HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 1920 AxedOn Sales 20 Auction Sales , Ts. \-t. . it-e---__ g/i/oeifF4dociales rillft. to be held for . Mr. Andrew Houston add . ta Mr. Jack Case at the Rathwell Building , 77 Main St., Seaforth, Ontario on Wednesday, Sept 13th 6;30 p.m. SALE TO CONSIST OF: Two piece living room suite (new); 4 other chesterfield suites; 2 oak library tables; oval parlour table; 2 Windsor fanback chairs; 6 balloon back chairs; 4 matching Jake-Hayes style chairs; 6'- rocking chairs; pressback chairs; captain's chair; all glass china cabinet; hall bench; oak extension table and six chairs; 2 complete bedroom suites; 2 mirrored front wardrobes; • 2 matching spindle Cornered cherry chests of drawers; walnut wardrobe, with porcelain 'pull oak dresser; maple chest of drawers; victrola; book case; wall mirrors; magazine racksi fern stand; hall tree; coffee and end tables; bet6om lamps: tree lamps; pictures and 'frames; stereo; 2 portable T.V.'s; vacuum cleaners; carpets and rugs; large ,quantity of glass; china and silver; crocks; brass jardinere; trunks; large quantity of books "baseboard heaters; electric and gas lawn mowers; bedding and linens; hanctand garden tools; appliances; deep freeze; plus a host of other interesting articles and.antigues. PLAN TO ATTEND. • AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO (5t9) 527-1458 Auction Sale 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LOUIS P. FEENEY_ All persons hAng claims against the Estate of Louis P. Feeney, late of the Township of Hibbert in' the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 7th day of July, 1978.' are • hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the .21st day of September, 1978 after which date the assets . will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 23rd day of. August, 1978. McConnell Swart and Deveux Seaforth,tario. Solicitors for the Eteeutor. 22-64-3 Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR Clinton 482-7898 Sat. Sept. 9at I p.m. Furniture etc. at Richard Lobb.'s Barn • for the estate of Bill Bender plus other additions. Sal. Sept. 16; Ster- ling silver silverware, rare antique glass- ware, Paragon, Ansley, Royal Crown. Derby. cut glass, etc.. . solid wood furniture and. appliances etc. for Mr. Ronald Menzies of Goderich. Sale to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, Clinton. 20-64-1 24 cards of Thanks wish to express my sincere thanks to my family, neigh- bours and friends 'for cards. floweflowersand inquiries for me „in my recent illness. Special thanks to Drs, Whitman and Stapleton, and nurses it Seaforth hospital, the ambulance drivers who took me to University Hospital. Also thanks to Dt. Grace, his medical team and the nurses on eighth floor, and to 'these who helped in many ways while I was in hospifil. Your kindness will always be 'remembered. Florence_ McGavin 24-65.1 ' The United CHurch Wo- men held their general meeting Tuesday afternoon when invitations were re- ceived from Varna U.C,W. to' a meeting on Sept. 7th at 8:30 and a tea and display of aid and appliances for the blind, sponsored by the CNIB on Thursday Sept. 14th at the Orange hl Clinton. Thanks were extended to all that helped with the church cleaning bee; a number of ladies helped with the hospital cart at Clinton Public Hospital during the month of August. The beef ,Barbeque will be held• on Oct. 18th and the planning committee will soon be, called upon. Unit 2 (Stanley Ladies) are in charge of putting flowers in the church. Letters were read by Barbara Moffat from • the groups foster child in Haiti. The October meeting is the Thanksoffering and Unit 1 is in chark lunch and worship.. Members have been ' asked for 13. doz. cookies for the United Church tent at the.plowing match. Mrs. Cliff Henderson conducted the Worship, with • My sincere thanks to my neighbours, friends and relatives for their cards, Candies, fruit, flowers and visits vvhileJ was.a patient in University and Victoria hosp- itals in London. Norman