HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 66 r i�iJll. 1Vr .1.1v() ILA .� � 1�� ;lt ' 1s- 1..J U L ST 2, 189b, ...- — Ise egak4 , ed his being sent back there at that Women Who Should Nrver slurry ' �� 1 4 tithe. Nest came the re•ot'ganiz- �. CCCt��� �lllt "'�� ' ation of the Yukon tel ministion under the act of last Session and the ap- .�,o. i pointment of Mr, Ogilvie to succeed .Major Walsh, the latter retiring ae- F1tIDA•Y, ,G1 hi i3, 1808. OUR OTTAWA LEITER. cording to the arral,genlent he made 1 with the government when he origin . 1 ally accepted office. Again came (From cur own korrrsrondcrt) 1 the chorus of madams, aIld it was Ottawa, Ang. ;h•d. pointed out that in spite of himself.1 After several weeks of intense ex: Mr. Sifter was compelled to appoint i eitenlent and much. searching (t1, at least one honest man. I heart the Opposition will today have AN Awl uL InscoV1s12I% en opportunity of meeting their` "hated rivals" an the floor of the So far so good, b It now conies the Local Legislature and saying ofife: horrible discovery that Administra• I .ally, and with all the responsibility tor Ogilvie is a relation of the Minister Gf their representative character upon and therefore of necessity must he them, a few of the things with which corrupt and in everyway undesirable they have been filling the columns for the public service, The reckless cf the daily press since the House was disregard on the part of the Conser- called together. It does not at all waive press, fur the effect upon the follow that all the horrible threats public mind which this sudden re• avid materialize or that an attempt velation will have is reprehensible in • will be made to substantiate all the test be e erne,made fort thes! some nalto allowance statements ; past experience has t demonstrated that Conservative of the discovery upon -_the super• of the Op- position purists. When they have Tho woman who thinks that the statements out of Session and in Ses: sensitive moral organism lion are not always identical. WHAT WILL BE THE PROGRAMME? it is scarcely likely that the Session will be a protracted one. The Gov: +ernment programme is brief and definite ; that of the Opposition has set to be announced, but if they are foolish enough to take the i11:consid: ered advice of some of their journal: istic supporters much public time :and personal energy is likely to be wasted by purposeless and generally ineffective obstruction. None but extreme partizans even profess to question the justice and common 'pence of the course proposed by Premier hardy, for after as exhaust: ive a newspaper debate as has ever een accorded to any public clues: tion, the case tor the Government :las been so conclusively made out that no legal man, or lay citizen who values his reputation for perspicuity, has any hesitation in pronouncing in its favor; Of course the situation is :a desperate one for the Opposition, and every excuse must be made for the reckless tactics which they threaten to use, but the friends of good government have little cause for alarm. The better sense of the Province is undoubtedly with the 3iIinisterialists and there is no reason to fear the ultimate outcome of the Session. ALAS POOR OGILVIE! How are the mighty fallen'. Until a. few days ago the one man in rhe public eve who was, according to the Conservative estimate, absolutely incorruptible ani in whom there was no spot or blemish, was William Ogilvie. By the chance of circum: stances be had been sent into the Yukon country some years ago in charge of a survey party. In pur: nuance of that work he brought out the first extended data of its im: Incense resources and pointed out the necessity of an organized adminis- tration, though --in parenthesis it nay be remarked, that the late Government paid ro atteutionto these reports. When however the present Minister of the Interior as sumed office and became possessed of the facts, he made immediate use of 1f41r. Ogilvie's work, and as the set -- vices of the exp'orer himself were not then available as administrator, appointed Major Walsh, a man who everybody recognized as most able and reliable, and whose execution of bis commission has proved himself worthy of that opinion. Then there was a great outcry that the Minister bad surplanted Mr. Ogilvie because be was too, honest a man, utterly re- gardless of the fact, above mention- ed, that he was never in aathority and that his original duties preclud• The woman who proudly declares that she cannot hem a pocket hand• kerchief, enver maria up a bed in her life, ale t.1 adtli with a t.4 Wiper that she Succosf;fu1 at Last. Si:iiltA"1'11 SERVICES. "I was a suihtrev from neuralgia in my' side and headaches. 