HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 8'TIIE TialES, AUGUST 12, 1898. Ma 4 'jaitri000. Autumn y sI(ay (oar. �..1a cost' J Black .,3* ;-,i'i , °() Llai. The ca.•owest of Lrn dor' and Paris Favorite, in Ile:lneiful IZMelt Shrdes. Manp ,'+ keIve lett'ei ns shown for the�tiWet !me. Ce -1V��-tt •: t.,' ids N.3rer3:9 , T•den t after time our Bend appeared to he in eminent daue+.r. but )teat as often was re Iieved hy ani• home -wall defence --except once and thee .itne Itivereidts scored. Wiugnimn stork d taped and remained low until the ber;iutiug of the second half. And now bean some really beautiful ball, the eombinattou of the localebet:1 very exact, and as is result of it they Scored two goals. This was Equalled, however, by the visitors, who succeeded in tt:tvtiter to the one al- ready obtained, thus leaving the score 2 2. regatta rzens. \Ve guess may be Wingham's got a Net- ball team! C ratites hest a knee "went out." It will soon be all right, however. Charlie Stuart was an experiment on the half -back --a very successful experi- ment. GSI. llawke is a bird. "Jack" Telford made his initial how to \Vil•gl:atn football lovers and scored q:tite a hit. Lr•n huff was in his place every time at:rl t -Quit fool the "big fellows." The tvingham boys had theta winded ; the short delay near the end of the game gave then new life. Igo Riversides are a gentlemanly lot of ";'& k :teed Wool -.V.'741•1!re and d titular: nitiet+at array of costume cloth in every new shade. S1Lw Rica, Black, Bruct:ele: Silk Dresses Black Ltleon Silk. Grand assort - •:u -e and Shir , fellows, and will be welcomed to winghatn again. t The home Wain were elm to getting is mei.' • ( 11 - Wal t - "! t' , lot'- •"ei Brocades. ; the fettle. l"ti t:. -,•• a t ,•;unctte with , (1(:i.t+r„.lirtUtti l.rl ee, ftt.ill ii5.0U tO i .91 5.0.). visitutg whit the tatters permits Mc. and jigs. it. Kinsman. ,Airs 0 eieutehel and children 1l,eve re- turned from a three weeks' visit at her prole in Tlneknow. :4leesre. Colin A Campbell and 11. II Chisholm, left on Monday for a two weeks' vi4it •et Stony Lake, Kisses Emma and Atagnie Tipling, of Cleveland, Ohio, are holidaying with friends in this vicinity. Mr J Telford,of the lank of Hamilton, A D 1:3:,8• itt 1 o'clorlt is hulidaviug in St. Catharines, Owen Dela tAttutbors a5%athl Sound and other points. poldtitteet, Govern', lair dos IS 111ollonagh, ot Toronto, spout Binet...,, L, theeo..e,t of kla:o., i... .t:uii one acro of iwtd more or less. a few save Witt' his parents aur other y;withnprttery is .stytealtdoodruwatedfeflnir, 12x. friends in town this week. ibis is all eS.'elletlt eppnttmtity for any one wish. Misers L n Mahood and Blake Cook, of MORTGAGE SALE TOWN PROP.FaRTY. trader end by virtue of the porrrv+ 10111 certain uutrtmc o a high will be pt iglu:, of rule, there ailt be oft rad tar cr Auction rat too BRUNSWICK in the Town of Wins; Tuesday, the th nes in a t tee tnue u by Public OTEL, am, on f September n •tc aaternoun, by Pater fo own g property, viz: 44, on re tam situ of Leo - at Surrey, in the town of Sm to purchase a eh, ap residence on a good build. hie lot, I: ordwioh, were visiting with the farmer's TERMS OF SALIi: cousin lir John Galbraith. Tan prrr'ont of the purchas cannon on rho day of ut,leparrh se looney toremain On nuet:•m•eatrep: with Mr. deLu Carr has retnrnetl to his Salo au,l the b .taneu walun •-'d ays tuurea tar. r• yl r F I3 Schofield, who has been vieiting new:einents can be made, howeytr,to allow a portion a sonable'tamest. Toe aropert•, aid be soul subject to home in Woodstock, on Tueaday. a reserved mu. Further ptrtirulars and t•nnuttionS will be trade known at tune of Sale, or may be had