HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-09-02, Page 8Autumn tit H. McIND00. Dispiay NEW GOOD$ Flack Dress Goods. TUEP•LEBISOS'1'",-,•. �, S , T,M13Eit 2 1.598• 1.1114; t'iN(' Ii.ANI TIMES E EI IiELORAVl;. LICENSE mmTHANSF flrganitatlou for the corning plebiscite! Mr. John Anderson returned to The undersigned h:reby •Ohf is taking plate in the various municipal. 3 Philadelphia 'After a short t vacs-- public that he hasp n ticparental roof. bus neee ltltety ea sties. Sento tltittl; that prohibitionists are , under >. the Iilint;. known its tht not movit g with that entrgy that augurs 1tiliss Smith, of Petrolea end Miss thet lIn the 1'tcenaci will success, but it tn.ty be sidd for them that II, Reid of iti ingtutln were guests of I Sept, loth, 1898, titev have wronyht with foresight and have the :hisses Anew. dere a loge amount of work in tiro way education in tate months and years gone by. IThat which remains to bo clone is to ascer- twin who will now vote for the cause, which Iis a quiet work. Still it requires energy, acid the importance of the measure and its !possibilities demand it. When the Pro - i vincial plebiscite t t Heil in lannary Miss Jennie Anderson was at hon e to a few friends on Friday evening. Mr, T. A. Reid, of Owen Sound and Miss Reynolds of \Vingbatu were visiting friends on the ninth on Sat- urday. vas Miss hall, of To: oa.to, is the guest 1riJ-t, the vote in Wingha'n was as follows ; Of her brother, Rev, \ill . sH hl. enter - 3 nit:r- Wards 1, 2. ;3. 4. Total. Mr, D. Cook, 'For—Males 40 50 41 09 —200 I tamed a number of friends Thurs- -Vein ales 4 1; 3 4 --10 day evening. I Against— Mr. Peter McDonald and airs. Me. Males 25 35 16 14 --- 84 donald are visiting frier ds un the The choicest of London and Paris Females o 2 2 1 --2e5 1 sixth. Favorite; in beautiful Rich Shades..' Total vote fir Plebiscite Many exclusive patterns shown for 1 Total vote against Plebiscite the first time. ! C1 Majority for Plebiscite s'`IO: z'1a, Goods number of persons entitled to vote on the plebiscite was 740 ; of these 074 Silk and Wool Mixture and a mag: were males and 00 females. Of the 674 nifieent array of costume cloth in males 200 voted, 200 voting yes and 8i vet - every new shade. ing no. Of the 00 female voters, 21 voted se/ They are after Hila. 133 An exchange is responsible for the following : Just as a commercial tra• yeller was writing his name on the registdr of a hotel in Ovid, Mich., the other day, a bed bug appeared and meandered slowly over the pages. The man of grips paused in open wonder and in a voice•shaking with emotion, said : "Well by the eternal gods of war, I have been bled by I,nta flees bitten by Owosso spiders, driven al - Most to insanity by Saginaw jiggers, erawled over by Bay City razzeljacks, and interviewed by Lansing gray - backs, but I'll be dog gasted if this isn't the first place I was ever at where bed bugs louked over the register to find out the number of my room." ides the d the hotel ou by Jacob eniral hotel, and be transferred on J. O'LEARY. NOTICE The annual iceman, of Biuevale Flax Ma Compan will be held In the Eo . M. G N This week we are showing the largest, the newest and the most charming collection of seasonable facturing !!! mited, tots' Hall, llluetale, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1898 at two o'clock p. m., For the purpose ,f winding nu the season's business, th election of a hoard of hireetora, and the trans• action of any ocher business that may come before the mwtini. tS. ELLIOT, Prop, 10 voting yes Devi i 5 vr;ting no. Silks B 1 w is the vote cast in this county in ya Piet. . 1`•' a'1:. 1' .tile Silk Dresses, isoi: Week Lee -o 1k. rrand assort— ioeut ..e•'t)ee and Shirt 'Waists, Shots and Brocades. Waterproofs in Ileptonette with T ackers m ith ....... ... . Exeter.. Ileborne de'atcha.ble Lopes from w5.00 to Stephsu ' Hay x,15,00• Stanley New Kid Gloves Bayfield roll. Aa)AIS6T. 220 125 262 71 301 103 351 429 346 359 284 106 50 38 308 196 3715 172 38,4 204 494 273 265 132 327 100 '297 92 314 220 117 04 222 89 20.4 80 78 25 468 252 Clinton. In all the new Fall Shades from 3 $1.00 to w 1.50. Goderich town Cxoderich township Asbfn. ld New hoes I Colborne. G cases of New Fall Shoes just i west wawanosh opened. S East 1V awanosh 1 Eulktt i Blyth New Suits `{Wingham.. We have just passed into stock 501'Cure berry . Men's Flue Snits, extra quality, also III! iVro meter.. Boys' New Suits, very special. I Grey Brussels Saturday for Bargains ;t1cKillop.......... • • • 140 10 2e8 :79 288 167 4111; 248 Seaforth 50 Remnants of Prints and Mus- �'riowi.k ]ins ren. 1:1? e tor 7d. g 50 pieces of Lace and Embroidery, reg. 10.E and 12e. for 5c. 20 doz. Child's Fast Black Cotton Hose, reg. 10 . `'iiterda_y for 21.. 