1 followed: numer- ou5 prescriptions without hentatit • and was persuaded to try flood's Sarsapa- rilla, When 1 had taken only ono bot- tle I realized it was doing me good and has "been in society- ever since she I continued taking it until 1 whe cured. Mae. Canaan! 1'1iu1x, txt.urgetown, Ont. IIOOD'S P1L[ S aro the favorite family cathartic. Eaay to take, easy to operate. t23O. was fifteen." The woman who would rather nurse :t plug (log than a baby. The woman who thinks she can get $5,000 worth of' style out of a one thousand dollar salary. r1iie woman who wants to refurnish her house every spring. The woman who buys for the mere pleasure of buying. The woman who does not know low many cents, halves, quarters, dimes and niekles there are in a dollar. The woman who thinks that men are angels and demigods. How to Treat Earache. - At the first cy mptoms of earache let the patient lie cn the bed with the painful ear uppermost. Fold a thick towel and tuck it around the neck ; then with a teaspoon fill the ear with warm water. Continue doing this for fifteen or twenty minutes. The water will fill the ear orifice and flow over on the towel. Afterwards turn over the head, let the water run out and plug the ear with warns gly- cerine and cotton. rrhis may be The woman who would rather die done every honer until relief is ob- than wear a bonnet two seasons tained. The wnter should be quite old. warm but nct hot. recovered from the first shock they l 1 wi suggest what course should be pursu- ed under the circumstances, We can hardly believe that anything will prove satisfactory, short of an immediate recall of this latest Sifton- ian connection pitelltorked into the public crib, and if this is not followed by the request for the immediate resignation of' t'•ce nepotic Minister, the Government will be false to its trust. cook and nurse can keep louse. ll doubtless be in a condition to A New Garment for Ten Cents. Have you ever tried to dye over your cast off garments ? Thousands in Can- ada answer, "Yes and very successfully too." To those who have not attempted the work we would say, "There 1s money in it when you use the Diamond Dyes." Old dresses, capes, blouses, jackets, coats, pants, vests stockings, ribbons and other articles of wearing apparel, can be re- newed and fitted for wear at a veru small cost. The sum of ten cents expended for some fashionable color of the Dia- mond Dyes will often save you many dollars. Beware of the cheap package and common soap grease dyes; they spoil your goods. waste your money, and ruin your temper. All up-to-date dealers sell the Diamond Dyes. See that the name "Diamond" is on each package you buy. He Crushed the Waiter. The woman who reads cheap novels and dreams of being a duchess or countess. The woman who thinks it is cheaper to buy bread than to make it. The woman who marries in order to have somebody to pay her bills. The woman who expects a declara- tion of love three times a day. The woman who expects to have a "good, easy time." The woman who cares more for the style of her winter cloak than she cares for the health and comfort of her children. The woman who stays at home only. when she cannot find a place to visit. The woman who thinks embroider- ed centre pieces and "doylies" are more necessary than sheets, pillow- cases and blankets. The woman who buys brie -a -brae for the parlor and borrows kitchen utensils from her neighbor. The woman whose cleanliness and order extend no further than she front hall and the drawing room. The woman who wants things just beeause "other women" have them. The woman who thinks she is al; ornament to her sex if she wins a progressive euchre prize. Children Cry for .STI 9 5 M. T'IIODIt1T--Rev, 1)r. 1'aeeoe, pas -'t or. Services at 11 a n1 and 7 p m, i t hSBYT1aRIAN--atev. I). Berrie pastor, Services at 11 a at and? p m. FtPIS C:01'AI'L, St. Paul's—Rev. W m. Lowe, rentor. Services at 11 a in awl 7 p m. BAPTIST—Rev, Jas, Hamilton, pas -1 tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p Ln OONGRII(GA'1IONAL---Rev. 1I. 1B.. Mason, pastor. Services at 1.1 a m and 7 p m . CHRISTIAN WORKERS — Misses Outram and Lock in cc mmancl, Services at 3 p ruand 8pm. SALVATIONARMY—Adjutant Miles • and wife in command. Services at 11 a, m,3ptn and 8pm, In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p lrl. W. E. Gillespie, the Penetanguish- ene merchant who was arrested at the instance of Thibadeau Bros. on a charge of obtaining .