Mr T A Reid, of Owen Sound, is spend— on application to the Auctioneer or to the Vendor's tag part of the vacation with his parents and other friends in this vicinity. Miele Nellie Anderson, of Blyth, Misses I3ell and Mamie Young,of London, visited the tatter's sister Mies Maggie Young. Itir told :tars B E Pees have returned to their hone in Deltas, Texas, after spend- s couple of weeks with friends in town. Mr. John AlcNevin Is in Chatham this . week as a delegate from Court Wiugbam at the High Court meeting of the I 0 F. nounrs n r.:r. Mrs 0 Johnston hesreturned home to Hensen after visiting with friends in town. We shah he clad to have contributions to this 1 column num any of our readers. s. if 1r vfou have Nisi. She was accompanied by Miss Berlie NewYid rit.OVC'S i tors or purpose came; away ymnwtif, drop in a Johnston. L� tell us, or send ue a tote to that effect In all the new i+.t,l Shades frons I $1.00 to =1.50. New Sh.oes 6 cares of New Fa opened. NOW We hose just passed ]lien's .rine Slits, extra Boys' New Suits, very s Saturday for Bargains 50 Remnants of Prints and Mus - lips, reg. 12',e tor 7e. 50 pieces of Laee and Embroidery, reg. 10.. and 12e for 5e. 20 d.,z. Child's Fast Black Cotton Hose, reg. 10e, Saturday for 2-,1e. 10 doz, Ladies' silk Gloves, new shades, reg. 40e and 45e for 25e. 50 pairs odd sizes in Fine Shoes, reg, tT,41.50 and $1.75 for „1.00. Shop early Saturday at Mr Gtio Crisp, formerly operator at the Mr R J Fleury, of Blyth, : undayed in 0PR 1es pent Sunday m town. He is Ier, t'lwn• relieving the agent at Wroxeter for a cou- ltey T E Higley of Blyth was in town pia of weeks, 11 Shoes jest on Wednesday. Miss 11i Reberison re?urned home on Mr Reub Snell was holidaying with Monday from a visit at Brussels. She friends in town. was accompanied by her frieud, hiss Mr Wm Skinner, of Lucknow, was in Thompson, of Brussels. into stock 0town on Tuesday. Mrs McNety and daughter Mrs Mann, quality, ttl 3u' Miss Sample, of 'i oro'ato is the guest of and Grandchild 'Marjory, returned to their pecial.i the 1liases Fleury. home in Toronto, after a short visit at the Mi is Lizzie Gilohriet is visiting with residence of Mr 'rhos Elliott, friends in Brussels. Mr T J Elliott is in Galt •t s wee( a — Mrs D McCormiilt, of Dungannon, was tending the meeting of the Grand Encamp - in town on Monday. trent of the I 0 0 F. Ire is representing Mists Walker, of Ingersoll, has taken up Minerva Encampment of this place. her residence in town. Mr and Mrs Amos Tipling are in Galt i :Airs 11 A Routledge, of Clinton, le visit: week. Mr'Pipling is representing Mait- t ieg with friends in town. land Lodge, I 0 0 F, at the Grand Lodge lMrs'(Dt) Kennedy loft last Friday on a meeting, and Mrs. Tipling represents tho visit to friends in Galt. Itebeccas. Dr Cunningham, of St Thomas, is visit• iug with friends in town. ' '.lies Collie, of Bluevale visited with the Missesatewart this week. Master Cheater Hoag has been visiting with relatives in Brussels. Miss Lull' Harris' is on an extended visit with friends in St. Marys, Miss Jean McDonald of Lake Linden, is SEORTINC- NEWS. the guest of Jigs. A. II. Carr. Mr It. Hunter, of Hunter Bros., Kincar IrASIsnAT.L' dine was in town on Tuesday. The "Prairie Nil will play a game ;tf 1 Mise alli•el Fle ldn ;, of Brandon, is the bail wits the Mi!d:niy teal:, et :,l.ii'ltaay _;1,,,t of Ale— se ,it- ,,,, t;.,lross. to-moirow. alias Alabel Newans, of London, is visit• Walkerton and Palmerston played a ling with former friends in town. game of baseball at Port Elgin en Friday, l Mr and Mrs W .T Haines spent Sunday M. it PIP'. Solvitor. )iattrl this lith day of August 1888. PETER D'i'AS8, It. VANSTONE, Auctioneer. Ve.wo