The Wingham Times, 1898-09-02, Page 66
(Proal our own 4.1rieFpondent) d 'ilial from rIlembel'S of the 1' ur'ce. (mats MUST ill; PLANTED IN OCTOBER
Qaartel llaeter Sergeant Harris of, To SECURE TIII`. BEST RESULTS.
Ottawa, August `37th, 1898. the Royal "anadian I)raguulas, who I
'Philia IN' INU I AM TIMES, SErrEm13ER 2, ' 16 8, �y
aF: BOA ell. SER VICES.► ' } 6, ' • tt ((%%
Creek and has been met by au indig- i VLO WERS TO BLOOM AT
want, eluph:rtie and most unqualified CitRISPMAS.
While the net results of the year's i; a member of the li ol•ee, writes to ; ••Bulbs., to be brought into bloom '
commercial transactions have been a friend in \ ianipeg characterising i by Christina,, should he potted in
;Arcady annoaneed, the more detailed the statement as "a tissue of lies" I October, and as early in the month
returns that are now to hand offer : and then proceeds to point out the i as possible," says Eben E. Rexford
uome interesting figures wuich are . very obvious decrepeneies in the de- i11 the September Laches' Home Jour- •
well worth. looking over.
'elle, iln 1 tails of the story tLat the writer' in- nal. "Glue them a compost of equal ;
alaense increase in the total trae of cautiously attempts to give. Sergt. parts of loan and old, well -rotted
the Dominion has already boon made ; llarris says, From the time we left manure, nixed thoroughly. Narciss- i
Iiublie, and received with unqualified ! Ottawa until the present time troth- ns, hyacinths and tulips require the
a.;atiataction by all true Canadians of ; ing approaching even subordination, same soil and the same treatment.
avharever political stripe, bat with let atone mutiny, has occurred. 'These are the only bulbs I would
the Imperial instinct se, stronglyup- i 'There is 'tut the slightest cause for advise the amateur to attempt to j _�ry
sin us, it is a matter of rio small grafi-;i anything of this kind. The men are grow for Uhristtnas use. )
4ieatiou to find how rapidly business i being well treated and things could ,.If you plant your bulbs singly, n11t3 L rt]1 el'zrii'I";sr\s Tie ix> �I'irl o 'nal -
is developing with the Empire at I nut have possibly gone better than four -inch pots will be large enough 1 ECLIC\IA IN URIL FEST.
large. trade fur the year is l they have. We are having a hard for them. In six-inch pots you can
The total 1 trip but nevertheless a splendid one, par, two bulbs, and in seven-inch
rnished by sI•' • be aecommo-
announced at the unprecedentedOur food supplies as fu - ones four may o silt'
tig;ure of $304,091,720 against $207,- the Government are excellent and
168,862 or an increase of nearly in ample quantities. The men are
$17,000,000 in the year. Otthis all greatly indignant at such a foul
grand total the Imports were $110; report, and feel for their command -
.305,950 and the Exports X159,485,- ing olsi.eer, who is looking after their
770 giving a balance on the right interests very keenly, on this hard
aide of nearly $20,000,000. The tial- trip•" Thus another calumny is re-
aince is growing, for while the im- legated to the silent (?) majority.
ports of 1898 exceeded those of 1897 THE TRANSPORATION QUESTION.
by $21,000,000,the exi,orts have The transporation question, the
grown to nearly i 25,500,000. Upon most momentous problem which the
this vast increase the duty collection Western farmer has to solve, is stead -
increased „2,064,663, in spite of the ily becoming sitnplified. Not only
considerable reductions in the tariff. are the rates being reduced by the
INTER-IMI'ERI.1L TRADE. C. P. R. in conformity to the under -
So much for the general figures 1 taking entered into when the Crow's
In the returns that have special re Nest Railway contract was awarded,
Terence to Great Britain we find that but direct competition is developing
last year Canadlr. imported $32,S27,• which cannot bat have a most bene -
000 as against $29,328,000 for the ficial effect. The Canada Atlantic
previous year. But while imports Railway has completed arrange -
from Great Britain were only $32,-
27,000 the goods she took from us
Tan up to $101,787,000 or a balance
In our favor of nearly $72,000,000.
