HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 6r��
E4ie 1i1t Fraud
�c lit .1110 Unmasked
FRIDAY. At GUST 20, 1898.
I:obert Gibbons, ex-sheriif, died
Friday evening, aged 87 years. Mr.
Gibbons was born in (xlaseow. Ile
emigrated to Canada in 1832, coining
bo Goderieh, then a village of less
than 250 inhabitants. Iiere he
..aunehed into business, and at an
early age took a leading part in l
municipal affairs, subsequently serv:
*'ng several terms as mayor of God:
terieh, and was for many years reeve
and warden ot the county.
Mr. Gibbons was elected to repre:
r-ent South Huron in the parliament
of Ontario, and four years later, in
1871, was re:elected to the legislature,
each time as the candidate of the
Liberal party. After serving daring
two terms of the parliament, Mr.
Gibbons resigned his seat to accept
the shrievalty of Huron county,
which office he filled until about a
rear ago, when advancing age corn:
yelled him to retire to private life.
Children Cry for
(Artended for last week )
Rev. W. J. West is away on a two
weeks' holiday trip to Woodstock,
Peterborough and other places. On
account of Ms tibsence there was
For some years the ladies of Uauadn
have sutrered much loss and inconven-
ience fri ra use of deceptive home dyes
put up to look like the popular 'Diamond
Dyes. These imitation package dyes
are sold I.t very low prices to retail mer-
chants, who in turn made immense pro-
fits on them when sold to women who
were unfortunately influenced to buy
These imitations of Diamond Dyes
were never sold more thad one to any
woman. They possessed no foundation
qualities or good points to make them
valuable or popular. They were made
of the cheapest ingredients, the colors
were (leak muddy and unsirrhtly, and
they ruined all the goods they carne in
coutaet with. These common dyes are
now so despised and shunned that sture
keepers are glad to sell them at half
price to be rid of them. The Diamond
1 dyes are still marching on to new vic-
tories, and have always maintained their
position by true merit alone. Beware of
the imitation and cheap dyes that are
still puahed on the unsuspecting by
some dealers. :f a storekeeper values
your trade he will recommend you to
use the Diamond Dyes.
(Intended for last wee' .)
Mr. Wm. Clegg, of Wingham,
shipped a car of oats to the Mari -
tine provinces last week.
Rev. Mr. Perrie, (:f Wingham. ec-
cnpied the pulpit o: the Presbyterian
last Sunday in the absence of Rev.
Mr. Hall, Mr.Ilall assumes charge
n Sunday.
Wthile wrestling in a car at the
depot the other day, Mr. Percy Rus-
selliad the misfoi tune to fall and
break his leg between the knee and
iso service in the Presbyte+Ian eh arch the anklet/
last Sabbath. Next Sabbath morn. Mr. Serwer, of London, shipped a
ing Rev. D. Rogers, of the Metlhodis:, ear of scrap iron to Toronto last
teiiarch will occupy Mr. West's pulpit. week.
bliss Maud ilyalls, of Dungannon, Mr. Jaynes T. Robertson who has
'returned home on Saturday, after been visiting old acquaintances for
t--ieiting with Miss Lily Rogers at the the past two months, left for his
:sirs. John Robertson started for
Manitoba on Tuesday to visit her
ecns and daughters at Boisevain.
Mrs. Bruce went to Manitoba this
week to visit her brother, with whom
ir.the intends to stay a year.
Messrs. Christopher Thornton and
Walter Iluggin went to Manitoba on
the harvest excursion this week. The
gormer to Portage la Prairie and the
Matter to Holland.
DIr. Thomas Cornell and family
shave moved into the house formerly
;eeupied by Mr Jelin Collie at the
Mrs. W. .I. Johnston, of Morris has
':.cite recovered froin the typhoid
*ever and is able to drive out.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess spent
;Sunday in Teeswater.
•Mr. and sirs. Fred. McCracken, of
;Brussels, visited Mrs. McCracken's
aiarents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner
eels week.
Mrs, R. N. Duff, Clayton aad Eva
Duff were visiting at Mr. John
ltliott's rn East Wawanosh this
Mr. Joseph McCoy, of Atwood,
'sisited his sister, Mrs. Geo. Hudson
last week.
A meeting in the interests of the
plebiscite was held in Mr. John
Burgess' office, on Monday evening
gest, when the following conveners
eivere appointed for their- respective
polling divisions of Turnberry: No.
