HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 44 TILE WIN UIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 12
guaranteed to cure head-
Far sale only by
i Early Genesee Giant.
DRUGGIST. Early lied Clawson. Live stool Marueta.
SET TWO. Toronto, Aug. 9. -Offerings of
Dawson's Golden Chaff. stuff at the western cattle yards to -
Imperial Amber. I day were more liberal than lately,
Golden Dropbut the demand was fair. For the
ii Dawson's Golden Chaff. Dressed hog
lbs) ; Arnold's hybrid (U5.2 lbs.) ; MARKET REPORTS.
Andrew's No. 4. (65 lbs.) ; and Red : Wingham, Aug. 11, 1805.
May (65 lbs ). , Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
DISTRIBUTION OFSEED 1� OR TESTING Flour per 100 lbs 0 75 to 0 40
The following three sets of winter . Olatsing Wheat, 00 75 t 25 too 0G 26
wheat varieties will be sent free, , Barley 0 30 to 0 35
by mail in one-half pound loss of peas 0 50 to 0 50Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08
each variety, to farmers applying for Geese o u4 to 0 05
them, who will carefully test the i Ducks, per pair 0 40 to 0 00
three kinds in the set which they 1 Butter.. • . , ..... , • .. • . • • 0 12 to 0 13
Eggs per dozen 0 10 to 0 10
choose, and will report the results I Wooel per cord......... , 1 00 to 1 25
after harvest next year. The seed 1 Il,yy per ton, 4 50 to 5 00
will be sent out in the order in Potatoes, per bushel, 0 30 to 0 35
which the applications are received I Chorries 0 03} to 0 04 Everything must be sold.
Tallow ,per lb
as long as the supply fasts. Dried Apples, per lb 0 3 to 0 4
SET ONE. 1Voo1 0 4 to 0 4
19 to 21
500 to 600
PURPOSE., Fall Wheat
;Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues- f
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
to ' .lugOrt voles
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1898.
As there may be a possibility that
Sir Charles Tupper may change his
mind again and give us the benefit
of a series of midsummer addresses,
the Montreal Herald ventures to
- offer for his consideration, a few ex•
tracts which may be used as texts,
or heads of discourse, which it has
.mulled from various sources, For
example :
"Sir Wilfrid Laurier is certainly
among the most successful of living
statesmen." -British Weekly.
"Canada after years of stagnation,
has in the hands of a progressive
SET THREE. best cattle from 54.40 to $4.60 was
Dawson's Golden Chaff. paid and quite a few deals were
Bearded Winter Fife. made at from $4.20 to $4.40 per cwt,
A bunch of mixed cows, steers and
heifers, 300 pounds average, sold
for 40e per ib. Butchers' cattle -
Some odd cattle sold for 41c per lb,,
but not for loads. Carloads of good
cattle ruled from 31e to 4c, and com-
mon to medium brought from 3c to
3ie per lb. Stockers and feeders -
Light stockers weighing from 400 to
600 los., sold for from 53.25 to $3,40
per cwt. Sheep and lambs -Sheep
--Export and butchers' from 3 ie to
3•?c per lbs., and bucks fetch 2•? c,
Lambs are quiet at about 5e to 51e
per lb. There was good demand
and prices ruled firm at from $2 to
$10 each. Milch cows and springers
-The demand. was better to -day
and there were some cows of choice
quality on the board. Generally the
prices ruled from $25 to $42 per
head-. Hogs -There was a very
firm feeling in this line. Choice
bacon hogs advanced to $6.25 per
cwt., ruling from 56,10 ; thick fat
hogs were buying from 200 to 210
pounds, sold from $5.60 to 55 75 per
cwt., and lights 55.60 to $5.70 ; thick
fat hogs over 200 pounds weight
sold for 85 ; sows for breeding
brought 3?rc, and stags and other
rough hogs were of slow from $2 to
$2.10 per cwt.
East Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9. -
Cattle -Receipts to -day were all
consigned through, and there was
an entire absence of business. Hots
-Receipts light ; market opened
slow for all but a few loads of York
ers, for whieh the trade was steady
to firm ; good to choice Yorkers,
$4.15 to $4.17 ; prime light do., 84.10
to $4.15 ; mixed peckers, $1.15 ;
medium weights, 51.15 to $4.17 ;
heavy hogs, $4.15 to $4.17 ; roughs,
$3.40 to $3.70 ; stags, 52.75 to $3.15 ;
pigs, 52.75 to 51. Sheep and lambs
-No fresh arrivals of sale stock ;
the few small lots that were left
over sold at about steady former
prices; spring lambs, choice to extra
ewes and wethers, $6.25 to 56.50 ;
buckey and fair, 55.50 to 56 ; culls,
54 to 55 ; common to choiee yearlings,
54.25 to 55 ; native clipped sheep,
choice to selected wethers, 51.80 to
55 ; fair to choice mixed sheep, 54.40
to 51.75 ; culls to
52.25 to $4.25.