With the United States the condi-
ments by which it is in a position to
carry western grain from Parry made strong root -growth, or year ;
Sound to Coteau Landing thereby hopes for Christmas flowers wili be !
connecting the boats running on doomed to disappointment.
Lake Superior with ocean boats :rem "Do not bring the bulos into the
-lions were exactly tiie reverse and Montreal. In addition to the compo warmth and light of the room in '
1n spite of artificial obstructions the tition thus effected, the actual dis• which they are to grow until the
Dominion imported from the South tante is considerably lessoned, and soil iu the pot is well tilled with roots.
.$86,5S7,000 sending back in return so strong a competitor has the Can- Watch your bulbs well and keep the
,only $41,122,000 or in other words, ada Atlantic become that the Ameri- soil moist but never wet. When you
for every $1. the United States spent can bring them out of the dark do not
in Canada, Canada spent more than
in return. Of this $41,000,000,
mineral and lumber make up more
t=han one-half, agricultural products
and inanufactured goods being nnly
a small percentage of the whole.
dated, Tulips and narcissus should
be just covered with earth. The ! rIOCS
1 r t half itsh a mth should be abou �j� llerI(uees
depth in soil. Watee well at the ' -
time of potting, and then put the
pots away in a place that is d trk Dr. Chase Itlakes a Wonderful Cure.
ri oui
1\ 1. THO DIST --Rev. I)r. Pascoe, pas
Services at 11 a n) and 7 p e,1,
PIt1.Sl9YTE1t1AN - -Rev. 1), Perris
pastor. $orvires at 11 a w and 7 p Ica,
EPISCOPAL, tit, Paul'&—Hoyt Wm -
rector. Servu'us at 11 a In and 7
Lowe, ----,se 'rnls^
BAPTIST --Rev. Jas. Hamilton, pas-
tor. Services at. 1.1 a in and 7 p m
htasou, pastor. Services at 11 a m and
f �ClIF1tST1AN WORKERS — Misses •
Outrun' and Lock in et.mmand, Services 1
at 3 p n, and 8 p tit,
SALVrtTION ARMY—Adjut.antDIiles •
and wife in command. Services at 11 a.
m,3pnh and8pin,
In each of the above named churches i
Sa bbath Schou] is held at `2,30sp in.
Bu3surtption iarieo, $1. per year, in advance
.._- Si.,cu I 1 yr,
.I. 0 010. 13 mo. i -- 1 m0
cue Colum0 500 00 510 00 530 00 I • $80-60g.
half 'e 4(1 00I y0 12 00
tlunrtcr " YO 00 1L 00 7 en I a OU
ono 111011 0 00 , 00 : 00 1 00-
1-.'sa101111 nt0Ci'01.01101 nuiu1.011111 p 1 8 equally.
for 11no 1t lLiou,and 3c Per lin« or etchsubse
in-ertl• 1, 110,snted by notiparal scald.
+totn1 notices lOc. per lino for first insertion, and,
6e,. per line for each subsequent a sertiCE.•.
Advertisements of Lost, .Mound, Strayed, Situation'
;u+d Business °halloos Wanted, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, 51 for first month, and 000. for cacti
yubs0gm:tit month.
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line."
F1 for thst month, 50e. por subsequent montb
Larger advertisements in proportian,
'Chose terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rated for larger advertisements, or Or'
longer periods.
Advertisements and local notices without specific
directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged
accordingly. Transitory advertisements must bo
paid In advance
Changes for contract advertisententr moat be in
tho011100 by Wednesday noon, in order to appear'
that week
Before. After. Wood's Phospiioa no, }
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered Six
packages guaranteed to core all
forms of Sexual 1Veakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium
por Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
sof ixpeill price,
Pamphle ets sfee to One address.
