HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-09-07, Page 5LADIES' - lo • SLACKS THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET "The Store that Saves You More' on MEN S — SOTS — LADIES' — Oats' & DAISY WEAR — YARD GOODS — SEWING MACHINES— POUND GOODS NEW-STORE NOURSi Monday • Saturday. 10 a.m. • 4 p.m. Sunday 12 noon • 6p.m. Hsghway 4 - Soush of thoion at v anastra — - Butcher Your BEEF or PORK at DUBLIN ABATTOIR WE:. -hang -cut -trim -wrap -freeze WE ALSO: -make your lard -sausage -cure meats CUSTOM' KILLING DAYS BEEF — WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS PORK — MONDAY AFTERNOONS TEL. 345-2360 BY APPOINTMENT • • BOYS' SHORTS Excellent size range to choose from. Ass't styles and colours to choose. SALE 97 • '1 /41/4 Assorted col- our to choose from. 'Just right for back to school. In St. Columban 8 start kindergarten with ladies Lions_ start year Correspondent Mrs. Fran Malone J45-238$ Oh the tears of joy or is it sorrow? The-kids are back at school. A few little ones for the first time. How time flies! St. Coluniban school has 8 kindergarten pupils this year. Mr. and Mrs. Don Moylan and family and Master pill Kinahan visited Santa's Vil- lage and Midland this past week. It's reported that Santa is there but already he's getting busy and letters areeoming in fast for .Christ- mos. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Rob Noakes to our hamlet and also Mr. and Mrs. Steve Murray Jr. and boys have moved into their house. Mr. Joseph Hicknell of Chesterville and Mrs. Larry Hicknell of Lambeth` spent the weekend at 'their home. ' Miss Theresa Hicknell has left for school at Lambton College, Sarnia, where she is taking an executive secretary's course. We, are pleased to see Beechwood Pottery under- going further changes from a new kiln to a paint job, to many other improvements It's good to see a place that holds so many niemories for so many people being re- stored and lived in. Beech- wood Pottery of course is the dd Beechwood store. Mr.a nd Mrs. Jimmy Mail- loux, Toronto spent part of their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sararas, Jeff and Jill visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan. Mr. Larry Murray has taken up his teacher postion in Bramalea this week, Miss Margaret McLaughlin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pete McLaughlin. Mr.' Arthur Murphy,' London visited Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane. VisitiikWilli"Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan over the weekend wereMr. and Mrs. Jim. Subject and Carrie, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. , John Warner and sons, Strat- ford, Mr. Don Ryan Melbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Les Ward and Shannon of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Marchand of 'W'mdsor Mr.a rid Mrs. Tom Dowe of Windsor and Mr.a and Mts. Joe' Murray of stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Reil- ly, Burlington had their son 'christened on Sunday in our church. Mr. and Mrs. George "MacDonald, Michelle, Jamie, Robbie and Kim of 4 New Market spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lane. " Neil Murray and Larry Murry just returned from a vacation of over five weeks covering 12,000 miles. They visited Sault Lake City, Utah. San Franciico, Los Angeles, Eureka,' Caolifornia, Los Vegas, Nevada (they wouldn't talk about , how Pearl Mrs.Herbert Fink, both of Stratferc1,4 grandchildren'.' Three brothers Rudulph of Ritz Villa I Mitchell, Edward of Seiforth, Fred of Hillside Nursing Home. One sister Emma 1 Mrs. Jack Gloor Ivfitchell. The funeral was held from Lockhart Funeral Home last Thursday.'Inter- ment was at St. Peter's Lutheran Church cemetary in Brodhagen. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hrvey Ahrens, Marilyn and Steven were Wayne Ahrens and Miss Anita Larrson of Sarnia. • A sucessful sale was held for: the Elliot Construction ,Coinpany The neW Owner's are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Muegge of the property on 23 highway just north of the. Witersen StOre. Jeffrey and 'Kevin Leonhardt of Embro who• spent some ' holidays with their . grandmother Mrs.. Herman Leonhardt have re- turned to their home. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rock were Rev. and Mrs. Harold, Brill.. Heather, Stephanie of St. Jacobs . Visitors recently with Mrs. Adeline Bennewies through the week was Raymond and Marzoric Bennewies of London. Al and -Velma • Leonhardt litire returned home after enjoying a two week trip to Sault St. Marie north Ottawa where they saw many beautiful sights and in- teresting scenery. Visiting with Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were Lorne and Betty Wolfe of Clinton Darrell Wolfe of Toronto. Mrs. Adeline Diegel of Shakespeare accompa n ied by her daughter Arlene Sum- merville of Toronto visited with relatives and friends. Linda Miller enjoyed the weekend with her father much they wOn or lost!) Vancouver where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butters and all across Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Murray spent a few days at Long Lake north of Peterborough at their sons cottage, The farmers are at their . beans here. Some beans are ready while some are a bit later. It must be fall! In the world of soccer the squirts played an exhibition game with Seaforth .winning 3-1 and tying 1-1. • The regular meetings' of the CWL resumed Sept 5 at 8:30 p.m. with 17 ladies present. The meeting was called to order by the President Mrs. Van. Drunen. A. letter; was read from each of the Foster children located in India. Plans were annoucned for the next Parish party to be held April 28, 1979 (.a date to remember!) The mystery prize was won by Marie 1-Ucknell. After a discussion of various topics of business the meeting was adjourned and' the ladies and Father Oosteveen enjoyed lunch. The ladies once again have dresden plate quilt they are selling tickets , on, and be- lieve me its beautiful. Second prize to be won in a draw to be made November 15 at the pot luck supper is a hand- Made braided mat, beautiful- ly dono and donated by Miss Tillie (Pete) Hiekriell, one of our former members. Third prize will be a $20.00 bill. Gordon Miller and attended decoration day at St. ,Peter's Lutheran Church, Henry Kleber who enjoyed two weeks in Toronto with relatives and friends has iiturned home. Sorry to report he is now in Stratford General Hospital where he is a patient.' Mr. and Mrs. Jo,e Mor- sison spent Sunday in Elmira where they attended the baptism of their grand- daughter Kelly .Linn. daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Terry Morrison at St. Teresa Church: sponsors were Mr. Nine members attended the Bornholm Womens Instutite August meeting in Mitchell Lions Park under lovely blue skies. Plans were made for Mitchell Fall Fair display and an invitation was ' received • from the Lilly Dempsey Women's institute attend 'the •meeting at the library in Monkton in September. Plans also were made to cater to, a birthday party for residents in the 'Ritz Villa with Sept. birthdays. It was announced that the fall rally will be held in Kirkton in October. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hunt on Sept. 27 th. The roll call was answered by each member ow Annual Interest for three years Guaranteed • Investment Certificates VG VICTORIA and GREY WW1 COMPANY , Correspondent Don MacRae 345-2842 Dublin and District Lions held there first meeting of the year in the Pavilion in the former of Ladies nite and as a dinner meeting with 20 in attendance. Mrs. Miller catered and Deputy District Governor Ted Heimpel as guest speaker, outlined the many different activities pro- formed by the Lions such as assisting the handicapped, Sept. 8,9 Sept. 8,9 Sept. 8-10 incl. Sept. 8-17 indL Sept. 16-18 incl. Sept. 16 Sept. 19,20 Mit-: Kenneth Morrison of Owen Sound. D.J. and Bobby Ostron have returned to their home 'in Lynchburg, Virginia after enjoying a couple of weeks with their grandparents Mr. andMrs. Mervin Beuerman. Mr. and Mrs. John hams and Pauline have re- cently moved to, Mitchell where they reside in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pulles Mary Jane and Mike are the new owners ofthe Williams farm on Lot 25 Con. 9' giving a favorite recipe. A large number from here attended the Mitchell Fall Fair. the blind: hearing problems leader dog provisions. He emphasized that new members were welcome keeping inrnijind that Lionism is doing ivice to your community and fellowman. Lapsed or indifferent members were urged to pull up their socks and do their share. Dublin and District Leo Club is active again this year, and the next activity will be a 'dance at St. Patrick's Corn- • nig t mutiny uyni on Sept. 15 when 13 to 17 year olds will be welcothe. Mrs. Audrey Hoff com- munity co-ordinator at St. Patrick's Community school has announced a "moms and Tots Program" again this year starting on September 12 at ten o'clock and con- tinuing for an hour on every second Tuesday morning. Don MacRae visited friends in Bayfield over the holiday weekend. • Dungannon Fair Seaforth Fair Exeter. Fair Milverton Fair Exeter Musicar Jamboree SOMErEXP COACHING .— Bill Stewart gets some exriert cpachi6g ifrom his father Mac of R.R.1, Dublin during the-A'chi'evement pay for 4- H Sod Buster Club members at the. Huron County Plowing Match on.Fri-day afternoon,. .(Expositor Photo) during our final SUMMER CLEARANCE • 1afilIIIIIIIP.4111111/11/ A • 4*, MEWS '7" SHORTS / Choose from sizes 28 to 34. Solid colour 'cor- Pb` duroy, plus more., sr.-- • REG. TO '4.97 CLEAR $ 2 00 TO • PR. °7 41 +ilk • in an excellent size range. Made from 100% Polyester. Excellent colour seleCtion to choose from: t REG. VALUE '6.97 . . We're continuing our sale on MEN'S SLACKS fros'n in assorted colours and patterns, „At* We have a broken size range to choose REG. VALUE TO '10.97 • HAND • 2/$4.57 k TOWELS MEN'S T-SHIRTS white-extra large only .REG. VALUE '1.57 2/$1 IP Our Regular Price '7.97 Featuring... PEPSI-COLA or CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Case of 24 10 oz. tins $4 99 • case Correspondent Mrs. Lavern Wolfe '345-2757 Karl Schussler conducted the worship service. at St. Peters' Lutheran Church Sunday morning and, in his sermon said that "For- giviness is the Heart of the Gospel". Joanne Bender is the orginist in the absence of Mrs. Horst. * • Sunday school begins on Sept. the 10th at nine thirty and the service at eleven o'clock. . •Members of the com- munity are all invited to attend an .afternoon of Sacred ' music given by Joanne El- ligson Bender, Margaret Elligsen Hull and Kenneth Hull at St. .Peter's Lutheran --Church Brodhagen on Sept. the lOth .1.k 3 o'clock p.m. Xt. andMrs. Ronald Hinz and Sandra'spent a few days at Niagara Falls and district enjoying beautiful sights. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higenell and family were Mr. and Mrs. 'Edwin Higenell Robert and little MeliSsa of Stoney Creek. Miss Karen Higenell, Miss Clara Higcnell both of Kitchener and Mrs. Carl Higenell arc at the same home convalescing. Sarah H'igcncll has re- turned home with her parents after spending the summer holiday at the home of her Uncle and Aunt. Visiting with Mrs. Katie Quenguesser were her sister Martha and brother-in-law Fred Rock ,pf Waterloo who also *attended decoration day at St. Peters Lutheran Church. Sympathy is extended from Brodhagen and Com- munity 'to the bereaved family of the late Daniel Fischer who passed away in the General Hospital in Stratford. Surviving is One `son Harold one daughter BALL Electrical Line Service Pressure- treated poles and lumber Home and Farm Wiring ' Underground Trenching and Wiring Free Estimates Call Dublin Collect 3454251 Brodhagen Afternoon of music planned Bornholm WI hold outdoor meeting Kirkton Fair Tavistock Fair Blyth Steam. Threshers Show London Western ' Fair Embro Fair Seaforth Fair Dance Brussels Fair Sept. 20,21 ' Sept. 21,22 Sept. 22,23 Sept. 23 Sept.24 Get 'ern Todav at: 1- 1:1IA LE- Fall Fair dates Sept.24 Egmondville Ciderfest Sept. 26-30 incl. Wingham Inter. Plowing Match Sept. 29,30 Ilderton Fair 401t WV 61%.6:1) 2.00 50661- 1 PLIV d'4141 :RC.FIA...1-- .iliatio••-•••• go-FOGS*3.1 6Auotokerw C01-00.1°`)-. °I'll Ape CAt..!D we" 124' itsr lut/Mr 0 ......es,s... ..., 0AR0 bi ji j pi --opal r. I CHOti ',#41.1t .,.,R $ .1............. 4jLarCH .TApE „,,,,, 3 8Ic PE's 9? fl 4 800k. 4 4213-yf - Drily • 89479C/S' AAA 1..., cal - .2-77 `ndiv 5$ The SctiNiNo. 000ERICH/Miln CLINTON/Meoln•COirneir, SEmOunf Almsncs. ARMSTRONG SCATTER 'MATS Approx. size 27" x 34" - made from soft pastel shades. WERE '1.00 EACH $.1 18 • 100% nylon in 97 ' Choose •from an ex- cellent selection of colours. Size 21 x 38.