HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-14, Page 41, , sell it to e a e class' Hensoll Livestock Soles SALES T Hl EVERYs y. AT 1:30 P.M. • All classes of Livestock . WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor . Barry Miller • Hargreaves 236-2717 . 482-7511 Exeter and Clintou 229-6205 , °K1191k6to.tfn•-• YOUR Scapdinavian painter and decorator will give yoU a free estimate on any ' painting job, virall . papering, vinyl hanging,, also carpentry. Phone Gun: oar Hansen 262-5175. .• 19;65-tf • Call your CARPENTER For ildirig kitchen cabinets, s additions to homes and novatiog., Contact '• JIM COLEMAN , R.R.#1 SeafOrth 5274684 • 19-52-tf DISC JOCKEY STEVENS Country Gold & Rock IniRoll Good recorded- music for weddings, dances,„ an - niversaries, parties etc. Phone Brussels evenings, - 8876159•.,. 19-654 - Residential - Farms - Business Resort Properties SEA FORTH 527.1511 8 MAIN ST. SOUTH HOME No.523-9525 • • • One storey frame bungalow, 2 or 3 bedrooms, oil F.A. -Heating, good • dry *basement', kitchen and pantry, living room:sun porch, nice lot and location.' Open for offers. Building Lot ,- 'services available - reduced to $6000.00. ****** , 3 bedroom house on nice size lot. $26,500, extra lot • for $7500,00 * * * * * * . Fun storey. 4 bedrooms, nicely appointed, 2 blocks frorn. the post office and shopping, $37,500.00 ****** MainSt. North, 5 bedrooms, corner lot, landscaped, ' aluminum siding. $31,500.00 . * * * * * * Executive 'type, living, Goderich St., 4 good size • bedfooms, centre stairway. very large 4 pc. bathroom up. 2 pc. down., 26' living ,room, separate dining room. Landscaped 1dt, nice location.. MiOdle thirties wood buy it.' An ideal retired couple's horde-nothing 'to do but move in, very well *maintained, on corner lot on • Market Street, has everything. $27,000.00 **** * * A perfect money making business for the right partyamall motor repair and sales. in an excellent locatia a 'great future. good building 'and lot. _ WALTON • 2 storey residential 3 apartments, nicely rettocated, all conveniences-e-$34,900:00 • GREY TOWNSHIP Cement brick school house, 2 bedrooms. living mom; la.lte• kitchen and dining area. 4 pc. bath. electric heat. on 1/2 acre. $28.000.00 * * * * * * LONDESBORO I ll.00.17, 2 bedroom house with kitchen, living room and 2 pc: bathroom. Full Basement and garage with F.A. oil furnace, Lot is 60' x 210'. Cosy little house for $14,900. 3 bedroom 1 1/2 storey house, F.A. Oil Furnace, . garage on 3/4 of an acre. $21,000.00 ' ****** Hwy, #4, ON THE MAITLAND RIVER ) 13.27 acres. surveyed, ideal for country estate or recreational o retreat. $27,500.00. - • MCIULLOP TOWNSHIP Solid brick schoolhottse, well, constructed and maintained, on 1/2 acre, Would make a,4 excellent borne. ,$31,500.00. ******* • "Walton Inn"-Walton, an ideal business, for a family, country home cooking, dining and restaur- • . ant. Seats 70, cpletely equipped, living quartets, fourbedroomS 5patairs. . * * * SEAFORTH Heritage Estates - A good 3 'bedrederi mobile home. Well maintained. Loaded Witb almost everything. $11,000, could buy iti 14.67-1 - Appraisals - Property Management - Investments REPRESENTATIVE V. C. (Viel FOX PF41 ,,f7TATT 13PMF4 SEAFORTH ORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTa. ML8 REALTOR Seaford' 527.0430 Henry Mero 527-1164 . Gary Walden.523.9212 Dirk van der Werf 482.3165 furry PlumSteel 527-0052 Harold Workman 482-3455 JARVIS STREET Ch this 3 bedroom brick and aluminum Split level tastefully decorated and warrantied'Ior 5 years '• • against defect. $48,000,00 • MARKET STREET New 3 bedroo'rn: brick bungalow featuring attached garage, full basement and 1 blOck to• school. c40,1e,- ' finished to your taste. $48,000.00 , • .. CENTRE STREET A well treed lot sets off this new 3 bedroom brick `bungalow with full base.rnent and 1250 sq., ft. $43p00.00: , MARKET STREET. • • You can have. _this new 3 bedroom brick and- aluminum home with full' basement and garage. For only $44,500.00 b• IN EGMONDVILLE • Is this three bedroom brick bUngalow. Nicely • ••'', decorated and featuring a full carpeted recreation room and 4th bedroom. A real bargain at $44,000.00 1COLEMAN STREET- • Two year old, three bedroom aluminum sided . bungalow with full heated basement. Lots of extras such as paved drive, large