HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 2277. TH A. E HiURQN EXPQSITOR,SE: ,TE OER 1978, 2A WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6- THROJUESDAY, SEPT. 12 COLD MEATS 11 VARIETIES C 6 oz. PKG( .. "•-• . .... 'la .... ....: •••• -7"..::",..;, .... •.1., , 4, , Iwo, ,,..0.0 rid tTtAiUTIS SCHNEIDERS REGULAR OR COUNTRY MAPLE SLICED SIDE BACON SCHNEIOERS OKTOBERFEST PORK BURGERS lb .18 , SCHNEIDERS TANGY I • I 1 .69 SCHNEIDERS PREVIOUSLY FROZEN lb SLICED BEEF LIVER SAUERKRAUT • 2 lb. BAG lb. EASY TO PREPARE ZEHRS•RUINERS MACARONI & • CHEESE Fto c 41, Huron County 'These queitions and answers based on Canadian Law are intended to inform anC1 not to advise. No one should try to apply or interpret the law without the aid and advice. of a trained expert who knows the facts Of . an individual case and the law applicable. Customs I am planning a trip to California this'fall for two weeks. I know I can. bring back goods 'to certain value without having to pay duty and taxes , but 1 ara not sure how much I am allowed. (a) Any resident of Canada returning from a trip outside of Canada may qualify for-a personal exemption and therefore will be able to bring goods to a cetin value, into Canada free of dui--; and xes. Goods brought in under a personal exertption must be for personal or household use, as souvenirs, of your trip or as a gift for- friends or relatives. Goods purchased for,commercial use, or on behalf of another perSon, do not qualify and will be subject tolull duty and taxes. Exemptions: After forty.-eight (48) hours absence or more: (A) any number of times per year - your may bring in goods to, the value of ten ($10.00) dollars. Only an oral declaration is required. (b) once every calendar quarter, you may bring in goods to the value of fifty ($50.00) dollars. A written declaration may be required. After seven, (7 ) , days absence or more (not counting the day you 'left Canada): (a) once every calendar, year.' you may bring in goods to the value of one hundred and fifty ($150.00) dollars. A written declaration will be required. NOTE: You can claim a Yearly '($150.00) and a quarterly ($sp,00) exemption in one calendar quarter, provided these are claimed for separate tripp.-- You cannot combine your quarterly ($50.00) and yearly ($150.00) exemptions- and claim a "special". exemption of two hundred ($200.00) dollars. Nor can you ,,use half of your yearly exemption .,,,now and 'save" the other $75.00 for another trip six months from now. Family 2. What ate the limits on the amount, of alcohol mid cigarettes 1 can bring back horn a trip? (a) 'if you_ are eligible for the quarterly ($50.00) or yearly ($150,00) exemption, you may bring in alcoholic beverages and tobacco products free -of ditty and taxes.? The 'dollar value of these' items• forms part of your personal exemption. However, there are certain limitation's as outlined below: Tobacco: Any person' aged sixteen (16) years. or .over may bring in two hundred (200) Cigarettes and fifty (50) cigars and two (2) potInds of tobacco. (additional quantities may be brought but you- will have to pay duty and aixes on the excess c.,amount.) b. On a recent trip to Texas 1 discovered just the right coffee table for my living room Suite. Is it possible for me to have the store, ship the table to my home in Canada and still be able to claim it under my yearly exemption df one hundred and fifty ($150,00) dollars? (a) No. If you have been travelling within continental North America (in- cluding the islands of St. Pierre and Miguelon. Panama and the mainland north of Panama) the goods you have purchased under your yearly ($150,00) exemption must accompany you in your hand or checked luggage. If you, have gone to the West Indies, Bermuda, Barbados, Hawaii, South America or other continent's, the goods may follow you by mail or other means of transport. List with customs, on your deelaration from, all the goods that are "to follow". After your goods arrive, you have thirty (30) days in which to clear them through Customs, by presenting your copy of the declaration' form. • ,If any' of the goods you purchased have to be repaired' or replaced you have sixty (60) days from the date of your return to Canada in• which to contact Customs and arrange documentation to _cover tf3c, exchange. Any goods' that you bring into Canada under the ten ($10.00) dollar or fifty ($50,00) dollar exemption must accompany you in your hand or checked luggage, no matter what' countries you have been visiting. Remember: alcoholic 'and tobacco pro- ducts must'atways accompany you. • 7. 