Stewart's Champion
Each person wishing one of these
sets should apply as early as possible,
mentioning which set be desires ; aid
the grain, with instructions for test-
ing, and the blank form on which
to report, will be furnished free of
cost to his address, until the supply
of grain tor distribution is exhausted.
All communications should be ad-
dressed to
Agricultural College, Guelph, Aug.
8th, 1898.
Condensed History of the War.
Hostilities begun, April 21, 1895.
Peace proposal accepted, August
2, 1898.
Number of days of actual war,
Cost in lives to Spain, about 11,-
000 killed, No official report of
Spanish casualties published.
Cost to the United States about
253 men killed and about 1,3.24 men
What Spain Lost : 1llontejo's fleet,
Cevera's fleet, Cuba, Porto Rico, one
of the Ladrones and possibl,f the
and most eolightened statesmanship, Philipines.
pi -ung forward in the path of pro Strength of the united States
gress."-London Chronicle. army when war was declared, 27, -
"The Canadian Government bas 532 men.
recognized its duty to the farmer by
'helping hint to turn his attention to
those classes of products which he
lian exchange to the best advantage
and by introducing Canadian pro-
1iucts to new markets." --London
Daily News.
"The tone of Canaeian public life
bas greatly risen with the :beating
down of at least the worst fallacies
of protection," -London Chronicle.
Canada met the Mother Country
:in a spirit. of liberality which the
Dominion had recently shown in a
remarkable degree regarding Im-
perial matters." -Mr. Joseph Cham -
The increase in Canadian trade in
the )alt fiscal year was forty-four
)millions, the increase and the aggre•
gate being greatest in the history of
the country. The customs receipts
for July were 52,600,000 as compar-
ed with $1.386,16 last yea), or
nearly double.-011icial reports.
Experiments With Varieties of Win
ter Wheat at the Agricultural
College, 1898.
One hundred and thirty-eight
varieties of winter wheat bave been
grown in the Experimental Depart-
luent on the Ontario Agricultural
College within the past nine years.
Seven of tested forthese
ate least five have been
carefully.n,be Department of Justice an -
eight varieties which have given the nouoces that there will be no regis-
highest yields of grain per acre in tration preliifrim try to the vote on
the average of five years' experi prohibition.
nients are as follows : It is reported that a young hear,
Weight Yield possibly six months old, has been
per bus. per acre, seen in the vicinity of the swamps at
n years. 5 years.
5..0 bus Trtc:t's creek, near Clinton.
1 1Early (rotten C:hafrfi9,` lite, >
2 i:ente
ee GluntG9.8 •• 48.1 '• n
The 31.st annual meetingof the
x I nryptlatt CO.G 4$ G 'r
4s Imperial Ambera,8 '• "X" Canadian Medical Convention will
A Reliable rtes Ctotson i. l 48,0 •' be held in the reception room of
Iteliablt '
7 (.olden Trop 51.1 " 4G,a I.awalle Lrniversity, Quebec, on Aug.
a11tueeian Amber60.s " 4G,i
Of these eight varieties, the follow* 17, 18 and 19.
ling four gave the largest yields in' The Montreal Trade Bulletin says :
169'8 : Dawson's (golden Chaff` 49.2 Although the abundant show of blos-
lra>fla. ; Imperial Amber 47.7 bus.; soms last spring caused many to
Reliable 43.3 has.; and Early Gene. jump to the conclusions that the
aloe Giant 43.1 has. i Canadian tipple crop of 1898 would
Among forty --four new varieties be the largest in the history of the
grown in 1898, the largest yields of trade, subsequent conditions have
din were proclueed by the Gold ` compelled a tmlifleation of first ro
t o1a, White Golden Cross, Silver : ports, bttt from more meant estimates
boiler, Pedigree Genesee Giant, and i of parties isif the trade shute the fruit
Orngon, and the harvest weightsel per, on the trees had developer)' to nearly
taaealsured bushel, by the' Diamond ha normal size, the prospects are ,
Arlt 05.8 lbs.); iilePherson {GS,) favorable for a fair average yield. '
Strength now 278,500.
Strength of United States navy
when war was declared : Battle
ships and cruisers, 14 ; monitors, 19 ;
unarmed steel vessels. 16 ; gun boats,
19 ; torpedo boats, 23.
Strength now : Battle ships and
cruisers, 39 ; monitors, 19 ; unarmor-
ed steel vessels, 31 ; gun boats, 25
torpedo boats, 25 ; special craft, 45.
Mount Forest's rate of taxation for
the current year will be 22 1-2
mills on the dollar.
For Infanta and Children.
The be- ."> is .in
1, et try
91 vitt ?pol',
It is reported that an exploring
party of seventeen persons have been
12st in the Yukon.
The house of refuge at Walkerton
is nearing completion, and will fill a
long -felt want in the county of
Mrs. Annie I. Dowding, of Hunil-
ton, is applying for a divorce from
her husband, F. D. Dowding, now
of Erie, Pa.
