HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-28, Page 18Avon ••••••Nommiti PEOPLE WHO LIKE PEOPLE If you love to work with people . . make It an Avon Christ- mas! We've got great gifts for every family In a Territory of vour own. Being an Avon Cosmetics Representative Is the nicest way there Is to earn extra Christmas dollars! Cali 527-0238 4-68-3 rzezrzazi? Ik SEAFORTH • AYR • CAMBRIDGE • ‘I Classified Rates ' 'WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00, 9c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS No copy changes, 5c per word, minimum $1.50 SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $2.10 per column Ireh. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS $1.82 per column inch. inch (Minimum size in this category 1 1/2 inches. Accepted in multiples_of half inch.). BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion BIRTHS - per word thereafter.. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death 'Notices, 20 words $2.00, each additional word 9c. IN MEMORIAMS.-.-. $2.00 plus 10e per line of verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words 52100, each additional Word 9c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF- TH4NKS- --..r30 Words $2.00, each - additional word 3a, 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT • ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK,OE INSERTION. NO carroellatiOn of multiple insertion advertisements after Neon, Tuesday Deadline for classified ads is 12 Noon Tuesdays 'Phone-527-0i40 • "mr.gra"'"T'Ir •TIrgirNR^1.-Ely-E-"Er-T., .11 1,1,1f1,111- .11,7 TET"Ilryr"Er. BER 28, 1978 18 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTE If you have an eye for real. value you'll eye the want ads re 14 ProPertY For Sale14 Property For ,Sale- 1 Coining Events SEAFORTH Figure Skating Registration, October 16, 1978 at Seaforth Arena 8:30 p.m. 1.68-2 SEWING COURSES at C.H.S.S., Clinton, start Monday evenings, October 2 for Beginner's, Basic and Advanced Stretch Sewing starts Tuesday grnings, October 3. Day Course starts Monday, October 2' at 8:30 a.m.' at Blyth Public School for Basic,. Stretch Sewing. Special student's course, for Public and High School students, start Saturday, October 14. For Information phone Mary's Sewing Centre,. Clinton 482-7036. Enroll now. 1-68.1 11 Articles For Sale 4 Help Wanted HELP WANTED person for purebred hog farm must be mature & responsible with the desire to learn & advance, House available calk' Bob Robinson, R,R.4, Walton, 345-2317 4.68-2 SOe 11 Articles For Sale 14 Property Fora e 14 Property For 1 Coming Events ONE NEW GMpush button truck radio phone 527-1308. 11-67-2 T.V. Bingo starting October, 4th. Mitchell-Dublin Lions Club, channel 12 cable. 1-66.3 TURKEY supper will be held St. Thomas Anglican Church Parish hall, Wed. Oct. 4 at 6' p.m. 120 'tickets. Adults $4.25, children , under 12 $2.00. 1-66-3 12' x .60' Active Mobile home, 2 bedrooms, double uldry k up, roA •Era p and mains inc uded. ulligan REAL ESTATE LTD van livin she Must be 'moved. $6000.00. 527-1675 aftef 6 p.m, 11-66.3 Pride Corn SMALL chain saw, new chain good condition. 482-9175. 11.68-1 It EALTY ITED "Excellent Itarter or Retirement" Single storey frame, 2 bedroom ,home, one block, from uptownear garage recently new .7 $29,500.00 "Conveniently Located" close to uptown, single storey frame 2 bedroom, home, cozy living room and dining room, recently redecorated, carpeted throughout, on attractive treed lot - $28,500.00 'IMmaculate & Charming' single storey . frame accented with a small amount of brie , 3 bed- room, attractive living tor, country-likelci on superb treed lot. See i today! • $39,900.00 '"Be the Gracious Host" in this 1 3/4 storey frame, 3 bedroom house, comp- letely • renovated for luxury living on excellent treed lot - $37,500.00' "Decorate As You Wish" upon completion of this single storey brick, 3 bedroom house with entertaining living room will fulfill your desire. "Quality, Location & Price" are only three of the characteristics you will find in this 2 storey frame 4 bedroom house, completely renovated for luxury living, huge treed lot - $42,500.00 "It's Nifty and Thrifty" thiS.. 