HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 5,�..r...... 2.34,1 NV EN At TIMES, AUGUST 26, 4,b:6. 3 FOU MEDALS-3Gold and 1 Si Ivor, World's Centen- nial Cotton Exposition, New Orleans, iBP4. HIGHEST AWAR DS—Nebraslea Agricultural Pal r,11187 DIPLOMA—Alabama Air'I Sooiety, Montromery,1B88. MAR DGGah tt oochie Valley Exposition, Colum- [HIGHEST AWARDS -St. L••uis Agricultural and Mechanical Association, leo9, GOLD Mt:DA'.$ andu DIPLOMAS --World's Colum - Van rxo,s,t n , Chicago, 1893. t}iI nsCanada, Western f air Associa.ion, Lon- doSIXGOLD MEDALS and Diplomas—:al.MtidwintorFair,' SILVER MEDAL°•,in+ustrlai Exposition, Toronto, Can 195 345,~84 llomo 4'oi»t' t hazeres t4otd to J :n. t, ISOT tra tr^rot"ustrntedisfield nni'fr-•n our own gonsata uniform lithe throughout Canada a..d the united • tea. blade of open hearth, colli rn'1°d elect-n1at• . nd malleable iron—will last a 1110 -titre with ordinary ogre. WROUGHT Found° . Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 ties: TORONTO. CANADA, and ST. LOUIE, leo. -ee m„„ -oil, RANGE CO., L.C.MITIED raactories, Salesrooms an Western . .srooms and Offices : DENVER, COLO. jjr We manufacture rind ca . • a complete stock of hotel Ranves and I itohon roods; also t'., ttzn.equalle 1 ROME Ca,DIFORT STEEL FURNACES. Write for catalogue and prices. J. A. Latimer has opened a branch of the above business in Palmerston. Repairs for old Ranges will be made free of charge. Galt, Ont., Juno 29,'98. We, the undersigned citizens of Galt take pleasure in recommendiig J. A. Latimer, superintendent of the Wrought Iron Range Co-, of Toronto, and his able aoorps of salesmen. During their stay in Galt they have disposed of seven car loads of ranges, and by their honorable 'dealing and upright bearing have won the esteem of the entire community:— G. A. Graham, Imperial Hotel ; Andrew Laidlaw. publisher Reformer; Jaffray Bros.. publishers Reporter ; Alpine Tay- lor. merchant ; E. J. Wilkin, gent's fur- mishings ; C. L. Johnston, gents' furnisb- ings ; John Brown. shoe dealer ; R. S. Strong, druggist ; R. Ferrab, druggist ; W. H. Montgomery, G. '1'. .R. express ,agent; Newlands e: Co., manufacturers; W. Fulton, 0. P. R. Dominion express agent ; Olay Bros., grocery merchants ; G. Hancock, Livery and dravman; John Scott, stock dealer. ; J. R. White, flour and feed ; Jas. Anderson, V. S. and liv- seryman ; Jas. E. Bond, livery and sale stable ; A. J. Curdy, harness and livery ; W. M. Mollroy, C. P. R. Telegraph 00.; Moore & Coute, hardware merchants ; H. Hendry, clerk ; W. B. Virgil, insur- ance agent ; R. Scott, manutacturer ; J. F. Scott, granite and marble; Thomas McDougal, M. N. Todd. To Whom It May Concern. St. Marys, Ont., April 2,'98. J. A. Latimer, superintendent of the Wrought Iron Range Co., of Toronto, and bis able corps of salesmen, haye been located at St. Marys, Ont., during the pest lour mouths. and by their courteous bearing and .honorable deal- ing, have won the esteem of the entire community. During their' stay here seven carloads of ranges have been dis- posed of to the best class oC people in Perth and adjoining counties. We take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Latimer and Me salesman to the favor- able consideration of all with whom they conte in contact. John W. Eddy, pub- lisher of Journal, St. Marys : IL Fred, Sharpe, express agent, St. Marys : G. Gartshere & Co., merchant millers and general dealers; J. W. Wood, furniture and undertaking; W. Moyes. G. Mc- Lean, Grand Central Hotel ; R. S Wil- son & Co., jewelers; S. Fraieigb, drug- gist and seerlaman; J. M. Adam, grocer : C. F. Smith, physician ; W. Stevens, V. S.; W. K. MacLeod, publisher of Argus; J D° Moore, produce; Fred. S. Hoy, agent G T R ; Jas M Lang, blacksmith ; H L Rice, produce; A E Lesky,tonsorial artist ; Jas Beattie, grocer ; M 0 Box, grocer ; F G