWL
plans clothing drive
Mrs. Fran Malone
345-2388 •
Mr. and Mrs: Tom Dawe„
Caroline and Michael of
Windsor spent the weekend
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Mr..and Mrs. Mel Scott of
Fargo, North.Dalccita,
and Mts. Joan MacDonald
and Brian of Montreal visited
frie_ndS. and _retativ_es here
last weekend.
. Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Maloney have moved to their
recently purchased home in
Stratford. They will certainly
be missed in our hamlet.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Malone, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Malone, Mr. and Mrs. •
Wayne Dolinage, and Jeffrey
and Mrs. Clare Murray, and
girls all attended the first
annual party of the Flying
..lyt" • truck stop near
Talbot Vile operated by' Jim
and'Be tyY lone.-Everyone
had a gotid me„Mrs. Birdie
pMarizie0.1 wo CB radio has a
The Oct meeting of the
C.W.L. was held this week
with 14 ladies present despite
of the weather. Mrs. Mary
' Margaret O'Leary will visit
our sick this month. Plans
were made to attend the
Deanery meeting in Stratford,
The fall used clothing drive
will start after Oct. 22 and
last for two weeks only. Ten
ladies attended the Kinkora
bazaar; and report having a
good time. The saying of the
rosary in our School was
discussed at length for the
second time. Our ladies feel
a renewal of prayer ,in our
schools will surely help our
young pedple realize the
fluidarientals of life apd our •'
religion- are still there.
Father Oostveen spoke on
the various' books that are
available. After a further
discussion• of business the
rweting adjourned for a
social hours.
Soccer? Next week.
A sign of things to come:
If snow shovelers will,wax r
their shovels with paste wax
they will find the job of
shoveling snow much-easier!
Remember! •It takes but a
Moment to place • an
EXpositer Want Ad. Dial
at the
A I I new
atii more New Models
dpi .yet pir-M4; SEMI:1TH 521-0120
Mary Murray. .
Other members are:
Luanne Murray, Louise
Nolan, Marion Nolan, Mary-
Jo Ryan.
The leaders are Mrs.
Janneke' Murray and as-
sistant is Mrs. Elizabeth
Klaver. The members named
McKillip #4, "Celebrity
Cooks" The leaders showed
members how to Make,
"Metric Cri'Spy Granola",
also .talked and read about
good eating.
.. .
at •
We are prepared to -store any or all of
your corn crop. We will 'store under
storage receipt or in grain- bank for your
feed, or we will custom dry it for you.
'With expectation of a record corn crop we
suggest that you contact your closest
Topnotch Feeds Limited elevator- for
complete particulars on storage so that
this space will be set aside for you.
Don Corbett, Manager
Seaforth 527-1910
Bring the whale Family!
make .
Fri., Oct 6th
Time:7- Midnight
Come in.and have
Sandpiper Inn - Vanostra
SATURDAY: Oct. 14, 1978
Entertainment and Singalong
In the tradition of Anstett Jewellers Limited, you are cordially
invited to a preview of this seasons newest
additions to a fine jewellery wardrobe
entitled "A Touch of Class".
Classic diamonds for daytime, nigh time, or anytime.
Karat gold, by the yard as chains, fine time feces,
earrings and bracelets to adorn and
- accent falls newest fashions.
Engagement and wedding rings adhering to tradition
and breaking it, and.custom designs by Anstetts
creative craftsmen, when nothing less will do.
Remember; Ansteaig your American Gem Society Jeweller.
Fine quality jewellery, advanced equipment and
extensive gemology examinations make Anstett
professionals, people you can trust when
investing in fine jewellery.
The Anstett family looks forward to this informal and informative
occasion to introduce "A Touch of Class" jewellery
fashions on Saturday October 21 from 12 to‘9 p.m.
and Sunday October 22 from 1 to 6 p.m., at the
River Mill of Eenmiller Inn.
P.S. Royal Doulton of England will exhibit a. selection of their
most prestigious figurines for your aesthetic appreciation.
The Fall activities of
Edelweiss Rebekah LOdge
started with the annual pot
luck supper and exchange of
Sunshine Pal gifts. Over the
surinner mouths the visiting
Committee mac'emany visits
to sick and shut-in members
and a number of Sympathy
and Get Well cards had been
A letter of greeting. was
received from the new As-
sembly President, Mrs.'