lot, quite affordable at $38,000.00 ' •.1 536,500.00 Three bedroom brick and alumihion bungalow with. • full heated ba,sement, carport and paved drive. Check the price,- ISABELLE STREET BEAUTY Describes this .1800 sq. ft. angelstone bungalow. This home is^ beautifully appointed with large country kitchen, family 'room complete with fireplace and two baths.' Priced at only $57,500.00 ' ' RETIREMENT HOME Is this cozy two bedroom brick bungalow on Isabelle• Street, with fireplace: large well treed lot and garage for only $40,500.00 $7.6,000:00 1800 sq.ft. of total comfort in this angelstone ranch home with options such as two fireplaces, private • courtyard with built in 'Bi3Q, double -garage, paved drive. on a double lot. Many more extras. • . ^ 842,000.00 • -.. Enjoy the low taxes of. Egmondville in 'this 'Three 'bedroom 'brick bungalow on a large lot with full baSement and a fourth bedroom. GODERICH STREET Elegance deseribes this two storey brick home completely renovated and presently duplexed. , Would make • a beautiful single family, home EG1VIONDVILLE Have a look at this five bedroom home on an extra large lot, extensively renovated with a double attached heated garage $36,500.00 BUSHLAND 1 Miles North of Clinton and quite secluded,, we . have 20 acres of maple and hickory bush, just waiting to be enjoyed. Priced at $25,000.00 STARLING STREET Four be&ooni, two storey, 1 1/2 'blocks to school. Must be seen to be appreciated $35,000.00 • JOHN ST. ' -. A large. nine room home, well maintained, must be seen. ADAM ST..- Brick duplex on a 'double lot, recently renovated $58,000,00. HURON -ST.: Three oedroom, two, storey home, close to uptown $19,800.00 GODERICH St - A three' bedroom and two bedroom duplex, 1. block from main corner $35,000.00 ' E. WILLIAM ST. - 1 1/2 storey, three bedroom, nicely decorated and landscaped, 2 blocks from main corner $38,000,0g ' • S. MAIN ST. - One floor, two bedroom, good starter home $20.000.00 RAILWAY ST. -'Three bedroom home, extensively • renovated $19.900.00 -Retreat - 124 acres buSh. river &eared land. $90,00 Q,' 10M from Hayfield -LOTS-• We have over 40 building lots available in various ,parts,of Seaforth. Egmondville and Harputhey. Also • there are Commercial and Iliclustribl packages available. 14-67-1 WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING HOMES. OR FARMS. GIVE JOE A CALL TODAY - AT 345-2465 RES. • OR 348-8823 OFFICE P. H., Hiller Realty Limited •, 68 ONTARIO ST., MITCHELL. '14-67-1 15 Properiy -For Rent sl5Property For Rent NEARLY iiew 3 bedroom , • house available - im- , inediately. Phone 527-0610; I 5-56-tf MODERN 4 bedroom fal•ni home, available October 1st. 262-6809. - 15-67-1 2 apartments •for rent on Railway St., Lot 39. immedi- ate possession- Gas heated. Apply 527-0702. ' 15-67-2- FOR RENT: a trailer in Florida, located in the north end of St. Pete's, Available , the first part of Dec. till the 'middle of March. Phone 482-9155. 15-6b-2 2 bedroOm 'apartment. hot Water heated, laundry room .with dryer. References '• required. ThompstIn's Apartments, 8A Mairi Stteet, Seaforth. 1567x2 ONE bedroom.apartment for Tent available Oct. '1. Heat, , cable T.,V. included. tic pets or children', Call after . 4 o'clock 5-27-1-6-30. 1 5;66:2 2 bedroom apartment all ,remodeled frig. and stove included. Phone M-on. to Thurs. 527-0920. 15-654 ELIZABETH . . COURT. HENSALL, ONT. Now renting. new building 1. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting throughout. Xelvinator ap- pliances. laundry facilities all utilities paid. For inquiries - Hettsall 262-2129 Londin 433-17g1 15-654 Retnember/ It taka but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad, Dial 527-0240. JOE O'REILLY " „ , We are pleased; to announce that JOE O'REILLY has ':1- ••• .•joined-the Hiller Sales Team and'will be working 1 out of our MITCHELL office. . . • JOE O'REILLY, has lived in the Doblin area all his life and has farmed, in the area for over 30 years. JOE has been active in Real Estate for almost TEN Years ,and we feel that this experience, combined with his practiqol farming experience and know- • ledge of the prea will greatly strengthen our MITCHELL Operation enabling us to more effic- iently serve you, our customers in the purchasi and sale, of your property. l'.11. er it v.11.1,1- !TVA, 1% storey 3 bedroom hoMe.