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom house is superb- ly decorated for a ,cozy lifestyle - very centrally See it today! - "Country-like Setting" PA storey 4 bedroom house, formal living room full size dining room, comfortable family room, on desirable lot surround- ed by lovely mature trees - 25,000.00 "Conveniently Located" 1 1/2 storey 2 bedroom htiuse, comfortable living room, recently redecor- ated on 1 acre of land near 13rucefield, on paved road • - $36,500.00 "Try Your Offer" on this charming 2 storey frame 4 bedroom house on spacious. treed lot, modern kitchen 8i,- dining room, spacious living room with natural fire- place family room sun room, and deck, two car garage - $37,000.00 "Neat As A Pin" Excellently maintained 1% storey frame, 3 bed- rooro house, entertaining living room, dining.room, patio, single car garage on gorgeous treed lot - $38,500.00 4. CUCUMBERS . for sale. Hwy., 8, .3 miles west of Seaforth`. Mrs. John Segeren 482.9217. • 11-68-1 DUBLIN 1% storey 3 bedroom home. 2baths. 3 pc. up, 3 pc. down. Large 'kitchen 'with lots of cupboard space. Large living room. Mortgage , available. 150 ACRES On No. 8 highway between Dublin and Mitchell - 142 acres of level, workable rich farm land. Brick house, L shaped barn, drilled well. 'iMONCKIEf' 2 lots. One 155 x 165 with a trailer hoine 10 x 60. One 264 x 165 with 11/2 storey ,2 bedroom hOme, -ciil heated, implement shed built in 1977, storage shed 60 x 15, seed cleaning plant 39 x 28 vvith holding bins above work shop 22 x 20. Also included 2-10 ton trucks,fork lift. CALL JOE O'REILLY 345-2465 or 348-8823 Mitchell Order• early, avoid disap- pointment.. Varieties available include 1128, .1108 and R144. Walter McClure 527-0476 Geroge Mcclure 527.0408 11.67-3 AUTUMN FAIR-Northside United Church, Saturday Oct 14, 3 p.m. Featuring Home baking, sewing, crafts, garden centre arid 'afternoon tea. • 1-67x3 4-13" tires, only 200 miles. Call after 6 p.m. 527-1578. 11-67x2 Bean Knives FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Stratford Ontario, new location. Victorian Inn, 10 Romeo St., North, Friday September 29th. Dancing 9-1. Welcome all singles mainly over 30. 1-67-2 FIREMEN'S Ball sponsored by Seaforth area Fire Associ- ation in aid of Muscular Dystrophy. Seaforth Legion Hall, Saturday, October 7, 1978. Music by the Ivory Brothers. Tickets' $7.00 'per couple, from members of the Fire Brigade. Proceeds for Muscular Dystrophy. 1-66-4 $42.00 a pair while they last. Special , price on windrower teeth available at , A• meeting of the Huron, Bruce Liberal Association will" be held, Thqrsday, October 5, 1978, at 8:3( p.m., at McKillop Municipal .Offices, Winthrop, for the purpese of electiog delegates to 'The. ":1heral Party of Canada' A'nnu'al Convention te' be held in Toronto, November 17, 18, 19, 1978. Foro ndeVils WINTER WHEAT planscall:. 7 Situations Wanted WILL teach beginners step- dancing. Phone 262-6009. 7-68.1 ' $44,000.0 SEAFORTH, ONT' s27-0120 11-67-2 TAKING orders now for ducks alive of dressed, 482-9175. 11-68-1 Joe O'Reilly R.R.2, Dublin 345-2465 WILL BABYSIT in my home 1-68-1 527-1071. 7-67-2 Call Agents DAWN RATHWELL 527-1577 BRUCE RATHWELL 482;3120 For further infor.mation an these and other listingsi 12 Wanted To Buy CUSTOM combining and trucking of beans and corn. Duncan Scott 345-2496. 7-65-4 14-68-1 3 Found CLINTON Legion Bingo • every Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular card $1.00. Restricted to 16 .years 'or over. 15 regular games of, $15.00; $5 least on split. ',Many other specials. Jack- pot $200.66 must go each week. 1-65-tf Bingo Every Tuesday Night at the HIGH chair and a large crib. Phone 345-2976. Mrs. Bill Murphy. 12-68x1 sEr of front end weights to fit a Leyland Tra- or. Phone, 887-9578 after 6 .m, 12-67x2 STEERS at Harlock identificatio, required. Call Vit Fox 523-9525. 