HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-10-05, Page 40 The complete, fast-growth grower ration Purina , Calf ' -. Growena • Mrs. Alma Kock Maskie of Detroit wisited with her cou- sin Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. • Mitchell and Seaforth on the way: 'Many tape recorders and cameras were put to act on. Butcher Your. BEEF or PORK at DUBLIN ABATTOIR WE: -kill -hang -cut -trim -wrap -freeze WE ALSO: -make•your lard -sausage -cure meat CUSTOM KILLING DAYS BEEF — WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. PORK — MONDAY AFTERNOONS TEL. 345.2360 BY APPOINTMENT toistoN PURINA 11' CANA114. LTEEC Milton J. Dietz 527-0608 R.R.4 Sedforth Dublin Feed Mill S45,2030 toubli,h, OM, COME & SEE OUR NEW STORE AT 40 ONTARIO STREET (Just up the street) ALL THIS WEEK • We'll 'be showing new lines of state of tire art equipment • All records on sale • Maxell tape deals • Hifi specials sauga. Ruth Templenrtan. Dubiin, Mr, and Mrs, Rob , Templeman and Carrah. 'Mrs. Arthur Kemp. Mrs. Russell Miller and Mrs. :Robin Daynard. hosted a community Shower for Pat Norris. bride-elect in the Fanny life Celt trepn Monday evening. Mrs. Gordon Parsons read a address of good wishes and Pat' '.vas assisted by her sisters, Susan and Jill. and Jim's sister X athy in opening her gifts. - Pat expressed her ap- predation and all enjoyed niter?' gameS of court whisk. A buffet table of Visit Inuvik biscuits, eheeses`iid punch was available, to, all.. ' Mrs. Elmer Dow,led every; one in a sing-a.19ng and-this Nought a delightful evening to a dose,. W.L. Meets Mrs, Carter Ferslake and Mrs. Bill Mahon hosted the Agriculture and.. Canadian. Industries meeting of the Staffa Wont ens In- stitute in the township hall Sept. ,p. Mrs. Charles Douglas pre- sided. Roll call was answgted , by -naming a Canadian im- port and an export; giving - their source and destination. During- -nosiness Mrs. Carter Kerslake an Mrs. Bert Daynard were named to attend the Senior work shop on Quilts. An invitation to-.. meet with Tullarton Women's InstitUte on, Wed- nesday Oct. 18 was accepted. A past eventof the Wonaen's Institute wasby Mrs. C Mrs. am Mahon denton.;_ strated 'Wreaths" made from 'things found in the kitchetuMrs. Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Bill' Mahon pre-. pared and presented a most interesting paper on. Organic Farming, What Is It. The meeting closed with lunch served, by the hostesses. 4 • Mrs. Mary Merner 482-7143 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thothp: son and Leisa returned home over the weekend after spending the past 3 weeks on ,holidays, visiting with Mrs. and Mr, Barry Powley. Jason. .litint.than 'and Mandy of Inuvik. wl'ore they met in S.C. spending a week to- ether. then they travelled to California. across the States, then to Smithfield, Michigan McKillop Mrs. Ed. Regele 527.1106 `C"-Ongratulattodi to -W — and Mrs. David Watson of Walton who celebrated their fiftieth, Wedding Anniver- Reeent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele were Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wilson of Huron Hayen. Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele f15 Seaforth on TueSday evening and Mrs. Mary Thornton and Mrs. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator on Saturday afternoon and evening. - • Mr.' and Mrs.. Ed Regele visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner of Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mus- sdman and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor %and family of Stratford visited with M rs . M a rgarM Betier-'1' man and Glen over the weekend. Mrs. Margaret Beuerman entertained, a number of ladies last week one evening VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS and appliances 0144 *3, 3, 4 piece Chesterfields *Corner &RI Sidowall Chine Ca binets *3 pc. coffee table sees *Sunk Bed s-Larnpt *AppliantepAntiquet *Bedroom & kitthen Suites *LAWN CHINAMENTS Le:kik14bl mills SOW*eiLiNtoN • .114 VANAtirit,C.OHONE4a24912 NiteitOre with Out eViiikisiebaigahis" • we hove large selection of .