• The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell,
and cool, and leave them there until Druggist.
they form roots. This part of the ` Mrs. Knight, 17 Hanover place, To -
treatment is very important, and. ronto, makes the following state -
ho ignore it will be pretty ; menu
those w ,,
sure to make a failure of bulb -grow-
ing so far as flowers aro concerned.
"The Roman hyacinth is much
preferable to the ordinary gore, as it
throws up several spikes from each
bulb, its flowers are more graceful,'
and it is more likely to bloom. The
best tulips for forcing are the early I
single varieties. The best narcissus
is the golden -yellow sort, with cup '
of creamy white. Do not bring these
bulbs to the window until they have •
That Great Britain is the market
.for Canada's vast agricultural Supp•
dies is most clearly shown by the
d'aet that Eget yeas she took nearly
1340,000,000 worth of animals, $37,
4;88.000 agricultural products, 815,-
4338,000 in lumber etc., $4,822,000
products of the fisheries or a total of
;'(;.97,783,000 out of the grand total of
From these figures it will be seen
that the tendency of trade is most
1u'eeeptibly turning towards Great
Britain and when it is remembered
that the full effect of the Preferential
tariff has only now become fully op-
erative it will be readily seen that
'this tendency will be very greatly
increased in the immediate future.
In the meantime it is worthy of note
that every additional return only
)nphasises the magnificent prosperi-
ty and unexampled progress which
our country is enjoying thebe days.
It may be in the recollection of
four readers that some two months
ago a sensational article appeared in
an Ottawa paper and was extensively
copied in the East to the effect that
'mutiny had broken out among• the
Yukon troops on account of the hard-
ships to which they were being sub-
jected through the incompetency and
mismanitgetllent of the Department
rr)f Militia and Defence The story
has had time to reach Telegraph
boats are even nosy eomplaiuuig
of the manner in which their busi-
ness is being cut into.
Reference was made in these let•
terse, couple of weeks ago to the
action of the Department of the In-
terior• in leasing a portion of the
water front a Dawson City to Mr.
Alex. Macdonald, and it was theri
shown that the transaction was an
excellent business deal resulting in a
substantial grin to the public exche-
quer. It now appetites from infor-
mation received through an indepen-
dent source direct from Dawson City
that Mr. Macdonald secured the fran-
chise it public competition with five
place them in goo warm a room, and
when they bloom keep them in a
cool place."
Pronounced Incurable by Doctors
but Made Strongand Well by
Paine's Celery Compound. .
Wells & Richardson Co.,
txentlemen—Having„been given up tri
die some time ago by some of the best
doctors of the United States, I came to
Canada last autumn terribly ill, and bad
lost all hope. Suffering agonies from
intiamatery rheumatism, I was strong.v
urged to use Paine's Celery Compound:
1 gave 11 a trial as r'ecommend'ed, and
the Brit bottle did me so much good I
My mother, Mrs. Wright, who
lives at Norval, near Doncaster,
suffered a summer and winter
with Eczema in her feet, She
could not walk, and very seldom got
any sleep. It became so bad that she
was perfectly raw from the toes to the
knees. After trying every available
remedy without receiving any bene-
fit, and almost hopeless of relief, she
was advised to try Dr, Chase's Oint-
ment. She •has altogether used 8 boxes
since commencing, but with the :hap-
piest results, for she is now complete-
ly cured. There is but one scar on one
of her feet, a mea7g4'ento of her fearful
suffering condition. Any person de-
siring further testimony in this case
is at liberty to communicate with Mrs.
Wright at her address, Norval P. 0.
Mrs. Knight says after such a grand
success, is it any wonder we re-
commend Dr. C'hase's Ointment ?
other tenderers, the successful bidder continued with the medicine until I has
simply obtaining the privilege be- used seven bottles, when 1 found .nv
cause he offered the biggest price. Belt perfectly cured ; indeed, I never felt
More than that, the lease is for one better in all my life tblhane matenus present.
