HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 30CANDY: IS Maple Cream, approximately 1/2 lb., ..... lb Chocolate Fudge, approximately 1/2 lb, COOKIES - SQUARES: 17 Seven chobalate brownies, iced 1.25 18 Seven Baked Peanut Butter cookies 1.25 19 Seven baked oatmeal bookies. rolled, I 25 20 Seven oatmeal date sq _tares 1.25 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.06 .75 .50 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 1.50 1.00 .75 :50 Classes I to 8 to be exhibited in sealed pint s. Classes 9 to 22 to he exhibited in small jars. SPECIAL: Doug - Gail Schroeder !Winthrop Store] donate $10.00 to a NEW exhibitor scoring the most points in classes I to 24. In case of tie, money will be divided. HOME ECONOMICS - Section_ N Committee - Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs. Roy McGonlgle, Mrs. Robt. Gemmel!, Mrs. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. James DeVereaux, Mrs. Earl Dinsmore.. • BREAD AND ROLLS: 1. Loaf white bread, entire crest, yeast 1 50 1.25 1.00 .75 2. Loaf brosvn bread, entire.crust. yeaht... 1,50 1.25 F.00 .75 3. Loaf fruit bread, entire'crust. yeast 1.50 1.25 1,00 .75 4. Six Clover Leaf buns, plan. yeast 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 Special: Seaforth Women's Institute offers $5.00 for most points in yeast section, Section N, classes 1 to 4 inclusive. Special: Ann Flour Mills offers one 24 lb. 'bag of pasty. flour to winner of most points in yeast section' IN1 classes I to °4. CAKES: . • SPECIAL: Seaforth CreaMery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Elmgrove Dairy Spread for the bestbutter tarts. • . MISCELLANEOUS: 29. Seven 'Ma Biscuits SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd: of fers 5 lbs. Elmgrove Dairy. Spread for firar prize. ' . 30. Seven Bran Muffins 1.50 1.00 .75 SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Elmgrove Dairy Spread for first prize. , ' . , 11. Add your imagination to a cake mix, not decorated. flavor counts. recipe attached 2.00 1.50 • 1.00 ' .75 Special: See Barth Jewelleek.dottates a $5.00 merchandise certificate to winner of • most points, clasSes I to 31. • SPECIALS: .12. Three ways of serving hamburger 4.00 3.00 2.00. 1.00 33. Six ways of serving tomatoes .4,00 3.00 2.00 1.00 • The exhibitors scoring the most points in Section N. Herne Economics. Will receive merchandise vouchers to the value of: most poins $10,00, runner-up $5,00 courtesy George A. Sills Sons Hardware.' Chocolate Cake Specials: Cadbury Schwepps Powell Ltd, makers of Fry's Cocier, oiler the following prizes for the best iced or frosted, eight or nine inch chocolate layer cake baked. with Fry's Cocoa. Frosting 'may be choeoltue or other flavour. Entries must be exhibited with a Fry's Cocoa Label. One Prize to any one.contestant. 1st. Prize, $5.00; 2nd. $3.00; 3rd: $2.00. . • William Neilson Ltd. makers of chocolate and cocoa, offer two pounds of chot•olateS for the best checolate cake made With Neilson's Jersey Cocoa, providing that the empty 'eocoa tineevith label atuvbee, is displayed with She Cake. . ' Crl spyflake Special: .I.M.Selineider Ltd., of Kitchener, offers five one-pound cartons of Crispyllake to each of the first prize winners in clasSes 6. 25 and 26 providing an empty carton of Crispytlake shortening is displayed with each entry. 1.50 1.00 .75 26. Seven butter tarts 27. Seven baked jam tarts 28. Seven • lemon tarts 1.50 1.25 " 1.00 .75 1.50 1.25 1.00 .75 .50. 1.25 1.00 .75 HOME DEPARTMENT Section .0 SEAFORTH FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST 1978 HOME DEPARTMENT Committee; Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot 'co•conveners Mrs. Robt. MOMillan, Mrs. Gordon Rimmer, Mrs. Francis Coleman, Mrs. Walter McClure, Mrs, Nick Whyte Jr., Mrs. Harold Connell. N.B. No person shall be allowed to make more than one entry in any Section. All exhibits In competition must be new and must be the work of the exhibitor. Special consideration given to new work, Judges are requested to disqualify all soiled, defaced, or old worK. If in any etas:: the entries do not merit a prize, no prize will be given. Ina case of a tie, prize money will be . -evenly divided. QUILTS 1. Quilt, cotton , Arty,appliqued "Leafs'_ pattern. 2. Quilt, practical, arty design, tied 1st 2nd 3rd 4.00 3.00 2,(k' 3,00 2.00 1.00 3. Quilt, hand stitched applique, to be judged for and most attractive design. quality of work, 4.00 3.00 2.00 4. Quilt, pieced, geometric design. 