3-68-1 8 Farm Stock , 11-67.2 4 • Help Wanted PUREBRED yorkshire boars, serviceabel age, ROP tested and commercial, Bob Robin- son, R.R.4, Walton, 345-2317. 8-68-2 REAL esrare LT4. REALTOR ELEVEN PUPS part German. Shepherd, Collie and Labrador 345.2636 11-67-2' GUT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classifed ads every week. Place yOur low priced Expositor classified at 527-'0240. 11 -56xt f TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES Attention JARVIS STREET: 3 new brick and aluminum 3 bed- room homes. All have attached garage, gas heat, roughed-in fireplace and out- side entrance to basement. 'WANT to buY a fridge. a Ford or a phonograph? Try an Ex"positor wanted to buy classified ad. 527-0240. 12-65Z11 , PORTABLE CLASS ROOM 25' x 37',_ oil furnace, 100 amp service, suitable for cottage, workshop, office, store etc. $4,000.00. Will deliver, Reasonable. Auburn 526-7232 14-68-1 Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary needs JUNIOR VOLUNTEERS both male and female_ Further inquiries call MRS. F.R. TEATERO LIAISON OFFICER OF JUNIOR VOLUNTEERS 527-1979 -- Residential - Farms - Business - Resort Properties - Appraisals -- Property, Management - Investments . " STEADY buyer 'for weaner pigs presently selling 600,,, pigs; currently expanding to sell approx. 1500 weaner pigs per year. Box 3357, The Huron Expositor. .8-66x3 CLINTON: 2 storey red brick ,Victorian home has' ornate woodwork, stained glass windows, hot water. heat. Listed at $37,500. Try your HARPURDEY: Nearly new 2 storey angelstone and alum- inum hortie features 4 bed- rooms, separate dining room family room with fireplace, single and double garages. $73,900. EGMONDVILLE: Custom , built bungalow has 4 bed- rooms, dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room with • fireplace, games room or workshop. Treed lot. $51,000 13 Wanted VANASTRA CENTRE WFAI ESTATE WIRER SEA FORTH 527-151 I 8 MAIN ST, SOUTH HOME NO. 523-9525 SEAFORTH ' One storey frame bungalow,. 2 or 3 'bedrooms, oil F.A. Heating, 'good dry basement, kitchen and pantry, living room, sun porch; nice lot and location. Open for offers, * * * * * * Building Lot - services available - reduced to $6000.00. ** * * *. 3 bedroom house on nice size lot. $26,500, extra lot REPRESENTATIVE V.,C. [Vie] FOX R.R.5, Clinton .. 8 P.M. GOOD , used furniture.. 482-7922: 13-654f 4-67,2 First regular card $1.06 Regular games of $15.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200 must go Admission restricted to 16 years or over WANTED to rent with option to buy small rural acreage vvith buildings, -conditiOn of buildings insignificant., 887-6991. 13-66-3 Full Time Position A complete line of pet supplies 9 Poultry For Sale ESTAT .182.9371 Clinton RESIDENe. E: 523-9338 New Listing: •Blyth-newly built 1 'floor brick home, 3 brdms, . cedar patio and pca-ch, close to school. PAT'S PET SHOP 15 Red Sussex started Pul- lets.' Phone 527-1853. after 6 p.m. 9-68x1 10 Used Cars on Cash crop and hog farm. General farm duties, ex- perience with large equip- ment and trucks prefer- red. a KEN R. CAMPBELL FARMS LTD. Seaforth 527-0249 4.677-2 350 Main Street . 235-1951 11.65-tf 1-65-tf , .. . WANTED: Working lady desires boarding place in Seafortli, 482-7644 after 7 o'clock. 13-68x2 Exeter, Phone DANCE Hibbert United Church annual waltz party Friday, October 6th, Kirkton -Woodham Community .'Centre, 9-1. Music by Silver- ' tones.. Admission $2.00 per person or $5.00 per family. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 1-68-2 L.O.B.A. will be having their euchre parties on the fol- lowing dates. Oct. 16, Nov., 20, Dec., 18, Jan., 22/79. Feb., 19, Mar., 19, Apr., 16. Dessert euchre to be an- nounced. 1.68x1 for $7500.00 '' *****'* 3/4 TON 1972 Chev Truck, 46,000 miles, new tires, new brakes etc. Window Cap on box, automatic transmission, power brakes. In excellent mechanical condition.• Safety checked $1600 or best offer. Bill Southgate 527-0812. 