I use every possito tell
'� r�itilrl P.NDURINrl OP ALL
Tolt.I:T OR
` -.,, BATH.
year only, after which the property others of Paine'e Cel.'ry Compound, and
reverts to the Government. These will always recommend it to those two -
facts have probably escaped the at- bled with rheuwat:smt
W11L. MoRRISF.'r'PF.
tention of those who have been de- ours very rely,
W. H. De Long, Civil Englineer, ex -
Warden, and County Councillor, New
Germany, Lunenburg Co., N. S., Oct.
2Sth, 1S97, says :—" I had itching piles
for thirty years, and have tried various
kinds of pile cures, but none gave me
permanent relief until I used Dr.
Chase's Ointment. I have recommend-
ed it to others with the eanne result."
A Short Sermon.
ILTQ DP Gt N, n L) 'oOC.+Jli Ell'EC iYSICIAN, Sl7kt»
Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, 4775,000
President-30AN e'ITART.
Vice-President—A. U. RAMBO.
JOAN PROCTOR. 0110, Rooms, IAl GIBSON, P, A. T.
\VoOD, A. B. LIaM (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Dank -110000,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to
Delimits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Deposits also received at current
dotes Of lr.. .refit.
17ra,fts o,, (.rest Britain and the United State,
bought and sold
The shortest sermon ever preached
was the sermon which Dr. \ 'Ihewell
wile fond of repeating from the text. ;
"'Men is h' rn 111 trouble as the sparks
fly tip\yalds."
The sermon nccupie.d barley a
minute in delivery, the following be-
ing;' a verbatim report :
•I shrill divide this sermon into
three beetle : 1, Man's in+rress into
the world ; 2, Man's progress through
the world ; 3, Isis egress out of the
I'1irslly, his ingres8 into the world
is naked and hare. Secondly, hie
progress through the world is trouble
and care. 'i'hirdly, his egress. ont
of the world is nobody knows where.
To conch-Ole—If we live well here
we shall live well there.. and I can
Glaring that the lease was granted in Ro•, ton Pond, P. Q. tell von no more I preach a whole
perpetuity and without curnpetition.
Isere is a choice note in the Mail
and Etupire the other day :—" Mr.;
Fielding ghas
five nn
s to!
the debt in one month." As experts
in arithmetic the editorial writers of
the Opposition press stand unrivalled
in this or any other age. Of cr)urse
they will attempt to explain that
"one month," shuuld read," one year"
but even then the statement lacks
the essential of truth, and the false-
ness of it simply becomes a matter of
"1 was run down in health and weak
and could not get anything to do me
good until 1 tried Burdock Blood Bit-
ters which has made me strong and
Terra Nova Out.,
Fleet Costs a
Guinea a
To be told that Great Britain pro-
poses to spend nearly 1:22,000,000 1
on her navy this year conveys little
to the unstatistical mind, We can
get some perception of the cost of
Britain's sea defence when we aro
told that the British navy costs
Britain within a few pence of a
guinea a second, day and night
throughout the year. The annual'
income of a Cabinet Minister would
Wisdom Beyond His Years.
Ilis mother found him in the fain
and reprimanded hire. A little later
she caught him tossing his baby sister
and reprimanded hien again.
`l don't see what's got Into you,
Willie,' she said. `You're usually
the good little boy, blit to -day you're
up to all kinds of mischief:
`I'm tired of being good,' he re.
turned with juvenile frankness.
'Tired of being good,' she exclaim-
ed. 'What do you mean by that?'
'Weil, brother Bob is naughty
roost of the time and y ou'i a always
g;ir•ing him things to get him to be
grn(l, and I guess I'll be naughty
I.I. D4 U 1STS, PERFUMERS ANO for a while and t=ee it' I dont. get
something too,'
Sometimes a youngster seems to
have wisdom beyond his years.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
When Beauty Fades.