- NOW OPEN Clinton Mothers,Day Coin Laundry 13 Rattenbury St. Open Daily 7:30 a.m. -11 p.m. FEATURING • All new—washers - both single and double loaders, plus giant 45 lb. loaders for only ,.$1:50 Our water,is softened by ' "Culligan" VP, Perth B of 5to discuss moral education The committee will prepare its presenta-, r. tion for the next round of public meetings which opened Tuesday night,' and then will present its' recommended program to the a board at a special meeting on Oct. 24. The schedule of public meetings is• as follows: St. Marys North Ward School; Sept. 28; Milverton Public School, Oct. 4;. " Stratford Central Secondary School, Oct. 10; listowel Central Public School, Oct. 11; and Upper Thames Elementary. School.. Oct, 12. FollOwing that, a one-half hour demon- s-tration lesson, suitable for the intermediate grades (7 `to 10,) will be .conducted for the public. A filM will be shown during the • lesson which will be given as •one method of teaching -a moral education program. The lesson presentation over, each public meeting. • will be brokbri info smaller tfiscusssion groups to alloW the committee to gather opinions on its proposals. .' Mr. Self said that the recommendations ., that ante to the board on Out. 24 will include whatever alterations arc found desirable after this latest round of public discussions. Mrs. John Tomplemin 345-2346 • Mr. and Mrs. JameS Greer and Michael, and Mrs. Mario Fauhert, Minstown. Quebec. visited for a few days with Mr.• and Mrs. John Temple- . man and family. Mrs, Nelson Huakin and Mrs. Tim :Kennedy. Tees- water, visited Sundev with ,-,-._Mr.and Mrs. Clifton Miller and family. -Comm on ion was ,pbserved in Crow arty Presbyteriah Church on Sunday morning with Rev. Vernon Tover, St. Mary's in charge of the service. Welcomed into the church were Barbara. Geraldine .,and' Douglas Meikle.• Pamela. Teresa. Valerie and Joanne Wallace:, N; rev and Kevin Scott? 13; barn and Richard T Tiernan: Mrs. Helen M 'Kellar. Kathy and Mark Me ellar' Shirley and Steven Miller? Rob Quance, Mike Finlayson, Peter Laing. Beth. Kathy and Bill Miley. Visiting Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. John TeMpleman.. and family were.. Mrs. Dale and girls. Russel- dale. Mr.' _and_ Mrs.. Jim. Neilson, Stratford, Mrs. David Capling and Mrs, Grant McDonald, Missis- Brodfwgep •rou. has car wash .Mrs. Lavern Wolfe • . the • St. • Marys -Nersing Some of our L.C.W. mem- 345-2757 Home. Friends and relatives bers helped serve in the A basket of white , and will be sorry to hear she is a booth of the Canada Synod of •. yellow 'mums were placed in patient. in .Seaforth Corn- • the Lutheran Church on St.' Peters Lutheran Church. munity Hospital.. Saturday Some, Brodhagen on Sunday from. . Mrs. Fri'Eda Mogk had a local people had the pleasure the fuheral of Mrs. Martin sucessful sale on.a beautiful' of seeing something 'out of Rose which. was held at the day. The auctioneer was the ordinary when the old First . Lutheran Chureh on Ronald Gethke. The Mogk , steam locomotive travelled wed nesoa y flermOil. kier' light will be missed after four once More . from Stratford to lath& 'Mr. J Hosken is a generations living there. , Clinton which runs past patient in London Hospital. • Mr.-and Mrs. John^Bender and little Karen • enjoyed . the summer months with Joanne's .mother; 'Mrs. Edgar Elligser. They have `novrtefurned IC, their' home in Portlaji d. Oregon. • ,Congratidations are ex- tended to Jean Wurdell„ Daughter of Mr. and Mrs Gordon .Wurdell, who 'was' chosen Stratford's Fall Fair Queen:' She. was.'ene of the six contestants . at the. 'opening ceremonies on .Wednesday evening. Carl and Betty Vock who attended the roads . • con-. ventiori in :Ottawa., ac- companied by. Warden Ray Bender and his, wife Aileen. • also visited. with Bill 'Yoe*. Toronto on the way -home, Friends,' neighbours and • relatives will be sorry to hear Mis. Edgar Elligsen ' is 'a patient in' ..Seaforth Corn- . triunity . --HoSpital..' Wishing her a speedy recovery.