• 2baths, 3 pc. up, down. Large kitchen, with lots of cupboard spaCet,Large living. room.-.Mortgage available: 150 'ACRES . • On No. 8 highway .between • Dublin and ',Mitchell' - 142 •acres of level, tferkable rich farm land. Brick house, L shaped barn,' drilled well. HOME IN THE COUNTRY On a large nicely treed tat, 11/2 storey 3 bdrm. house, drilled• well, oil furnace. • MONCRIEF 2 lots. One 155 x 165 with a trailer home 10 x 60. One 264. x 165 witi,,b-••---tik• storey 2 bedrOom home, Oil heated, implement, shed 'built in 1977, storage shed 60 x 15, 'seed cleaning plant 39 x 28 with holding bins above work shop 22 x 20.• Also inclUded, 2-10 ton truckilerit ---CALCTOE 0' REILLV` 345-2465 or 348.8823 Mitchell ' • 14-67-1 JOHN I., DUDDY REAL ESTATE LTD. 'REALTOR EXECUTIVE HOME: Split ' level ,Tudor style home in immaculate conditibri. Beautifully, landscaped, 11/2 acre . grounds, in , ground pool, paved drive. Highway location - near Goderich. $105,000.00. NEW HOMES: 3 three bed- room brick and altuninum homes on Jarvis Street, ?attached garages. gas heat, roughed fire places and outside entrance in basement. FAMILY HOME: Nearly. new. 'four bedroom two storey , home, well located in ' -Harpurlrey Separ dining room, sunken f milt' room with fire place patio doors, sundeck, $73.9 .00. • . EGMONDVILLE. Custom built bungalow, has four bedroom's, dining row. family room with 'fireplace and large games •room . or workshop. $51,000.00, VANASTRA: Several. homes priced $17,500.00., BAYFIELD': 12 A cres zoned 'rural residential, with new stone and brick bungalow, patio &Ors from basement, Frankltin. fireplac e ; -$79,500.00. Call '.10H1q THOMPSON Olfice • 482-3/66 Home 527.0238 14-67-1 good from ulligan .REALESTATE LTD. $42,000' "FroSsible" five attractive residential lots in • the .village *of Kippen, on paved road - One with a well insulated steel driving shed -drilled well to service all lots. $36,000 • Excellently located 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom house on attractive treed let with 2 car garage and workshop, dose• 'to uptown. • . $28,500 P/2 st rey franie, 6 bed- , moo house, large living "na6m:-Tain y room and elinidg room, excellent investment,: located on 'spacious treed lot. ' Coll Agbrits DAWN RATH WELL ,•527;-1 577 . BRUCE RATHWELL 4B 2-31 20 $38,500 OVER 100 YEARS OLD Attractive log cabin with 3 bedrooms, family room, Partially renovated with -new wiring and plumbing, on a' superb treed lot - overlooking--a-scenic-river view, in Southainpton. I'1 REAL la311ATE LTD. S36,500 Conveniently located 11/2 storey brick. 2 bedroom house, attractively 'situ- ated on one acre of land near Brucefield. on paved road, recently redecorated $28,500 • Attractive single storey frame, 2 bedroom house, entertaining 'living room, dining, room, recently redecorated. carpeted thrbughout, on'huge treed lot. " $25,000 • , 2 storey frame duplex,. 6 bedrooms,very .large By- log mom, and kitchen in both units, • on superb freed corner lot', ideal income property. We ▪ have an excellent seledtion of -listings- available. '14-67-f For furf'ter information on these and other listing iyisINTEE PIERRE RAMMELOO -BUS. 482-3821 Res. 523-9478 DAVID CHRISTIE.482-3821 MLS Llstinns • Lovely house on acres of good hay, land or market - garden possibilities. Trout creek runs along the one side for about 2,000 feet-. Pleasant spacious house, priced reasonable. Act 'Now'l, Franklin -Fireplace sets offthis lovely 3 bedroom home on, a pleasant lot in Vanastra. 2 Duplex's priced ready to sell. Owners say present all offers. - Good income potential from a store with 2 apartments. " • Commercial property in Brussels. Price reduced. ''to sell. 12 ic 52 H ouse Trailer.' Priced at $6,000.00: Call for • details.. Exceptional 3 BR home in' Clinton with good,terms available. Easy to afford. 3 BR home in Exeter,• close to schools. . . Lovely location in Blyth; could remain in apartments 'or .stngle family •Priced right for the hindyman. 4 BR home on large lot in Brucefield.' Nicely landscaped. , Small reasonably Oeleed farm -near Brussels. House with, 3 acres in country near Blyth, Try an offer. We have a very large assortment of businessess and commercial properties available. , 50-S00acre farms for sate and wanted to set L' today for, your housing needs, call us' today. o obligation. • . 