s ouneiter. resulting in favor of the former by a score of 12 to 0. Nine hundred Walkerton rooters bad a special train to Port Elgin to see the ;;ams. Mr and Mrs Chas Flood are visiting at The Palmerston and Brussels baseball I the home of the former in Woodstock. clubs played a game of bail at Palmerston • Dr. A. Watson, of Galesburg,Illinois, is on Wednesday of last week. The game theguest of his sister Mrs DrIrwin. was very one-sided, resulting in favor of ; ( ) Pain elf tan by a :core of b0 to ti. The fol- '' Mrs A G Stewart, of Teeswater, was vis - lowing imragzaph is taken from the Pal- ; iting with relatives and friends in town. mereton Spectator's report of the above Misses Gertie Shane and Jessie Thorne- . game: --•ane Champions of Huron Coun- ty, the Brussels baseball aggregation, came liete with the alma purpose of winning, but they had reekout;d without their host. A. with the latter's parents at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs.• John Smith spent last Sunday with friends at Kincardine. son, of Blyth, vieite'I in town this week. Mr. H. Chambers, of the Trees, is spend- ing a few holidays at his home in Ingersoll. Master Cecil Hill returned home last Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cur© supporter of the Brussels team was heard 1 week from a visit to friends in Waleerron. Ataimia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, to remark that, 'J hey can play the gams Weakness,Palpitation, Throbbing,Faint 1 Mrs W Gill and son, of Brookl n are ,`,polls, Dizziness, or any condition nr- once they get it going,'but the trouble with , visiting at Mr John Salter's East Wawa— rising from Impoverished Blood, Die- ' visiting that they could not get the • nosh ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart. 'game going. The home team had it all their own way from the start and seemed the easiest victory they have had this season.” Tak Mr Wm F Bnlien, mansger, and Mr Johnston, inspector of the Ontario Loan Co., were in town this weep. Mr Bulien oat: very favorably impressed with the improvements which have been made in thin section since bis last visit. notice that the Munioipa Council o the Town of Wingham ntends co co truot as a Local impr.veinent A Cuncr• e sidewalk four and • e half feet wide on the nor nide of g.atriek Str-: , between Joseph ice Street a the concrete r ewalk on the east side ot rlinni treat. The estimate cost of the) ot.,osed work is $276.75, of ableb 847.75 •ono pr 'Wed nut of the general hinds of the Mu 'cipalir. , sad to assess the dost costs thereof upon •e ruptrttes abutting thereon, and to be benudtted • 'reby ; and tttat astatement showing the lands 1' lo to pas the said assessment ind the name; of a o 'tiers taeteof, su fur as they ran be ascertains train tie Last revised assessment inn i.; now lite iu tae •sten of the Cluck of the Municipality . d is open i. • it•spect!on during office hours, F ureter a notice that e last publication of this noun vitt be o-1 the 12tu of August, 1898.• A Ca.0 of liet•iiiuu will be Id on Monday, the 22nd di of August, 1898, at 8 •lock p. m„ at the Cenut 'Chamber, tit the t•aid Tam for the purpose of he ting ruatpl.,htts air+uoet the •npustd assess- 1,te . - or arcuary of the frontage ut :ureetents, m• ;,n other emup,wut which peraune,It crested may d iu. to make, .intim Weil is by law a &Amble by t Court. Dated Clerk's Office, tVin_ham, And 1st, :98. J. 13. b F Ito USOa C This week marks a new period in the conduct and progress of this store. We purpo,e from this day forward to give away FREE to our customers, thousands of dollars worth of the newest designs in useful and beautiful The oat crop is a very poor one in some