HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-10, Page 3412A THE HURON EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 10, 1978 -
Seaforth Agricultural Society
Past President Kenneth Campbell
President Vq.-D, Wilson
Fire' Vice President Kenneth Moore
Second Vice President Kenneth Coleman
Auditors J . Ft, Spittal, Jas. Murray
Russell Bolton 1951152/55
Arthur Nicholson --1053/54'
Robt. E. McMillan 1960/61
Gordon Papple 1962/63
Harold Pryce 1964/65
Earl McSpaddan 1966/67
Arthur Bolton 1968/69
John Murphy
Alfred Ross 1973/74
Jos, Devereaux 1975
Kenneth Campbell 1976/77
Robert Broadfoot, Kenneth Carnochan, Kenneth Coleman, Lewis Coyne,
Robert Dalton, Joseph Devereaux, Robert Fotheringbarn, Joe Gibson,
Francis Hicknell,' Harry Johnston, Kenneth Moore, Eric McIntosh, Gordon
Dapple, Norma Riley, Aired Ross, Helen Thompson, p,,,apdy WIlson,,
Stuart W-.--Dr•Wilson.
Kenneth Gemmell, 8111 Hodgert, James 0Clig, Clare Reith, Joe Gibson,
Francis Hunt, Keith Sharpo,-Gordon Pryce, Gordon Pullman, Ronald
Williamson, James Rose, Norma Riley, George Townsend, Larry WheatleY,
StulSrt Wilson, Harvey Hoggart, Oliver Pryce, Allen Nicholson, W., J.
Learning, Gerald Groothius, Paul Carroll, Neil Dolmage.. •
(First named Chairman)
HEAVY HORSES - Kenneth Campbell, Oliver Pryce
LIGHT HORSES - Bob Broadfoot, Northa Riley, Joe Gibson, Harvey
BEEF CATTLE - Francis Hicknell, Joseph Devereaux, Nell Dolmage
DAIRY CATTLE - Gordon Papple
SWINE - Stuart Wilson, Robert McMillan, Francis Hunt
EGGS - Clare Reith, Thomas Young 1
PUBLICITY - Ken Coleman .
FARM MACHINERY. - Harry -Johnston, Neil McGavin, John Boyes
GRAIN & FIELD CROPS - Lewis Coyne,' Robert Fotheringham, Ken
Gemmell; Gordon Pryce.
PARKING - Allan Nicholson, W. J. Leeming.
GATE KEEPERS - Bob Dalton, Blii Hodgert
GROUNDS & PROPERTY''- Robert Fotheringham, Kenneth Campbell,
Alfred Ross, Robert Dalton.
INDOOR CONCESSIONS • Keith Sharpe, Harry Johnston
OLD McDONALDS FARM - Eric McIntosh, Randy Wilson
PET SHOW - Lions Club
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • Paul Carroll, Convener
PENNY SALE - Mr, and Mrs. Ken Moore, Mr. and Mri. Ken Carnochan
PARADE - Art Bolton, Paul Carroll
TURF CLUB - Ronald Williamson, President
DANCE - Ken Campbell, Ken Moore, Arthur Bolton, Robert
Fotheringham, Larry Wheatley, Ken Carnochan, Stuart Wilson, Francis
Hicknell,. James Henderson. •
QUEEN OF, THE FAIR - Ken Coleman, Bob Broadfoot, Alfred Ross, Jane
AMATEUR CONTEST - Francis .Hicknell; Joan Campbell,' Lola Hodgert.'
Past President Mrs. K. Campbell, President Mrs. W. J. Thompson, Vice
President Mrs. W. Hodgert, Secretary-Treas. Mrs. W. Hodgert.
Eptry Forms
Write the secretary, Mrs. Ruth Beane , Brucefield, Ontario or pick
up at Mrs. Lois Hodgert, 132 Main Street, N., Seaforth, Ontario.
Official Opening •
Thursday, September 21 by Don Grieve
fornter Huron Agriculture Representative(
at 9p.m,
Presentation of
FAIR QUEEN CANDIDATES and crowning of Queen by Kathy
Bruxer 1977 Queen
Open to View
Merchant Displays in the Arena Plowing Match quilts upstairs Ladies' and'Children's exhibits in the round house
Friday September 22
10:30 Parade arriving
Best non-school float
Prizes 615,.$12, $10 and $7 to all other entries
JUNIOR FAIR for 4-H, Junior Farmers and
Junior Institutes
12:00 Judging of Light & Heavy Horses
Billy Kell-Master of Ceremonies
12:00 Judging of Livestock
1:30 Chuck Wagon Race
2:30 Harness Racing 2 Matinees
4:00 Livestock Parade
6:30 Western Horse Show
Rules & Regulations
placing other articles in their place and no competitor will be entitled to
more than one prize in any one section of a class in indoor department, or
more than 2 prizes in ariy section of a class in livestock..
8. Prize winners to the amount of $5.00 or over are required to leave
membership fee for 1978.