14-67-1 17 Wanted To Rent 19 Notices • YOUNG married couple with- one child seeking an apart- ment in or around Egroobel- -ville. Phone 262-3143 after 6:00 p.m. . 17-67x1 -19 Notices • FUEL OIL- FURNACE Repair and Cleaning 24 Hour Service - PARATCHEK'S MAINTENANCE . Dublin 345-2235 19-67-3 . SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Fast efficient service. Writ e or call Harvey Dalt!, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482,3320 or Seaforth 527-0284. 19-56. tf Use' Action °ads Phone 527-0240 Tri Town - Bookkeeping Service- and COMPUTER SERVICE Income Tax Returns Business- Fartri - 1ff-die i d ual , LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 Available Year Round 19.6-tf Custom Slaughtering and Processing Rill Das Al edllc 411,%' 4.••••-•••••••,4 ClAst-iwooD 237-3314 19.65,ti EVENINO, AUCTION SALE 100 acres cash crop farm with buildings, self propel- led combine tractor machinery etc. to•be held for PAUL SOUTHGATE at . Lot 11 Concession 7 Hullett Town•ship 33/4 Miles north of Clinton on #4 Highway then 33/4 miles east. MON„-SErf. 25 AT 6:30 P.M. Farm consists of 100 acres more or less with 85 acres inorkable 42 acres are systematicly drained, 111/2 acres • al' bush 31/2 acres surround the buildings. The building• consist of a 11/2 storey two bedroom house with large modern kitchen three piece bathroom on main floor, , and a large modern living room built on new three years ago. There is a small older sheet wan new cement twor, This is a corner farm and the buildings are close to the mad. Note there Ls 85 acres of standing corn that will • be sold complete 'with farm. Terms on property 10% down- day of sale balance in, 30 days being offered ' subject to reasonable r,eserve bid. For further information or viewing of property phone Richa'rd Lobb' au. dimmer of Clint-Cm '482-7898. ' MACHINERY: 1975 International 815 self propelled ' diesel combine with hydrostatic drive, air conditioned c straw monit ors, 13. ft. head Innen pick-up, stra chopper'and foet rownario corn head bought new last ' sear in excellent condition; Massey Ferguson 165 diesel tractor with multi flower remote hydraulics adjustable rear wheels etc., set of 14.9 x 28 dual wheels; North American 61/2 ft. single auger snow blower; Kongskild 11 ft. Culivatnr; MF 3 furrow mounted trip beam plow with new 16'! bottoms approx 200 ft. of 4" plastic tile; Note,ho..small.item so be on time, combine will be offered subject to a reserve 'bid. - TERM CASH ON CHATTLES ' AUCTIONEER RICHARD LOBE 'o ,.. • . 20-66.2 Additional Classified on next - Page • 20 Auction. Sales .- 20 Auction 'Sales . . •• 00000 •tirita••••••••••••••"••••••• 000 • • • • CLEARING AUCTION• : 14 Property For Sate 14 Property'For Sale 14 Property For Sale- 19 Noticed 19 Notices 1,4 1----i:OPZTTFor Sale 14 Property For,Sale 14 Property For Sole 14 Property For Sale R.S. ,Box ▪ Funeral Home 47 High Street • • Seaforth Phone: 527;08185 19-65-tf" CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and - PROCESSING , Al's Market 'Beef-Mondays, Hogs-Tuesdays Phone 262-2017 19-65-tf MASONRY work ' specializing 'in fireplaces and chimneys. Cement work and other odd lobs. Free estimates. For more - information call. Stan Kirk- ham. 348-8797. 19-65-tf HOUSE PLANS DRAWN To meet your Requirments. No obligation. References for all Previous Projects , SCHAEFER RESIDENTIAL DESIGN LISICOWEL 291-1449 19-64-4 • • sale of furniture, antiques, household effects, etc. to • be held at 159 Ontario Rd in the Town of Mitchell, ' • WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27 AT 5 O'CLOCK • • 4: Offering includes: Philco 19" cglour T.V. and stand; • R.C.A. Hi fi; 3 piece bedrocim suite; china cabinet; • •• Simplicity spin dry washer; vacuum cleaner; swivel • arm chait; upholstered rocker; two wooden rockers; • •• wash stand; four folding chairs; end tables; hall • mirror; rugs; utility tables; small appliances; record • • cabipet; sheers; cooking utensils; some. dishes and' • • • • • glass wear and many other 'tiems too numerous to . • "• • mention. - TERMS CASH ' • . MRS. MARGARET DOW' PROP • R:G. GETHKE AUCTIONE • • Not responsible for accidents day • • • • 0000000 • ••. •• • • • ETRESS :ale. * 20-63-1 • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ,• • • • e'r