HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-26, Page 1WE SELL CHEAP. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO HEADQUARTERS FOR SGHOOL SUPPLIES Our S mmer e Call and see our fine assort- ment of Scribblers, Exercise Books, Pen Holders and Lead Pencils, all of the latest de- signs. They are the best value in town. Book Covers and Blotters given away with books at A. L. HAMILTON'S Corner Dru4.-,r Store, Wingharn. The time has arrilNd when the wise storekeeper looks around his stock and notes what has to be got rid of before the Summer season comes to an end. We have been doing this, and find not ;vithstanding. a wonderfully suceessfal season. We have still good lines of seasonable goods in all departments that we should like to get rid of before the. arrival of' our fall goods. With thi3 end in view, for the balance otthe season we shall sell all our summer goods at either cost or a very small margiu over, and some lines we will positively sell eonsiderably below first cost. Du you. want Dry Cr' oods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, 'Millinery, Gents' Furnishings. If so come and see what we can do for you. We want your money and we are sure you. will want our bargains when you see them. Remember, all summer goods at or nearly at cost. This particularly applias to Gents' Furnishings. Any— thing in Shirts, Ties, &c. We will sell at prices that will make you. glad you came to see us. IN11111 & BOWLES, NEW ADV TISEMENTS. 51. 11 McIndoo—Speci 1. Tun Toins—Job Mug. John 1i:err—Emerge cy Salo, Mahler Bros,—Appl s wanted., John Neelands—Sal of Furniture: Alex Ross—Ready f r 'School Opening, Bastings a Ritchie Cider and Jelly 5101. Vanstone—Execu n's Notice to Creditors. N A Farquharson— lutes, Cups and Saucers. WANTED -200 tubs 0 also :Eggs ; highest pr tf. 12th, a shooting m between SiN of the and six of the tow was exceedingly el the match Teeswa Wingham's 498. ELECTRICAL STOR which have visite are the worst exp The storm Tumid the season. Two some distance fro learned what wa Reiman To OH tedo spent a few past week, gettin packed for renloy Bastedo has been the Banit of Ha Bastedo left for t day morning. RIDAY. Al.TGUST 26, 1898. 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE me airy Butter— ash or trade. Oa Friday, August tch was bbia in town, reeswater rifle shots The' competation se, and at the end of er had DOD points to s—Tbe electrical storms I tide section recently rienoed in many years. 'night was the worst of r three fires were noticed town, but we have not ys in towns during the his household effects to Cliesley, where Mr. appointed nianager of Remit Mr. and Mrs. r new home on Tues• GREAT Timm 01.Tr of 35 cents we will s Toronto Weekly 01 end of the year for till the end of the ve a great offer and sh of by our readere. readers to inform t ler Bros. have arr set their apple Alfred. street in ere placing anot factory and will ble the quantity others ha'ving road their advt. CIVIC HOLTDAT dey on Friday of quiet day in tow in the Fireman' while others att the day pleasan civic holiday cal won by Messrs. There were o points in the p above number i furnished 23 pa est 70, Listowel ford sent 411 to THE FALL PAI posters and prize Agricultural Soci here on Septemb been printed, T forms may now b tary, Wm. Robe flour and feed s POTATOES SCARCE the sections around scarce this year. weather, and the too much for the p quence is that quit will run short befor have heard of som potato. School of this town nio on Friday last Zetland. The and twelve large lo members and their who went in single LOCAL Marriage Licenses Issued by Fteieste PATERSON, No 23, Vic - none street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses tee mead. ' Fall Term Opens September 1st. HARD AT WORK. is again hard at holidays. We aro our short rest and kinds of job printi reasonable prices. oerx—The Times staff ork after our week of 11 feeling tho better of are prepared to do all g on short notice and at A COMING Emil. The following from the Kingston Time refers to a former well-known young m n of this town;:—The dete of the marriage of W. J. Mallagh, the popular Secretary the Y. M. C. A., to Miss Salmoud of Br ntford, has been fixed for Sept. 7th. Oun NEW 1.3TORY— Ve will shortly com- mence a new story e ititled "Railroad For- ger." It is one of the better detective stories ; it is well wr tten and holds the in- terest of the reader. The MIES will be sent to any address ill the end of the year for 25 cents. Subs •ibe now and get the opening chapters o our new story. Tell your friends of our ffer. • time of the year to enter the famous CENRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. One of the lergest, most popular, and most successful Commercial. Sehools in Canada. Thousands of former students now in successful business life. Revises courses of study ; beautiful rooms ; strong staff of teachers ; satisfaction guaranteed. Refer- ences :—All Stratford. Writo for beautiful W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Wedding' Stationery. we ran print Wedding invitations in tho latest style We have the type, work. men and keep a complete assortment of Wedding Stationery. No ordering from eamplm. You can have your work on short notice. Visiting Cards. hook and ladder t on Wednesday of compoted in their were not able to s of the races. We did not receive jus Brantford people, may have beenin ferent state of aff Wingham hose and ms went to Brantford last week where they respective races. They cure a place in either understand that they ice at the bands of the vhich, if they bad we position to report a dif- —The large lithograph ists of the 9.