Sanderson, druggist and seedsman; White & May, merchants ; Jos (Stafford. saddler. "The Juvenile." A boy's shoe.. Built to protect growirgfcet against distortion. Most foot -ills are acquired by wearing ill -shaped shoes in you h. Laced and Oxfords; in shapes "Foot -form" and "Dandy" ; widths. I) es E. Boys' mss,. sires, 3 to 53; Youths', 13 to ZalSoTMtil 2/2 ; Little Men's, 8 to 12 e4; Goodyear welted ; Stamped on the soles e2.00 and ee.5o per pair. CATALOGUE FHEC. "The Slater Shoe?9 For Sale 'Only by ilIIJWTH & BOWLES. GREAT... Si r �,, `31 _ �, t fit; .ter S In order to make room which are daily arriving, we ;goods at low::r prices than Wingham. Dress Guuas ul n,,t„1' different patterns and colors worth .4.0c for 3oc. Also a few Remnants at greatly reduced prices. . 'Wool Delaines worth 4oc for 3oc. 1 TUU NB1'IRRY. � lagll to clean ont. to •the' original i depth, the drain ;mown IH the James One of vile oldest pioneees of trees !branch of the government drain he. township paesed away to the great !fore the 10th day of September next, beyond, an Saturday, August f th in 'after that cl le if work le not done the person of John Wilson at the the council Hill let work and collect ripe aid age of 78 years and 7the cost in the u -nal way by placing months.' Dece..sed was a native of Berickshtre, Scotland and came to this country when 11 years of age and lived in Montreal for some time, where he was married. Ile then ikon issued ; --- jos. Ilreokonriclge eame to Turnberry and had hved °,880, gravel end (eee„g.e:i ; Wm. here for over 40 years. He and his Hayes $3 20 gravel and damages ; wife had lived together for upwards J. Leech 5.8'1, grovel : L, i1. Bos - of 50 years, He leaves a wife and family of nine children, seven boys and two girls to mourn Ms Loss. Five of his children attending the funeral to the \\ Ingham cemetery. Two of his sons, James, resides in the state of Georgia and Charles in Vancouver, I3. 0, ! $1.35, gravel ; 1!,. Bolt ti 2 80, gravel ; /Municipal World $2 81, rubber stamps; James Perkins, treasurer, ilowiek e2.82, eul\'ert on Iiowiek boundary ; Robert Stapleton $3.75, work on road ; Duff &. Stewart $1.90, lumber; Robert Mosgrove w1, cutting weeds; John McKinnon $37, gravell- ing etc.; Thos. Watt 50c, rewiring culvert; JohnEWilius 30e, tile; Wm II Elliott i4 65, tile fur flowick betindary ; Win 1I, Elliott $2, dam. ages to buggy ; John .Burgess $50, part of salary. Moved by Mr. Cuupland •seu'd by Mr. Mosgrove that this peeling do DOW adjourn to meet iu Putland's hall, Bluevale, on Munday,Seet,19th, 1898, at 10 o'etock a. m, Jt.ux lluito>:ss, Clerk. it on collectors roll tut eullectiutL— Carrie 1. The folio iug aecuunts were pass- ed and cheques on to Bank of Ham- man ,St.12, gravel ; Ira Eteher 75c, damages ; Thos. it„ee.rure gravel ; D, liasting'.. jr, $2.35, grav- el ; D. Scott $2.22, gra\ el ; Cleo. Ilenderson (Oe, gravel ; Petite Mc- Laren 90c gravel ; Gavin Davidson 50c, damages ; John Armstrong' Minutes of council meeting held in Putland's hall, Bluevale, August 22nd, 1898. Members of council all present. The reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed. Comluunications were read from Thomas James, re Ballagh drain from Ira Lewis, re county constables and from 0. A. Junes, township en- gineer, re award on Pringle and Eadie drains. Filed. Reports :—The Deputy Reeve re- ported that John McKinnon has cone pleted job of' gravelling on 25 side line, con, 11 and recommended pay- ment. A deputation of ratepayers from Louver Wmgham waited upon the council re, gypsies creating a nuisance on the market square of the Wingh ire Town Plot. Moved by the Deputy Reeve, sec- onded by Mr. Mosgrove, that the clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Ansley, caretaker. of governtnent lands in the Wingham Town Plot to have the parties that are creating a nuisance un the said gov't lands re- moved ,at once.