HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 2310A THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEIVI M~R 7, 1978 Odds n'e CS by Mine Townshend Fall fairs are here From the kitchen comes the tempting aroma of good things baking. Pies and cues and dozens Of muffins, tarts, biscuits and cookies are cooling on racks. Jars `of preserves, jams, jellies, pickles and apple • cider are linedup on the cupboard. If you think you're about to enjoy the most blissful meal in your life, forget it. The cook ignores your pleading hungry --eyes, and a request for even just one cookie will get you a slap on the wrist and a sharp retort' "No, you can't have one. Those are . for the fair!" September is here; that time of the year reserved for fall, fairs. There's a special bus iness and excitement in the,air. In the barn, a farmer grooms his best holstein cow, and a youngster nervously leads his 4H heifer around an imaginary show ring. In a field behind the barn, a horse and rider,spend hours racing around, barrels. A !We boy brushes his dog' until its hair shines. A Ittleltirl-decorateslier bike for the parade andasks for the. tenth time._ "Mommy, have you finished my costume, yet?" In a garage, the members of . a service club arc mounting a building; that • resembles an old-fashioned outhouse, on a wagon, In front of a mirror,. a 'clown is experimenting— with make-up and practising the art of making people laugh. The participants began thinklog about this•year's fair shortly after last year's fair, ended, and they spent weeks preparing for it. Meanwhile: the Boafd of Directors met several times during 'the year to make sure everything would • be, ready: they worked •hard and planned well. But many chores 'can't be done until the last minute, and no .matter how well-organized the Board may be, little things go wrong that' ,,may members scurrying • around the fair grounds. The competitors must be registered, their entries must be judged and displayed the merchants' exhibits must be set up and the parade must be arranged, Usually before the public is admitted, the Judges award the winning ribbons. I envy their chance to sample all the Home-made cooking, but I don't envy their responsibility of choosing the best ones. The big day finally, arrives, and the festivities usually begin with a parade through toWn. The parade might be only two blocks long. but•the people who are involved and those who watch don't lack enthusiasm. When the marchers and onlookers gather in the fair grounds, the awards arc announced for the best band, best float, best, horse and • rider, best costume and other categories. , After the speeches and official opening ceremonies, the crowd disperses. The arena or a large shed is crammed with homemade baking, handmade quilts. rugs*' and clothing and samples of crocheting and knitting. Contestants of all ages rush in to see how their work was j,tidged. The children hurry to ride the merry-go- round or buy some candy floss, while the men amble down to the barn with its show ring nearby. On the track, pony ,and horse races are run, Inside the' track, other contests take place, such as horseshoe' pitching, log sawing and tugs-o'-war. . The -crowd -moves from-one attraction ta- another .cheering on the competitors. The evening might close with a local talent show, • Larger towns and cities can boast of more extravagent fairs with grandstand • shows featuring top name performers, midways offering all the latest rides, barkers challenging people to win at games of chance and livestock competitions and horse shows attracting entries from around the province. But the root of-all fall fairs• lies in the small country fair:with its'single merry-go- round, its arena full of horeemade..things ,t* its tug-o'-war teams. • • • • • • • e-- FLORIST MacLEAN'S FLOWER'S United Service Flowers by wire 527.0800 Seaforth FOUR + TWO CARPET CLEANERS Mobile Steam Cleaning Plant We clean with an in Truck Steam Cleaner Call in London 452-3412 or in Sealorth, Res. 527-1382 for free estimate — . i. . , '. -• V . . . , . . . • ..'. . . „ „ . . • • ''',....,...,....'''...,..,,,,,,,...,..'. : ,o% ,, -....%* r., _....,.......--' .., 0, 5 „....,......--,....„,-... ..--,------5. ..-- -5 -OPTICIAN David Longstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St., South, Seaforth R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of doWntown Varna" VACUUM CLEANERS '• sales and• service of most makes. CB RADIOS AND 'ACCESSORIES • -* SPEED QUEEN APPLIANCES MOFFAT APPLIANCES SMOKE SENSORS INSECT LIGHTS AND FLY KILLING UNITS * HAND CRAFTED GIFTS Varna, Ont. • 482-7 1 03 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • r Kilbarchan natural st brings in cocbon.. Authority's Centennial float used in local parades. They were also responsible for the planning and organization of an Education. Day for which they and remaining staff took part in.. - • • The long hot days in the field did not deter 'the quality and quantity of work ac- complished at the various sites. Each Member ,of the crew contributed their share to the various projects under- taken. Some of the ,many projects completed. ,over the last cvipple of months include • " erosion control work, con- sisting, of gahion-haskct con- struction at Gorrie and Har- riston. thinning*and•clean-up of a six acre white