H. Riehl 24-65x1 I wish to say thank you to all my friends, neighbours and - relatives for cards, letters, gifts and flowers, A special thank you to 'all who came to visit while I was a patient in Stratford.' General Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Payne and Di'. Larsen and Dr. Lenczner. .,,Pat Flanagan 24-65-1 .1 would like to thank the staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for the special care, received during our stay in• • the hemp'. Special thanks ''''''o "Dr. frialkus and Mrs. Yoon. I would also like to thank family, friends and neighbour for their visits, gifts' and cards.Rose Visser and baby Gregory Joseph. 24.-65x1 We would like to thaiik all our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many cards and flowers we re- ceived for our 55th wedding anniversary. Thartk you all again. E 4 and Betty Salverda 2465z1 •The Walton Area Sports Club would like to thank all those who helped with the 'booth at the Moto-Cross Races and all the squirt mothers ' that helped in the booth at the squirt ball tournament. Your help made both a big success. 24-65-1 Kippen beans coming off Bean harvesting has begun in the Kippen area. Timmy Cooper who has spent the summer with qis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Copper, has returned to his home in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rothrock, New Castle Indianna, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Anderson on the Labour Day holiday. 1-tarry McClinchey has returned from hospital in London. HIND $' 41 QUARTERS LB CUT, WRAPPED & FROZEN CUSTOM KILLING — Butcher day Wednesday Far Picic-Up Service Call 237-3314 Choice of Clear See-Thru Film or Brown freezer paper Fully Processed • Satisfaction Guaranteed ,Special Free Beef Pickup In September for All Processing or Freezer Needs NEW ARRIVAL OF HANDBAGS We have CANVAS TOTE BAGS for SCHOOL and a - LARGE SELECTION of leather look SHOULDER and CLUTCH bags for DRESS Wain Street Seaforth phone 427-1110 Remember! It takes but a , moment to place an ( „ Expositor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. . Greg Compl?ell R.R.2 • • 41 THE HURON ;EXPOSITOR, SEPTIVIBER. 1978 , L ••••••••••••••••• • D OA' . • • • • • • • • Gethke • • • • GENERAL • • • • , AUCTIONEER • • • Serving . Perth and ••• • Huron Counties with Clerk, Towiship Hibbert. many yea'rs of s • 21;65-2 ;experience. • • 'For reliable service at • • reasonable- rates - • Call 347-2465 collect • Sat.Sept. 9 Furni- ture., antiques etc. • the , village of Brodliagen for Mrs. • Frieda Mogk. • • Sat. Sept. 16 Furn- •• iture, Antiques 'etc.. • Montreal St.a town of • Mitchell for Mrs. • Clara Wettlaufer. • • Sat. Sept. 23' Tractors • farm machinery etc. • '21/2 north and-1/2 'mile • .west of Mitchell fOr :- George Wright. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • O • 0 • 0 • 0 0 • • 0 Sat. Sept. 30 Ferii- iture, Antiques etc, ta • at St. Columban. for • Liao Murray • -_, 20,65A • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN-THE ESTATE OF AMY SKINNER All persons having.' claims against the, Estate of Amy Skinner , late of the Village of Varna. in the County of Buren, deceased who died on the 20th day of J uly.,1978, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of September, 1978, after which date the, assets will be distributed, having regard only to Claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario this 23rd day of August. 1978. -McConnell. Stew a rt. a nil Devereaux. Seaforth. Ontario. Solicitors foethe Exetittort, . 22-643. Extent of Work: 4,105 lineal feet of Open Drain. (3000 cu. yds.). , 5,509 Lineal feet of Closed Drain and four catch Basins. Plans and profiles may be seen at. the Clerk's office, Dublin. Please state approxiMate starting ,and completion dates. A certified cheque, for 10 per cent of bid to accompany' Tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Town- ship 'to supply tile and catch basins. CHARLES FRIEND,AMCT Fs. Forms for Open and Closed Woil on the: '.Melady 21 Tenders Wanted ToWnship of 22 'Legal Notices The tender love and regret, Sept25th 1978 Wewho loved you will never • liok forget. Sadly missed by wife and mother Mary, daughter and sister Idella, son and brother in law, Ed Regele, nieces Shirley 0and Pearl, and nephew Lloyd. . 