., Alex. Kelly ; No. 2, Joseph Pugh;
10. 3, Thos. Higgins; No. 4, Thos.
Aitken. It is intended thatthe
above named will call a meeting in
the near future, for the organization
•cat their division for work, such as
appointment ot canvassers. the dis-
nvibution^of literature, •&.c.
' T,fEUIVIA .L,@� ISJl i'.d.
home in Arizona on Tuesday morn:
ing. Jim is a fireman on the South:
ern Pacific Railroad there.
Mrs. J. R.Gurd, of Detroit, spent a
few days with her sister, Mr. G. H.
David last week.
Dame Rumor has it that a wee:
ding will take place in the near fat:
ure in this vicinity.
Quite a number took in the foot:
ball match at Wingham last Mon:
day evening between the Winghaln
team and the Torontc Riversides.
Mr. Chas, Vannorman bas secured
a situation with the Wrought Iron
Range Co., of Guelph.
2'.A,K �3
Ask your Druggist or Dealer for it
(From our own CorrespondeLt )
Legislature es a relief to the mono- Health and Hygiene.
tons Of the eternal grind on the main ---
must cases of phthisis begin in the
question, mate are more calculated apex of the lungs.
to attract attention on account of
their reckless absurdity than Mr. i Exercise shcul(1 not make us
, ll•hitney's criticisms of the appoint- breathe much more rapidly than we
meat at a Roads Commissioner and do normally, but deeper.
his declaration that not one mile of , Must of us are too lazy with our
good road has been constructed or lungs, not l:trotving bow to illi thea!
had road improved, which would i evenly, .mrotbiy and fully.
not have been done had there been !
no Commissioner. If Mr. Whitney's! The blood of a person getting a
law praeticu has prevented him from sufficiency of pure air tingles to the
getting out in.o the country to see ' tips of the tinge's and toes, and the
i for himself, he really ought to get i elimination of waste matter in the
posted by his agricultural supporters, I food Is mueh nearer perfection.
I if be has any, which would almost One should breathe deeply and
appear doubtful ; for it may be un-
' hesitating affirmed that there is not fully, otherwise the lungs apex ini
a farmer in the Province of Ontario prisons a stagnaxjt pool of air, soon
who has not a personal knowledge
Oiled with dust and organisms of all I of the beneficial results of this most kinds and forms an excellent germ
i excellent appointment. Doubtless breeder.
ithere are sections where Roads Com Most people have hollows above
misioner Campbell has not yet been their collar bones, which is wrong.
1able to visit, but there is not an in-
The apex or the lungs should project
habited township from Glengarry to up into that space and fill it pretty
nearly full, making an almost even
surface with the neck.
!Lake of the Woods where the practi•
cal instructions issued by Mr. Catnp
bell through the Agricultural De-
partment have not been of benefit.
alt gives one an idea of the desper-
ate straits to whica theg leader of the
Opposition is reduced' when he is
betrayed into makingtan assertion
which every elector Ilving outside
the cities can disprove of his own
petsonal knowledge. 4
Wide spread attention is being
attracted to the proposal to hold a
World's Fair in Canada at the com-
mencement of the Twentieth Century.
The project is an immense one, and
the Toronto papers are performing
valuable public service in securing
the candid opinions of experienced
public men thereon, for,, to be suc-
cessful, it would require to be carried
out upon a scale greater than any
thing ever before attempted in the
Dominion. The advantages to be
expected from the scheme would be
the splendid advertising that Canada
would receive throughout the world,
and the excellent facilities that
would be offered to tens of thousands
from other countries to visit the
Dominion, and personally judge for
themselves of its unrivalled oppor-
tunties and resources.
Ottawa, August 20th 1898.
M,• T'IIODIST-- Rev. Dr. PaNeoe, pas i
or. Servu•es at 11 a m and 7 p in.
PRIeSlli`.12DIRIAN—l.ev. D. Perrie
pastor. Services at 11 a in and i p to.
EPISCOPAL, St. ,Paul's—iter. \im.
Lowe, rector. Bermes at 11 a m and 7 I
P m.