$7,000 worth of goods from them under false pre- tenses, has been sent for trial. An author of distinction and of distinguished appearance, living in For Over Fifty Years. Boston, left his house at an early AN OLD ANDWELL TRIED REylEDY— hour of the morning, feelirg so far Mrs. Winslow' s Soothing Syrup has from well that he bad been unable bee❑ used for over fifty years by - lions of mothers for their cblldren while to take any breakfast. But being teething, with perfect success. It soothes somewhat refreshed by his walk and I the child, softens the gums, allays all the invigorating air, he decided it pain, cures wind colic, and is the best iarrhoea. Is pleasant to would be better for him before be•• 1 t emedy for d the taste, Soid by druggists in every ginning' his day's work in his office . part of the world. Twenty-five cents a to partake of some light refreshment, 1 bottle. Its value is incaluable. Be sure and, happening to pass a fashionable and ask for Mrs. Wi❑slow'a Soothing restaurant, he entered. I Syr up, and take no other kind Immediately the waiters, who from > Mies French's Mexican Pottery . long practice are generally able to' size up a mon and a prospective fee, , The following is said to be alto• advanced with all the haste compa- gether characteristic of Miss French Mille with the dignity of the house. (Octave Thanet), who is described 'Murray Lanman's FLORIDA WATER THE SWVEF.TEST (MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRI SHIN° AND ENDURING OF ALL PEItl"UNIIlS 1r"OI2 THE IiAtIOKERCHIEFi TOIL_"T OR BATH. ALL DIIUGGiSTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. /MOO. .0•1•1011•CaMitil•MMOMMIIIIMINNION•12111.1 But, is so happened that the author as being amiability and sweetness was taken in charge by the grandest itself• On one occasion an indivi of the grand waiters, with the grandual in common workman's garb est of the grand manners, whc took came lip the elevator to her apart- the customer's hat and overcoat and ments and presented himself at her put them away, and then stood snit- study door. 'There's some freight for you jest ing blandly, a.vaiting the order. 1 „ The author, scarcely glancing at come in on the steamer, muni, he the bill of fare which the waiter laid , said• before him, said : "I3ring me a milk ',inquired. what is it ?" :Hiss French. toast." Ilglllred. The waiter heard, but remained{ "Two crates of Mexican pottery, motionless all attention to hear the mum." I rest of the anticipated large order. 1 "But I haven't ordered any," she "That is all I want," said the ext ostulated. I y "Sure, hut some friend is sending "Hurry Hurry up, The waiter, surprised almost be- it,e the most like, and I come to ax far ynntl maintaining his habitual dig- job of hauling tt, up fvr you,' nity, managed at last to move oft, said the man. with disappointment and contempt "Why, I shall be very glad to give stamped upon every feature of his you the job, my man, and pray be countenance. careful in handling it," Miss [t'reneh The author had not failed to notice answered k.nflty• the disposition of' the waiter, and had ``That! will, mutts, sure and there's already dropped back into his posiket ,,G freight Cif It j,r s before the atoll" the genes nus fee he had intended, can leave the yard, I'll take it along when the waiter, after sotne delay, if you'll {,rive trirp tltf± change and purposely protraeted no doubt, slowly bring thea e'r1ltr> rtfylit ftp. returned with the toast, laying down I Alt this happened more than tt. at the saine time, as the custom ot Year ago, and to tills day Miss French the house was, a cheek for twenty- is wondering what has :income of the five cents, the price of the tnode3t man, the and lite Mexican putt. (lisp. cry.-- Philadelphia, Times. "That'r3 a small cheek,' be re Those 'hell Kidneys. marked, superciliously, I "Yes," said the author, quickly ; !mod Twin Kidneys toets docy.T4t they nandiver do "it would have been fifty carts at a it you ere to be a healthy roan er wm lirit- class house." man. B'Ibre. "' Wood's Phoaphodilse, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Sfx packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed nn receipt, lllspasix, tnYdels six price, curePamphlets free will Tho Wood Cornpoay, Windsor, Ont. Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell, Druggist. —IS ruhrd:;If1.P•-- BVBRY FRIDAY MORNING --AT TWO— Ti MS u:;-- Tif'iJiES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE :,TRE:` WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subsoription price, $i per year, in advance I Dr. A, W. Chase Telfa a Friend That E1ghty Out of Every Hundred of Humanity are Arnaud by 1iGh,ey and Liver Troubles. BANK of HAMILTON ADVERTISING CRATES -- _ :.ace - 1 I yr. 1 0 neo 1 3 1110. 1 1 mo• One Column $00 0050 if111-(,),1 I S po• hall ,. 4000000 I21.3200000 e 0 j 600 Quarter " SO0 00 I y0'10-0 1: 00 T n0 (I 3 00• One such li OO 00 3 00 2,7 O6 100 WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, $776,000 Presidunt—J OLIN STUART. Vice•L'residcut—A. G. RAMOA1. Legal ttnd ether casual ativcrtlsumet•t. 81: per 100. for that iuscrtion,and 30 per lb,r foroaeh subsequent haertion. Me.sured by nonpurailscale. annul notices lOc, pis line for first tuvertlon, and, 6:• per line for each subsequent msertir r. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed. Situations and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 60o. for oaoh• subsequent month,,. !louses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. gl for filet month, 50e. per subsequent month, Larger advertisements in p'•oportton. These term will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or or , longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without epeolfio directions, will he inserted till forbid and charged' accordingly. I:mai iu,;y advortisemente must be paid in advance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week 11. B. ELLIOTT, PRorRIRTOR AND POMMIES. DIRECTOUS JOHN PaOOTOR, Oxo. ROAM, wM GIRsoN, 1(I P. A. T. woon, A. B. LEE (Toronto)•. Cashier—J. TUhtNBULL. Savings Bank—Ilours,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 51 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special i,epoeits also received at current rates of Ir..:rest. Drafts o, Great Britain and the United State. bought and sold Dr. Chase in his wisdom foresaw the need there would be for so grand a medicine as Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and so universally have they be- come known and used that go w.here you will round the globe, you'll be able to buy them. They are a pleasant medicine, effec- tive, quick to act, mild to use, but pow- erful in 'healing. For Constipation, Bil- iousness, Stomach Disorders, Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Urinary Troubles, I3:heumatism, Skin Eruptions, P'im.ples, Impure Blood, they are specific. None genuine but those having the signature and head -cut of Dr. A. W. Chase. Beware of counterfeits. TOS. MULLES', Esq., m W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. 1)ICIiINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 per oentwith privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not, and accounts collected. ROBT. McINDOO. Beaver Blocs: Winlrham. Ont ME:.CHANT, LUCHNOW. ONT., lured of Seriou4 Stomach Troubles. (ler. ie What Ino fags: I was troubled for twenty years with acute stomach trouble and cogistl- Dation, and had tried almost every- thing I could hear of, but got no re- lief. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills were recommmended to me. The first dose Itook gave ole relief. I found ::hem to be the thing I had been look- ing for. They have cured me. THOMAS MILLEit. sae tGIS7iRISTCR ED<. tape Made a well Man oof e INDAPO THE GREAT HINDOO REMEDY rummies THIN ABOVE itenuttefn308 aV e. , Cu all N9rroue nlseoees. Failing Memory Paresis. Sleeploeenees, Nightly Emie- itons, eto, caused• by past abuebs, gives vigorendsize to shrunken nr,ane and gnLcklr but u, eIi toree Lo.O lttanheed to old nr yo0ug, Eaeilir erried in ,eat pocket. Prroe 711.00 a ourn r Biz l'or43°5.00 evUh awritten.pnn.ranMe ec euro or rlwn.>/ "`.funder!, Do•rw nut A11 I51ITATIOIO, bt1. la■,st ori having INDaPO. It your drnrtni.t h•'s not Rot it. wo will send it prepaid. rltNUW'Kt/A0EDY CR., Propr.o Chfc,e's ill .•r 4 ^ nt , Chisholm's Horner Drug Store, Wh,ehnm, Ont. GRAND 'FUNK RAILWAY. DEPART ARRIVE 6 50 5. 01. 