HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 5Viz-
A taikative tag.
The tag on every pair of "f2I1ater;;hoes'i
tell" the leather, its awar, service
adapted to, how the shoe is Stade, holy
to care for it and the factory number, by
which any faults may be traced to the
cperative. This tag is good for five
cents on a bottle of Slater Shoe Polish.
Goodyear "Welted and stamped on
; the sok by the makers. iI3.co, 4,00
and $g.00 per pair.
"The Sflater Shoe."
For Sale. Only by HOMIITH & BOWLES.
.a• A .� \1.1 1 DIES, AUGUST ] 2, 11,96.
' The council met pursuant to ad-
jourttrnent on August lst, 1898, mem- ham for Goderich on Friday next at
hers all present, the reeve in the about 8 30 o'clock.
chair. Minutes of lest meeting read I Our baseball boys were defeated
and passed. The treasurer pt esented at Palmerston last week, Score 30
his half year statement and on mo- ! to G.
tion of Ishist:er•, seconded l.y Code Mr, Win, C. Smith, P. N. G., is
was accepted as satisfactory. On representing Western Star Lodge at
motion of Code, seconded by Isbister, the Grand L..dge meeting of the I.
John Mooney was appointed collector 0. 0. F in Galt this week.
for the current year on furnishing The contract for the new rectory
satisfactory security to the amount in connection with St, John's chut'(:h
of 812,000. was let to Thos. Newsome for about
A claim was presented by John $1,400. There were three tenders.
Diment for damage due to a buggy Work will be commenced at once.
on the road near 1',lncvale. It is reported that J. D, Ronald
has purchased the Fire Engine Works
from E. H Thomas, of Norwich, and
will set them to work in building
the celebrated Ronald steamers.
In the three funerals conducted
by Messrs. Walker & Cardiff recently,
the aggregate ages of the deceased
was 2.27`v' Mrs Anderson
Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts.
The Excursion train leaves Wing-
Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs. Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs
Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap.
on short notice, and at reasonable prices.
For a Suit Luther J. Williams
that will tit comfortably,
look well, wear well, and
keep in good shape, you
had better go to
New Spring Goods and Samples
of all the latest designs in Scotch
and Canadian Tweeds, Worsteds,
fierges and Overcoatings to choose
from. Orders filled promptly at
very low prices.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block.
Kirkby—Code — The same was
ordered to be 'filled.
Kirkby — Cude — The following
accounts NN ere ordered to he paid:
J. McAleer, repairing culvert and
(Inniagc > 3 ; A. E. Bred win, printing
e'12 ; ,Jas, blesser, inspecting work
0 le Bell, cuttiu ' bit eh $2
(Thoroughly experienced and prac-
a1.. , g i
1'; . Dtaut,ders, gravelling on east
Boundary' 430 ; J. L Geddes, repair-
ing scraper 75ets; Geo. Pollard, gra-
vel and culvert 312.50 ; Jno. McKin-
nol;, gravelling $43.50; R. Sterling,
insl•eeting work $3 75 ; C. Barber,
grnclutg ;�30; .Jas.Golley, inspecting
work and repair ing pick *5 25 ; Jno.
Jitl(innon, grareliing• $17.15 ; J.
Ni lherv, culvert $7 75 ; M. Kelly,
elestene bitch # 4 ; M I3rooks, clean-
ing' ditch SI ; .Ino. Colcluugh, repair-
ing hill and euvering bridge 411.25;
A. ylcNally, repairing scraper :';335;
R. Mclk.naid, eulverts S','7.50; 1).
Lewis, draii, $3 ; Llliutt tiros, tile
i'12 ; .J. McKinnon, gravelling X20;
\i' J. .Johnston. inspecting work
5; i\atson Bros., gravelling $17
f... keravel ; Wm. (Atte $tU.1i) ; E.
J ;.>.ndy 4.",:.5.C4.); 1V ni. Pori est 447 ;
11 . Purvey $0.15 en
; It Solidi $-1 80 ;
11', Yonill >.I 4N; ,J Sellars -I-lets; JADIESTODl•'N.
(.e-,. 11'. Prt,ct(u ' a.ut.) 1'. J1,ctcson Many people people of this place
years, rz.:— ,
05 ; M r, Hulley, 82; and Mr. brain,
Inspector Howe, of the Under-
writers' Association made his annual
visit to this place last week, and had
an official test of our fire appliances.
Geo. Edwards has his eider mill
and apple butter factory refitted and
ready for business.
Mrs. Mungo Wallace was 72 years
of age Sunday, the 31st ult. She still
retains the marriage line sha received
from Rev. Robt. Auld, of Ayr, Scot-
land, certifying to the fact that on
April 10th, 1840, 11lungo Wallace,
of the Parish ofOcheltrce, and Eliza-
beth Simpson, of the Parish of Irvin,
were united in marriage. Gel. Pau-
lin's name is subscribed as vestry
clerk. Luncheon was served in
Wallace Tosser after the ceremony.