—Carried. The treasurer's bond was read by the clerk and laid before the council for examination. Moved by e11ir. Cruickshank, sec'd by Mr. Couplancl that the treasurer s bond and seem ivies be accepted as satisfactory to this council.—Cart ie 1. The treasurer's half year's state- ment was laid before the council, which shows a balance of $133 on hand. The award plan and profile of the Eadie and Pringle drains were laid before the council. Moved by Mr. Mitchell see'd by Mr. Mosgrove that Mr. Coupland be authorized to let the work and de• livery of tile for the portion of the Eadie drain awarded to be done by the municipality at the time assigned for the work to be done.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Mitchell see'd by Mr Coupland that W. II. Elliott be paid $2 damages to buggy from hole 111 road at Jobs bridge.-- Carried. Moved by Mr. Mosgrove see'd by Mr. �t\Mitchell that the colleetor's salary Ifor the current year be $55.—Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Musgrove sec'd by I Mr. Micelle!' that Paul. Powell be appointed tax collector in this muni cipality fur the current year.—Car- ried. Moved by Mr. Cuupland seed by Mr. 'Musgrove that the tax collector shall commence to eollent the taxes on the 1Uth day of October next and ' eullrplete the Same aueuiding to sta- tutes. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruiekehank see'd by Mr, (:uupland that 13y -laws No. 9, 1U, 11 find 12, 18,)8, be read the third time and pneeed.--Uarried Moved by Mr, Ut uickshauk see'd by Mr. telue;rove that tete clerk be inetructed to uuttfy J:uvee Bal - than all the residents of the line or at the house either, it might be well to "whoop up” old fellow before it be - Conies serious. A league rally will he held in the Metbodi-t I3rick church on August, 28th and a social the fhllowing Mon- day night. ai 'On Wednesday afternoon, August 17111, the residence or Mr, and Mrd. It, James ,was the scene of a very happy event, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Annie to Mr. W. Bennington, of Cleveland, The ceremony was performed in the presence of a number of the imme- diate relatives and friends of elm con- tracting parties by Rev. Dr. Paseo°, on the lawn under an arch witjch was beautifully decked with flowers( it four o'clock the wedding march was played by Miss Mabel Jameson, of Blyth and the bride came forth leaning on the arm of her brother, Will. The bride was charmingly dressed in white ca•hlnere with white silk lace and ribbon and wore a bridal veil, and carried in her hated a lovely boquet of white flow ers, The bridesmaid was Miss Katie Phillipps, of Teeswater, who wore cream cashmere trimmed with cream silk lace and silk ribb.,n and also carried a beautiful boquet of flowers and the groom was assisted by Mr. George James, of Cleveland. The bride was the recipieht of a large number of very handsome and cost- ly presents The happy young cou- ple will spend a few days visiting among relatives and friends after which they will take up their resi- dence in Cleveland, Ohio. BF,L IR A V E. Mesrs. Clegg aril 1)':mei of I3rus cels, shipped a D. D. lar of hog; last w- skits linu,ilt i. Alis, Ne'lie \\'illcitee-m*44C last week fur New York Sate w sere she will he gone for °rot” inneV. Mr. henry 111..-k .tut i'hontae and .Tint Ru -sell left en t`,e laborers' ex- cursion to liahitob:t, Tne Rev. Mr. 