HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-14, Page 63Cut it out and take it a
SITE OF THE 1978 - '
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Come and Visit us
at the
White Farm Equipme „e>--
,at the
International Plowing Match
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s'ac'e 0C0‘) °O
See John Radford
Clinton 482-9221 Blyth 523-4519
Barn dance
back IPM
A highlight of plowing
match activities will be the
reappearance of the CANX
Barn. Dance show a popular
area attraction for many
The CKNX Barn Dance
and Reunion and. Broadcast,
will be 'staged in the new
Grey, Morris and Brussels
Community Centre in Brus-
sels, Saturday evening, Sept.
23rd, 1978, 8:00 P.m. ,
More than thirty ofthe
original Barn Dance',
me/libel% Will be Oil Stage .to
entertain with a show, fol-
lowed by a dance. •
---Advance tickets are-ori sale
throughout,the area, and also
will be available on the night
of-the perkirmance at B,M K.
G centre in BruS'sels.• • •
Astronout Neil Arm-
strong, firQ Man on the
mooii,. will open the,
IPM Tuesday Sept., 26
at 2p.m.
IMO . 111•111111
4 .....
Demonstration corn-mittee is
a first at this year's match
;Following two years of prone will boa garden trador, '
county and . regional con',-; , and .many other awards will
petitions, the:. Farm Safety be pre$.;ented following • the '•
Association' and .'..the 'Ontario. " rodeo.
'Junior 'Farmers arc bri. • The; Farm. Safety As-
their tractor safety' rodeo to sociatiop , conjunction with
the 1978. the .° Workmen's Compen-
PlOwing. Match, • and Farm sationo, Board ,.(WCB), .will
Machinery Show. 'P also•be sponsoring an exhibit
The event w :II climax '15 - at the • 1978 International
regional ;Compeiitiwls that Plowing Match . A 'safety
were held.t1 i sot:Muer.' The „garogand 'Ege, the talking
top two conmeliicrs from , chicken, will be feature att..
each .,-eu,ional rodeo will vie tractiOns. Association staff
or itie Provincial Champion- and .WC14 personnel will be ,
hi, ip at the . Plowing Matcli„ .on .hand to.diseuss safety an I
fhe . final will be. , held on accident prevention with. •
Tuesday, September 26 at visitors. to the Match, which
the John Deere' exhibit. will take place from September'
Deere I's cosponsoring the 26 through September 30- L.:- ---
'competitions this year; 'first ticars
1: Plowing 22. Park!
2. Plowing (Overflow).
3. Plowing " 23. Plowing
4. Parking ' 24. Plowing •
5. Demonstration 25. Trailer Park
6. Tractor Parking 28. Guest &
7. Plowing .. Exhibitor Parking
O. Plowing 27. Guest & - '
9. Plowing Exhibitor Parking
10. Parking 28. BurParking .
(Overflow) 29:' Band Bus
'11. Mowing Parking
12. Special Events 30. Conservation.
13. Demonstration Demonstration
14. Parking , 31, Guest &
15. Tented City Exhibitor Parking
18. Panting" 32. Bicycle Parking
17; Tile 33. Flowing
' Demonstration Competitors ,i 25
19. Parking
18. Helicopter Parking \ \
84. 'Exhibitors )
20. Demonstration Transport Parking
21. Plowing 35. Midway Rides ••••
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