Remember Firemen's Excursion
to Goderieh on the 19th.
This week it is our sad duty t
chronicle the death of one of
most respected young men, in the
person of Mr. John McKinnon, who
departed this life on Saturday, Aug.
Gth. For some two Fears past he
had been suffering from a complica-
tion of diseases, to which his early
death was due. Mr. McKinnon was
a son of Mr. Neil McKinnon of the
2nd con toad -was-a general favorite
hutong=bis-large circle of friends; On
the 2nd, .who were shocked at the
sad event, although death came not
rlfjeT•p ete1. Deceased was in his
23rd year. The body was interred
in the liVingham cemetery on Monday
to which it was followed by a large
concourse of sorrowing friends and
relatives. The bereaved relatives
have the ' sympathy of the entire
Sen ; A. Button els (15 ; J. )'1ii ? 3 115; who are singing. mournful rhymes,
-iholdice ;$9.:>U ; G. Daley $ 3 21 ; would get a cheerfni raking up if
J. t,ollea 1'.47.48; Mrs, WI ig t 10 i they read the \V itiglia in TIMES;
Y. 1•'elly 4t7 57: T�. Miss Annie Scott Broke her collar
hone one day last week by falling
down the door step.
Air. Peter McFarlane, of Alton, is
home f'or good, as he has dissolved
partnership with his companion.
Miss Mary Strachan was visiting
her old friends on the 2nd of Grey
last week.
Wet. Forest now rides a Cleveland.'
Donald Pope is making things
bum around here. Three barns a
day is what he calls a days' work.
Mr. Wan. Bates, of Wawanosh, was
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Franck
last Sunday.
Harvesting will he nearly wound
up around here this week.
Blyth hand will be at the Excur-
sion to Goderich on Friday of next
1-1,ister—Kirkby -- laws No.
and 7 were duly read and pasted.
tical in all branches,) The council then adjourned to
uu•et again on the lOth of September
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Wing- next
ham and neighborhood that he has sac- Wm. CLAnal, Clerk.
ceeded to the business formerly carried
on by Geo. Shaw at lately by D. Mc
D ld
ona .
He is prepared to supply all kinds of
Meat and Butchers' Supplie,s of the
Best quality at lowest prices.
Orders executed to any part of the
town with despatch.
Telephone No. O.°
Your eyes are priceless. Take care of' them, as no one will take
care of them for you. If you need
buy them from us.
Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and all kinds of
Jewelry. .Repairing promptly
afttended to. 7�
to 1St. 11...T111 H Ef lfL
Tee steamer •'City of London"
m ill Five :3 holo~' snililtt! r't Goder-
it•i, ••n ]Friday irext. 'l'>tke in the
1"ii't men's Exeur,ion 111141 en,i'!a' it.
11'. 31, 111•1•ius011 and son,
All' us., are on a whl-ding trip to
'1'iis• nliurg, 01illi11 1,ud oilier points
Dries Cu bilo, of Sr. iliac was
the guest of her cousin, Miss Sarah
Bl'AN ,
Mrs. Geo. E. Dane, of lfamilton, is
vit-icing at i•er hem e Bele.
Mr A. J. Sanders, tittrrgist, of
Tia erton, has ri tut 1•(d hi n:e having
spent, nulidi'ys at his Mane here.
Mises Minnie Staples and Louise
Ewing, of Teesv a ter, were- visiting,
with friends here last, week,
Workmen are hos\ jointing• staves
at the. cooper shop Bei e for shipment
to Orangeville.
Master Will McLeunirn. of London,
is visiting at the home of Lis uncle,
j Mr. Robert Black.
There is talk of some good bicycle
races being held here in the near
future and that some handsome prizes
will be offered.
From the Front.
The following letter was received.
this week by Miss Carrick of this
own from her brother, Thomas, who
was at the front in the American -
Spanish war. The letter will be
read with interest by Tom's old
friends in this vicinity :—
Santiago -de Cuba, July 19.
Dear Sister, --I am now on Cuban
soil, we lanced here about d week
ago. We left Camp Alger on the
5th of July and weut to New York,
there we took the St. Petal man-of-
war. She is a very large boat and
is the swiftest on the eastern waters.
There were about' thirteen hundred
volunteers an the boat. We were
n the water about five days, and we
landed in Cuba on Sunday evening
w'hei'e the rain just poured down.
We marched about a mile and then
stuck up our tents. They are about
the size of a clog house. n.0 -rand
about three feet high and thele is
just room emntgh for two, The next .