counties. The Menesetung Chautanqua as- sembly will be held in Menesetung park, Goderieh, from- August 17th to 25th. There will be baseball and bicycle clays, C. E. and E. L. days, and Sunday school days. Speeehes will be delivered hy 1 -Ton. John Dryden, Dr, Macdonald. M. P., Andrew Pattullo, M. P, P., Rev. A, C. Crews, the mayors of Stratford, Clinton, London, • Seaforth, Kincar dine and Goderieh, Miss May Thorn- ley, president provincial W. C. T. U. and many others. Music by the Goderieh Marine Band. Fare and one-third to Goderieh on the Grand Trunk railway, tickets good. till September ist. SILVERWARE Every piece is accompanied with a genuine guarantee of merit, Call and see the goods and get full particulars about this great proposal. Perhaps ladies will think that it is too early to look at Mantles. We received a few days ago—direct from Berlin, Germany Manufacturers, a shipment of handsome, stylish Mantles, showing the best value we have ever offered in our long experience. If you intend to get a Mantle this season,. we urge you to see this lot at once and select what you want. If you do not wish to take it now, we will lay it away for you. They are bargains, everyone. Our stock is very complete and values were never better. Remember that you get Silverware with every Bargain that we otter. R. Tinily, of McKillop, died at the resideltce of his son, Aaron, on Wed- nesday last and was interred in the Brussels' cemetery. Deceased was in the 75th year (If his age. Manitoba's wheat output is likely to he somewhat les than that of last year. Wln. Cook, of Constance, had the misfortune to Hill oft a hay stack, breaking his aria. A cooper factory is afloat to be opened up at Carlow VIGOR, for 13k1ART and NE RV E 5 Mr and Mrs Mark Gray and Miss Nellie Gr..ty are visiting with friends in Lansing, — Mich. BORN. WALKER—In Windham, on Aug. 9th, e wifeot Mr.T.E.Walker ; a daughter INELATER—Io Turnberry. on Aug. rd, the wife of.Mr.J. Linklater ; a eon t l3rrELr,—Iii Morris, on August 9th, tl4 wife of Mr. James Snell ; a daughter. i'OOTI3A.LL, Mrs Cummings of West Virgins visited visited with her sister, Mrs 0 Gilchrist this ay/nutiln:>s MAY TIti GAME WITH TTn; WPG- week. Ilea eeeet—scone 2-2. Mr end Mrs Eli Elliott are visiting with Close on 1,000 spectators congregated on friends at Exeter, St. Thomas and other Recreation Park on Monday evening to See points. Mrs 0 Gilchrist and Miss Annie are 'A;+ l'ea`rn:—In Cuirass, on July 30th, Ha the match between the Wingham boys andwife cf Mr. foo. Waugh, a daughter. the Riversides of Toronto, who have been spending a week with her mother near Gmsoc. In HOwiclt, on Aug. 2nd, the champions of the city for six successive Teeswater' wife of Mr. James Gibson of a son. seasons. Everyone expected that the game Mrs. I'. Linklater and daughter left would be a hot one., and so it was, from Tuesday morning on a visit to friends in i MoLAtalxt. N.— In Howiok, on Aug. start to finish. The teams lined up as I3rantford. • 3rd, the wife of Mr. Alex. McLaughlin of a daughter. i frllowo: Mrs D McInnes has gone on a mouths' I 1VIAPR'Ev. Win Mama • Ttiverseles visit with friends in Toronto, Fort Erie • t I Iarsent—,S'Pr:NCN---(fin August 3rd in Allenby goal and Buffalo. 1 the Church of England,Ilbrdwioh, by Corultesl backs isitss B Aitken returned to her home in tho pastor, Itev. A. B. Varney, Mr. A. D. Hawke j to Mies Susie, Telford M d' Clinton after spending three mantles with Fidler, of Manitoba, 1„ half daughter of Wm. Science, of the 4th Mailmen r books friends in town, concession Howfek. 0. Stuart .l Mr and Mrs Geo Cassels have returned Messer• iGentle Dufffrom a visit to friends in Rochester, Mich., DIEb. A. Stuart forwardsand' other points. t y I(,Tlrtmov.