10 doz, Ladies Silk Gloves, new shades, reg. IDe and 45c for 25e. 50 pairs odd sizes in Fine Shoes, reg, 1.5Ci and $1.75 for 5-:1.00. 'Shop early Saturday at !Vis MUM'S. ■6r1tt!.:'e 3N.- •��. --en/lam, Straifa., cl. We do nuc hAkt our,, ... , ,na.......• . expressed Ly the writer,.[ ..,,, am,. ,,,,.c.,t. ,.a '1'ee:SMALi Mt. Forest TiiE TOWN HOSPITAL. Total vete for.... 7029 3813 Total vote against 3813 Total majority for 3316 3216 The following is the vete cast in a few surrounding tnunicipalities : i•or.. Bruce township U99 Carrick 208 Culross " 235 Harriston 198 Huron township. 514 I{incardine309 Listowel 354 Lucknow . 187 ,iftchell. . Palmer-.tm,. 283 199 711 152 28G AG tI\ar. 99 602 145 93 78 199 Asn 4i 125 02 527 45 140 To the Editor of Tus Tow,: MARRIED. Dear Sir : Although not wholly in ee .accord with R�ex's letter in 1heTIMES of Q,rCOLLINS —MCiRIDE—Oa Augusi,`Oth, Just weep, 1. f till believe his points re -1 by oijsMissowe,bthgieeollins b. n.1oying- gardiug a waterworks system and a hos. .pitai are well taken. A High echool is Nit F)rror STtclolcEs —Io Wingham on slot so much needed. The present policy Aug. `.20th, by itev. Mr. Lowe, Annie of the Education Department is not to prior to Frtderieh atricker both of increase the number of High schcols in Wingham. the province, but to render those al- aready in operation more efficient. A email hospital, hoe ever, is very touch 3 needed to meet the requirements of the 1: it` L Enie eiTo DIED ExFORD—In `i'urnberry, cn August th, Mary Ann Exford, aged' 90 years:;„/ PATTERSON—In Wingham. on August town and s t dbe country. Many l 26th, John Patterson, aged 74 years and eases now have to be sent away to hos-,11 months., pitals in Stratford, London or Toronto, 1 because there are not proper facilities I Cooking nutter. for operations and nursiug nearer home.l The public have lost the dread they/ 'There are many alternatives and used to have of bospitale, and now all re-'! makeshifts in household economy,' alize the fact that patients can be better i said a wellposted matron at one of treated and better nursed in a hospital our clubs the other day, 'but the than anywhere else. Almost every 1most profitless and foolish one that county in Ontario, as ilex says, has its, I know anything about is the use of hospital ; Huron and Bruce have none.;what is called cooking butter. 1 Wingbam is centrally located as regards +hold as an axiom that it butter is not these counties and why should we not good enough to eat on my bread it is have a hospital here ? Let, the town, council or some ot our public spirited ` not good enough to put in my cake or citizens make a move in this matter. 1 my stewed tomatoes and peas. Poor feel satisfied that the medical profession i butter spoils more good food than here would take hold of it if supported I almost anything else in the line of by the council and citizens generally. cooking. It is to this ingredient Yours, more than to any other that cooks Prom:less. often complain that their food all i seems stale and greasy, and every - PALL PAM II.A'1'`Es. thing tastes as though it had been t. t It i sept, 27-28. cooped. in the same pot. s better b ingban tendon al'gratvc towel nasals nton Nord Attwood Goderich Myth Sept 8 to 17. to use no butter at all than the rank Sept. 29.30. I l • -h flavored article that is sold as Sep Junior Judge of Wentworth Co. e o i11e. So the falling of the hair tells of the approach of age and declining power. No matter how barren the tree nor how leafless it may seem, you confidently expect leaves again. And why? Because there is life at the roots. So you need not worry about the falling of your hair, the threatened departure of youth and beauty. And why? Because if there is a spark of life remaining in the roots of the hair 9 Sept. 20.27.3 lig avol e 1 Oct 6-'7. cooking butter. Sept. 20.21. Oct. 5-6. Oct 5.6. • .Sept. 27.29. noardine.. Oct 4.5 la dept 27-28 147 lake ..Sept 14-15 rl'Atf," r' •• 1`- water Mr. J. 1!. Monek has be appointed. Ilugh Cole, a former resident o. Goderieh township an;Clinton, and [son of Henry Cole, one of the pioneers of the township, was killed by a train in Flint, Mieh., on the lath y' ..)t,,,,•, inst. .1,1,)l)ti l5 will arouse it into healthy activ- ity. ctio ity. The hair ceases to come out: it begins to grow: and the glory of your youth is restored to you. We have a book on the Hair and its Diseases. It is free. The Best Advice Free. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Vigor, write the doctor about it Probably there is some difficulty with your gen- eral system which may be easily removed. Address. Dht J. O. AYEit, Lowell, Mase. APPLES WANTLD ever offered to our trade. They are in all the new shades, patterns, weaves and styles. Ladies should make it a point to see our Dress Goods early. They can then see "just the correct things for this season." There Is such: a radieai change in materials and styles that those who want to be up•to- date in dress will profit by looking through our stock. Do not forget that we have the very latest styles in high class Mantles —perfect litters ---and at prices that will astonish yon when you see the quality of materials and finish. Please remember that we are headquarters for Gents' Furnishings, Ordered and Ready-made Clothing ; style, fit and price guaranteed. Best. Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, and all kinds of Footwear, Pure, fresh Groceries, and high class Teas, cheap as ever—always in stock. On and after August 30th, we will be prepared to buy any quantity of apples delivered at our Evaporating Factory on Alfred Street, Wingham. Parties having apples to sell will do well to see tis be- fore selling as we contract for the whole orchard—shaken oft—suitable for drying pu dioses. 15 girls and 5 boys wanted to peal apples. Call at the fluttery. MAHL1+1R. BROS., Wingham. FU SALE OF R I` URE Owing to my removal from town, all my household furniture is now offered for sale, including a good parlor suite, almost new ; bedroom suites, carpets, pictures, crockery, tattles, chairs, lawn mower, a „Happy `i'houeht" Cooking Range, nearly new, and other articles. The articles will be sold cheap, any of which eau be bargained for privately at my residence up till Saturday, Sept. 17th. JOHN NIIELANDS. CIDER AND JELLY MILL D. M. GORDON, Direct I�Ilporter • Take notice that the Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced operations and Will Run Every Day until season is ended. Bring Aloe.;; YOUR APPLES and have them made into sweet•Syrup or Jelly without extra expense. Hastings & Ritchie. Executor's Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given porsumt to R. S. 0., 1901, Chap. 130, Sec. 33, that all persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Armstrong, late of the Township of East tt'awanosh, in the County of Iluron, Teacher deceased, wh) died on or about the 2nd day of August, A. 1), 1803, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to it. Vanstone, of tho Town of Wincrham, in said County, Solicitor for the Executor of the Estate o tho said deceased, on or before the Twenty-second day of September; A. D. 18118. their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statetnent of particulars of their clams, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly certified. and that after the said day the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased only to theparties aclaimsentitled 0! which tho shall )theregard ha e not1, 0. Dated this 24th day of August, A. D. 1502, 11. VANSTONE, Wingham P. O., Solicitor for the Executor. 'WI.�-� GHA S .,�'i. V V MILL & SON, Props. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Lath, Shingles, Angle Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs Also a large quantity of dry hard wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders promptly at- tended to. IVIeLtAN 86 SON. RTGAGE SAL —eF— TO N PROPER . Y. i?nder and b virtue of the powers c ,ttiined in a Derain mortgag. which will be produc d at the time of sale, there n 1 be offered for to by Public Auction. at the BRUNS ICK r' OTEL, in the T wn of wing) m,'on liileF�I:r�r ALL READY 0 hrt, echo 1 �� ! .ens,.;.g Comae Miall Take 117s With Von. Our Names Are CJ Tack `rt.LreeE The Miner. Klondike. � Lauriate. Great St. Bernard. Glendolin. CjMoss Rose, Pansy. CO qty Garland.sy.Monarch. British Canadians. ,�, I?icaale. Great 500 Page. Leader. 