'litiglte preached his farewell 861900n in the Trinity church prior to tn;tkiu.i' his home in Blenheim, Ont. Sshoot re -op. reel last. week with a very fair atte'%Laneu Thu Rev. ,Mr. flail occupied the Presbyterian pet eit no Sluut;te last atter a vacation of sevt rat wet,k: The Rev, Al r. lirainluti, of Port Rowan, c ceupit•d the pulpit of the Methodist ehureh on Sunday evening last. for our large stock of fall goods will offer for the next thirty days have ever before, been _Shown in Fine Organdy Lawns,beautiful patterns,worth i' c for Linens and Linenettes worth 15c for 12;4c. Prints, usual price ioc for 6c. Ginghants, usual price 8c. for 5c. Table Linens worth 45c for 35c. Linen Towels worth 35c for 25c. Also a few Shirt Waists and I. tdies Wrappers will be *void at a bargain A nice line of Black anct Tan Incl Gloves worth 75c for Oioc. Call and see our nice new line of Dress Goods in Blacks sued Colors. \Ve will be pleased to show them to you. 1 OC. T. A. -MILLS See the view line of Envelopes at The 'TIMES Ogee. • llitHRI'-'. ;\1i:is Maguire has heen appointed teacher for S. S. Il,,. 7, lu place of Miss Corn yn, I't'.•i) ned. Misses lda and Whiffle McAllister are renewing old mesa tin:rueas on the grid this week. A Corbett-Fiteeinnu me exhibition took place on 2nd cuue last week. It was 'early as gond ms iiait,'S cit ens Flax pullers are drlviuer through our township and eheeriug it up with some of their ''war whoops." How a person can gain a pound a day.. by taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsiom is hard tc explain, ' but it certainly happens. It seems to start the diges- tive machinery working properly. You obtain a greater benefit from your food. The oil being predigested, and combined with the hy- pophosphites, makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh - forming power. .Ail physicians know this to to be a fact. Alt druggists; 5oe. and $t.°o. SCOT'' & HOWNR, Cheri i tt$,'1'orsaw 4 WEST W41W ANO"Il . Mr, .T, 0, Martin, r: .'.polar teacher in the St. Helen, -,:tl was very successful with hie elIsle in the. reeent Primary examin tatiuns. Three of his pupils tried at (rode 'ietl and two at Winghane and freer of the number were swiressfut. This speaks volumes for Mr. Martin as ibis is only bis,second ,ear of tc',#:bitlg- Mr, ihii;et•t , of uorth vise:te rn Min isota, waa'visiting with Ho brnther- in-•law, Mr, \\'ill. \\'e'llati„t ti. It le over thirty years t -ince the two bad, been each other. VA prominent and well-known Man of this - tewusliip weed Away on Tuesday, August llitli, jet tilts person. f Thomas 'Vellace, et the, age of 130 years. Deceased i ecetv':d a fall off _it bicycle about four weeks ago-, alighting it is supposcr', r n his side of one of the handle, eetr.tng an internal abdomen al,sc,•'.r +•iiia h ne- eessitated a critical surgic'• t opera- tion. He lingered for •, temple of weeks after ti uperattult, ' , anally succumind. Deceased w,i- • •e-toteh- man a lid , i,a,ti1g (..tu-..''arive- The fuoel'nI to the \9tugttet;tl eeme- tery on Thursday afterteem was largely attended. CLINTON. The residence of Dr Bruce was destroyed by fire Saturday morning, with the entire contents. Dr. Bruce was alone in the house, and escaped scantly clad. The building was on- ly, partly insured. It was owned by Thomas Gibbings. Air. William Cooper, eoetraetor, while on the scaffold of Mr. McKinn• on's new residence, Blyth, Wednes- day morning of last week fell about thirty feet and died in about -twenty minutes afterward. Mr. Cooper was one of the hest known men in the county of Huron and very highly respected. He leaves a widow and family of five sons and four daught- ers :—Mrs. W. S. Armstrong, On- tario., California ; J. A. Cooper, edi- tor Canadian Magazine, Toronto; 0. W. Cooper, Winnipeg, Man. ; A. T. and Erne and Mises Tena, Eva, 011ie and Edon, who are at home. Mr. Henry Cargill is withdrawing from the banking firm of Gillies & Co. The business will be continued as usual by Messrs. Gilites & Co., under the management el Mr. Jas. Gallagher. FACTS ABOUT HEALTH It is Easy to Keep Well if We Know How—Some of the Conditions Neces- sary to Perfect Health. The importance of 'maintaining good health is easily understood, and it is really a simple matter if we