25,-65x1 • on. Township Tender 19(f6 and Kenneth 'Thornton Hibbert t,. 24 Cards of Thanks 27 Births always there, 1The, gates of memory will • never close, We miss you more than anyone knows. In the happy, bygone days. It broke our hearth to lose you Rick, But you didn't go alone, For part of us went with you, The night God called you wit.* *d Mrs. Bernard Westerveld are pleased to antipunce the engagement of their youngest daughter Wilma Jeanne to Bill Koopman, Chatham. Wed- ding. to take place at 7 p.m. on Friday, October 6. 1978 in London at the Hee Reformed Church. 26-65x1 wedding will take place Personal deep Visiting with Mrs. Berry on the weekend were Mr.and Mrs. Gordon. Elliott of London, Mr. and Mrs, D.e Wayne Elliott and family of Caledon East, Mr,, and Mrs. toren Rodvold of Toronto. Two area youths Ericka Lyon, and Ron Taylor re- ceived their .Bronze Medal- lion in swimming this sum- mer from the , Royal Life Saving Society of Canada. They both take lessons. at Vanastra Pool. Parents and children are reminded that Sunday School will begin this Sunday, SP 10th at Brucefield Church with Service .0.10 a.m.. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McClure,all 1", Seaforth, are :pleased to announce. the forthcoming , marriage of their daughter Debra Joyce to Dennis Micheal Murray,' son of Mt. and Mrs. Martin 'Murray, RR 1, 'Dublin. The Each time we see your, prayer and Mrs. Mae icture Rick. Habkirk and Miss Alice Reid p were in charge Mrs. Habkirk You seem to smile and say, gave a reading, "Fall” and Don't cry, I'm only sleeping read the Scripture 100th and we'll meet again some , psalm followed by prayer day. Too dearly loved- to be ever . Hymn, "Unto the Hills" was sung Rev. Thomas A. forgotten from Mom and brothers Kevin, Jim, Paul Duke and Mrs. Duke who and Dann . .25-65-1 were introduced by Mrs. y.• Agar. Tire Penny dollectron was - received by Mrs.,2Jas Scott and dedicatgd by Mrs. Agar. Mrs. Habkirk and Miss Reid volunteered to convene the Fall Festiveal Bazaar in November. Miss Reid introduced the, guest speaker Mrs. 'Jean Burst who spoke on making mower' arrangements, giving several ups on different kinds of flowers when making up arrangements. Mrs. Habkirk thanked Mrs. Durst and presented her with a gift. Rev. Duke closed the Meeting sA ith prayer. • Lunch was served by the tiabkiek-Reid groutt. Septdinber 23rd, 1978 at 3 Be a RED CROSS .,ethek p, at Sf .James Roman Catholic Church. Blood Donor 26-65-1. • LEONHARDT: Jan cc and Doug are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter thrista Dawn on August 23rd ,-1976 at Seafo .Com• triunity Hospit Proud grandparents ,a a ion and Joyce ,-,McClure a d ervin acrd IMO Leonhardt. 27:65x1 -OVENS: to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ovens, Mitchell, at Seaforth Community Hosp- ital, August 29, a son. 27-65-1 MUEGGE: Bob and .Joanne are pleased' to. announce the birth of their daughter Shannon Marie on August 23,, 1978 in Cambridge. A .sister for Adam and Michael. 27-65x1 BARR: Claude and Bonnie (nee Kennedy) are proud to announce the arrival of a son, Ryan Michael, a brother fOr Scott and Paul on Aug. 23, 1978 at Victoria Hospital, London. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kennedy, Huron Park and Mrs. Rita Barr, Pakenham, Ont. Great grandparents are Linda Kennedy, Blyth „and Fred Fowler, Landesboro. 27.65-1 Obituary 37 Missions. he was dis- charged from the Air Force in 1945 with the rank of Flying Officer.