10-68xl• 1973 Ch'ev Impala, 53,500 miles. reasonable. Call Bill After 5, 527-0266, 10-68;1 HEAVY ROASTING. ROOSTERS Call Jim McNairn 527-0428 11-67-2 / 1 Kinburn on 1/2 acre lot, 1 floor newly sided frame home, 3' bdrms., dining rm. ***** * * * Realistically Priced 7 1/2 atTes, S miles from Blyth with 4 bdrm. home, large barn and workshop, drilled well, -spring fed pond. * * * * ** • Full 2 storey, 4 bedrOOros, nicely appointed, 2 blocks from the post Office and shopping, '$37,500:00 **** * Main St. North, 5 bedrooms, corner lot, landscaped, *aluminum siding. $31,500.00 • ***** Executive type living, Goderkh St. ,4 good size bedrooms, centre, stairway, very large 4 pc. bathroom up, 2 pc. down, 26' living room, separate dining room. Landscaped lot, nice location. Middle' thirties would buy it. All meal retired couple's home-nothing to do but move in, very well maintained,' on corner lot on Market Street, has everything. $27,000.00 * * * * * * A perfect money making business for the right party, small motor repair anti sales, in an excellent location, a great future, good building and lot. WALTON • 2 storey residential 3 apartments, nicely renovated, all conveniences-534,900.00 GREY TOWNSHIP Cement • brick school house, 2 bedrooms, 11 room, large kitchen and 'dining area, 4 pc. bath, ectric heat, on '/2 acre. $28,000.00 - ****** LONDESBORO 1 floor, 2 bedroom house with ,kitchen, living room and 2 pc. bathroom. Full Basement and garage with F.A. oil furnace. Lot is 60' x 210', Cosy little house for $14,900. 4***** 3 bedroom 1'/2 storey house, F.A. Oil Furnace, garage on % of an acre. $21,000.00 ** * * ** Hwy. #4, ON THE MAITLAND RIVER ) 13.27 acres, surveyed. Ideal for country estate or recreational refFeat . -s27.socoo. MCKILLOP TOWNSHIP Solid brick' schoolhouse, well constructed and maintained, on '/2 acre. Would make an excellent home. $31,500.00. ** * * ** PIC "Walton Inn"-Walton, an ideal business for a family, country home cooking, dining and restaur- ant. Seats 70, completely equipped, living quarters, four bedrooms upstairs. ** * * * * SEAFORTH Heritage Estates - A good 3 bedroom mobile home. Well maintained. Loaded with almost everything. $11,000. could buy it! 14-67-1 WANTED: Old .. brick buildings for demolition & salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy' 'Road, Sarnia. 13-65-tf . APPLES-McIntosh. Picking from Sept 23 on. • Martene Orchards, %miles west of Egrnondville. Phone 527-1507. 11-67-4 BLACK, PERSIAN Lamb coat 38-40' Too large for owner. 348-9162. 11-67.2 AUBURN: Two floor 3 bed- room remodelled home has,17--- family room and den. Large ' Lot, low taxes. $27,500 14 Property For Sale Full Time GEORGE R Bartender JOHNSTON Near Walton - 133 acre dairy farm, good 1 1/2 storey brick home, barn fully equipped. level prod*u*ct*iv4c *la*nd, Fully Winterized Cottage - SunsetBeach, 2 bdrms., car- port, double lot, road open year round. *** * * * Near Goderich - 50 acres, 43 acres workable, no buildings, 2800 new apple trees, drilled well and hydro service. **** ** Lonelesboro - On 1/4 acre lot. I r/2 storey, 8 rm., 4 bdrm. frame home. * * * * ** 200 acre modern f ,arrowing operation near Brussels, all good builldings, can be bought with less acreage. * * * * * * Auburn - 1 1/2 storey newly dsiedeeedra3tebdd. rm. home, nicely * * * ** * 175 acre general purpose nfareamr wvvitahltean11, good buildings * * * * * 200 acre highway farm near Auburn, good 2 floor brick home, barns suitable for hog or cattle operation. * * * * * Egnrondville - North St. building lot 66x132 ft. * * * * * * Clinton - Newly renovated 1 hfleolonre,newly sided 5 bdrm, * * * * * * In BlytorM 4c,r0t, 2 floor brick h"6'mr. •FOOD FOR THOUGHT A honeymoon is the quiet ihterval between bells and .bilAisr; Expositor Classified, 14-68-1 will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. VANASTRA: Just listed, a 2 floor, 3 bedroom home in 'nice condition. Only $16,500 REAL.' ESTATE LIM!TED 'BROKER BOX 249 /I, 171.1F_LC3R NF:O r<7'60717.0 :111 Ate. yon a doctor, a lawyer:, a business person or someone looking for a nice, com- fortable building in the heart of doWntown Seaforth? If it arouses your curiosity look directly behind the Toronto- Dominion Bank': We'll be pleased to show it to you whenever it is convenient. ***** 100 acres ofland in McKillip Township. An eVer-flowittg spring adds to the appeal o f the setting along with , an updated old .stone house. ****** Two•family 'dwelling close to Main Street is worthy of the interest of. a buyer who wishes a steady income. * * Small hcime on Side Street with a nice lot and plenty of shade. Apply iii person to 1973 Le Mans good shape, new tires. $1600.00 or will consider trade on older car. 527-1312. . 