HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-24, Page 9ADVANCED HONOURS-Margaret Shortreed of the Walton 4-H Club received, her advanced honours at the 4-H Achievement Day held in Clinton last Wednesday for completing 18 4-H homemaking courses. Absent: Jo-Anne Collins-and Diane Collins of the Clinton clubs and Connie Marion of Seaforth. (Expositor Photo) Vegetaialesin a Pickle Walton girls complete club THE RUNNERS-Physical Fitness is- for all ages at 1pperwash Army' Cadet Camp, Shown above are (left) Major R.P. (Bob) Russell, R. ,R. #4, Walton and (right) Major F.A. (Frank) Golding- of 125 'Market Street Seaforth .completing their daily run. Both officers are in their 50's and run in excess of 1,000 miles each 'year. For trivia fans, the average training shoe lasts approximately 900 miles. B210 2Dr Delux,g Freight & dealer Prep. Prov. Sales Tax Licence '4155' 180.°° 173 .40 30.00 AA, • Pickle", when Mary Alice Ryan and 'Margaret Short- reed were commentators during the afternoon prograrh. , - The Cheerio Club met August 16th at, the home of. Dbreen Carter, .• -The meeting opened with a reading "God was near" by Gladys Armstrong. Acting president Vi Ruins vvdcomed. all: :Roll 'call was answered by a current event or pet peeve by 11 members, visitors Doreen Carter and. Edna Holmes. Program included a read- • ing `Johnny Entertains' by Ida Durnin, reading, 'memories' by Vi Burns, a • contest 'Livestock Breeds', conducted by Ida Diunin. Several' games of Bingo played. Next meeting is Sept-. ember 20th at home of Laura Lyon. Ltinch was served„by Gladys ArrUstrong, Vi Burns. and . lda Durmin. Londesboro Cheerio Club airs'pet peevec' an hour's play in and around the swimming pool. They worked on' a mural to illus- trate their course of study,,, "The Caribbean Connection. A lunch of fresh fruit and fruit puch such as Caribbean children might have, close the gathering. Correspondent_ Mrs: Bert Shobbrook 523-4250 Greeting into the sanc- tuary on Sunday a.m. was Earl Gaunt. Ushers were Cheryl Lyon, Rose, Mason, Dianna Shobbrook , and Shelley Westerhont. Soloist was Kevin Hulley singing `Spirit of God' and 'Thats hoW it is with God's Love' accompanied by organist Louise McGregor. Rev. MeDonald's children' story was "pretend we' are hungry and thirsty," Junior teacher was Joan Whyte. The message was 'God does answer 'our prayer" taken from the text 1,i,6 psalm. Flowers .in memoriam stand were in loving memory of Mrs. C•thol Bruce by her family. Rev. McDonald announced Hope Chapel Cemetery Devotion service meet Sun- day August 27th at 3 p.m. If it rains it will be held in Londeshoro United Church. Sympathy is extended to Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall - 887.6677 The mystery car tour, sponsored by the Walton Women's- Institute started out from the community hall shortly after 9:30 a.m. stopping first at the Hullett- Wildlife Conservation Area. through Vanastra' past the' Bannockburn Wildlife Area. The sun broke through making it a very lovely drive. Then members went through Varna ,fo Bayfield where an hour was spent browsing' through the many craft and antique stores. The Dry Dock Restaurant in Bayfield ..was the place chosen for dinner. After an hour break members drOve along the lake road to St. Joseph, turning to Zurich headed for the Country„Spire near Russeldale. An hour' was spent at atton WI ' lI t 1E HURON EXPOSITIMI AUGUST 24 1978 Takes Mystery tour in ,toy's United Church which was purchased by Ross and Shirley Smith in the early seventies. It is filled with crafts and gifts, also home made silk flowers. They also added a *tea room which is located in the choir loft, specialising. in fresh homemade bread and ,:'Scones , Beechwood Leaving there, driving to theBeachwood' Pottery