0 O COD We are in all colors and prices. Readers, Arithmetics, Grammars, etc. Call and see us for your school supplies. L -7X, BOSS, Tuesday, th i 6th l September A I) 1898. et 2 o'cloelin the afternoon, by Peter Deans, AttetIOneer, tl follow pg property, viz : Lots numbers 453 an. 464, .n the east side of Leo- pold Street, Germain, . t S trey, in the town of winghant, in the count, of Iluron, containing one acre of land more or les On the property 10 situ ,eda1rainodwelling, 12x 22 with addition lasts! good state of repair. This is an excellent • .piunity for any one wish- ing to purchase a ch• p re once on a good build- ing 101, T MS OF LE: Ten per Pent of 10 purchase one on the day of sale and the ba ice within 20 d - thereafter. Ar. rangoments c be made, howoro • allow a portion of the porch e money to remain 05 nortgatto at rear ect to aonable reserved e d t Further The 1particular.. anwill sod conSubditions . will be u na known at time of sale, may be had on applica . n to the Auctioneer or the Vendor's Solicitor. natal is 11111 day of August 1808. PETER r0ANS, R. VANSTO E, Auctioneer, Vendor's Solicitor. Order your_ ---ANTS"---- `rr./ J 2.1�..I IEyy���/� --MR THE— IOLSTIEN DAIRY. Popular Book Store. ; 111TE PLATES, COPS AND SAUGERS We have just pat into stock a crate of the GEST !N STONE Cif A directly imported from one of the best makers in England, which means the best Ian THE WORLD We have a full assortment ot this line, such as Pitchers, Bowls, Vege- table Dishes, Plates, Cups and Saucers ; Cups (only); Toilet Sets, &e., &c., whieh we intend to sell quickly if low prices will do it, These goods are strictly first selection. No seconds or culls among them. Our pretty and unique line of "Scotch Motto," Novelties are selling so quickly that we need not say anything about their merits. N. Farquharson " The China House," Wingham. WF1AT PRETTY COLD RINGS ! 7 hat is what everybody says when they see our stock. We make any style of Gold Rings to order. REPAIRING We think we know as much about watch work as any other man in Canada, and will give for a watch we can't fix. HALSEY PARK. VOL. XX.VII.---NO. 1377. W `ELL CHEAP. • HEI ur mmer Sale The time has arrived when the wise storekeeper looks around his =stock and notes what has to be got rid of before the summer season •comes to an end. We have been doing this, and find not Nithstanding -a wonderfully successful season. We 1 have still good lines of seasonable .goods in all departments that vee should like to get rid of before the arrival of our fall goods. With this end in yew, for the balance of the season we shall sell all our summer - goods at either cost or a very small margin over, and some lines we will positively sell considerably below first cost. Do you want Dry Goods, • ' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, Gents' Furnishings. If so conte and see what we can do for you. We want year looney and we are sure you will want our bargains when yott see them. Dods at Remember, all summer g or nearly at cost. This particularly applies to Gents' Furnishings. Any- thing in Shirts, Ties, &c. We will sell at prices that will make, you glad you came to see us. s Call a me Bbokats0, Pencils, signs. in town I3ool givena ■i Ad F s3 i Corn WE Al departinc of neat Tolephot anythint call for your Poi Beier club wet take par They pl Walked tbo nor one -side by a sot WANT also Bg tf. Loran ing spe Londe) train v day at a. 111,, 10.15 p of Tut all otb BONLES! W. C _ - --- who e last NI taints 'issued by PRANKPATEItSON, No 23, Vic- ovens ,•-torta 5treet,`v'vingham, Ont. Nowitnesses ea of • -requirad. Marriage Licenses perfc Fall Terra tip'ens September I st. Patr Peet r I of tr TATE ' I` holy ,e& 7 time of the•year to enter the femorae `CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STIIATFORD, - ONT. One of the largest. most popular, and most successful Oommercral Schools in 'Canada. Thousands of former students now in successful business life. Revises courses of study ; beautiful rooms ; strong staff of teachers ; satisfaction guaranteed. Refer. ewes :-011 Stratford. Writo fur beautiful catalogue. of tc the W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Wedding Stationery. 'We can print woddhir Invitations in the latest style., We have the type, work- menand,keep a complete assortment of Wedding Stationery. 140 ordering from samples. You can have your work on short notice. Visiting. Cards. here and we print them neatle.s y. beforma wilt always find a complete stock. Office Stationery. Including Envelopes, Rill Meads, State. W e always have a ?all stnc•kte needs Leer1eadsin this thio and the printing is always neat. mat rep Wil poi: sho 23C 1, 4,1 wa aa: se ve to General Job Printing. 1 We can do anything in this line, inelnd- inir fosters. Sato 1311l6, I1and ni110. Shipping 'rags, Circulars,Pamphlet work. Tickets, or anything n the print. last' line 740 job too large, and none too small for us. Give us, a call when you aro in Seed of anything in the printing 10)0. Our prices are ns sow es others. TIMES OFFICE, CVT\t+M%