`ternberry ty's fall fair, to be held 27th and 28th have prize hsts aucl entry obtained from Secre- tson or at P. Deans' ore or John Wilson's Hoven Fon SALE—Owing to his intend- ed removal from town, Mr John Neelands offers for sale his brick cottage on Minnie street. The house has all the modern conveniences and will be sold on easy terms. For full particulars apply to Jon& ness College, Strati° , Ont., re -opens on Thursday, Sept. lst or the Fall Term. This College is a me tber of tbe Educators Association of Cana a, and at the recent examination held i June, 12 ont of 14 of their pupils were se essful in passing the examination of that Association. The Col- lege has recently re eived four applications from outside sohool for graduates to act as teachers in their colleges. This is cer- tainly a strong poi in favor of the "Cen- tral." Any person vho desires to secure a business or a short nd education, should for one of his new atalog s. The correct stj les will be found hero and um print them neatly, You will always find a complete stock; Office Stationery. Including Envelopes, Bill Beads, State. ments, Note 'leads, Better Heads, etc,. Wu always have a full stook in this line and the printing is always neat. General Job Printing. We can do anything in this line, includ- ing Posters, Sale Bills. Baud Bills, Shipping Tags, Circulars, Pamphlet work, Tickets, or anything in the print- ing' lino, No job toe large, and none too small for us. Give us a call u hen you are in need of anything in the printing line. Ottr prices are ao low as DEATH Or Mo. P mitred at St. Jose Saturday afternoo and Thos. retitle don, after MO late this plot°. He ha 20 years and was t respected by a lar will hear of his d feelings of regret. fore his death his relapse and died a were interred In th Tuesday of last we . Smith attending th TIMES OFFICE, rtnvinat uic The death oc- 's Hospital, London, , August loth of Get. tis town and brother of town and Messrs. Ed. of Stanley Street, Lon. ti of a fete weeks. Mr. ember of the firm of tardware merchants of resided here for near• ell known and h' fly circle of friend who th with the deepest 'Up to a few days be - vends looked forward y, but lie took a sndden stated. The remains Strathroy cemetery on k, Mr. and Mrs. j. S. funeral. Potatoes in some of Wingham will be very 'he early frosts, dry ltitudes of bugs were tatoes and the come - a number of farmers winter is over and we that will not have s. Methodist Sunday held their annual pia- n the beautiful grounds y was a glorious one ds of Sunday School friends—beeides those igs and on cycles—en- joyed themselves 11 °roughly- The several r wurk well and the way pleasant and satis• committees did the outing was in ever factory. Cows RUNNING heard several cum week of the large are allowed to They have been age to some of t of our townsmen his corn, cabb neglect of some run at large. H governing this THE JARVIS CO in the opera haus der the auspices very poorly atte the noted tenor, Miss Emelio A. . sang a number o always welcome The quartettes four young men dered, under the Mae. The Oro the audience. had the club in this class descry --For the mall sum ad the Totes and the a from now till the o.or the TDIES alone r for e5 cents. This is Id be taken advantage We kindly ask our ir friends of the great SMALL LOCALS. AT LARGE.—We have Taints during the past number of cows which .'ander on the streets. oing considerable dam- e town gardens. One mourns the :oss of all ge, otc., through the ne allowing his cows to ve we not got a by-law nuisauce? We would reed. CHANCED- HANDSThis olndoo,who has been the er Block for a number of of the same to Mr, R. ctndoo has been a good g his long ownership of r had "it wasn't so," nants. He never lost a ad he ever to ask his nd always had a pleas - one. We feel sure that make as good a land- sor did and we hope he e same friendly relations mom,. lessee. Male- ved in town and have aporattng factory on motion again. They er evaeorator in their applee.Oarmers and pies for sale should o he found ia another —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —Wr. Wm. Caset ore shipped a car of cattle to Toronto 011 Monday. Have you seen Ireland & Button's e2.50 Extension Tables ? lk —There is no issue f the Advance this week. The etaff is h id eying. —Messrs. McDon Id & Burchill shipped hogs to Collingwoo on Tuesday. —The pieces of n w concrete walk on Something special in white wool Mat- Wingham's civic heti- last week was a tery . A