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The Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 3
MIYON'S PROGRESS Victory Over the Most Obstinate Forms of Disease, THE WINUZ..[AM ITIMES, AUGUST 12, 1898. Birehall•s Domains Unee,rthocl. 1 The remains of ht ginald Biretta11, the murderer, were unearthed in 1 I Woodstock on Tuesday and were o e seen by severs' i tr wnspe pl , The Sentinel Review in scrolling the oe- cureuee says: ----The remains are bur- ied in the northwest corner •1f the jailyard in a metalie shell. At the time of the, burial a report came from some source and was generally pre- ' IMPROVED UOMtEOPATr-HY valent that the reason a metalie shell was used was that the body People In All Walks of Life Cured by Nis Remedies, CURES WHEN OTHERS FALL. Mr. Geo. L. Ackerman, carriage trimmer for Geo. A. Rudd & Co., residing at 10 Alice street, Toronto. says: I was troubled for n year with dyspepsia and at times suffered extreme pain, I was also suffering from liver trouble which gave me +considerable uneasiness. After ming a small vial each of Munyon's Dyspepsia and Liver Cures I am now feeling all right :and well once again. I have also u.eti Munyon's Cough and Cold Cures for o little girl with splendid results. I b e great alta In Divayon, Munyoaea Rheumatic Cnre seldom. fat fo re} ?neve in one to three hours and cures i n law, dere. Price 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positive] cures all' forms et indigestion and etomae • tronbles.1 Z rlra 25e. ..') •• Munyou'e Cold Cure prevents a eumonin ant.' treats up e. ealS in n fern hours Prise 25e. blunyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night' itwente, allays soreness and s eedlly heals the lunge. Price 25c. Munyou's Kidney Cur , -s• May tures pairs In the back, loins. or gait :, anti all forma ,of' Wiley disease. Price 25 Munyon's Nerve Cure ops nervoneaeee 8t I initis up the system. •. Price 25c. • Munyon's Headache Cure. stops -Redact* cal 'three retinues. Price 25e. Mnnyea's -Pile Ointment positively Caren M. XMnnyonslBloodPrice CureSe. eratlicates all impurities' SI the blood. Price 25c. Munyon's rename ale Remedies are a boo to all. %venter. Munyan's Catarrh` Remedies never tail. The' C• atarrh Cure—price 25c,—eradicates the disease. Irom the system, and the Catarrh Tablets—prleo., 26c.—cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in three; Inimttes and cure permanently. Price R. Manyon's Vitalizer,, a great toniC,aind re-. scorer of vital strength to weak people. $1. A separate cure for each disease., .at an drop,. S ta, mostly Y5 cents_a viµr.,..,,—_ • -. Personal lottara to Prof, ntun•on, 1105 •1, ch St., Philadelphia, Pa , Ti s A., am.wered with free n,rdl. raladvice fm an, dfuw,se Carla -fit. Saved from Paralysis and Death by Paine's Celery Compound, Wells &; Richardson Co. v moll ] i Dear Sirs-- l have l l tot pl easur e n reet,m mending MOO'S Celery tion. you rid fur nervousness and weakness, with which I was solely afflicted for a num- ber of years, and for which my doctor could give no relief. I became very weak and had a stroke of paralysis. 1 woo confined to my bed. and the doctor requested weto try a course of your medi- cine as tbo last thing that could bedoue, I gild as recommended acv before I' had ' finlshod the first bottle I experienced a could be secretly resurrected and I change, I am glad to Pay that I and sent over to England. Even to this , cured through the use of Peine'e Celery day there are many people whom it I Compound. T have recommended it to will be hard to persuade that the , others and they have been benefited by ►t ; it has worked miracles for me, body was buried in 'Woodstock jail - Fours truly, yard Mils. 0. J ir.r.Y, Cobourg, Ont. Recently the county council, or- re r- 1 dere jail near which Birehall was hanged and bis body buried. While dinging for the purpose of substituting a new foundation fo'' the wall, Wm. Taylor, one of the laborers employed at the work, struck the coffin and it opened right at the head leaving a raised aperture about a toot wide and dis; closing the right side of the head and face of the dead murderer. The remains were in a fairly good state of preservation, but atter the coffin had been opened and air ad: mitt( d, the change in their condition was rapid and vary noticeable. There is no doubt that the remains are those of Birchall and that they have been undisturbed until the casket was accidently opened yesterday. The coffin is at a depth of about four and a half feet and is alt •t,nt two feet from the wall, rie,at near the place where the murder was hung. On the jail wall is a mark made by newspaper reporters at the time of the burial, indicating where the body was laid. The remains are clad in a half full dress suit, such as is used by undertakers. The hole has been closed up and it will prob: nilly be a good many years before Birchall's remains will be seen again if they are .ver seen. At any rate the doubts that have existed as to whether the body had been secretly removed are now dispelled. d some repairs to the wall of the I A country mrrehent from a West- ern rural disti let visited the city to purchase goods. His proper punish: ili.ent for a shabby trick is recorded by one of our exchanges. He bought a cheap but pretty table caster for whleh he paid a dollar. On reaching home he put a tag on it marked $14 and .made a present of it to at Methodist preacher whose church his family attended. The minister took took the package liome after thanking the donor ; but the next day he fetched the caster, with the tar attached, hack to the merchant, and said to him : "I am too poor in• the world's goods to afford to display to valuable a caster on my table, and if'yon have no objections I should like to retu •n it and take fourteen dollars worth of groceries in its stead. The merchant could do nothing but assent to so reasonable a pro: position, THE (YCLISTS' FRIEND. No ,.a ciist's kit is complete without a bottle of ilazyard's Yellow Oil. Can he -taken internally or used externally ruts, Bites, Sore Throat. Pains in the chest, Bruwee, Sprnius, SUIT Jo% n ts, contghs, etc., it is always effectual. Hits no equal as an all round remedy. CONSTIPATION CURED. It's important you should have natur- al action of the bowels, Purging and griping do virlence to the system. Laxa- Liver Pills are nature's own medicine