10.67-2 FALSE teeth, long under- wear? Expositor classifieds have' sold almost every- thing. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash: 11-65Xtf PICK YOUR OWN apples, 'starting ,Sat. Sept. 30. Picking days Mon, Wed and Sat. Kings, Snows, Sweets, Delicious, Russets and Greening. Spies and Baldwin from Oct. 7. • Ready picked apples also available. In season McIntosh apples and Sheldon pears now ready. McClymonts Orchards 1 mile south of Varna 482-3214. 11-67-2 Commerical Hotel DOME BUILDING: Vanastra all steel construction, 2 floors 60' x 60', presently zoned Commercial., Large % acre lot. $25,000. Owner would consider a trade. Call JOHN THOMPSON Office 482-3766 Home 527-0238 14-68-1 ANNUAL open Broomball meeting to be held at SDHS cafeteria Mon., Oct. 2, 8:30. 1-68-1 SEAFORTH 467-2 11 Articles For Sale 'M F mounted plow '3 x 16 with parts for four furrow and MF semi-mounted 4 x 16 plow with parts for five furrow. Phone 524-8057. 11-68:1 15 Property For' Rent WINTER maternity, coat, size 14, also maternity evening dress. 887-6251. 11-68x1 NEARLY new 3 bedroom house available im- mediately. Phone 527-0610.. 15-56-tf AM- FM stereo receiver with built in 8 track player re- corder, 2 speakers. Call 527-1669. • 11-68x3 2 bedroom apartment all remodeled frig. and stove included. Phone Mqn. to Thurs. 527-0920. 15-65-tf APARTMENT for rent - Ground floor heated, private entrance, carpeted living room, close to shopping area. Apply to Box 3359, Fluron Expositor. , 15-68-1 ONE three bedroom house, Clinton-Seaforth area. 482-7104, ' 15-68x2 2 apartments fcliS...rent on Railway St., Lot 3'ir Imrfiedi- ate possession.. Gas heated. ApplSr 527-0702. 15-67-2 FOR' SALE approximately 100 gallons fuel oil for $25.00 which is less than half price. To be re-nraed from base-hient tank, The Huron Expositor 527-0240. 11-67x2 WRECKING BRICK house, 2x10's, 2x4's, pine flooring, steel roofing, propane or gas furnace like new, 6 mos. old, Call after 6 348-8756. 11.67-3 SOFA bed and chair,' vinyl covered. Excellent condition Phone 527-0322. 11-68x1 WANTED hoine_for 5 young barn cats, Phone 527-1531 will deliver. 11-68-1 FRESH honey .75c lb. bring your own containers. Elgin Voting 527-1519. 11-68-1 FIREWOOD,, dry hardwood, will deliver. 482.9816 or 482-7180. 11.68-3 "SACRIFICE •for quick sale small crib chrome High chair, bsby buggy.' 239 Motenz Drive, Mitchell near High ,School any evenign after 6. il.68x1 CHROME Kitchen sdite, brown & gold swivel chairs - Call after 5:00 p.m. 527.1415 11.68x1 ONE spate saver re- frigerator. Phone 527-0166. 11-68x1 • * * * * 90, acres 3n, Highway 8 weisterly from Clinton. A reasonable offer will be considered. ***** * * 5bC bedroom heritage-type home on beautiful lands- caped grounds in the Hamlet of Harpurhey, It vould have to be seen to appreciate the style and roominess. 50 acres, g000 nouse, barn and silo in Hullet. sit** Good listings- are a joy' to receive. We look for them every week, If you are buying or selling phone, write or call in' person. 521-0870 or 527-1972 Allatt Campbell 52'7-0445 14-68-1 1.1.) .10 2t' imesei. IS.;) x 38 tires, dual remotes two front axles. Phone 527-0989, 11-67-2 SIMPLICITY washer spin dryer. 482-3322. 11.68-1 SIDE of beef. 527-0938, 11°68-1 USED refrigerators for sale. Phone 527-0680, 11-68-1 STRIP tickets for apritission or refreshments, single and duplicate. • The Huron ' .Expositor, Seaforth 11-65xtt Addi:tonal Classified on next Page Action A4 PHONE DIRECT rit