9. Payment will be made by cheque before December 1, Cheques must be '
and properly located In their own departments, and all stock to be on the _cashed by March 1 following or revert to Society.
geounds by 11:30o'clock a.m. of the second day, Sept., 22 except entries in 10. All Stock and articles exhibited must be bona fide property of the
exhibitor and all grains, seeds, fruits, flowers and vegetables exhibited
must have been produced on farm or garden of exhibitor; any person
infringing on these rules shall forfeit prize money.
11. Judges will be particularly requested to have regard to merit in all stock
and articles exhibited for convention and to withhold any premiums if they
consider the stock or article undeserving, and that a first or second prize be
not given to a third class animal, or In sweepstakes lf they consider the
Horses (not race), each 2 animals over 2 - 1 pass competition not sufficient.
Cattle, each 4 animals over 4 - 1 pass 12. Any exhibitor or attendant who is guilty of creating a disturbance,
SWine, each 8 animals over 8 - 1 pass whether by openly criticizing the judge or using obscene language to any
4. Entries to be In the hands of the secretary not later than September 19. judge or officer, shall forfeit the right to any premium and may be
An additional fee of 50 c will be charged for late entries on Thursday; $1.00 suspended by Society from exhibiting.
will be charged for late entries on Friday, Late entries for Indoor exhibits Vehicles parked in no parking area shall be towed away at the owner's
will be those after 11:00 o'clock a.m, on September 21. Address aft entries expense.
to Mrs. Rtith Beane, R.R. 1, Brucefield, Ont. 13. No two persons will be allowed to show on- one ticket.
Judging of elf classes both Indoors and outdoors will commence sharp at 14. Any members showing cattle shall give his or her animal a name, and
12o'clack noon both days, Classes-of -livestock will be-calied-asrthey appear - anymember intilbitir-ig ATI -aiiirriallit'ffOrif classes than one (except for
in the book and animals must be in the ring within five minutes after their special or group prizes) shall forfeit all prizes awarded should any be taken.
class is called. No prize badges or medals allowed on animals In ring and no prize tickets or
5. ENTRY FEE: 15 per cent from all winnings from $5.00 up. Breed shows medals allowed on pens until after such animals are judged.
are exceptions to this rule. Membership only deducted up to $5.00. 15 per 15. Livestock parade at 4 p.m. Eith exhibitor's herd must be represented
cent deducted over $5.00 except Western Horse Show. or prize money may be-withheld.
6. All parties having paid their subscriptirks, and only such will be entitled 16. No person allowed in ring except judges or managers, and no person
to compete.
1. Society reserves right to award monies not taken up in one section to
other classes, providing entries merit prizes. •
2. Articles for competition in indoor departments, including eggs, to be in
showroom before 12 o'clock noon oil the firs tday of the exhibition, Sept 21
Class J which must be in by 11 o'clock, Sept. 21.
3. Payments of $2.00 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle
the member so paying to compete In any or all of the regular departments.
A membership permits one free pass to the grounds, and can be used either
Thursday evening or Friday but only once.
Additional passes will be allowed as follows (not more than three passes
per paid up member):
alloWed to speak to the judges While on duty except appointed officers.
7. No exhibitor will be allowed prMlege of striking out entires made and 1'7. No member, being an exhibitor IA any cia,sa,'shall act as Judge or be
present or accompany the judge while that particular class is being judged.
18. No articles to be removed from showroom before 5 p.m, on second day
of fair. Exhibition hall shall be cleared of persons at 5 p.m. of that day, and
none will again be admitted inept those holding passes and entitled to
remove goods on exhibition.
19. While officers and directors of this Society will use every available
means to prevent accidents in and about the groUnds, It must be strictly
understOod that all persons going into or upon the grounds must personally
assume all risks of accident or injury from accidents from any cause
20. While Directors will take every passible precaution under the
circumstances to secure safety for exhibitors, the owners themselves must
take the risk of exhibiting, and should any article be accidentally injured,
lost or stolen; the Directors will give all assistance in their power towards
recovery, but will not make any payment for the value thereof.
21. In case of bad or unfavorable weather or other reasons causing the
receipts to fall short of paying the expensei and all prizes in full, a
'proportionate amount, exclusive of membership, will be deducted from
such prizes to enable the directors to balance the accounts without loss to .
the Society:The Dire4rs feel that this course is the most equitable and fair
that can be adopted and any deduction will fall proportionately on all those
participating in the amounts collected and not leave the whole sum to be a
debt to bear heavily on_the. SOciety and thus impair Its usefulness_
V.-Decision of the judges is final.
23. Directors are not responsible for articles, left in the Round House after 8
p.m., Sept. 22.
In case of error or omission in the Prize List the Directors will have the
pottier to correct the same.
POINT SYSTEM - In all classes except Ladies:
1st.10; 2nd. 9; 3rd 8! 4th 7; 5th 6; 6th 5; 7th 4; 8th 3; 9th 2; arid 10th 1.