4.00 3.00 2.00 S. Quilt, naveralb10, bii1Hged for'best design and quilting. 4.00 3.00 2.00 8. Quilt, suitable for boy'S or girl's room 4.00 3.00 2.00 36. Any crocheted article using double. double yarrt .or Kraft yarn (may be purchased at Stewart Bros) 1.25 1.00 .75 SPECIAL by Stewart Bros, of Seaforth, for most points in classes 23-36 1st $3.00 2nd $2.00 SEWING Please have sample attached 37, Hostess apcori,Jong 38. Half apron, hold* season design 39. Girls granny gown 40. Girl's gauchos 41. Girl's jumper 42. Girl's or 44,3ys article of clothing made front denim or corduroy. 1.00 ,75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 ,75 .50 1.25 1.00 ,75 1,25 1,00 •.75 1.25 1.00 .75 Ladies Divisyon of Seaforth Agriculture Society Will be serving FULL COURSE HOTMEALS From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Refreshments available from 2 p.m. on Booth located on Infield of Track 6A - THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth Fall Fair Priz e, List (ctd.) WOMEN'S DIVISION Homemaking Section Woman's Division Officers for 1978 President - Mrs. VV.J, Thompson, Vice tires. Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, Sec.-Tress: Mrs. Wm. Hodoert Committee conveners; Home Economics - Mrs. Robt. Gemmel! & Mrs. Roy IvicGonigle Canned Fruits & Vegetables Mrs, Robt. GemmeII Mrs. Rey McGonlgle, Home Dept. Mrs. John Bell, Mrs.. Wilmer Broadfoot Arts & Crafts Mrs. John Bach ' Floral Exhibits Mrs. W.J. Thompson Elementary School Paul Carroll . Rules and Regulations All rules and regulations. of Seaforth Agricultural Society• apply to Women's Division, also the following: 1. Articles for cqmpetition in indoor departments to be in showroom before 12 o'cluek noon, on.the first day,of the exhibition, and properly located in their own departments, 2. Payment of $2.00 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle the member so paying to compete in any or all of the regular departments. A membership permits ONE free pass Thutsday or Friday, but only once. 3. Entry FP% deducted front winnings over $5.01, 4. All parties having paid their stibscriptions and only such will be entitled, to compete. 5. Prize winners to the amount of $5.00 or over are required to leave membership fee for 1978, . 6. All articles exhibited must be the work of- the exhibitor. Professional exhibitors are barred. 7. All fruit, flowers and vegetables exhibited must have been prodticed on farm or in garden of the exhibitor. • 8. No competitor will be entitled to more than one prize in any one class of a section in indoor'department. 9. Competitors to make entries with the secretary for the indoor departments not , later than 1L:30 a.m. on the first day of the exhibition. Judging of all classes in indoor departments to commence at 1:00 p.m. 10. Judges will be particularly requested to have regard to merit in all articles exhibited for competition, and to withhold any prizes if they consider the article undeserving. 11. Point System - in indoor exhibits; 1st 5 points; 2nd. 3 points; 3rd 1 point, 4th 1/2 point. CANNED FRUITS & VEGEATABLES Section Best dish of Baked Beans Special: 'I'lw Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board offers special prizes for the "Best Dish of Baked Beans" -1St prize $5.00: 2nd. $3.00; 3rd. $2.00. A condition the prize awarded by the Ontario Bean Producers Marketing ,:rd is that the recipe used MOM accompany the entry. 5. Angel Cake, uniced 6. Chocolate layer cake, With filling and iced. 7. Banana layer cake, with filling, iced 8. Chiffon Cake, any flavor 2,00 2.00 2.00' 2.00 1.50 1:50 1.50 - 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .75 .75 .75 .75 9. Dark fruit cake, entire crust 4.00 3.00 2,00 1.00 10. Light Fruit cake, entire crust 4.00 3.00 2,00 1.00 11. Date and nut loaf 2.00 1.50 1.00 ' .75 12. Carrot Loaf 2.00 1.50 1.00 .75 13. Pumpkin Loaf, Plain 2.00 1.50 1.00 .75 14. Applesauce Cake, plain 2.00 1.50 '1.00 .75 Weston Bakeries Special: Weston Bakeries Limited donates It Grocery-Voucher-to-the-exhibitor with fife-- most points in classes 5 to 14 valued at 57.00, Specials Arm Flour NIOls donates a 24 lb. bag of pastry flour to winner of most points in classes S to 14. SPECIAL:Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Elmgrove Dairy Spread for the best Oatmeal Date Squares. Committee • Mrs. Robt,' Gemmell, Mrs. Roy TV1cGonigle, . Mrs. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs. Jas. Devereaux, Mrs. Earl Dinsmore. AR Jam's, Jellies and Marmalades to be labelled. Prizes Ito 25; 1st - $1.25; and. $1.; 3rd. - .75c; 4thoy..re Class CA NNEb FRUIT • 1. Strawberries 2. Peaches 3. Pears 4. Plums , 5. Red Raspberries 6. Fruit Cocktail CANNED VEGETABLES 7. Whole Tomatoes 8. Tomato Juice PICKLES 9, Chili Sauce 10. Bread & Butter Pickles ' II. Icicle Pickles • l2. Pickled Beans 13. Hot Dog Relish 14. Pickled Corn CohS • 15. Dill Pickles. sweet SPECIAL; Simpson Sears donates $10 voucher to the exhibitor scoring the most points in classes 9 to 15. SAM S ••-• JELLIES 16: Pear Marmalade. 17. Black Currant. Jelly 18. Strawberry lam. Cooked' Rasplurry Jam. cooked 20. Apple Jelly 21. Red' Currant jelly 22. Any other variety of•Jam or Jelly, oust he 23. Collect ion of canned fruit' (pints), 6 varieties: Prizes: 1st, • $3.00: 2nd.-$2,00; 3rd, - $1.00; 4th 24. Three jars of jai an orjelly decorated for a Christmas gift Prizes: 1st. $2.(X); 2nd:$1.50; 3rd. -.$1,111); 4th - .75c Special; Arva Flour Mills donates a 24 lb. bag of pastry flour to winner of most point's in classes 17 to 20. PIES: 21I, Pumpkin Pic 1.50 t.75 t 00 22. Cherry Pie, lattice top red . 1.50 1.25. 1.00' 23. Lemon Pie, not prepared filling 1.50 1.25 1.00 24. Raisin Pie 1,50 1.25 1.00 25. Apple Pie, no spice . 1.50 1.25 1:00 Special: Arva Flour Mills donates a 24-1b. bag of pastry flour to winner of most points in classes 21 to 25- TARTS: SPECIAL ' Seaforth Women's Institute for most points In classes 1-6 $5.00,prize, SPECIAL $25.00 awarded by Mrs. Presto Dallas for a quilt of authentic Canadian design - may be pieced or appliqued, no liquid embroidery. Quilt is to be judged for orginatty of design, and quality of quilting. . .2nd Prize - Agricultural Society $5.00 8. Mat, croched 9. Mat, hooked. LIVING ROOM AND BEDROOM FURNISHINGS 10. Cushion, patchwork . - 11. Cushion, roundaancy 12. Floor cushion 13. Cushion; needlepoint • 14. Afghan, crocheted, v.00l or wool bleed 15. Afghan,. knitted, wool, or wool blend 16. Afghan, any other kiede 17. Centrepiece, embroidered, suitable edging. 18. Matched set of doilies, crocheted, mounted. 19. Dresser scarf, judged for hand embroidery, bound edging. 20. 1 'pillow case, cross-stitich design. 21:1 pillow case, coloured or patterned with lace trim. 22. 1 pillow case, liable for child's room SPECIAL by committee:of Section 0 for most points in classes 7-22 $5:00 ---KNITTED AND CROCHETED ARTICLES Sampfe of yarn attached for classes 23 - 36 23. Baby Set, yellow or white, bonnet & sweater knitted 24. Pram Set, knitted 25...Child's toque and mittens to match 2 colours knitted 26. Child's hooded jacket, knitted, ages x years 27. Child's knitted slippers 28-: Hat. Misses or ladies crocheted 29. Ladies poncho or cape. crocheted 30. Ladies modern cardigan or lacet crocheted 31. Ladies shawl. knitted 32, Mitts, adults, knitted 33. Toque for man or boy knitted 34. Sox, man's. fine 35. Any other 'knitted article, not listed, any media new and 1.25 1,00 .75 up to date wore. 1.25 1.00' .75 1.25 1.00 .75 2.00 1.25 1,00 • 4.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 '3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 . 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 1...25 1.00 .75 .75 ,50 .25 1.00 .75 .50 1.75 1,25 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1,75 1.25 1,00 1.00 .75 .50 1.00 ,75 .50 1.00 .75 .50 3.00 2.00 1.00 4:00 3.00 2.00 1st 2nd 3rd 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00. .75 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 SPECIAL $225.00 awarded by the ladies committee of the 1978 •Plowing Match for , the top quilts. Prize money is divided. 1st $100.00, 2nd $75.00, 3rd $50.00. The quilt Is to be an original quilt design 'depicting some aspect of 'the .75 1978 International 'Plowing Math and have a minimum size 86" x 78". The ,75 enteriee will be judged on originalty of desgin and quality of quilting. The •' .75 competition is open to all residents and groups In Huron County. .75 'There is no entry fee but entry tickets are to be obtained from Mrs. .75 Dorothy COultes, R.R. 5, Brussels before September 1, 1978 and returned ' to her, $10 will be given to each exhibitor. • • quilts will be displayed upstairs In the arena at the Seaforth. Fail Fair. MATS ' ..„ 7. Mat, latch hooked on turkey canvas. 4.00 3.00 2.00