1 am. planning to travel extens iyely throughout Europe this year and 1 will be purchasing goods beyond the amount of my yearly ($150.00) exemption. Does this moan 1 will have to pay full duty and taxes on the remaining goods after, I have claimed my exemption? . (a) After you have been away forty-eight (48) hours or more you can bring in' extra goods, in addition_ ......to your p,er`sonal exemption. On the first one hundred, and fey ($150.00) dollars' worth (after the personal exemption) there is a special rate of twenty-five (25%) percent. On any quantity 'over that you would have to pay the regular duty and taxes. The extra goods must accompany you. • ' If you' are bring in a lot of goods, thew Customs Officer can advise 'you which goods to charge to your. personal exemp- tion to give you maximum duty and tax advantages. 8. What 'arethe penalties if you .do not &alt.+ goods. or if you make a false decla ration4,-, (a) Pe,nalties are imposed according to the law and to circumstances; Goods not declared, or falsely declared are subject to seizure and for failure. If you were caught smuggling an item worth two hundred ($200.00) dollars this is what could happen to you: • The item could be seized and forfeited outright, or you might have to pay much' much more then its actual value to' have it released. In addition the car (or boat, or aircraft) that transported the item could be seized 'and forfeited or it might cost you or the cs'ncr more, 'than one hundred ($100.00) dollars to get it back. In addition you might face prosecution for smuggling anti a possible fine of. two hundred ($200.00) dollars to one thousand ($1.000.00) dollars or imprisbriment of one to four (1-4) years, or both. 9, I am planning a trip to Hong Kong this winter and of course 1 will be taking my camera. with me. Should I notify customs that I am taking a camera? . (a) When you take valuable items out of Canada ,,(such as cameras, expensive jewellery. watches, boats and motors. trailers etc.) have them identified and listed by your local customs officer, or if you are leaving by road, call at Canadian - Customs on your way out. It will make things easier' for you when you return. 10, 1 collect ' coins as a hobby. My got: sin: who lives in Philadelphia is milling to sell me his entire collection. I would like to buy it but I'm afraid that the duty and tax might not make it such a good deal. What do you thin 9 , (a) Some items at ree o uty and all taxes. These items elude coin and stamp collections so vi can, purchase your cou sin's coin 4C0 ection without worrying about duty and axes, ,Other items ee of duty and all taxes are: . - hearing aids - paintings - o .iginals. signed by the artist. valued at over twenty ($20.00) dollars. - • sculptures - originals, valued at over seventy-five ($75.00) dollars. - Note: If valued at legs than theie amounts the 12% federal sales tax is -payable: •-*-- Some items are free of duty but are liable for 12% sales tax: • Camera accessories (flashguns, ex- posutt meters, range finders, tripods etc.) - electric razors - some musical instruments (including • accordians, clarinets, violins and bows) , For more specific information consult the nearest -customs office before you leave Canada 717 'I c Grant approved: Programs for The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority has received a grant of $10,465 for the technical watershed planning phase 2, which will expand on its Maple Syrup Project and construct park equipment and birdhouses. It will provide funding forte, five jobs. The final grant approved ., was for the South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Retarded' of Dashwood who receives $5,620 for the development and expansion of services offered in the area for the mentally retarded. The project will employ three people. In Grand Bend the Huron Country Playhouse will receive $6,279 for dismantling and relocating of an historic chapel to serve as a museum and small gift shop. This project will nmvide three lobs. SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS SUCE9COOKED "OKTOBERFEST" SAUS AGE REG. 5 1 .891b. 1 lb. FROiEN CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF BLADE OR SHOULDER 9.18 BONELESS NO WASTE STEWING BEEF 79 BURNS • SW4T CORNMEALED BY THE PIECE BACK BACON lb.