HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 7THE HURON EXPOSOOR,'SEPTE DER 7, 1970 — 7
New Morris clerk is sworn in
THE LAST DAY AT MORRIS Former clerk Jane Badley, new clerk
Nancy Michie and• Reeve Bill'Elston of Morris ToWnship paused to have a
picture taken together before Mrs. Badley , departed ,to become clerk of
Gre/Township.- (Brussels Post Photo)
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Nancy Michie was sworn in as the new
clerk of Morris Township at Council's
regular meeting, which was held on Friday
because of the Labour Day holiday on
Council awarded a contract for work on the
Branch A of the Grasby Drain 'to Hanna and
Hamilton COnstruction of Listowel who
tendered at $2525. Other tenders came from
Gollan Drainage in Listowel at $4929.10,
Robert Nicholson Construction Company'of
Sebringville at $2940, George Radford
Construction of Blyth at $2599 and Bruce
Carson of Palmerston at $2780. A court of
Revision was held on the drain with Reeve
Simop Hallahan of East WawanOsh
Township also taking part.
Lorne Humphries of Belgrave asked
ceepcil cencerninvn objection to him
tapping into a stor sewer drain.
Mr. Humphries said that he understood
that Morris had approved an East
Wawanosh zoning bylaw for the, Humphries
subdivision in Belgrave "subject to our
easement being kept clear ofp)1 o4tructions
so that we,maymaintain our storm sewer
drain,," but Mr. Humphries said there was
noregistered easement through his property
dnd added that he had received the right to
tap into the storm sewer drain. •
Reeve Bill Elston explained that all the
township was asking •was-that the drain be
kept clear.
-FrregOing to have to ask the Township to'
draw up an agreement about the drain," Mr.
Humphries said.
Councillor Ross Procter suggested that
both ought to know "where we stand" and "
eouncillor Sam Pletch added, that the matter
should be straightened out.
Reeve Elston agreed the objection could
bewithdrawn providing there was assurance
the drain would not be damaged by
, "How can I hurt it". Mr. Humphries
asked. The reeve replied he could hurt it by
putting too much water in it.
"One thing I'd like removed and that's
objection. 1 can do without an OMB hearing.t
I ran pretty well say I'm going to draw up a
favourable agreement" Mr. Hurirphries
"We wanted to know how much water
you're dumping in there" the reeve said.
It was decided that representatives from
Morris and 'East 'Wawanosh councils,
engineers and* solicitors. should meet with
Mr. Humphries to discuss an ageeement.
Bob Dawson of Dawson and Johnsen
Consulting Engineers of Stratford was at the
meeting regarding a bridge on sideroad 10 &
11, Concession 6 of Morris, He asked about
.getting approval for the Cost of an engineer
and Reeve Elston told him council already
had approval the extent of soil testing. Mr.
Dawson said that council should order soil
testing and at least go ahead with
preliminary plans from MTC so all the -field
work-could be done iq nice weather.
Council considered correspondence from
Brussels council regarding Morris' share of
the operating "deficit of the senior citizen's
apartments in Brussels which indicated that
Bruss wished to draw up an agreement
with Morris regarding the building for 1978.
A coup illor suggested that maybe there
should be an agreement with Brussels that
would vary more or less with Morrig'
occupancy rate in the building.
Reeve Elston explained that Morris
entered into the Huron County Housing
Authority and will paytaxes toward that. He
pointed out that their share of the operating
deficit would go as part of the general levy to
Goderich and the Housing Authority would .
send Morris' share to Brussels.
Councillor Sam. Pitch wanted to know why,
Brussels was-able to stay clear of having to
pay to the Housing Authority and Reeve
'itan told him. it was because the apartment s
Were located right in Brussels. .
"I don't see anything wrong with us
paying based on occupancy. I would think
that kind of ar rangement would be fairer
especially when we have something to say
about who goes there"
and reeve Elston suggested
,clerk Nancy Michie, could advise Brussels
that Morris' -was willing to enter ,into an
agreement based on percentage. of
occupancy by residents of Morris. '
"If we.paid' on occupancy, Grey paid on
occupancy and Brussels would pay on
occupancy everybody would pay the same,"
councillor' Procter 'said but added that 11 e
thought they were getting away quite fairly
dn 25 percent for this year.
It was decided that Morris woujld meet
sometime later with Brussels uncil to
discuss an agreement.
jn other business, council agreed that
councillor Tom Miller and his wife would
attend the Farmstead and Home
Improvement Competition .ift Brussels on
September 6, asked the clerk to write a letter
to Cardiff and Mulvey asking them to come
to a meeting and explain Errors •and
Ommissions Insurance; decided to give a
grant of $19 to Muscular Dystrophy. „At a
recreation meeting later Morris gave a grant
of $400 East Wawanosh Recreation
Park a d Community Centre Board to help
cove 'Belgrave Community Centre
expert s, insurance costs and recreation
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Liberals want Davis to
tecpnVenp le0jslotOrt,..