goodly number took excursion to Goderich, nded pic-nios and spent y in various ways. The rse race announced for e off and the same was ells' horse. on Tuesday of last week R. was well patronized. er thirty passengers left above day for different rie province. Besides the om this place Teeswater sengers, Wroxeter 15, Gor- 15, Harriston 50, Mt. For - 43, Walkerton and Uni- ce" to Harriston's contin- —Court Maitland, regular semienonthly —Mr. D. Stewart n talent of larabs.to Bo this week. Royal Carriage Oi buggy tops like new. Harness Shop. —Messrs. Elliott & first shipment of appl long - boots. Farmers in this iesue. — A. number from t P. It. einployee'e mut on Wednesday. We have opened u stock a full range of L I tor Mantles and Cape 0. F. will hold its eeti og this (Friday) de his first ship - lo on Wednesday of Ton Polish makes IVIfichell made their from this place on me special snaps in ould read his advt. RUBBEAR GOODS We have just receivPd a full line of Hot Water Fountain Syringes, Em- ma Syringes and all other Staple Rubber goods which we are selling at prices that are right. A.A. MORROW 011012110011.31... 10101111.1010. n took in the C. on to Orangevi JOHN WELLW his residence o day evening of wood who has for a number w resident of tow was held in of friends. health but a.d behind a widow t then to inourn h sympathy of the tion. The fuller Sunday was la,rg D's DEATI There died at Josephine street, on Fri. st week, Mr. John Well - at die into and Win• II. McIenoo —A. -new story ia the TIMES in a few weeks. 25 cents will pay for the TIMM till Janaary 1st 1.-500. en in a very low condition! _ eka. Deceased has been a t Hastings & Rite for a number of Years and i in other col • cider mill for the sea Messrs. Rouston He tad never been in robust ; rays been able to be ar- new plioto gallery in onths ago. He leaves Alex. Ross' book sto d family of three chile t For the months of July and August, lois, who !awe the !Ireland & Button have decided to sell ornatunity in their affilo- Furniture at Fectory prices. edonian Carnes on ek, will be attended people. o Weekly Globe till cents. Take advan- held on Tuesday en- ne new photo t e and are turn Witimixo Beat wedding took pla when his daughte ried to Mr. W. J. ceremony was per by Rev. Mr. Free iminViete friend tieseff The bride I handsome dress o al veil and cartied nations and sweet was Miss Agnes I the groomsman w brother of the gro the assembled g couple of hours in short time after th bride's brothers an Man., conveying c newly wedded coupl oostly presents be which the young cou e have opened their n. Read theiradvt. - Son have opened a he rooms over Mr. 1 to Bethel cemetery ou I, —The Lucknow many of our town A bright and happy bY c at the residence of Mr..1 —Tines and Toro this town, on Tuesday, the end of 1838 for 3 t Emily Lois, was mar- tage of this great off iennedy of town. The 1 —A meeting of th tinned at 1 o'clock p. I tural Society will be in the presence of the ing at 0.30 p. m. in of the contracting par- Brenton & Son have op ked very attractive in a. studio over Ross' Book white muslin with brid- ing out excellent work low prices. 4 bouquet of white car- fine photos for 25 cents for the first 30 adie, of Turnberry, and 4—Messrs. L. J. W* lams and Gus Mo- s Mr. John A Kennedy Lauchlin have fully ecovered from the in- . Af teethe ceremony juries received beet' Or recent horse run - ceremony had been his household furni wasreceived from the to Brantford. Ile sistere in Glendale, issue which should —The public sch day next. Rev T E Higley sermon in Trinity last and has remoe —Miss Ethel W Hodson will give • opera house here 28th under the a fire brigade.. otedeath in Just as WO Henderson, son o son, of the Blueval will be brought to I The funeral win be member, on Sunda All members of tit quested to tneet at room at 2 o'clock 1 will re -open on Thum reached Ms farewell d to his new home ire bb and W. Graham. grand recital in mho n the evning or Sept. pices of the Winghanx o to press we learn levelend of Mr. John roadAfThe remains conducted by Court Lich deceased was ta afternoen at 3 o'clock. above Order are re - Sunday. ngratulations to the . Many beattifel and oke the esteem. in le are held. They VOICES OF HE PEOPLE. We do not hold oursel4 expressed Ly tb:: writer o - PUBLIC IMP OVE5Ii'NT8. To the Editor of TUE TIME DEAR STa� The tc to be congratulated upon its progress d years. It has beco nds has decided to sell in the north wester ure before his removal The mayor and co as an advt. in this credit for pushing ab d. system of granolithic A full stock of Bedroom Suites, Ex- grading up and putti tension Tables, Sideboards, and Parlor streets. Our factorie Suites, at Ireland & Button's, Wingham, and are giving stead. —Messrs. P. Anddrsnn and C, Proctor large amount of labor. are now away on thei • bridal tour, after made their annual which they will take p their residence in Saturday last, solic CERT—The concert given Wingham. The 'rim s joins with their the East Wawanos on Monday evening un- many friends in wish ng them much joy. .y�_ humor is