$2.39 84c WED lb $1.89 SCHNEIDERS , CRISPYRAKE SHORTENING 5 C 7R5E0Glb 1 lb. PKG 5 MONARCH POUCH COLOUR S VIVA TOWELS 2 ROLL $1.09 CAKE MIXES 9 3 cr.? 4 FLAVOURS PLUS DEPOSIT F MONARCH POUCH CRUSH'. DRINKS 1 et-nli•3 ICIN& MIXES __7_5_9z._ 2 79c CARNATION DELMONTE 7 FLAVOURS COFFEE MATE___1!9_z_ 1 .19 PUDDING CUPS_ _747_ 99c SOFT Bur STRONG DOW 100 ml ,- • SOFT RE. 83c ea SCHNEIDERS 1 lb. TUBS MARGARINE EA. - ' iREG99 CHEESE $ • REGULAR SCHNEIDERS PROCESSED • 4. SLICES 0 , 1P oz, FRIED REG BUCKET 2 •SCHNEIDERS OF II 84 CHICKEN BREADED 2 lb FROZEr REG '1 6--- BUTTER- 49 , 99 GRANNY& FRESWDELICIOUS TARTS C PKG OF 12 . - APPLE REG 9 '1 25 . 'FARMHOUSE RHUBARB-STRAWBERRY PIES OR ' C FRDZ oz EN 24 SIZE --,-,--1-..-...--,-. KENT-LARGE FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE REG 9c- 83c ' 16 TIN SIZE - o2 '- HIGHLINER FROZEN 000 FILLETS 1 Ib. PKG SCHNEIDERS BRICK, FARMERS OR CAN. NO. 1 GRADE PROD. OF U.S. C 12 0; "' 4 Know Your` Law :Gist* r6gOldtiolit `for travellers Alcholie Beverages: •To bring alcoholic" beverages into Ontario you must be eighteen (18) years of age br older. You may bring in forty (40) ounces 6f wine or liquor or twenty-four twelve ounce bottles or cans. of beer or ale. (or its equivalent which is 288'fluid ounces of beer or ale). All tobacco. and aleiTholic beverages must • accompany You in your hand or checked luggage. 3. lam planning a trip to .Mexico this year. '1 like to mail a gift back to my sister in Canada. Will she have to pay duty on it? (A ' You may send gifts to friend's or relatives in Canada but there are limitations that r you should be aware of: (I) each gift must be valued at no more than fifteen ($15.00) dollars Canadian. (2) the gifts mast not consist of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or advertising matter. • If any gift is valued at more than $150.00 your friend or relative' will have to pay regular duty and taxes on the excess amount. Gifts sent from abroad do not count against your personal. exemption. Make sure a gift Card is enclosed to avoid misunderstanding. - 4. -When my wife and I travel to Europe this summer we plan to purchase a painting from a street artist in Paris. Will we have to pay duty and taxes on it? (a) If 'a painting, drawing. pastel or graphic is an original and valued at twenty ($20,00)-dollars-or more; be brought into Canada free to duty and taxes. However, if it is valued at less than twenty .• ($20.00) dollars it will be subject to Federal sales tax. ' The most important thing to remember, is that it has to began original to come into Canada free of tax and duty, If it is not original you will either have to pay duty and taxes on the price you actually paid, or itichide it in your personal exemption. 5. I will be travelling in the' U.S, this summer wtih my husband and infant daughter, for approximately three (3) weeks. ,Does my daughter 'qualify for a• yearly exemption of one hundred' and fifty ($150.00) dollars? (a) Even a babe in arms may qualify for a personal exemption. The. parent or guardian would make the necessary custom's declaration on behalf of the infant. BM- the goods purchased in the child's name Must obviouSly be for the exclusive use of the child. By Mabel Turnbull Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom Wilbee have returned after a two week holdiay in a cottage.at Dtvight Muskoka. near 'Algonquin Park. They kindly 'delivered a painting 1- had done of St. Andrew's Church Hunstsville. to a friend there„ ,We had wdrked, to- gether in that church for years. I wanted the picture to be with her.. Mrs. Cathy Taylor, R.N.A. a former member of the staff. now on the staff of University Hospital, London, Balled and visited sonic of the residents and staff. I. am enjoying a beautiful bouquet of roses from a local Grants from the Young Canada Works Program for projects in Huron Middlesex Roses delivered io.Kilbarchan FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND: BEEF LESS FAT zehrsj garden just when I thought the 'roses were finished. Also. we had -a few roses from the Horticulture Flower Show. I was sorry to