Helen Spicer of Aylmer. Her
project for the year is the
purchase and installation of a
Century vVhirIppol Bath foi
the Odi „Fellow-Rebekah
Home in Barrie.
Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Dis
trict Deputy President o
Huron District No. 23 read
her list of installations, with
Seafort h s being held
--October -23,--Guests—fot—that
evening will be Mrs.
Margaret Greensides, Dis-
trict tteuty President'of Perth
District and her installing
The charter was very
reverently draped in memory
of Mrs. Charles Reeves and
Mrs. Daphne Kenealy, a
Past President of the
International Rebekahs.
Donations have been made
to the Arthritis and
Rheumatism Society, the
and to the Diabetic
Associdtion in memory of the
late Mrs. Reeves.
Social convenor for
October is Mrs. Norman
Riehi with her committee
being M'rs. Wm. Dalrymple,
Mrs. E. Boyes, Mrs. I
13alcer,,,i4rs. E. Carter, Mrs,
A. Henderson and Mrs. M.
Handy. '
THE lljUROPI EX11'0131TO OCT013.gf
dents tour
Thagirls. of the $ forth District High Schaol
,,band Were the offl lal band which led daily
ert boor „teachers settle
_ The Perth County B ard of...Education. and inclUding raises -for principals, vice=-• Shartlfeini 'leave plan. A teacher group ($14,398), maxilnum $27.300 ($25,940)
• 306 •secondary sqool teachers reached principals and persons in positions of added retirement savings plan was also discarded. There are 182.5 teachers in this category.
A ten-alive settlement of this year's
contract came after only two days and a total
of 23 hours' of negotiations. The teachers
voted to ratify the agreement two weeks ago
and the board'S decision to accept the terms . Listed below are the salaries agreed upon
came at a special meeting last Tuesday for the secondary teachers. The figures for
night. , last year arc in brackets and the number of
Ed Dearing, a member of the board's teachers in each category is included.
salary negotiating committee said at that Categories are determined by experience
time that neither the board nor the teachers and teaching qualifications.•
wanted to go through the same lengthy and Category one: minimuni $12,500 ($12,000)
sometimes difficult talks that characterized maximum $21,450 ($20,415). There are' 21
last year's negotiations. teachers in this category.
• Part of the reason for this year's early Category two: minimum $13,000 ($12,500) '
Early settlement of this year's contract settlement was the formation of a joint nriximum $22,560 ($21,470). There are
dimes in contrast to the 1977-78 agreement '4 board-teacher committee to study. teacher..., .5 teachers in this category.
workload, set up as part of the 1977-78 ' Category three: minimum $14,250 ,
recment last 6Ic on terms of the Gen'erally. both sides appear satisfied
.. — __ responsibility, will be $8,166, 129, compared
with $7-c616; 783 last -yea r. 49 coatract. _ with [he new settlement. Dearing cam- Prilt‘l Salaries: minimum $35,360
mented that both the Ward and teachers
had give,n in on certain things on the way to
the agreement. 4 .
Teachers' Salary List '
parades during last
Plowing Match.
Areek's International
(Expositor Photo)
Mr. Don MacRae
F5iends of Phyllis Hinz and
Lamont MacKay former
operators of the "Kitchen"
at the Huron. Hotel Dublin
have sent us a report on their
extensive travel's in Europe.
The first leg of their
journey was a flight to'
Landon, England where theY,
purchased a van for tran-
sportation. They attended a
service at Canterbury
Cathedral then on to
"Oxford" to the University.
Next to "Blenheim Place"
Wthston Churchill's birth
place. Proceeding through
•Wales and up to Scotland's
Leaving Stanraer by ferry
to Ireland, in Belfast they
noticed several armoured
tn'cks. Next to 'Dublin,'
Ireland where they ,were
ervieWed at the local
Radio Station Act their Re-
cord Dublin Ontario was
aired. Gas (petrol) over there.
. is $1.75 gal. The weather is.
pleasant but the temperature
drops considerably at night.
Now on to Tipperary, then on
to Munich for. Octoberfest
celebrations. The girls are
then planning a tour of Italy
'and Greece before returning
to Cano:ia.
Visitors with Mrs. Tessie
Costello were Mr. and Mrs.
`1311) Costello of New howell,
Out,. Mr. 'rand Mrs,! Ken
Wickins of London, Ont. over.
the weekend.