curter f the football club was has rented Mr D Si ed. Mr. Harold Jarvis, (guRtf ii %1 UTs. Macdonald Mock ar leasecl everyone present. steak of and cott, soprana, of Toronto The Sacramental a< vices of the Presby- —The bootsOraand linegevi selections and will be teriau church will be eld on Sunday Sept town last night on where they will p1 few from town ar, wn of Winghnm is.. in many respects ring the past fear e the bast centre; part of Ontario.. ncil deserve great, d our magnificent idewalks and for 0' in condition our are in full swing etuploymenit to a. here are other int vhieh will have to and it seems to cannot come too draw the atten- il and citizens to we will be forced ,erworks. Other hem not so large stand pipe and thorough t terworks system and why shouid n we ? At ther thing re- quired, a t to which a toution has been oalled be tore, is a high .ehool—one fully- in ully in accord with all that as been said be- fore in reference to a hi h school for the town of Wingham, and think our >;ouu- ail should take hold f it. And still another requirement i a small town hospital. Almost ever county in On- tario has a hospital • cepting Huron and l3ruce. We are het just about the junction of the two c nties with ex- cellent railroad fact ities to bring patients in, and why should not our council take hold of it or even some of our citizens form a joi . t stook company and start a small hos, tat. I believe it would pay and would b a big advertise- ment to the town of W . gham. There are other impr ve.nents needed„ but perhaps it would be better not to name any more until e . to move is rondo to secure some or all o the above men- tioned, Thanking yo for se Tnti,itlx valuable space, I am, by a Wingham audience, y four young ladies and f the town were well reit. direction of Mr. 0. W. estral Club played sever - were duly appreciated by ayor Morton hat novel! tter shape. Concerts of to be more liberally pat - Comm McEr o ----A special meeting of the Town Counci was held on Saturday evening last for o purpose of considering petitions for the ..nstruction of more con- orete sidewalk. petition was read from Thos. Bell end et} era, asking that a 4} foot concrete walk be laced on the west side of Minnie street fret John street to lot 44G, Government sur? y. The Clerk's cartel. - Cate was attaobed : tating that the petition was sufficiently si;ned. The council grant- ed tho request of t a petittoners and order- ed the Public' Wo s Committee to pro- ceed with the wor.. The committee was also instrueed to p weed with the walk on the east side of l'; and street from ,Tolin to Victoria street. Work has already been • commenced on th se two pieces of work. Rev. G. Trotter Ca occupy the pulpit of thurch on Sunday. Rev. W. Johnston gregtaional College pr Cept. Collier, the Salvation Army con services in the barr Tuesdey evenings. In connection will giving Festival of th local corps is making raise the sum of $50 of their social work a well aa the payment nese. Friends and s of Stratford will the Congregational the Montreal tithed in the Sunday last. B. M. agent of the ted special lantern ks on Monday and Con- Con - the Harvest Thanks. Salvation Army, the determined efforts to toward the support ong the poorest, as various indebted- npathizers who aro ar of the town on ing subscriptions for fall fair. t that Mr Geo Hanna wart's store,hext the hoes therein. • intends opete up a provements, however, come in the near foto me that some of them soon. I would like t tion of our town coun the fact that very soon to have a system of wa e laerosse team wasin towns about—some of as Wingha -have a their way to Seatorth taking in the game, —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' farnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the piece, in Queen's block. —A good supply of local news will be found on the inside ages of the TIMES. Read every page of tbe Tines carefully, ttdvertisements and 11. It will pay you. Mr. WM. Pearl has dieposed of his barbering busineil to Mr. Wesley Con- stable, of townArM . Pearl has left town and we believe a ne utter of people would ltke to leern of his hereabouts, Dr. Macdonald is now permanently at horn° anct can be consulted by his patrons. desirous of assisting eed not necessarily —The 'Prairie Niti, contribnte itt cash, b t may give their do- to Mildmay and wer nation in any article merchandise, hetne iors of that plaee by made goods or prod ts of the field or gar. return match will b den, live stook, fro a (thicken to a cow hero this (Friday) a not being exoluded Considering the ack- —1diklmay will nowledged a.moant I good they have done September 5th itt r Ito the eointaunit and country, there program of athleth should be no dill* ulty for the devoted workers to raise the above amount. base ball team wont defeated by the Jun - score of 17 to 8. The pleyed on the perk ernoon. at 4.80 o'clock lebrate Labor Day, lit royal style. A good e aporta has been ar- ranged. The Win ham baseball team will play against Walk ton ott the above date. •Ura truly. Winghatn, Aug. 24,'0. Pa.