pine --- plantation and a tWenty-live acre hardwood hush,: hoth areas being located near Ethel. The largest project_ was • carried out at the International Plowing Match site located outside Wing- ham. Here work was corn-. pleted on the Authority. de- monstration illustrating methods of erosion control. Extra activities during the program included four Education Days throughout The new Canon P10-C is a remarkable calculator.Here's why: 1, It's Canada's first handy-size printing calculator using inexpensive plain roll paper and a clear-printing cassette-type ink roller. • 2. It's so small and lightweight (1 ito 6 oz) it fits comfortably into the palm of your hand or into your briefcase. Take it wherever you go. 3. It's cordless. Rechargeable batteries power the P10-0 for one half roll, in average use, 4. It's two calculators in one, A large blue fluorescent display operates simultane- ously with the printer, or on its own. 5. The P10-b gives you full desktop features, inducting 10-digit capacity, fully addressable memory, item counting, decimal point selection, add-mode for easy entry of currency calculation, non- add key for printing reference numbers without affecting calculations, percentage key, automatic constant and more, The Canon P10-0. Just one in a dazzling line of calculators, including the new Pelmtronic LC Quartz- a mini-wonder that's calculator, clock, stopwatch and alarm all In one, What else would you expect from Canon? Canon Calculatorsi cameras, caplets •• OO O OO By Mabel Turnbull' Nature is a prime interest even in a Nursing Home, Mrs, Evelyn Malcolm. our naturalist, brought a jar of milkweed stalks and leaves. On one of the leaves is a worm, fairly slim, almost a ' bla'ck colour with bright circular markings in colour. She tells us it is a Monarch ,.1aPtlelyin its early stages. Over night the worm has woven a pretty green .cocoon in which it will . spend' some time developing into a pretty Ki I ba rch an Notes • • Sonic of the residents od a game of croquet on , the lawn.. in perfect weather. Mrs. Beth Bcchdley visited •Thends in the H ome last week. Mrs. 'Ito MCGeoch EgmondVille. and' Mrs. Durs.t called ' for a Visit on their was to the Flower Show. Mr. and Mrs, Les. Scott, Chicago, who are both vatic cs of the area have been on their -annUal ,.visit hem, Called and visited Mrs. R.K. McFarlane and Mabel Turn- . bull. ,We.:recalled many old times of 'years agone.' reminded Les..of the time he and Reubeu Frost accepted the contract of decorating St. _,And Presbyterian Church, Huntsville. They did a fine job. The plastering was Spanish style and decorated in blue and sunlight colours. A very fine effect. The Excelsior Bible Class of which I was 'an interested member took on the respons- ibility of this work. That was in 1927, the summer. The first was devoted to a watershed tour. The St, John's Emergency First Aid course, and a wilderness survival training session made up two more days.The final day included a tour of the Lake Huron Water Supply Plant at Grand Bend and the Sifto Salt Mines in Goderich. The program's completion date is August 25th. orange and black Monarch butte,,,ri fly. The cocoon is now hanging on a fine thread which support .4 as it dangles win fiakeu. I asked. Evelyn ho the cocoon was so green, s any I had ,seen are usu hairy and dusty. She sa'cl the worm eating the green from the milkweed leaves provided the green colour. ' • We have now to look for the cocoon splitting and the perfect butterfly emerge! .It will be active and the flap- ping of its wings will damage them in the jar. The butterfly will be •released. We hope this beautiful 'beastie' , will gladden the hearts of child- ren when they see it,. The nomarch is one of our most common butterflies. Asa child, I remember a framed case on the wall in the-old Public School of a few monarch butterflies which our science teacher had placed there fqr us to took at. I hope we see .our butterfly come out and take off when • • • • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ; /7APPLIANCES 7-• • • • Appliance' & • Refrigeration • • • Seniice • • Autorized factory warranty • Service and repairs to • • GE, FRIGIDAIRE • & INGLIS • • APPLIANCES • -Service and repairs to all • • makes ' • • Don Horne • • • Maintenance • - 527-0636 • Seaforth 6 • •• APPLIANCES. • • APPLIANCE ,and • • RefrjgeratIon • • REPT SERVICE • • Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 • /• —CAR CARE 4111W DATSUN NOW • SALES & SERVICE • Service to All Makes • Texaco Products. • : Gerald's Datsun •• `Seaforth 527-1010 • • •"-----CAR CARE • •• • • • • • • GORDIS • • • • • • • • • • Licensed Mechanic : . Service to all • • makes of cars • Detroit Diesels • • • • • • • • • • a 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S6 • \, released. Some time ago 4 reported our two .bluejays in action. The nest 'was so high in the tree we couldn't see the wee birds but the old birds sat on the side of the nest as if feeding young ones. None of us saw the young birds, so we queStion if the cat got them,. We have seep' several young robins on the lawir with their speckled 'breasts and well-grown; also, young lean black squirrelk flitting (- .DECORATING Graves. Wallpaper 8 Po -int Featuring Maig6A" Canadian & Imported Wall Coverings 527-050 Seaforth, (• ELECTRICAL Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Auburn 526-7505 or Mitchell 348-8684 "---ELECTRICAL--\ Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 527-1620 Seaforth `FARM SUPPLIES -N L Feed Seed, FertiliZer Farm Supplies. Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils. Seoforth Co-4 527-0770 FORGE RESTAURANT Home of - C4TH PIZZA Veber a Kentucky Style Chicken 527-0443 about. , Mrs. E. Durst has been with us •again renewing the bouquets In the'dining 'Mom with. bright' small zinnias. She has again replaced the, zinnias with small stalks of gladiolas in red and white. Also a huge basket in the large sitting roonrbf red and white , gladiolas. Thanks. again Jean, for your thought- fulness.. aisb • for the contri- butions to brighten Our room. Miss Jean -...MeIntyre, FUNERAL HOME . W h -fitbey Funeral Home ROSS W. RIBEY, D IRECTOR 87 Goderich St., Seaford' PHONE, 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and • courteous service INSURANCE IS YOUR INSURANCE UP UP TO. DATE? _ . See us about your General Li fe'Investmen t requirem'ents Seaforth insurance Agency 527-1610 ...IMPROVEMENTS_,‘ MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527-0032 • Free Estimates For Siding Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings. "—MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments . InscriPtions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME .87 Goderich•St., West Agent for Vkiingliam Memorials Seaforth 527-1390 OPTOMETRiST -\ JOHN. E. LA NG STA FF Seaforth Office 527-1240 Mon-Fri. 9.5:30 Saturday (3-12:00 Closed Wednesdays APPOINTMENT Alvinston, a former teacher of History at S.D.H.S. has been in lOwn, this week and called at Kilbarchan. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sillery Toronto, visited Mrs. Sally Sillery and took her to Bayfield, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Parsons, London, visited with their cousin Mabel Turnbull. OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 p.m; Wednesday - Closed Saturday - 9-12:Q0 COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 527-1303 GULINIANISIN GALANTI wueurzia Rost in Organs and Pianos ' FRU Organ Lessons . Low-Cost Rental Plan All this and more at PULSIFER MUSIC SEAFORTH nieess Closed Wminesda.ys PIANO Piano Tuning and Repairs Bruce Pulsifer 527-0053 or after six phone 4E8D2.D9611N8 WEDDING G A wedding in your plans? INVITATIONS from The .Huron. • • Expositor 527-0240 Seaforth WELDING ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. •Vanastra 482-7931 SALES AND SERVICE OF Aluminum Welding LIvestock Racks Edbro Hoists Grain Bodies Pifth-Wheel Trailers General Repairs Mrs. Mel Brady and Mrs. Ida Close joined Sally Sillery and me in a game of bridge , Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. k Brady -and Sally had high score. It was a very enjoyable game. From my window watched Ruth Mauer, Clarence Jackson, Mattie C919 and Lucy Bushee' play croquet oh the front lawn. •::••• •:: : 1111 ••• • • • • • • • • SEWING Sewing Machine Service - Depot - Service to all makes. Free estimates 90 day warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd.-. 149 Downie St. 2 doors south of fludsons) Stratford. 271-9660 Closed Mondays • • • • • • SIDING BEARSS ALUMINUM SEAFORTH 527-1295 • • • • • • • • • • • • "--T.V. & STEREO—N: • • • • • • Complete Line' • • • ZENITH • • SALES TELEVISION • AND • SERVICE STEREO • • • • Seaforth • • Electronics • • • 17 Sperling St., • , 527-1150 • • • • • • • • WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL FARM niiIIRING Boost Your Income BUY THIS SPACE TODAY Call 527-0240 unmet* has been a suc- cess for the 22:, ,Partic:ipating in the Ex- perience '78 program at Maitland Valley Con- sta-vation Authority. The 22 secondary and „pest - sceondary students have eompletcd . a variety „of pro- jects since they bdgan work in May and .tune. Marilyn Grainger, ..Ken K urges; Carol Adains. and Debbie' '6' ohl. took on the technical . assiguMents. Dc- signing and writing authority Inochures. development of a slide pre.s-ent a t ion infra-red photography interpretation and detailed research On the Belgrave Creek were sonic of the major tindert Likings of . this technical crew; Aside front t It is,. they were imaaed in constructing. the MVCA student staff have busy summer A "Plain Roll Paper". Printing/Display Calculator That Fits in Your Hand ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR P All Canon calculators feature the specially engineered :Canon-touch - keyboard. expositor • 527-0240 Seaforth CAR CARE Complete Line =SUNOCO) CAR CARE PRODUCTS Now Doing Lubes and Tire Repair. Archie's Sunoco 527-088 i Sealcirth DECORATING Expert tnixetteiroir E r Decorators o c v Pain ts . ri n s ArmsIrting Carpets Window Shadet HILDEBRAND PAINT AND PAPER Phone 527-1840 15 Main SI., *forth I GULF koc;) k527-033, r RESTAURANT • The • • •• • Lie. L. B. 0. • • •••••••••0•••••••••••0•••••••••0•••• usiness Director • • • • • .• • • • • • a • . For a coinpiete line of aluminum siding, soffit and L fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows, railings: awnings and shutters. Specializing In custom encasements. & . • • • • • • • • • • Enniv GARY DILL 1, 348-8383 OR 347.2435 Collect Call accepted at 348-8383 only MITCHELL ••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••• too le o •