I3APTISP—Rev, Jas. Hamilton, pas-(TIMEaOFFIGI:,Ju�ueHtrda rnEi'
trir. Services at 11 n m and 7 p 10 �i�'INCrHHAM, ON'1'AIt•1O,
7 p m 1 Sabsariptlonp.ice.$ipnI yoar,tnndvanoe
*Aillfr A
b O:(J 11gij.wit; 10
—15 L'UleLnlllE1'
1 VE1ty FRIDAY M.O1tNINtar
Tut —
Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a ni and
Outram and Lock in m Aland, 1
at 3 p In and $ p tn. , eipeee ! 1 Sr. { tl eu,, l d :;ro.I 7 mo
,'.o r.V‘,TION ARMY—AdjiltantMiles ane Culn,nt, $00 001 $a`, oa " 520 oo Ss do
and wife in command.. $orciues at 11 a. fact `• 40 no 2n n0
20 001 t- 01 , O0 I 300
m, S p m and 8 0 m. I'he ;nen 5 00 3 0t• 2 00 1_00
In each of the above named churches i • Lula ,u,d , thercasndt uucutucn,ent, rr per hut
Sabbath School is held at ..30 pat. tar ileo lusertion;,uul ;3e per list- or each subsequent
in crtual. Measured by nonparai ee.,10,
.-72'-R..._._....._- -.. _.,_,_.._.-._ ,,ones notices lee, per 111,13 tar brit insertion, and'
. 3y. per line for each subsequent el odic?
`i. Advortieeuients p1 Lost, Pound, Strayed
and Ilueinetq Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line
After. Wood's Phocphodine, ' nnnp,trnil, $1 for first n;ul,th,,t�d 100.for each•
r., subsequent month,
The Great Englisk Rcinedy' r noses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding S line.
Sold and recommended by all
n+m,th, 600.per 1 , t
druggists in Canada. Only veli• urcm• ilrll't"tIe,911L',,ta iu , ,rti�n. uent month
able flledloino dl cover� Six Thule terms will be strictlylnditeretl to
packages guaranteed to cure all 1
p 9 dS penial rates kr lar
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse I lops %er periods. her udt.;rtrs.11unts, or or
or excess, Mental worry, Excessive use of To- 1 Ad1 eetisemenl
bacon Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt directimis will h
address. accordh,gly. T
Th Wood Company, W ndsor, aid fn RAM=
u IRNerSeo 1511 torhirln dutehaer ed'
of price, one package $l, six, 80. dna toils ?lease, runs,tury advertisements must be
six will cure. Pamphlets free to n ny addr C 1 p
0 o P , (Menges for contract advertigemeat5 must be In
the office by Wednesday noon, an order to appear
that week
ti. 11. ELLIOTT,
Pao?eieTOa AND PUHLIaaaa
1 Sold in Wingham by Colin a Campbell,
A man using his muscles demands Drurgiet,
move food than an inaetive one, but,
• owing to the increased circulation of BAN "wills I LTO
the blood through the muscles and
to the increased supply of oxygen, i W I kJ G H FI M .
there will be better manufacture of
gastric and other digestive juices
!Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 6775,000
and better dig.'stion, absorption and
assimilation. •
President—JOIIN entAtT.
Vlee-President—A. G. RAMBAI.
JonN PaoOTOI. Uso. RoAou, Wm Gums, MP, A. T.
WOOD, A. B. Lss (Toronto).
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Bank-11'ours,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to
Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest
Spreoial Deposits also received at outran!
rated of It .nest. _�_ ___••—
Drafts o,. „rest Britain and the United Status , •---- -- — - ---
bought and sold
RvJ UFA. 5, AND lvcoUci1livtt.
Successor to lir. W. Graham BRUSSELS ONT.
1st Class donor Graduate of the Universities of
Trinity (Toro to) queens 1,1{iw vtan). and of Trin.
ity Medical College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical'
College and Men her of the College , I Physlcians-
and Surgeons of Onto%lo. Post Uradusts Course fq
Detroit and Chicago 1800 Speeivl attcntio a paid
to diseases of Eye Ear Nose and Throat and
Diseases of lymndn. Cousnita•ton ir. Fe:rlish and
German. re(Attarrh treated sucee..efully in alt
its forms.
r� VANSTO\i;,
Private .nd Company funds to loan at lowest rate
interest. No commission ehargeo. Mortgages, town
and !arm property buucht and said
OFFICE— Benvc,' 0104:k 11 lhu11.01
E. L. .DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pet ctmtwlth
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not,
and accounts collected.