.The 441 Club Report
Dublin 4-H Club met at the
home of ,Mrs. Frank. Van
Bergen Sept. 21.
Mrs. Rosa Van Bergen. the
leader opened the meeting
Which • wasn't reached until May 3 after
months of discussion and a 50-day ..wark-to:
rule campaign by the teachers.
.Cost to the board of. the total package,
ert h,
A new County road,sign will:soon'lle going
up along all the provincial highway,
trances to ..Perth County. •
•It took same discussion,.. but members of
county council agreed on a design., forjhe
new signs attheir September meeting in
Stratford last Tuesday. . • - • •
About 10 signs will be needed to replace
the broken and missing signs that up to now
have announced to 'motorists their arrival in
Perth County. „
The, Signs' wil cost the county about $145
each, including materials •and painting.
North Easthope Reeve Arthur Horne
explained to council that only one of the old
signs remains standing, the - rest • having
. fallen into disrepair or been • stolen:
Mr. Horne said that he'd noticed a truck at.
the County's 125th anniversary celebrations
in Stratford' last month Which was using the •
ivmains of one of the old signs as a tailgate.
Council considered two designs for the
new signs before choosing one which
displays the Perth County crest in the centre
and the words By Work and Worth We
Rise" at the bottom of the sign with "Perth
County" at the top.
Reeve Ray Robinson of Mitchell moved
The.new Contract includes a deltion of the
sabbatical leave plan, to ,be replaced by a
that the other design identical in' all resepcts
but the wording which would. be "Welcome
- to Perth 'C)ounty" be accepted, -with
Mornington Reeve Wilson seconding • his
suggestion.- •
The argument was put forward that the
signs would be easier for•motorists to read if
there were fewer words on them, but
Robinson's motion was defeated in a 16-15
vote and the wordier sign was• accepted.
Warden Rae Bender of Wallace Township
pointed out that HUron County uses road
signs, that visually promoted the county's
tourism, and industry, and, have many more
words on them than the ones. proposed for
Once the word. and' crest design for the
signs was accepted, council's next decision
involved the colour scheme for, the new
Councillors were shown sketches of two
signs on a white background with the county
crest in several -colours.
• Logan' Reev,e• Carl Vock moved that the
colour schtern6 presented to council be
accepted With Reeve Clarence •McCourt of
Elm Township seconding the. motion.
However, Mr,. Wilson claimed a: white
($13,700), maximum $25,470 ($24,227).
There are 37 teachers in this category.
Category 'four: minimum $15,000
sign wouldn't weather very well, and in the
ensuing vote on colour, Vock and McCourt •
were the only one who favoured the white
backgrounded design.
Council eventually adopted:a motion: by
McKillop 4 ,met at Mrs.
Janneke Murray's. All
members were present and
election took place for of-
ficers, which are: President,
Louise Ryan; Vice, Jean;
Murray; Secretary, Rose Ann
Nolan; Treasurer, Linda
Klover; Press Reporter,
Lodge starts
far,II season
($33,560); and maximum 53..7.360 ($35,560).
Vice-principals salaries: minimum $31.108 .
($29,418), and maximunt$33,018 ($31.41'8).
Responsibility allowances were also
Shop and.. commercial directors will
receive an allowance of $2,350, up from
$2,300 last year.
Department heads will receive an
allowance of $2,250, up from 52,100 last
Assistant department heads and assistant
directors will receive an allowance of $1,100.
up from $1,080 last year;
Teaching supervising departments too
small for a full department head will receive
an allowance of $1,400,- up from $1,200 hist
Junior "C" BOoster. Club'
4:00 P.M. $100. October Booster Club Draw
8:00 P.M. $100. November Booster Club Draw',
12:00 MIDNIGHT $1,000. December Booster Club Draw
w settlement raises the average
• teacher's salary from last year's level of
$22,042 to $23,674. '
The: details, of the contract were
public at a joint teacher-school board press
. conference in the bOard's Stratford office
last Wednesday.
The contract gives teachers an over-all
wage-and-benefit increase of 5.03 per cent,
not counting •the increment for increased
experience and qualifications. With the
increment included,, the total package cost
conies to 7.21 per cent. high cr than last
• year's contract settlement. • .
ets new count
Blanshard Reeve Dan Sims.pon for .the
purchase of signs with a blue background ,..
and. the salve basic 'colotirs for the Perth
County Crest.
McKillop 4 name officers
/- •