• Mrs. Louise Jarmoth 'was the, sponsor for St.' Peters • Lutheran Church September bulletin.. Mr. ' and Mrs. Carl Priestap.' Stephen; Janice and 'Bob Montgomery spent Sunday With' Mr.and Mrs. Gerald Pricstap and family of lueknow. • . Car Wash ,You have likely noticed all the clean, shiny cars due to the Lutheran League of ''St. 'Deters Lutheran Church of • Brodhagen. They had a very busy and 'fun day on Saturday. washing and waxing cars in front of the church .sheds. The group did two cars at once but had so many customers some were turned away. Perhaps they will do it, again The Weather was hi their favor, Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the family of the late Mr. Jim Elliot of Listowel passed away sod- • Par dairy ves 3 'to 6 months, this complete ra- tion helps speed early rumen development for improved digestion and helps promote fast, solid growth. As promised last spring; the Perth County Board of Education is preparing to meet again-with thepublie-to diseuss-the-teaching-;!-Marie-8----- -3 fry-theirlinAl•--g-arni tb win. the tournament of moral and religious edUcation in the championship. (Expositor Photo) county's schools. .. An ad hoc committee of the board hel4 a,, series of six public meetings in March to find out the views AI expectations of the parents, students and community at large, concerning such education. Columban 7 - 1 in the second game and defeated Ecole Ste. 00. • TWO-PITCH CHAMPS — The boys from St. Patrick's School, Dublin, recently won the two-pitch tournament sponsored by the HUron-Perth Rofnan Catholic Board. Members of the team are ..(front row), Terry -Cron,ih, Greg Rya?), Dave Murray (captain), Tom Turner, Torn Uniac, and J. McKeown and)back km) Dick Bester (coach), Kevin Culligan, pord Murray, Mike Bruxer, Jeff MoLoughlin, and Michael -Rollie. The team defeated Kinkora 3 - 1 in their 'first game, defeated St. 111' II II -II II III III II II 111 1111 II 11 III II III III NI III 11 III. 111 I denly. He is survived wife -EsterIC-ahle---Eftirrr:erl—FIner y froar this area. three sons. one daughterin-law. biothers and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose and 'girls were accompanied. by Mrs. Lavern Wolfe to attend the funeral of Mrs. Martin Rose on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin BetietInae had holidays with their family for 10 da) s, with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bailey and family' in Roanoke. Virginia -and Sandy and David Ostrow. in Lynchbury,, Virginia. They came home through ltl'Iica. New York „mid 'spent few days With Faye and erieg Fischer and fatuity; Mr, and Mrs. Nelsen Brodhagen 'were ac- mopilied by Mrs. Laura Bailey tb visit their sister' Mrs, Ordelta Trolonsky itt Patina planning tomorrow , with ,research today. were they Visited with the Reynolds farfiily and Mrs: Vi Armstrong wlio-accortiPanied them. home, and is now visiting with her sister Mrs. Terence Hunter 'and Mr. Hunter 'of Colborne Town-. ship, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mer- rier of Waterloo visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier Paul. Kevin, and Lori of Htiron Ridge. Kincardine visitedyen Saturday evening...„ With her mother Mrs. George Mcllwain and with Carl Merner, A I:4 Preszcator.fjnail YM rilr — Debbie and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Presycator, Christine. Lisa, Christopher and Greg. Mrs. Larry Dillon and Michelle 'attended the Preszcator Reunion in San- ford on Sunday. This Week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley attended the Fall Fair in Ripley on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Les Graves of St. Thomas were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson,. David, Dar- ren and Luanne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rey- nolds and Nancy Jo of Southfield, Michigan visited over the weekend with Mr. . and Mrs. John 'Thompson and family. 'Mrs. J. Merner ,of • Kitchener visited on Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley. Put your Fall Bulbs to bed before winter . Daffodili ▪ Hyacinths . Tulips Available now at