miss the show this year. Roses always seem to "turn me on." I think they are the 'queen of flowers' and I do appreciate all that conic my way. Some of the residents baked cookies last week and 'Sally Siliery passed ' them around right out of the oven for us to sample. Our activist Mrs. Ruth Mattel., guided . this project. Mrs. Margaret Mennell, R.N,A; of the staff, has returned from an enjoyable holiday in Eastern Canada. Her daughter. Jessica. was riding .have been approved by the partinent of Employm t and $1.3 with her. They spent some time in Quebec City which they found very interesting. especially in an historical WayNThey also -travelled 'to New Brunswick and New- foundland. • Mrs. J. M. Scott had •a long visit with her cousin Mabel Turnbull. Since Grace's grandmother and my grandmother' were sisters, we find ourselves interested in the same family tree. We always have an interesting time comparing notes. A member of the Rife family in North Dakora wrote to me sonic time ago and. asked for Sarah Rife's descendants. have those fairly wain hand Immtgratton according to R.E. McKinley M.P. The Huron Information GRADE 'A' BEEF FROM THE CHUCK CROSS CUT RIB ROAST and Multi-Service Center of Clinton has received a' grant' for $28,392 to organize an and Grace is Working on Mary Rife'g family. John R. Frost, St. Thomas, and his sister Mrs. Jean Dill, Dublin, called and visited) with Mrs. R. K. McFarlane and Mabel Turnbull, a former neighbour. He spent the winter in Australia with son John and family, On his ' way home he spent two Months in Africa. He was full of praise of that dark cont- inent, as- most people are who have lived there. Mrs. George McClure. • R.N., has joined our staff, Mrs. Russell Errlatt, Hensall and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson , „Egmoodville, visited friends in Kilbarchan. super special FRESH CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS -‘:4--; lnforamtion directory of community services and to ptiwide • a debt counselling service which will provide for three jobs. , A grant to the Recreation for Special Needs Groups of $19,110 will enable the groups toPstart a program of aquatics and fitness for gpecial needs and other children. The project will pmvide three jobs. The Huron Park Neighbourhood Resource Center has been funded with a grant of $28,392 to provide three jobs. In Bayfield, the Ever Young Senior Citizens Club was awarded a grant of $6,279 to renovate the Hayfield Town .Hall to provide a year round facility forthe use of the Senior Club' and other organizations in Bayfield. The - project will employ three people. CHUCK STEAKS SHORT "RIB ROASTS :trtit2NE SCHMERS STEAKETTFRES DOZ. C 1 lb. PKG, • lb_ $1.39 OLDS FASHION HAM lb SCHNEIDERS BONELESS FULLY COOKED cos an KITCHENER PACKERS COTTON CHUB 'F1145 SUMMER SAUSAGE lb $2.69 TEK DELUXE 2 °, 89c BORATEEM 2 2 Kg $2.09 Q-TIPS SWABS_99L $41.69 HANDI WRAP TOOTHPASTE 99c CRYSTALS 1.4 89c BOY-AR-DEE _7_5.2L 2 69c VALU-PAC CHICKEN NOODLE MIX BIC PEN SEt_gcniroL,fu: 39c LIPTON SOUPi20g_ 2 iF° 89c REGULAR OR HERBAL LOTION CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK STYLE INTENSIVE CA11E6E7_1.99 LIGHT TUNA 9 5 °z $1.29 TOOTHBRUSHES - 3 VARIETIES F LAUNDRY CONCENTRATE WE RESERVE THE RIGH11 TO LIMIT AOUA FRESH , PURCHASES TO RIASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. 4EARTHTONE COLOURS SCOTTIES FACIAL TISSUE 100's X ea 3 FOR $1 POST CEREAL • SPAG.& MEATBALLS. BEEF RAVIOLI, 200 FT 89c HONEY COMB 400 g $1 .09 BEEFARONI, BEEFOGETTI OR LASAGNA CHEF SWAN'S DOWN 45 6 ROLL WHITE PINK OR YELLOW ' ItATHHOOM TISSUE 3'o$1 TOKAY GRAPES _i1,19 CANTALOUPES _ EA 89 MO 12 b2 ONTARIO FRESH TENDER BROCCOLI .3uN2. 69C CAN NO I GRADE CALIF. GROWN CARROTS BUNCHES i° 69 FRESH ONTARIO NO'l HEADS CABBAGE EA 29C ONTARIO NO, 1 GRADE MUSHROOMS FRESH AND FLAVOURFUL PRODUCE OF ONTARIO SNOW WHITE C lb. C $4 :ti n MAXWELL HOUSE an NEILSON'S FROZEN - 3 FLAVOURS I OU INSTANT COFFEE io- $5.49 YOGURT CUPS $1 Ag ROLLS_ _2 $1 iiiiiiirgii • N367! 1 .63 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM 5 A,M, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6 UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY SEPTEMBER' 12. 3s $1.29 _6'51.59 Our manager is: Dale McDonald 1:FtH RON R "Y GoDERL..-8 OPEN WED.- THURS -FRI. EVENINGS 40121 pLealed. to serve you um: