The Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 44 THE W IN U LIAM TIMES, AUGUST 2S, 1 ia9S. CAMPBELL'S HEADACHE WAFERS guaranteed to cure head- aches. For sale only by U1/111 AMLL DRUGGIST, TO A.DV.ERV ISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. 'r� � it pair .inks FRIDAY, AT'GTTST 25, 1898. were successful, Mr. Wilson is the most progressive i ocher in Latnbton County and the School Board is to he congratulated on the efficient state of their school. The following from the Bothwell Times refers to Mr. John ll, Me•r_'her- son, Principal of the Bettie% ell school and son of Reeve McPherson, of Turnberry :--The result of the P. S. L. and Entrance Exams published in last week's issue is a credit •to the town of llothwell. Seven candidates were successful in passing the P. S. L. examination all taking lst class honors, the great- est number in any sehoul in the in. speetorate of E. Kent. Thirteen were successful in passing the en- trance, the highest nuiuber with the exception of Ridgetown, which teach- es only entrance work, In 1896, 14 were successful out of 1.r ; 1897, 16 were successful out of 18 ; making in all the three years, 50 out of 57 can- dida..es. The foregoing is a splendid record that reflects credit on the pu pils ability and application as well as the untiring efforts of the Privet pal who has made a record for him- self as a teacher in Kent County equalled by few and excelled by none. The School Board feel justly proud of their school and efficient staff of teachers and spare no pains in furth- ering the best interests of their school. EDITORIAL NOTES. THE special session of the Ontario Legislature was ended on Wednes- day. The Constable Bill passed its -third reading and the Government's majority was six. The Liberals of West Iiuron meet in Dungannon on Tuesday, Septet -in ber 13th, to nominate a candidate to 'fill the vacaney in the House of Com mons, caused by the resignation of 11Ir. M. C. Cameron, who is now Lieu- tenant -Governor of the North-West Territories. THOIIGH hardly likely to reach the extent that can be characterized as a campaign, the opposition to the prohibitionists in connection with the plebiscite is showing ;Signs of in- creasing. Mr. Russell, ?Dl. P. for Halifax, has declared himself oppos- ed to probibition, and in Quebec, CULROSS. Miss Bella Simpson, teacher in the Chicago schools, arrived here on Monday from a trip to Scotland, where she had gone to spend her vacation. :hiss Simpson is now at her home in Culross. On Monday of last week, Jessie, daughter of Mr. Lauchlin McKay, a young woman of 20 years of age, passed away after a somewhat pro- tracted. illness. The funeral took place Wednesday. Mr. McKay and family have the sympathy of many friends in the hour of their bereave ment. among the French papers, arguments' agai: st voting "Yes" are quite num-' errrus. Some Ontario papers ha' e also pronounced themselves in a mild -way in the same sense. UNDER the beading, "Men of the Day," The Toronto Globe speakes of oar member, Mr. Carrow, ;xis follows :—"Mr. J. T. Gar - row, Q. C., whose speeches on the constitutional questions before the Legislature have been among the hest delivered there, and have, in- deed, been admirable, has been a member of the House since the gen- eral election of 1890. He was born tt chippewa, in the County of Wel- land, March 11, 1813. He was edu- cated in the Common Schools of 'Waterloo and Huron Counties and in the Goderich High School. He was Reeve of Goderich for seven years, and has filled the office of Warden of Huron." MARKET REPORTS. WZNU$AM. Wingham, Aug. 11, 1898, Corrected by P. beans, Produce Dealer. 'long per 100 lbs 1 75 to '9 40 Fall 'Wheat 0 05 ton 701 a e Spring 'Wheat 0 95 to 0 70 O;vts 0 25 to 0 '99 I;arloy 0 30 to 0 35 Peau 0 48 to 0 50 I Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 081 Grow, 0 04 to 0 05 Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 00 Butter ........ 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per dozen......... .... 0 10 to 0 10 Wood per cord.... .... 1 00 to 1 25 Hay per ton 4 50 to 5 00 Potatoes, per bushel, U 30 to 0 35 Cherries .... 0 03i to 0 04 Tallow ,per Ib 0 4 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4 Noel 19 to 21 Dressed. hoes 5 00 to 0 00 11 Emergency pie.es out. People who felt depressed on Tues- day and especially those afflicted with rheumatism,. knew by their bones we were in for a storm. But the rheumatickiest one of them hard- ly expected such a one as we got. It was terrific, without exaggerating. The storm was so thick one could not see two feet into it while the thunder NN as very loud, the lightn- ing very bright and almost continu• ons. We did not get the worst of it either ; worse storms seemed to go to each side of us. Nearly every one in the village was op and diessed. Nothing in the village was burned. Four fires could be seen but they must have been quite a distance away as we have not heard yet whose buildings they were. A gond many trees, and chimneys were destroyed. Clothes left hanging out were blown away "ne'er to be found again," but all the losses in this neighborhood were small ones. It was lucky the storm happened at night for had it been in daytime people might have been injured. A load of young peot le went over to Mr, Mooney's, in Morris, on Tues- day evening to have a jolly time but luckily did not start for home before the storm came on. JAMESTOWN. `Still the people of Jamestown are happy, and the result is seen by Donald Pope taking to himself a wife in the person ot MissKate McEwen, of this place. On Thursday after- noon of last week the happy couple drove to Wingham where they were made one for lire. They settled down to the stern realities of life on lot 5, con. 2, Grey, where Mr. Pop has rented the farm of Mr. Eae. 4May their joys be without number is the wish of their large circle of friends in this vicinity. tt.Jli ir. Root. Itae` Gwent to Han itoba last week, and Mr. Will Wright will follow next Tuesday. Miss Ethel Montgomery 's visiting her cousins, Misses Ina and Berva Bryans this week. llr. Joe Conmbes has removed to Belgrave with his wife and family whither he has secured a school. We are pleased to 'say that Mrs Rob, Johnston is recovering from her recent illness and will soon be around again. Coon hunting is becoming a fav- orite sport with the boys of this neighbor hood. GLEN FAR ROW. Mr. II. Henning is at present on the road buying apples for Messrs. Elliott & Mitchell. Miss Minnie Higgins has secured school near Whitechureh and has commenced on her duties. This is tier first term of teaching and we wish her success. Miss Jennie Weir, of Toronto, was -Visiting with her cousin, Miss Minnie Blr. D1eKersie had ssven of his :sheep killed by lightning during the thunderstorm on Thursday evening of last i+ eek. Mr. P. Fraser has gone to Essex to take charge of his brother's schoo' while he attends the Normal. The following from the Bothwell Times, refers to a recent teacher rim S. S. No. ,t, Turnberry :—Mr. G. E. Wilson, the popular teaeh- er at Cairo, deserves c'•edit for the showing made by his pupils at the recent P. 8. T,. and Entrance exarni. nations. Percy Banghart passed the P. S. L with 1st class honors ,; Fotclhltin the Entrance with lst elass bonors and B. McCaulay the En. with 2nd class honor. All the Txttl>ils vent to the examinations A. P. 1IcLean, of the Palace store, Goderich, Las on exhibition a pair of pants 150 years old- They were worn by Mrs. A. P. McLean's great grandfather and are of blue cordu- roy. ISLL'EVALE. Mrs. Thomas Farrow, of Brussels, Miss Bertha ]farrow, of Goderich, Ur. Ward Farrow, mail clerk on the G. T. R., Mr. Robert Farrow, ae- couutant in the customs department at Ottawa, his wife and children all visited over Sunday at Mr. Robert Mosgroves. Rev. D. Rogers preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath morning and in his own church in the evening. Mr. Rogers is deserv- edly popular with both congregations. Mr. and Mrs. Ilogg, of McKillop, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hogg's bre titer, Mr. Frank Scott and faintly. Mr. Robert McAllister, of Mil- waukee, wi.s visiting his sister, Mrs. William Messer last week. The last half of July's cheese was shipped on Saturday. The price . received was eight cents per pound. Mr. and Mrs David Fell and Miss Mason, of Clinton, wet e visiting at Mr. George Haney's this week. Some mean person cut the wire fencing around Mr. John Diment's pasture lots, onej night last week. Mr Dimwit is offering $20 ;or infor- mation that will lead to the convic- tigqn of the guilty party or parties. YMrs. James Aitchesonstepped on a needle one day last week, The needle broke in her foot but the doctor succeeded in getting both (ASSESSMENT SYSTEM). WILL YS?U REACH SEVENTY The alloted span of life. If you do, and are careful and provident all your life, none of your children or dependents are likely to suffer want, from any fault of yours. But are you sure? I-Iow many men ave always careful and provident? These are questions that must occur to any rightminded, thinking man whose un- timely death might bring untold priva- tions to his wife and family or dependents. To solve the question simply join the CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, enjoy the privileges of the safe and sound Insurance they provide. The price of a cheap cigar a day will do it. Their policy' is a comfort in time of misfor- tune during life, and a blessing to your loved ones after your death -a perpetual reminder of your kindness, love and forethought. THIS SOCIETY IS The Leading Benevolent and Fraternal Insurance Socloty of Canada, Giving $5oo, $i,000, $r,soo or $2,000 In- surance, and Sick and Funeral Benefits to its members. For further particulars enquire of any of tho