Standing upon the threshold of an " Ise Cn %ss O-tI1.r tiECC:rt\a 'I'IiN•I'I4OSTAL5 Denver Block Winlrhan,, lint
era of unparalleled prosperity and. lrst035'1IIA.x>rt•L I'li0i'r.E APAR AND NUM'.
progress, Canada's greatest need tri- " •uiiAND TRUNK R�IL44AY.
day is to become better kaw�rsvn :64 the
Intern:go cit Citi ens pronounce
.stroxegiy In Favour of Dr.C'laase'a '•
outside world. , Ointment, Kidney -Liver fills, DEPART AnitIVE
THEY sr.00 r e:NCIT 174. ra)ad Catarrh ('ure. Toronto and East 0 50 a. in. 3 05 p. in -i __ I 3 SOp to 10 25 p m
To us who are f sealiler 'lir 1 i l'y'e '. saseetse s ore ret Liberty to Write to ; Palmerston mixed 8 55 w m 8 05 p m
actual condition el alVelses'", 1s?tee Sk
, Ihry : e irl;easing Parties to Get Their London and South (i 63 a m 11 10 a m
ludicrous 114,,, trar,;v kat! t.i-' 4;' :2iFJ::)'ut:d 1i.auot,3"tett'i0m. of Testisnoniatm.
1110ain 0 50 a
63Cpm 8u0pm
is scareelgr lv� i�J .wA+ : +ri'? atry 8 30 p n1 3 30 p m
producing in ,seat a , . _.lpt8. r : ?lull T1. tits. Thole Stearn, 50 Walton
titles, vast v"6:.a i-' +a_z n ltil;'13'7r lti11.$, says —' I sof- I
1025prn 830aIn
The debate upon the address in particularly are seat s•u.l e: s*i =in} r- : *•.'a r l z.t ev,:r, change in the I
t N i !ler xv i*h iv.111 in the head. At
the Provincial Legislature is over al, for which If e; eF re....e;skets, tag I)+- e , . t v, as so bad that I was un bi
a e
and fhb first trial of strength both found. Of at ;,"} x:: s 1°'tiirwv,:,i•- t' >p'•t'1s. 1,,-:r;; '•.'rnpietely stuffed up, 1
oratorical and numerical has closed.
Oratorically the Opposition have
certainly demonstrated the fact they
have an unlimited amount ot staying
power and excellent lungs. But, as
anticipated in these letters a couple
a weeks ago, the hours and hours of
debate developed practically nothing
new. As to the numerical strength,
that also is exactly what was antici-
pated :—the Government secured a
majority of six which, with the
Speaker's and Mr. Craig, who was
too dangerously ill to cast his vote,
make. the eight which have been
claimed for them right along.
Not satisfied. with having reiterat-
ed everyargument possible g ument and con-
ontention in every conceivable form,
the Opposition threaten when the
"Constables Bill' is introduced, to go
over the v% hole ground again. This
is mighty rough on the reporters,
and somewhat hard on the reading
public, but allowance must be made
fur the natural soreness which may
be expected after losing such a
splendid chance of taking advantage
of a pure technecality. Surely if
the members to the left of Mr. Speak -
1 or could only for a moment lay aside
their• partisan spectacles and view un
I the matter in. a prejudged Iight
they would see how:utterly nausated
the country is of the whole business.
If they talk from now to Christmas
they will not convince a single clear.
headed elector that, having tacitly
allowed _ a class of . electors to vote
%latent a word of protest for 30
l ears, they are h(.nest now in pr e--
te1dittg to believe that those same
electors have not the right of the
I franchise.
A t',tLP.ltil,l: :113SURDI'rY.
Among the many remarkable
statements which have been introdue.
ed into the debate in the Ontario the most Itkety eitndidate. llrnt(all,t
3 was a lvssr d to try Lr. Chases ea -
assist in i p�u "gig L4 3 -6' -we' �? ryl',l<-' marl+i l ire, an�1 iJd so, and received
supplemental, g tit 's.::'..tzte vfleste :+f 1' is;:cat s, ii• f. I ant pleased to tee-
the Federal a�xt2 iiy� vy Je .iia a, ' 1l *s t.fk t•, as vr+ rt11 ;la(ily. 1 also receiv-
c*3 aJf 1)r. Chase's Olnt-
tieS, 1t will 1i: to i.l ?1, w'i� i -? 1.t1+, , M..'r g ,r it - ini; ',f tits shin, and it is
trouble and c.t;et-
lite? ;,ar,t r.n-ts1y 1 have ever used. I
prat oscd Exl' i.at ass u i'i'i +4' ;e, s.,!x'•'T s• •'t .1 a all t
facilities tr. dist 1.,
Am.'?mvdrgfal . „
Book businea•, be better than for years past ; also
have hetter and fester selling books. Aiiei.tselute
Lig from 810 to 37,10 weekly. A few lenders are :
' ynreu V•e.tori.:" ; "Lite of Mr. Godstone,^ '•MI
brother's Bible Stnrie,. " "Progre•tsil0 Speaker.'-
'•Rlnnd'rke fold Flubs," "Wmue1f1 "Glia pses nt
the Unsuml," "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper." Books
O'1 11111.,,
1111A01.EY 0A1 0 STSON COMPANY, LlsnTRn,
Winghen Cot.