In reap"n"P t'1 retreated inquires fron-
ridies with whom 1)r. Chases Ointment
h•ls b,ennie so t+opnlnr for skin disease°,
asking if frac pnwiINrs are injurious and
can be ,19Pd whiiP using the ointment,
we state that, while the maj')rit% of fn0a
powders are injurious, we emu recom-
mend the recipes given In Dr. Chnsn's
suppiemeot.ary recipe book on price 45
which will be sent to any addrows ou re-
The gain crop of Manitoba is esti
be a' -sorbed in less than an hour and , mnted at n0).0 )1.0 )') btr4eel s, of
twenty minutes, and there are not a . which over 25,000,000 is wheat.
dozen men in the kingdom whoes . _�
yearly income would pay two day's 1
cost of the navy.
Every day daring the current
year Britain is pay Ing £35,2J0 fur
the building of new ships to add to
the fleet; it costs £12,866 a day to
pay the officers, seamen and' marines;
£3,793 a day to feed and clothe
them ; and nearly £6,000 a day goes
in pensions and half pay to men who
have ceased to he on the active list,
while to equip the vessels with their
armaments, Britain is spending
£5,835 a day.
For Over Fift7 Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
uaed for over'ifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teeth-
ing, with perfect success. It soothes the
child, softens the guns, allays n11 pain,
cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for diarrhu'a. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is ineslluable. Bo sure you ask for
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind,
/Ioney to Loan on Notes.
Successor to Pr, W. Graham 111005 ELS ONT.
let Claes Donor Graduate of the Universities of
Trinity (Toro do) Qrtoen s (Kingston). and of Trin-
ity Medical College ; Fellow of Trinity Medica(
College and M'mmher of the College .1 Phve1oian3:
And Surgoous of Ontario. Post Uradvate Course In
Detroit and Chicago 1800 Special attention paid
to disease= of Eye Bit. Nose and Throat and
Diseases of Women. Censulta'ion 16 English and
Drennan. ;k:i eaterrh treated succe-efully in all
its forms,
Private and Company funds to lona at lowest rate•
hroerest. No commission charges. Mortgages, town
and farm propurt bought arid sold
OFFICE—Neosar Sleet N moilmi.
stoney advanced on Mortgages at 6 pet centwith
privilege of paying at the end of num year. Note
and accounts collected.
itOliT. ISiciNDOO.
'3esvor Block wineham. Oct
rR4DEM11RY. ,
$ji ;{ i.,.dap
Made a well
Man of
]re„tots in SOday.. Cnree
Pit Nervone Diseases. Failing MernoTY
aresis, Sleeplosanese, Nlnhtlr Erais-
olaas, eta., caused br pant Own*, gives
rigor and alae to shrunken organa end quickly but
enrols restores Lost Manhood in oldp Or :V".'Ing.,
Featly c,irried in vest pocket. Price $4.00 a packene,
Si:- for $5.00 With a wriramf fr„arunrt nn rn c,rre or
Insist nhavingINDAYO pIiyour9,, Ittlo' 100:
tl.• bps not
Rot it, we will sent it prepaid.
i nitibut) KLiMt:DY c a . limpet. Cbl.”. n 1'f ' •.r A 5 n1 ,
Chishoh,: s :a,,r,,,r Drug Stove, Wing riot
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London and South
�Cook's3 Cotton Root Oompou
is successfully used monthly by over
10,000%tadtes. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask
trour druggist for Cosk•s Coftn ttsot Cwt'
pound`Take no other, as all Mixtures, Oils and.
imitations aro dant erous. Prieto, No. 1, SI per
box, NO. 71,10 degrees stronger,$* per bort, No.
1 Or 2. mailed on receipt 0f price end tiro R'01!nt
stamps Tire Cook Company Windsor Ont.
I? 'NOs.1 and 2 said and recommended day all
responsible Druggists t.?t Canada.