----In Culross, on McDonough I , Mr and Mrs Imbert iSieTndnn have re- "th, Jobn McKinnon, aged 22 iturned horse front a trip to l'oterboromonths and 10 days.�1"attd outer points. tt soft. ----'In Turnberry, on August Mr.117a 'sic Matsu hl,sn of Now Xork, th, John Wilson, aged 78 years and 7 !; B , I months.ty�' is spending her holidays under the parental i•'/Cr.owtt, --In East Wawanoth, on AAug. roof in Wingham. ith Mar Glabn aged 78 years and 7 of the liott.e teams forwitid Bite. Time Mr. and Itlrs. John Law of Sarnia, were monthslir Hatt Henderson •) Mitchell • ( a igan Small Vick Seeker Murray I ens I1amilton .Brown It« feree—•W. Ironstone. The Lames of tho first half were the fsplendid rushes by the Riverside forwards, the eve' t'11 1-ntet'i'•;: of lite sante by Wingl:aa,'r lh•fcnr• .ted the loose playing y y , August years, 5 te, hµ: 11, You feel the blood rushing along. But what kind of blood? That is the question. Is it pure blood or impure blood? If the blood is impure then you are weak and languid; your appetite is poor and your digestion is weak. You can- not sleep well and the morn- ing finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheeks are pale and your com- plexion is sallow. You are troubled with pimples, boils, or some eruption of the skin. Wby not purify your blood? dA5. stk • will dolt. Take it a few days and then put your finger, on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It is stronger and your circulation better. Send for our book on Impure Blood. If you are bilious, take Ayer's Pills. They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla, They cure constipation also. Writs to our Doctors. write them fronty alt the partkenlats lie your awe. ii on wit receive a prompt may, cost. J oAYEr r„pw011, ? s D. M. GORD ` , Direct importer' TILE Douse For Sale or to Dent. Have a good supply of best Drayton Tile (Haack & (lo.), in all sizes, for sale at prices that cannot be beaten. W. J. DUFF, Bluevale. We do Fine Printing. The undersigned offers for sale or to rent a good two storey frame house, con- taining seven rooms, pantry and fruit closet; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty eves of laud if required. For particulars apply to GEO. McKENZIE, W ingharu. OUR SILVER JUBILEE. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON ,SEPTEMBER 8th to 17th, 1898. Entries close 7th September. .Space allotted oa receipt of entry. Our attractions will be grand, and exhibits uusurpassed. You can see all that others can show, and to better advantage. Royal Dragoons, Prince O'Kabe's Japs, Sire Hessen Ben Ali's Liufrins, and many other specials, the best in the country. Fireworks each evening, '•Blowing up the Maine," assisted by all the ring and stage attractions. Special excursion trains leave London at 10 p. in. and after, so you can stay to the fireworks. Auction sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on tho grounds at 2 p. m. Prize Lists, Programmes, etc., apply to LT.•COL. W. M. GARTSHOIIE, President. THOS. A. BROWNE, Secretary. eLine of China Cups, Saucers and Plates, are very pretty, fine goods, and you can buy one or a dozen at A VERY sPECIAL PRICE nothe te of that "Old Reliable" line of Brown Semi -Porcelain Cups and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetable Bowls, &c., for every -day use, and selling As Cheap as Common White Goods. uharson " The China House," Wingham. WHAT PRETTY GOLD RINGS ! That is what everybody says when they see our stock. • We make any style of Gold Rings to order. We think we know as much about watch work as any other man in Canada, and will give for a watch we can't fix. HALSEY PARK.