Officers or Members of the Order, or address R. ELLIOTT, 'MOS. WIIITE, H.C.R., Ingersoll. High Seey, Brantford. or ERNST GARTCNG, Draalford lather J. Williams BUTCH ER NOW IN FULL SWI NG. s Everything in the store must be sold before the 10th of Sept. if possible. All goods must be paid for before leaving the store, or they will be delivered C. O. D. (Thoroughly experienced and prac- tical in ail branches,) Bege to inform the inhabitants of Wing - ham and neighborhood that he bas suc- ceeded to the business formerly carried on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Mo Donald. He is prepared to supply all kinds of 1 Meat and Butchers' Supplies of the Best quality et lowest prices. Orders executed to any part of the town with despatch. .iTelephone.J. WILLIAMS All accounts must be settled by cash or note at once. Groceries, Crockery, China,: Glassware; Stationery, School Supplies, Smallwares,. &c., at wholesale prices. IT PAYS TO The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT, still leads its contemporaries in plac- ing pupils, 134 of our pupils wore placed in choice positions in the ten months ending July the 1st, an average of nearly 4 per week. What do you think of it ? It Pays to Attend the Best. College re -opens on Tuesday, Sept, Gth for the fall term. Write for catalogue of eiter de- partment to D. MCLACHLAN & CO. TILE Have a good supply of best Drayton Tile (Haack 6 Co), in all sizes, for sale at prices that cannot bo beaten. W. 3. DUFF, Blnevale. House For Sale or 10 Benit, The undersigned offers for sale or to rent a good two storey frame house, con- taining seven rooms, pantry and fruit closet; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty acres of land if required. For particulars apply to GEO. IVIcIIENZIE, Wingham. SOME`Pl p1 E RSHA IN G pp FOR�'O FA bong oot, PUBLIC ,NOTICE. Ilaving moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GT 13, I am prepared to pay the hig hest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Ru bbers, Cgpper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, deli vered .at my residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. MONEY TO LOAN ' Any amount of money to loan on good farm property at 5per cent per annum. Straight Loans- Pa) ments made to su't borrower. batisfnetton guaranteed. Ch arises low. At of ice Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER COSEI4S, Macdonald Block, Wingham. FARM FOB SALE The undersigned offer for sale the farm property, being lot 32 in the 12th cunce.s- siou of the Township of East U, wanosh. tcontatning 162 actes, more orless,]40 a^.res ot which is cleared. There are • upon the premises a ;god bank barn and frame hopee. `rhe farm will be sold on rea sonable terms Apply to THO:b t-REGGRY, • or BENJ. AILLSON. FARM FOR SALE I have between 50 and 6o pairs of home-made Boots cin hand. 4.o pairs of French Kip, the balance Veal Kip, all made of the best material. The a3ove range in size from 6 to I2 and will be sold right down in price. Also a large stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Shoes of all kinds just received. Repairing, etc. -R� /��*w J. G. KARG_SE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, being north halves of Lots 1 and 3 in the 1st Concession of Kin lose, contain in 100 acres more or less. There are ul on the premises a basement baro 50 f»atsquare; good dwelling house; tine 01 chard tr,d g.. o r aid abundance of goodspring water. Thera is a good crop iu, which will ue sold will be sold with the farm. For particulars apply to W M. RENDALL, at Wingham Foundry. House and Lot For Sale. The undersigned offers bis house and lot on Alice street for sale. The house I is a nine room frame one, with kitchen and there is a number of good fruit trees on the .ot. For full particulars apply to JAS. WILSON, Wingham. BOAT FOR SALE The row boat with ears and cushions complete. owned by Al r. W. II. Wallace, can be purchased at a bargain. Ayply to R. VANSTONE 'STORES FOR SALE i The administratrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stores in Wingham ' now occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar- ' soh and ,Miss Boyd. Offers for the strafe should be addressed to J A MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate. Order your —AND- 4011.10 AND--- ---FROM ` HOLSTIEN DAIRY. RETURNED ON TIME. Carefully washed, properly ironed, correctly finished and fairly priced --- that's the history of onr linen when brought here. Not a thing in our washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work walrus. J. D. LONG Opp. Union Factory. T1 e from now till Jit' .rary ist, 1899. AAA for the TIMES and Toronto WEEKLY CLOBE trorn now till en.1 of the year, vvv OUR NEW STORY- f " Railroad Forger," will coninience shortly It will be a good one. 1 f you are not a subscriber of the TIMES, now is the time to became one. 'fell your friends about our great offer.