Oaiee—Mover Blank tlinghew
(Mee—Corner lionr,lt.,,. end at. Andrew .treats'
opposite Colborne Hotel.
(>E QTISTRT.—J. S. JEROME, L. b, ti., w isouit ,
it In .nnputnctur flrst•das. sets et
rola• teal h as chuup as they eau be made
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pale, by his new
prooeaa, guaranteed perfe. toy sate,
OFFICl4: In the BJaver Block, oppo.ite tbo
Brunswick Mouse.
i URN RITUiiti:
W IhoII A,,, t i IiTARiet
J.) DEANS. Ju., WIn6..AM,
all' HURON.
Sa168 attended In any nut of tt
a r Jrr n .nil t0 suffer-' •e lin. Uharge..
;I,1�•., ear 1
Airs 1;r. 4;11asp's remedies. Ins recipes
display their gessdK 6.jsis st, es 't;:ser,
ests will only dtrika r . "CT1 44' f 319x7 DISEASE 01URSD. I VniJE.A1
benefit. That ev£r5e..1'-a11,ax ;.-1.741.;..1,- ' Mr. I. 'Si3t''id' r, 2 (Gerrard street
OUrily ss , , r,ld thy.and recity, J I CN IVI 1 iI 1 �! U i
spent in �sa7`:J3':,,,; tt':t; 1tF9,`atJ`.d't'"�3•ti ;,Ijw%?s.•l vee?rJr�rt r/f- �+
of the I)oniinien T, ef• re Vie e ei+-'a a's "1 Lal' iueea suffering
ing rlati(ni3 IS - gi i!t.r�.t gd:^. C41.1114°3".rs `]n� xS • phi !1r grJtt klttle rlast fall
`•. nr U i!xerclse
Ment,, no one ',NM floss-1st:1),
OA— �y'�r >rY painful. 1 .:,itr*:iridis$ (0 try ])r.
Governments are to ya 2x1!10',; to JLS 'l'1'°s-''1 15 dear";: -1 i;eer Pills, which I
�b n zt�J•:*-nt iF rI, M•ae+3 file Afrer•t vs'as won -
importance, '1 l4 s r.'7m ?)1) 313 'r't~i r �2' gD, dice farm l,vx removing the palns
project t+r t)ri:lsyfi(4 lt'1-00 rljt-e ,„,;,e;@' 141 lay bark, and leaving me feeling
here, is a de tartttth: (own tL (.°�I ;72', 'n"a'',b lam 3kr' ixa es'asrf vias, I can
T rgate^rdflPty tr+rr+anrne'n,t them as t1iC
lines, and in view ,sfil tiatttris i3iveal ' 1 ar.'.sr;anbxne•ares frien+l. They air' wtell
therein must be ffl' t €'4" -' Li lr' 4,1) a'tsnie'•1 K. a.n4 Tr. Pills. The measling
X19*'l+ i t•rak fro be ICniglita of Labour
tered upon. E'4lfa." ')wt We at dose, 25 cents a
The outcome,; •f tier; present 4es , isex.
enssion will be waleitiol virith 1,1re:l$
interest throughout. tile. ibminion.