take a cor- rect view of the conditions required. In, perfect health the Stomach promptly digests food, and thus prepares nourish- ment. The blood is employed to carry this nourishment to the organs, nerves, muscles and tissues which need it. The first great essential for good health, there - tore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cer- tainly a fact that no medicine has such a record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is literally true that there are hundreds of people alive and well today who would have been in their graves had they not taken Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is depended. upon as a family medicine and general regulator of the system by tens of thou- sands of people. This is bedause Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure. This is the secret of its groat success. Keep your system in good health by keeping your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla, which absolutely cures when other medi- cines fail to do any good whatever. Hood's Pills are the only plus to take with Hood'sSarsaparilla. REMEMBER! Your eyes are priceless. Take care of thele, as no one will take care of them for you. If you need SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES EAST WA\V.4N(ISFT. Mrs. P..Ttimes and Miss Tames, of Jlitchell, were got;, to at the residence of lir. R. James last week. • Mr, Jas. Cochrane left un Tuesday of last week for Oxbow, N. W. T., where he will visit with .his son. We wish hint a pleaea.ut trip. Messrs. S. 0. Howlett .and Wm. Arbuckle have been making some repairs on their farms. Mr. John Anderson, D. D. S„ of Philadelphia, Pe., was visiting at hie old home for a few days during the. pp week. • WA young child of Mr, Wm. .Sobye was taken to the hospital for sick children; Toronto, lastw(ek for treat- ment to an.injured knee Tuesday of last week was excur- sion day to Manitoba. A great many from this vicinity went out, among them 'were Mrs. Young, • Bessie Dea- con, Sam Deacon, 13en. Jatnes, Barry \1cGee; . A. King and Thos. Lind. We wish them success. Mrs. McLeod -and son, of Torotlto, have returned home after a month visit among her cousins, the ]Misses Reid's and Mrs. G. M. Robertson, Itdi's. John Reid and Mrs. G. Walk et' have gone to Stnithfalle to visit the farmer's parents Mr. Will Switzer, of Bolton, paid a short visit •to David Robertson last week. • George Kn:tpp lzfls en Isaac Shiell for two Months. gaged with l Mather tti mvsteriotts Outfit has been seen no the 12th line a number of times lately. It is composed of a top 1 ,tggy and rather a "Hardie” looking horse, a dude who thinks he has mere knowledge in hissoft brain buy them from us. Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. BUGGIES! SURRIES! Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETO. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Ilarvest Mitts, 1,:'p Rugs • Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. . CARRIACE TRIMMING AND HARNESS RERAIRINC DONE. on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R. J, MA0MA TH. OUR SILVII R. TTTBX ,I \WESTERN - FAIR, LONDON 1SE'PT.EMBER 8th to 1'lth, 1898a Entries close 7th September. Space allotted co. receipt of entry. Our attractions wilt be grand, and exhibits unsurpasrted. Yoe Can sem all that others can show, and to better advantage. Ttoyat leralentie, Prom ,'4eteehe'+lees, 'Imo Hassan Ben Ali's }tellins, and matin other speeinls, the beat in the couRiry. 1''ireworlts each evening, "Blowing tip the brei ..." ereietee be all the ring d stiga Att,:actions. Special exonrsion trains leave leonine et 1(1 p. m. and, alter, ccs eau Ceti assay to bhe fireworks.. Auction gate of Booths and Privile.te,,, Wudntsday, Augtlst,.1.gtl,,' 1 It, tel. 1 dee Lists, I'togrammea, ere„ apply to i; ;l } *. LT, -COL. W. 115. Gt ti%TS1U)Peidenli. TH(Wii •