0o,1 and No. 3 for sate br Colin A. ('0 1111;11,
6 50 a. m. 3 03 p. rn
330pin 10 23 p m
8 55o nt 3 05p m
1; 53a m 11 10 a m
3 3C p in 8 00 p m
11 10 tt in 6 50 it in
3 80 p n1 3 30 p 1n
10 25p in 8 30am
\1 m58011-, (nt,
OfSeo—.Never B1unk. 11inuhnn,
i. .
Otnee—Corner Hamilton and 81. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne hotel.
1)ENTISTRV.—J. S. JERuME, L ,. 0, 8.,11 INGHA
�) 10 ntauufactnr first-class sets of
�' I Li teeeh as cheap as they can be made
,' 1 L u it+ the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pelt, by his new
process, guaranteed perte, tly safe.
OPFLCE: In the ifeaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick House
J 0011 lUTU1t1E
Book business 10 hatter 001 .0 0,11 years past ;oleo
1 lymoaner, ONTARIO(
hate better as d faster selling books. Avents clear
int; 'rule sit) to S4U weekly, A few leaders are : 4..) DEANS, UIJAAS, JR.. \1'SNGe.,ua,
• [,'ween V•nt0riu" ; "Life of Mr. Godstone," "tf)
le Stories" .Prot,ressilo tipealcr."
e+Id Field," "lymncu;' "Glimpses el LICENSED A110T1ONEER FU1i ,dL COUNTS
•'Lre0kfoat, 1)inner, Supper. Books Ul' HCILIUN.
1)RAI/LEY GARRhTSO. COMPANY, Lisrrnn, Sulu. attended in any part of the Co. Cha ei
Toronto. (Moderato,
A r
�MYIwu Whlie{YTfIATE ' 1ll.I.lS I
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel !ohowers, I am now
prepared to supply the •public with
Wood and iron Force and
Lift rumps, Brass and
iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed iron Tubing. Cisterns,
"Water Troughs, Sinks,
J1aths,1 ipe Fitting, Well
)Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pnmpillR water,
Deep well loumpo a specinlity.
Repairing promptly attended to,
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mud should always state
depth of well.
A11 work guaranteed or no sale.
�i. MORNT l'1GSTAI .
Bev 110 Winrohanl. Ont.
OHN OUItLtlE, \41N(4HAM,
Sales of 1!'ari, Stock and Far,n Implements
Alt orders left at the TIMIn WO promptly atten.t,
ed to. Terre reasonable.
Camp Caledonia, No, 40, menti
Sr 0. ti.—the drat and third Monday io
every month, in .he u,Id Fellnwe Hall, Visiting
bieIhron welccti'' J. Murray, Chief. 1) Stew*
art Iten,.Sio
WAN' [ ji Younu sten an women, or older ones
13 it still )0000 ie, spirit., of undoubted
character, good talkers, ambitious and industrious,
CRS 111111 employment 111 a good cause, with 540 per
month aud upwards according to ab1ity.
1tEV, T. S, LtNSOUTT, TonoNTo,
Seven order writers. Soda y or coumlission to suit
able persons.
Medical Building, 'Toronto.
men and Women who can work hard talking at)if
writing wiz hours dully for sIx rhea a w.ek and will
be cement It11it ten dollars weekly,
p� [- Nra\ IDEAS ) Co , Totinaro,
Yf AiiT4DTeachers and niter bright nien for
1 a'•atinn or Pc. nennently to stilton ter
"0.401:0 Air Eneyclorsoliaof the Country, in Five
Itey,rl gnsrt0 lobuues. No delwetiuu, Contmisaioh
pati! weeld), :4,(10 IT Peswalnr,n Co.
I'9(tLon1N0 nooks, Ppwphleta, Posters, B1
(leads, Oireuiars, &d., re , executed in tho best
st) le nt the art, at moderate prices, and on 'boll
notice Apply or address
11, 0. ELLIOTI,
T MRs Wilco, Wiugham
wr, aro ptewled to announce that any (looks or
/Lowlier; lett with u' for Binding, will hive out
prompt attention. Pricer for Blndingin any styli
will he riven on 4501100tlon o the Taos O117oe