- In 1945 he married the former Joyce Elgert of , Macdonald and after they lived at Hensall, Ontario for a year they cane to Portage where George worked as a building contraCtor. In 1956 he re-enlisted with the Air Force and served as- an. Air Traffic Controller until hiS retirement as a Captain 'on st of ,1974. Following his retirement a reading. "There's Got to Be a Glory". The -theme of her worship was working with Godl. The scripture passages were'read from the 'Bible concerning work and Mrs. Henderson read Mediiation "Lessons for Life" for people of any faith. - Reverend Bob McMullen closed the meeting with prayer. 'Repair and Improvement. 1978 will be received by' the undersigned until Noon, Monday, GEORGE DODDY] A. SANGSTER D.F.C.-C.P. Peacefully at his home on. Wednesday, Aegust 30th, -,19'78, George Sangster; aged 55 year's; of 12 Roe Street in Portage la Prairie, beloved husband of Joyce Sangster. Mr. Sangster was born'and raised at Hensall,'Ontario. After leaving school he apprenticed carpentry. with his, father and in 1942 enlisted with the R.C.A.F, He served overseas as an air gunner and was awarded the D.F C after a tour of duty of Fitness is fun. Try some. SCOTT: Larry and Brenda happily announce the birth of Sherri's baby, brother Terry .. Jay on. August 29th,, weigh- ing 7 lb. 13 oz.. at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Terry is especially happy to have as his grandparents 'Arnold and Minna Scott of Seafprth and Hector and Lena. Kingswell of Clinton. 27-65x1 memory of Joseph' Thornton son, Anthony Keith in the Sealed and Separate Tend- whp, passed away Sept. 106)2, Stratford General Hospital who passed away August Aug. 30. 27-65x1 24th, 1942. - BURUMA: to Mr. and Mrs. Gone are the days we used to John Buruma, RR 4, Clinton, share, on Sept. 1 in Seaforth Drainage Works .But in our hearts you are Community Hospital, a son. 27-65-f . THORNTON: In loving announce the birth .of their, 25 In Memoriam PICKERING: David and Rose Marie are happy to GLANVILLE:. -Treasured Memories of a beloved son and brother Ricky Lee who passed away 4 years Ago on August 30th, 1974. Since that sorrow fell, The Shock that we received that night, No-one can ever feel, Your end was very. tragic.. No time to say good-bye; You were gone before we knew it Rick And only God knows why, • We cant forget your smiling al face, Your happy carefree ways, The smile that won so many me ....ts friends, ., '111. 28 Deaths Thomas Orville Guy passed away Tuesday, Sept- ember 5, 1978 at Seaforth Community Hospital in his 80th year. Beloved husband of Jane McGuire and dear father of Muriel, Mrs. William Wilcox of B.C. and Alvin of Manitoba; also survived by one brother- Austin of Manitoba. Pre- deceased by five bfothers and two sisters. Friends may call at the Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home, 87 Goderich St. West, Seaforth where funeral service will be held on Friday at 2:30 p.m.. 28-65-1 . Lad les The Ladies Aid of First Presbyterian Church met in th e school room on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ann Agar President home, opened the meeting 'with the gift of life UCW plan barbecue in October NOW;PULL — Harry. and Grant Snell of R.R..1, Londesboro demonstrate their winning form withitie"EtrbssaitTOW:during the Huron County Plowing Matdh' on Saturday. ';he was manager ' of The „Canada Farm •Labor Pool in Portage until poor health . forced him to retire in X977. • . He was an avid 'sportsman and especially enjoyed curl- ing, golf and trap, Shooting. He was a member of The ./toyal Canadian Legion Branch No. 65,' Portage la ,Prairie. Predeceased by .his parents; one sister, Mrs: 'Victor Stan in 1977; two brothers and one sister in infancy; he 'is survivied by his loving wife —Joyce; one son and daiighter-in-law, Daryl and Tina' Sangster of. Winnipeg; three brothers, • David, James and John Sangster, all of Hensall, Ontariq • -,two sisters, Mrs. Leonard Noakes of Hensall and Mrs.. Jack Peebles of London, Ontario; also several other relatives. Funeral service was held in the Chapel of The Om Funeral Home on Friday, September 1st at.,3:00 p.m. Interment followed at Hill- side Ceinetery. I f friends so desire, memorial donations may be made to: The. Manitoba Heart' Foundation, c/o The Bank of Montreal, Portage la Prairie.. •