Miss Stalker, of Blyth, spent Sun-
day with Mrs. J. Ross.
The Rev. Mr. Leech, of Toronto,
occupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church on Sunday last.
Messrs. Clegg & Dames, of Brus-
sels, shipped. a car of hogs last week
to Toronto
One of our local sports recenta'
caught a black bass weighing 3g lbs.
Who can beat it? up, 11 there is no yellow fever in the
Rev. Mr. Perris, of Wingham, t>c- regiment we will be forwarded to
cupicd the pulpit in the Presbyter Porto Rico, there we will go to the
ian church Sunday afternoon in the ;rout to fight. If' Santiago had not
Galt is making a b tl for the R.
H. Smith Co's saw works, St. Cat er-
Bargains o In The firm of D. W. Barn S Co. is
Bargains! being turned into a joint stock corn-
under the name of D. W. Karn
Co., with a capital of 4500,000.
day we broke op (41rn 034111(1 and
marched 01•4, tt, vi‘ e miles P We
stuck up our •�, I „' . had
just start(u t.. ;<,,,, .. oe minu-
tes before. wt. h:ndeti t t11' 111Stin—
tion so we just had tv ray ie. a pool
of water all night. We stayed there
about three days then we moved
upon a small mountain, and we are
still here, We are quarantined for
ten days and when the ten dors are
absence of Rev. Mr. Hall.
Mr. Walter Allison is bnjoying a
trip up the lakes at present.
Quite a. number from this vicinity
surrendered we would have been
right in the midst of it , but they
were so nearly starved and scared to
death that ti ey wete anxious to glee
are talking of going to Mai,iroba es up.They made an unconditional
help take off the hsrvest• surrender, tnat is, the TJ. S. Gnvern-
The harvest is nearly completed. went should *et their guns and E. S.
Most of the farmers will finish this S ai:d they tvere to go back to Spain
coming week. This is the earliest There al e a how, twenty thousand pris-
for years. oners, about tit e thousand of them
Take your best girl with you and killed in the t:rst battle and about
enjoy Friday, 19th inst at Goderieh, twelve hundred Americana. Santi-
Firemnen's Excursion. ago is the st cund stongest fortified
eity in the world, and it a+as not
hard to take The soldiers think
T. A. MILLS has just received a large shipment of
Plain and Spotted
After coughs and colds
the germs of consumption
often gain a foothold.
Scott's Emulsion of' Cod-
liver Oil with Hypophos-
tOrtrandy, Lawns, Linens, Linenettes, Prints and Ginghams, • phites will not cure every
-which l have bought at cut prices and will be sold at a bar
' gain. You should see 'our special line ()f
Prints, - usual 10c for 6c; in 39 different
Patterns to choose from.
L it prolongs life, and- makes
.'k fart'(: assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists and ld �� rappers
'which will be clearers out at a special low price.
Call and see these goods before they are picked over.
case; but, if taken In time,
it will cure many.
Even when the disease is
farther, advanced, °some re-
markable cures are effected.
Li the most advanced stages
the days far more comfort-.
able. • Everyone suffering
from consumption.•needs this
food' tame,. '
5.d. Ana tt.oa, s11 druggists.
SCOTT & 1icaWNe, Ct emistt, Tnrnntu.
Friday next—Firemen's Excursion
to Goderich. It will be a hummer.
I ev. A. B. Farney has returned
home after a three weeks visit with
The town 'post office has been
moved one door west of the old
stand and bas been generally im
proved with new boxes, etc. It now
Porto Rico and Havana won't be
hard to take. All the Spanish fleets
are destree co Except one and it don't
amount to eery much and all of the
presents a much better appearance. I American fleets stand as strong as
George Campbell, an old Listowel ever. The e',untie. aroul d hare was
boy, but now a druggist in Boston, cultivated at. ,me time but there bas
visited old friends in town last week. been so muck lighting here between
Geo. Zilliax, jr., is spending Ms the Spanish and Cubans that every-
thing is in a Terrible looking state.
'lies. have 1(1) tiahting off and on
holidays at Niagaea•cn the -Lake.
William Heppler, of Chicago, and
John Heppler, of the Rossin House for over tlfic•t:i \ears. There are
drug store, Toronto, spent a few days cocoanuts, reel goes, grapes, bread
this week under the parental roof.
Tallies Stewart, of the 5th con. of
EIma, finished harvestiug on August
2nd. fever. Tie 1 e ere a tut of crl of it
W EBinning is preparing plans here. It is tellit.le to see the way
fruit, pine al,;•i'•., bananas and sugar
cane, but v,e 0,0 f• chidden to eat
any of it on acetnint of the yellow
. .
for a. new hotel to be built at Gowans- those Cubans r.,•0 < ound. They are
town. half starved a•:d the elothi:-„ half
Dave Galloway has returned from torn off then , (1•f tl,e� of
Cayuga to accept a position with R. exposure ; it's 0 terrible sight. 1 will
T. Kemp.
Misses May and Annie Hunter, of
Toronto are visiting Mrs. H. Hayden,
his parents at hllmvale.