305 p. • 3 30p m 10 25 p m 855.t01 305pm (1.53a in 11 10 a m 33Cpm 80OpnJ 1110O.rn G5Oam S3Opnl 330pxi? 10'25p m 8 3Oam Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South Kincardine Cook's Cotton Root Compou tr 1uaaeednlly used monthly- by oyer 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotter Rolm Om. eyed, Take 6to other, as all Mixtures, pills end imit$ttonr faro dangerous. Prise, No. 1, E1 Per box, No. f1,10 degrees tame ger,13per box. No. 1. or J, mailed en receipt of price and two **cent itempt4, The Cook Compels, Windsor Ont. {•'•Nos. 1 and 7 sold Ano recommended by all responsible Druggists tit Canada. No,1 and No, 3 for sale by Colin A. Complicit, Drul(eist DIt, F. H. I(ALBFLEISCH, PHYSICIAN, SUR.. GLUM, AND 1uCtU0IIE(Jit. Successor to Dr, W. Graham BI(USSELS ONT. int Cinss Honor Graduate of rhe Universities of Trinity (Toroito) Queer, $ (Kingston). and of Trin- ity Medical College ; Fellow of Trinity Medical College and Men her of the Collette r f Physicians. and Surgeons of Ontario. Post Graduate Course in Detroit and Chicago 1800 Speelal attention paid to diseases of Eye Ear Nose find Throat and Diseases of Women. Ccnaultation ir, NS,glieh and German. rr0•Catarrh treated succe^brolly in all its forma. AGJENTS: Book business is better that! for years past ;also have better al d faster sense' books. Acmes cigar• Mg from SIO to i..410 weekly, A few lenders are • Queen V•ctoria" ; "Life of Ole. (lndstone," •'illy Mother's Bible Stories" •'Proeressitc Speaker." •'Klondike (told Field," "women:' "Glimpses ot the Unseen." "Breakfast, Dinner, Supper." Books on time. BRADLEY •GA1UIETSON CrtllPAN Y, Luirrirn, Toronto, • WINGHAM T.) VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SULIQITOR, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan at, lowest rata interost. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block Wouin4u. STEAM PUMP WOKS J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, WInghum. Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANE OF IIAOIILTON. IIONEY TO LOAN. OIBce—Meyer Bleak. w'Lngham 1trl. G. CAMERON, t1ARRISTNR, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &a. Office—Corner Ilamilton and St.. Andrew streets: opposite Colborne Hotel. GODER tell, ONTARIO. DHNTISTILT.—J. S.JF.ItOME, L. D. si•,WrttonAtts ,y _ )n .nanufactur aret•clacs sets of tenth as cheap as they can be made in the Dominion. Teeth extractei absolutely' without pail,, by his new 1 process, guaranteed perfe, t1y safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, oppo.lte the Brureeviek Hotiae. ALLSTEEL INViHqjgjILL MY' sex ' "A co - of THAT1;52'4911111S litmus., purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I am now prepared to supply the public with Wood and iron Force and Lift Pumps, Brass and iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed )Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, oaths,ripe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection 'with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windiniils tor power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering by mail should always state depth of well. All work guaranteed or no sale. 011N RITCHIE GENERAL INSURANCE AGI'NT WINot[AH. ONTARIO! .f} DEANS, JR.., w'1NOr AM, LICENSED AUCTIONEER LION ,olio COUNTY 01" HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charger& Moderate. 1 OHN CURRIE, tYINullo1L, ONT., el LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and F01m 10,plementS specialty. All orders loft at the TOM °nice promptly atten3 od to. Terre reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. S _Camp Celcdotia, No. 40, meets ■ . , the first n„i third Alonday in ever) 0,00111, in .he odd Fellows !ILLI. Vi,iting brethren %%Mean• J. Murray, C11111. D Steve. art Itece.see e WANTEDLYf osbtiulgy nd,uenn ganLn 0w11o1e`1, oefr uonldorubntd character, good talkers, ahthiticus and industrious. can find employment in a good cense, with $40 pea month and upwards accordh.g to abi.ity. htsV, T. S, LINSCOTT,1080800, W ANTED. Sit en order writcre. Salary or commission to shit able persons. ADVERTISE! 1. helices building, Toronto. • WANTED. Men Dud women alto can yolk hard talking and writing six home daily ter six days aw'.0k and will be tonteat halt ten dollars occkly, Address : DEW IDEAS Cu , ToRoaTo, TeaCliilrs and other 5110111 mon foe var•ation or permanently to solfcit for hada; Alt Encyel0rsedia of the Country, in Five Royal quarto volumes. No drlivetinl. Commission ILttd weekly, . I.teneutT PUate0I1i,,! Co. Tnno' T� WANTED JOB PRINTING, TNCLt1LUNG nooks, PautphMts, Posters, 1311 Heads, Circulars, d(o., kr , executed in tho best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice, Apply or address 11, it. ELLIOTT. T mks Ogles. rvingham BOOKBINDING. C. 3V[O]3 NI t I'(] ST.II aro pleased to announce that any Books Ott V Y1 a '1 pr mpt attention. Prieto torr'inding I will any Itsl* Beet 140 Wingbam, Ont. will be given on applioetlon o the Tisa Med 210 w1 da ly fo', 'w. yc at le ^ h( ti of al 31 it a1 of Ix . r( • C t 1 3