and if it is decided to go ahead and
make the experiment. t;;antoliarais,
from Halifax to Vifttoria, fluty I ,
relied upon to stand .boulder t,
shoulder in making the Exhibition a ,
mcgnifice'lt national ence t. AND
Mt fern ry ,dnaap
Made a well
Man of
11 ��
114g r
1 'MX Ofe8LT
W01.'L1) HAVE 0E1;2: f:A,i101134Ier sorieree tierseey
pwrmriral'rn,e ,tits x
There is is pathetieeinterent attach, ^ XfRn,uaerr.Inrlay.: ( rax
RII y,-.rrrmr INs„ae+fn, p'gfllars itremorr
ing to the pest -mortem announce, k,uxrrt.. all.xy,r,.xax,rr, ]r'rslrirr Fmr
ologr,r,fa,.+.tnaxbri br I%A'+t Mm,Rpx, plica
ment which has recently apre red, V ,", itin ri1ffr „°1TMoll';" riokkfr11rt
to the effect that the hiss f•5e'e W88 itr�,►nrr fns,win+++:tu,t,>!'fcn ,nnnaoknab
ai:tad 6.r ,rlthn,nrltfertpur. aid /Oearnoft
about to confer' insist the late 8trehl)i• rnlwtxis r, Dox r unr AIr raarATtnrr. bu.
r ma ItwrlrmtT rfTJJ1l'0. Yt roar dr iT'I'a hex not
shop Walsh of'i'oronta the Scarlet UM rr» 141:0Y nn It iamta
nifilMlUKP,ld niG�.Prn«rpt Chirnm Is ,r,nr/ .«+,
by e 'death of
Cardinal (;hlnhotOi'e oral r 11°4 BturO, tt nuhaar, Ont.
Taschereaii. I'rostrstaftt - _ ..
and Roman Catholic unite in edrtlitt.1 t
ing that the high honor could not
Cook Cot{rpn Boot C011ipounc
have fallen on one more worthy or , Ia aft0or!eernilr uar'rt moilthlr b 0704
t 1A,oW I.adlOTs, E1afe, 1pffetltuai, I,adida ask
more competent shoulders. While olxrdrn sfatforco.tt'ac ftsr Ilt.4eC...
it is eiistiuctiv'intimated that the lots x(fanner•aaalt2vilxturca,xritlaand
mlt►tlona are darigerOna, lPRteie, 2(a, 1, El pper
position is now entirely Opel!, the 11x1 Na, f,10 delrreea atronKnr,ma per bolt.. Nu.
t. or 2, rne11M cin rt'�etpt of pri0e Wind tWo f.eOnt
Vatican having no second cholee, l stem 'I91au Galt Oompaitrwtndtar oat.
there is a very presistent rumor that! sibletiragglatlI t'.ntUssnad*.npu!!♦di>yr.n
Archbislhcop Dahumel of Ottawa i>l and No, 8 for on 1y' conn A. Crnpbon,
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, T ail now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron Force and
Lift ].'amps, Dross and
Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Nater Troughs, Sinks,
Xlitt,thn.I'ipe Fitting, Well
Diggingand everything in , con-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills -for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a speciality.
*Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of well.
All work guaranteedor no sale.
Ilrir 110 Winghatrl,
Sales of Farm Stock and Fain, lniplemeute
All orders lett at the Timm (Mice promptly attent
ed to. Teras reasonable.
■ O��11 Cramp Caledonia, No. 40, meets
. a7.'—the first mut Writ Monday Ib
0+1.ry month, in ..he Odd Feilown Rah. Visiting
b,(uhroll wulr:cti J. bturrs+'. Onief. 1) Ster,•
art Rnn.•Str
WANTED Young mon un women, or olderonos
if still young in spirit, 01 undoubted
(diameter, good talkers, ambitious and hldustrtoue.
eau find employ merit in a rood cause, ,with 040 pee
month and upwards scrordh rr to ability.
Soon order writers. Sala y sr ('ezumiasirnt to suit
able persons.
MCdicri Building, Toronto.
mon and women who crop work Dart Whim: and'
writing ids hours (131115 ter six days a w',el( and wilt
h1, cement 113,11 !cu d.,lia,0 suokly.co
R"Unynad,ana:nAop:onnoyuct•ekx,.rWANTED a13eneardnpbctroupf Ltn'uelChnl,yn 4„thtort8v0,11i,10r0i0tFffiovorer
kodellte•in1. Oonimiastom
patd weekly, l.t.r cutT 11'HLtsafAR Co.
TNCLUDINO 8o0138, Pamphlets, Peewee, S 11
1 Heade, Molders, Stn., &c., executed in the beet
style of the art, at moderate prices, and On •hOri'
notice. Apply or address
11, 11. swum'.
T z(es Otilee, Wlagi ant 6
. we are passed to announce that any DOORS Of
Maitazines lett with us for Bindingtr will have out
prongpt attenttOf. Prices for 'Binding In any styliwill be given on nnplic stion 0 the Tierra OSlo.