The chance of a lifetime to
secure bargains.
still leads its contemporaries in plac-
ing pupils.
134 of our pupils were placed in
choice positions in the ten months
ending July the 1st, an average of
nearly 4 per week. What do you
think of it ?
It Pays to Attend the Best. "'
College re -opens on Tuesday, Sept.
6th for the tall term.
Write for catalogue of eiter de-
partment to
Sale will commence Mon-.
day, Aug. 15th.
common ewes,
All goods must be pa?cl for
before leaving the store.
Winghan Sept. 27-28.
Toronto Aug. 29 to Sept. 10.
London Sept. 8 to 17.
Balgrave Sept. 29.30.
Listowel Sept. 2021.
Brussels Oct 6.7.
Clinton Sept. 20.21.
Clifford Oct. 5-6.
Attwood Oct 5.6.
Goderich Sept. 27-29.
All accounts must be settled
at once.
r. Purely CANADIAN. •
a. National in its character.
3. Age limit -18 to 45.
4. Fixed Premium. No Death Assess-.
g. Gives $goo, $1,000, $r,5oo or $2,000
6. Over ONE 11f1r.r.ioN DOLLARS paid to
members and their dependents since
organization, 1879.
y. Careful medical selection. Death
rate for the 18th year of its history,
only 5.44 per 1,000.
8. Ilas a larger Surplus en hand for
each $r,000 risk than any other
d in Canada.
9. SEccer Society of ole INvrsT tEsTs. Not a
dollar of the Surplus invested out.
side of Canada.
se, Premiums and Interest accruing
• therefrom used oxr.v Fort I>AVMIEN'r
no At a cost of from r to 4 cents a day
any' healthy man (an acceptable
risk), can secure $r,tioo Insurance
for his (aridly or dependents.
Pull information pent on appliendnn to R. 1,tr.rdn', -
31. C. it„ Ingersoll Prat, ; Tues. Willi*, S.,
ttrantfor.l, Ont.; ER?,Sr c;.ut- 5... StiptriAtelldtAt
dr Organization, 13rantfcrd, OYrt.
118 Raoest
are over, but the demand for
r es'
still continues. Our goods please
1st --The styles are up to date.
2nd -They are the kind that give'
3rd -Everything sold at bottom
'New goods consta n tl y striving,
Custom work and repairing prompt-
ly attended to.oc�
J. G.K-� ] L S.
Having moved to town to the resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre end Alfred utreats, near
the G T B, 1 am prepared to pay the
highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds,
delivered tit my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same.
All who hold cards will
please bring them in and we
will give value for them.
Good Fresh Butter and
Eggs will be taken as Cash.
This is a genuine sale.
Tiny amount of money to loan on good
farm property at 5per cent per annum.
Straight Loans-Pe)rnents made to
suit borrower. Satisfaction guar anteed.
Charges low.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
Saul Gay.
\Ve mean business and will
do just as we advertise.
Macdonald Block. Wingbam.
Tl -e undersigned offer for sale the farm
prop erty, being 1ot32 in the 12th ounces.-
unces.lion of the Township of East tt awanosh,
containing 162 acres, more or less, 110
mires of 'a bieh is cleared. 'There are
upon the premises a good bank barn and
frame house. The farm will be sold ou
reasonable terms Apply to
McA.lfEA i' d3r SON, Props.
All kinds of rough and dressed
illrlibmr, Lath, Shinglys,
AnfI8 Barrels, bard & Soft Slab&
Also a large quantity of dry bard,
wood for sale, delivered .
Telephone orders pronhpt ly at-
tended to.
The undersigned offers for sale his
farm, being north helves of Lots 3 and 2
in the 1st Concession of Kinloss, contain
luta 100 acres more or less. 'There are
u; on the premises a basement barn 5U
f' ctsgiutre; good dwelling houso; tine
or I aid and gaidtn, nod abundance of
good spring water. There is agood crop
io, which will be sold will be sold with
the farm. For particulars apply to
at Winghaw Foundry.
House and lot For Sale.
Carefully washed, properly ironed,.'
correctly finished and fairly priced---'
that's the history of pont linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our,
washing preparations to nijnre the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms.
J. D. LONG',
Opp, Union Factory.
The undersigned offers his house and THE 'TiES
lot on Alice street for sake. The house E®d
is a nine room frame one, with kitchen
and there is a number of good fruit trees
on the sot. Fot full particulars apply t., ri iv ES
JAS, WILSON, Wmgharn.
The row boat with ears and cushions
complete, owned by Mr. W. H. Wallace,
can be purchased tet a bargain. "
Ayply to It. VANSTONE
The ndministratrix of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased, oilers for
sale the
Two Stores in Wingham
ow occupied by Messrs N A. Farquhar -
hob and Mies Boyd. Offers for the same
should be addressed to
3 A MORTON, Wingharn,
Solicitor for the Estate.
will yay for
now till the
the year.
it. front
enol of
Order your_
1VMI][..47c VVV
-AND- .
r !