in McKillop Township where the young couple showed how to form clay orha potter's wheel. They had many art- icles on the shelves in different stages, some ready tobd fired in the kiln. A few more miles to Walton made it nearly 100 miles, a worth- while sight-seeing tour. Thanks ,, to drivers Ruth Axtmann and Leona McDonald. - Mr. and _Mrs, Barney Pullock, Toronto, visited on Sunday with her sister Mrs. Alice Davidson, theie mother Mrs. Grace Farry remained with Alice. Mr. and Mrs. David 'Fair- service and Maure'en of D'Ormeaux, Quebec 'is spending this week with his mother , Mrs. Myrtle Fair- service. They spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Muir of Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shabbrook visited on ThurSday night with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Burchall RR 2 Dublin. Colleen Carter of Exeter spent weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter. 'Sunshine Times", spoil-, sorcd,a bus trip on Sherwood bus to C.N.E. on Sunday, going from here were Lorne_ 'and Addie Hunking, Marj, Bicknell, Maria and Mae Smith, Margaret Taylor, Mts. (Bette Stutz and Natasha of Waterlo.o visited Huron tin Wednesday with Mr; and Mrs. Torrance Pundas. Bombachos held here BACK TO SC*0014 Men's and Boys Shirts Short and Long Sleeves in new plaids, plains 6.95 - 11.95 Slacks & Jeans Beit makes, low prices, Men's Winter Jackets reason.,f)iy priced. , Also, carry a complete line in sox 5 ties, underwear and .work clothing ,for fall and winter. SH1NEN'S Seaforth rictof'sUrn010:14: 9 MAIN STREET SOUTH, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK PHONE • BUSINESS (519) B27-0902 HOME (519) 527.0052 larommummommisme Walton girls participated' in the Achievement ' Day program on Wednesday, at the Ontario St. United Church, Clinton. 13 girls took the summer project, "Gar- den Club Preservation" from the Walton Area, Leaders were Alberta Hudie and Pearl McCallum who received her 5 year leader certificate., Other awards were given to Peggy Humphries for County Honours, Dianne Godkin Pmvincial Honours and to Margaret Shertreed ' for Advanced Honours." The Walton Club had an exhibit; "Vegetables in a Messengers' held. 'a "Bombachos" at the home of their leader Mrs. Brenda Radford. A "Bombachos" is a Caribbean word for a party. The boys sand girls enjoyed Mr. and MrS,. Arnold-Bruce on the death of his mother Mrs, Athol Bruce of Belgrave August 16th. Don Harris' of Kamloops, B.C.• spent Wednesday night with his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook called on Mrs. Laura Saundercock and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shobbrook, Miss, Ruby McVittre of Clinton spent the past week with her cousins Mr, and Mrs. Jim Scott,, Sr. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schall of Waterloo spent the weekend with his Sister Mr. and Mrs. Ken' Scott. Lis and Paula Crummer of Stratford spent a few days last week with their aunt Miss Edyth 'Beacon and cousin Deanna Lyon. Jeff Shaddick i's attending ameeting of Actuaries' in Chicago•this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick and LIciy accomOnied hint and are visiting their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dodds, Chicago, Elmira a week ago Saturday. Mrs. Viola Kirkby arrived home a week ago from a 3 week European Tour. We were sorry to learn that Jaue Leeming met with a misfortunate accident while riding her bicycle recently. She required several stitches Mrs. Phyllis Dutik of Toronto spent the past week at the home of Allan and Mrs, McCall and also visited with former Brussels and Walton friends. It is nice to report that Mrs., Maud Leeming returned to her. home last Wednesday after spending a week or so in Clinton Hosp- ital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Corbett, Chris and Terry of Burling- ton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lee and fan% y Alice- Btithannon.Th-0 enjoyed the Scottish festival. John and Claude Cart- wright returned home on' Sunday from spending last week with their aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Kuntz and cousins, Kitchener. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold- Longman' were her sister Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burleigh, Goderich. Personals Nit's. • Jean Broadfoot, Walton and Mrs. Fern Patterson, Seaforth spent last-week•in-London with Mr. and Mrs, Wm . Farquharson. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Arn.Carter and girls Glenda and Susan to the,village, who have been moving into their new home formerly owned by Jean Miller. They moved from Milverton. Mr. Carter has the Walton Welding 'and Repair Shop. . Mr. and „Mrs. Walter Bewley have returned home from a motor trip to the Western Provinces, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Raven and son at Ed, mouton Alberta. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills attended the Fergus Highlander Games at SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY. FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Type', of Repairs Phone 527-0270 Used Furniture Dining Room Set Chesterfield Sleeper Lounge Captains Chairs THESE PIECES MUST GO Any Reasonable Offer Accepted! eat the Sales Tax Rise Order now and save Robert -L. Plumsteel Interiors FINE FURNITURE • CARPETS • PAINTS • WALLCOVERINGS • DRAPERIES Ross Hodgert Hugh Benninger John Moore Clayton Harris Joseph Uniac Mrs.Elaine Skinner Wally Burton DIRECTORS Jack Harrigan Robert Gardiner Lloyd Morrison Lorne Feeney Ray McCurdy William Chaffe CABLE° Zenith 82110 "Usborne & ilibbert Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company (Established in 1876) Provides Full Insurance 'Coverage for Town Dwellings 'as well as Farm Properties Woodham 229-6643 Dublin 345-2001 Dublin 345-2512 Mitchell 348-9051 Mitchell 348-9012 Exeter 235-1553 Exeter 235-0350 t ADJUSTORS R.R.3, Lucan R.R.2, Staffa R.R.1, St. Marys R.R.2, Dublin R.R.1, Kirkton Mitchell Dresses Sizes 7-20 in 1 and 2 piece - fashions darker prints. $24.95 545.00 also, sizes 14 1/2 - 26 1/2 . Skirts 8 Blouses to In the new Fall sItades at low low prices. Winter Coats and 8 Jackets All reasonably priced Slacks In Gabardines, Polyesters 12.95 • 17.95 all sizes. Sieepwear In Cottons, Brushed and Flanellete, pyjamas, gowns , dusters. Handbags new Handbags Just arrived. Londesboro Residents visit Chicago boa,. DATSUN LIMITED P.O. BOX 370 WING-HAM ONTARIO, CANADA 357-2444 Sale Price $4155 .00 '4490' $5195.00 '4825' $4775.00 '4815 ." $6055 ." not included] "JULIO" Write for Free Brochure NAME ADDRESS TOWN PHONE I HAVE LOT YES( ), NO( ) M ROYAL HOMES: PER .' SQUARE-FOOT! ORE .QUAL1TY CUSTOM:' Build fo your Re- quirements QUALITY:Materials and ."' • "-^`," WOrkmonship CHOICE: of Colours and- Design BUILD: on your lot or on one ' of ours Purchas, from Manufacturee- GUARANTEE:foThra5iyeaCro'sunts ROYAL HOMES 11W MADE BY NISSAN .0atsur):4 TD. Seaforth 527-1010 527-1011 Brand New Datsun Inventory Clear -Out Famous B?10 Mfgr's List 2 dr. Deface , #385609 $4535.00 4 dr. Vinyl roof package # 980685 $4870.00 Amazing 620 Truck 620 Truck LWB. Ser. #315191 $5145.00 620 Truck SWB ser.#330857- $5095.00 All New 510 2dr, Standard, ser.#007603 5 dr., Wagon, Automatic, ser.#029543 $6435.00 [4% PST Lic. Fee - FRT & Dealer prep., Low Rate Financing Available No Money Down - if you qualify $4538 .4° • Down Payment 400.°° $4138.4° Monthly Payment$1 24.23 Sales Rep. HOWARD BURNLEY Based on 42 months, Interest 13 1/2 % - Total charge $1077.66