Miss Ross, milliner, was visiting Inkerman street.
with her sister at Brussels. Mrs. Wilson, of Montreal is the
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. White spent a guest of Mrs. Heppler, Dodd street.
• h the latter', lir. and Mrs. Moses Wildfang left
tew clays as weer( w
father at Mitchell. last week for Boston and New York.
Mr. John Gilpin, of Orillia, was J. K. Bricker, of Listowel, hes
visiting friends in this vicinity. bought out the stock of C. Hendry,
Master Hoyle Lennox, of Toronto, general store, at Stirton, at 661 on
is spending the holidays with his the dollar, and this week commenced
rand arents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. running it off.
Andison, Firemen's Excursion to Godes ich
on the 19th, fare only 7
Master Arthur Mason, of Toronto, :a cents from
was visiting at Rev. J. W. Goffin's Wingham.
Mr. Wm. I. Johnston is home from
There are eighty-one flimates in
Snider, Bricker & Co., of Haw
the Huron House of Refuge
ville, have been drilling wells in this
vicinity. They put one down 49
feet at the Anglo-American hotel.
Toronto for a few holidays•
The first organ was completed in Left Prostrate
the Clinton organ tactory on Satur-
The customs collections at the port
of Goderich, for the month of Juiv
netted over fifteen thousand dollars.
Taking Clinton as 0 centre it is
said that in a radius of 16 square
miles there are 00 less than 30 black-
smith til
have to cin,se now, I will have more
wenn tell ties „ext time I w'c if
es. We go to Porto
is the nett place we
le. we succeed it tak-
. this is all this time
paper and there are
.4' any more. I will
more next tithe. t'?ood-
i will live to see you
nothing ham
NICO 11(11'i 01111
take and I
lug it. 1
I ant short, . !'
no indi:titi• s:
t.t y to tell
t>y e. 1 1ti•l.e
all again.
Tttus. C- of cl , Go. M. A` he:r't.
Washington, D. C.
0 Ire of W• 1)ep't.. O. V. C.
The 1.iet' ,•, :1 'Victuallers are or-
ganizing f'or e pleblacite campaign'..
Wingham and Blyth Civic holi-
day, Ang. 19th. Spend the day at
Tf.e auction sale, of the farm stock
and implements, of Mr. Samuel Leg -
Tett, of the 1st concession, on Friday
last, was fairly well attended. The
implements were sold at very fair
prices and the live stock brbught
good prices. Mr. J. Currie wielded
the Auctioneer's hammer and as
usual gave. entire satisfaction. M r.
Leggy -ft and family left this, week
for (416eralter, their new Home,
They will drive the full distance of
some eighty miles. We wish them
I BUM(( ss in their new hom'e'.
Hon. J. II. Turner, 1'rethier of
British Coluuibfa, has been dismiss
(d from ohicei by the lieutenant --Gov-
t o or d Hon. Robert Heaven has
Boston wants to buy Berlin's told
hand fire engine as a relic fora park.
The old thing cost -C219 9s lid in
1857, and was considered quite a
Wonder in its day.
One hundred and nine thousand
locomotives' are at present running
in various countries. Europe las
63,000, America 400,000, Asia 3,300,
Australia 2,000, and Africa 700.
East Zorra Council is waging war
ag:arnstCanadian thistles and noxious
weeds growing on the highwn'•.
There are other ceeneile •which
should engage in the same kind of
been ctro
aned to form a Government. warfare. -
Weak and Run Down, With Heart
and Kidneys in Bad Condition-
Restored qy Hood's Sarsaparilla.
•'I was very much run down, having
been sink for several months. I had been
trying different remedies which did nue
no good. 1 would have severe spells of
coughing that 'would leave me prostrate.
I was told that ray lungs were affected,
and my heart and kidneys were in a bad
condition. In fart, it seemed as though
every organ was out of order. I felt that
something roust be done and any brother
advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
procured a bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone I felt that it was
helping me. I continued Its use and it
hu made esu s new woman. I cannot
praise • it too highly." Mals.' ttivx102111 *
VILLE, 217 Ossington Avenue, TotonW
Ontario. Cid ealj' Hoods's, beeaMile•
Hood's Sarsaparilla
is the beefy -ii, WC Ott Otto True Snood Pur e.
fe,1d by alt drnt~s'Ats. al, six far 1pl.
Hood's Pills s.1 bli, W*.iol4t