By Jack Riddell, M.P.P. to 4,400 tons by the end of
Recently Liberal Leader 1974, 3,600 tons by the end,
Stuart Srmth tailed upon of 1976, and 750 tons by the
Premier Davis ro reconvene end of 1978. According to the
the Legislature as soon as Ministry, this order was
possible to,cliscuss the total based "ori,a need to restrict
breakdown in the Govern- tonnage emissions due to the
ment's handling of environ- unpredictability of dispersion
mental matters. He set out a under all weather con-'
number of issues which have ditions" and "on potential
been :mishandled by the adverse effects op
present Minister of the vegetation, soil and water in
Environment,. who assumed a large area surrounding
his position in January of this 'Sudbury." ;.
year. Today ,INCO continues to
The issues cited were (1) emit 3,600 tons 'a. day. Yet
Absence of a provincial 'the Ministiy has issued a
policy• for toxic liquid in- new order permitting INCO
dustrial waste disposal. (2) to maintain that'leVel until
Withdrawal in March of the .30th June, 1982, simply,
ban on non-refillable pop requesting a report by
bottles. (3) Government December 1979 "evaluating
handling of the $35-million the feasibility of controlling"
suit against Dow Chemical the 'smelter's pollution. In-
for mercury pollution of.Lake stead stf penalizing the of-
St. Clair 7 dropped in favour fender, the Government has
of a paltry $250,000 private bent over backwards to
settlement' with' affected rationalize and excuse failure
fishermen. (4) Failure to to -comply with the 197C
make the Environmental As- pollution control order.
sessment Act effective and
meaningful. (5) Failure to Apparently, 1976 statistics
develop a policy to deal with indicate that Sudbury
the serious problems of sulphUr emissions accounted
solid waste disposal in for only 4% of North
Metro Toronto. (b) Failure' to American man-made emis-
act on problems of lake ,sions; and only 1.3% of
acidification in the cottage global emissions. Also, "the
country, where 'fish can't problems of high ground
survive. (7) The inabilikef level concentrations of
Ontario to comply with co Vh- sulphur dioxide and wide-
mittnents to the International spread acute vegetation
Joint Committee on the damage in the ,Sedbury 'area
Great Lakes clean-up, have essentially been re-
Stuart Smith's statement solved even at current emis-
folloWed closely upon the sion rates." As the Ontario
announcement , of the Governnient sees it, the
Governmerit,'s,,, decision te.. Inter nati'o'n a1 Nickel
relax an eight-year old air Company is merely doing the
pollution control order on same as everyone else: more:-
Internaiional Nickel Co-Ltd., over, the 1,250 foot smoke-
which has been described as. tack has dispersed the emis-
dernonstrating the hopeless sions to some extent, which
irony of Ontario pollution has minimized the concern
enforcement which prompted the issuance
In . 1970, the ' Ontario of the 1970 order:
Ministry .of the Environment Murray Gaunt, Liberal
ordered INCO to stop using Environment Critic, believes
two 500-foot chimneys and that if the Government is not
one 350-foot chimney at its prepared to agree to. Jr]
smelting plant • at Copper emergency debate on the
Cliff, West of Sudbury. INCO environmental control order,
complied,- replacing the "the best thing would be for
stacks with a 1.250 foot George McCague (Environ-
chimney 'in 1972. • ment Minsiter)-to 'resign
However, the Ministry at I think he's sold out to big
the same time ordered the business (in that he's)
company to reduce its cmis- agreed to. almost five times
sions of , sulphUr dioxide, the previously set lin* for
from 5,200 tons a day in 1970 the next four years."
Lucknow Centre open
The new Lucknow . and The Liens Club will be
District Community Centre 'responsible . for the new
was • officially opened re- centre until the . debt is
cently., cleared and then will turn the
The centre Was built. at a centre over' to the village.
cost • of • $275,000.. and is . The new centre has corn-
described as the biggest plete kitchen facilities, a
project Ore community has, meeting room to accomodate
ever taken on. 60 people and a large dance
The fundraising campaign hall licenced for 400 people.
fof the centre : was spear-.
headed by the Lucknow Lions
Club and funds were raised .
with a. weekly $1,000 lottery
draw, which, 'netted ap-
proximately. $80,000. .
Another $22,000 was
raised by danatines and over
$9.000 was donated to, the
community centre project by
the LuckricP, Tractor Pullers , •
1 • Assoication who turned over
proceed from their tractor
pull in July.
The condition of the Great
Lakes has received some
publicity recently, following
release of a report by the
Pollution° from Land 'Use
Activities Group, which in-
dicates that both the United.
States and Canada have
adequate laws to prevent
lake pollution, but the laws
should - -be enforced more
strictly. The group is urging
broader and strenger, control
During the last Provincial
Election, Premier Davis, in a
tough statement, called for
the revision.of the Canadian-
1.1;S: Great Lakes, water
quality agreement, to
provide for massive (million
dollar) fines to be paid into
an environmental cleanup
fund, administered by both
countries to aid pollution
research, An, official of the
Ministry of the Environment
recently described this state-
ment by the Premier as a bit
of "dramatic wishful
As Dr. Smith has
indicated, we believe that the
recent 11‘1C0 decision is the
last straw in a series of inept
Government decisions on
environmental issues..." We
are in a period of drift and
inaction by the Government,
the results. of which -could
.have , far reaching and
deleterious consequences for