for all disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. ure onstlpation by toning the bowel wall and stimulating the secretions. no bad after effects. Fussy Mothers. Children are often worried because their mothers are too attentive and continually reprove the small ones without reason. A child should be let alone and should be allowed to play and amuse itself in its own way without the constant attention of a nervous mother. A boy, for ex ample, enjoys more a few simple toys and s•nnething which his own ingenuity ham worked out than the most elaborate plaything that has been bought In the same way the little girl will lavish her affec- tions on a misshapen doll, probably made at home, while the most artis- tic production of the toy shop will lie in state. to be taken up on rare oe,cesiens. Keep children well, elothe them sensibly, let them under- stand they are to amuse themselves, srnd don't "fuse" them. Leave Said She was Bewitched. WOOD ASHES ON THE FARM. As a fertilizer wood ashes stand high and every farmer is more or less acquainted with them, but I wonder how many employ them as medicine for farm animals. For many years now I have fed them to my stock, and I believe they have done much toward preserving the invariable good health of my swine, horses and cattle. Of course there may be difference of opinion on the subject, and I have never found a veterinary surgeon yet who would recommend is ood ashes as a ruedi• cine. Nevertheless, experience is sometimes worth as much as theoret- ical advice. My plan is to keep wood ashes, charcoal and salt mixed together constantly in the pen for the swine and if the mixture is kept before them al: the time, and fresh water is given to thele freely they will not eat too much to injure their health. I believe such a mixture is quite a preventive of swine cholera • and similar diseases. Certainly the bene• ficial effects are quite apparent. THE i1EADAC1IE I•TA.P,IT, SOME EXCELLENT I:' T ADVIOi^, .111OtlT 1y1 NIODIC HEA IV CHEM IN CI]II.,DHCOD. The headache habit rarely becomes established before the age of seven Nears, find not often earlier than fourteen. Prior to the later age headaches aro usually of irregular occurrence, and directly traceable to fatigue, nervous excitement or over- eating. Periodic headaches, occurring at somewhat regular intervals of from two to six weeks, have characteristics of their own. The pain i3 located at a particular point, uften just over olre eye. At the beginning of the attack the child is frequently pale and the eapression worried, while later the tate is flushed. The eves are extremely sensitive to light. Before and during the attacks the whole nature of the child is changed, IIe is dull,drowsy, listless or irritable. Vision is trequently double or other- wise disordered Often after sleep the child will waken with all the, , symptoms gone. Days of wholesome, pleasurable excitement are marred by the occurrence of a prostrating attack of recurring headache. The above description will create a mental picture of a disorder which has proved the bugbear of the whole childhood of mati_v a reader. The best treatment for the periodic headaches of childhood is preventive. It is noticed that in nearly every case one parent or the other has suffered in like manner. This fact should put parents on their guard. when a child has headache from slight provocation. The younger the child is when such headaches begiu, the more painstaking. and persistent should be the cam taken 1 to prevent the establishment of a 1 headache habit: Care in the quality and quantity Clean wood ashes are better than 1 of food is of vital iulportauee, in ail the condition powder's for the 1 every cane. The ehild needs plenty 1 farm horses. In fact, many of the I of whulesuule food, and i often 1 so called powders are composed of I benefited by some light nourishment salt chiefly. and wood ashes, mixed between meals. He will then be less with probably something else of apt to overload the stomach, or to minor importance. This being the eat to quickly at meal hours. The case I find it much cheaper and supper should always be a light easier to administer the wood ashes meal. Butter and cream are articles direct. The ashes can be given to of food at once nourishing and di- the horses twice a week in their oats gestible, and a craving for them is at the rate of a spoonful each time. not to be discouraged. I If given carefully and ' regularly I The hours of sleep should be long ; believe that no other medicine will ten hours are not to much for any have to be given to horses that are child. fairly treated and cared for. Periodic headaches are most com- Every one familiar at all with mon to children who ale much with farm matters must have observed a their elders, and with books, and certain habit in many horses and who are led to grasp at mental cows to gnaw wooden posts, trees problems suita.bic; only fur older and similar objects. This craving persons. At the beginning of school Somfor something which they do not get life the child is placed under an judge, took her :with him to court. frons their daily food is satisfied when unusual strain, tnentazl and physical. On one of these occasions a woman 1 wood ashes is administered to them To offset this he should be encourag- Elizabeth Jantield, afterwardLadv Falkland, was called an "odd child." $m etimes her father who was a Catarrh Shackles Broken in 30 Minutes It's an alarming fact, but statistic.: bear it out, that ,, •\ it least l;o in evmy hurt - tired g.:rsons in this ?aJ country arc tainted in a i lesser or greater degree by that di t ting, often- t/ and dangerous dis- ease—Catarrh. If symp I tunoappear, each ascold in the held, dizziness, air pains in the fore h c ad, headache, dropping in the throat, offensive breat'r, loss of taste and retell, the Catarrh shackles may be tightening about you-- I)R. AGNI:w'S CATARIMIAL PONI'D.Wlt is the most potent Catarrh cure known to•day— Recommended by eminent nose and throat spe ital- ists—gives reliant from roto 6o minutes, " For years I was a victim of chronic Catarrh; the first application of i)r. Agnew's Catarrhal der gave me instant relief, and in an incredl my short while I was permanently cured."—Jar,cs Headley, Dundee, Sold at Hamilton's Drug Store. Children Cry for CAST MA. Kidney Trouble FOR, YEARS. Nothing g il did Mr. E. Pitt any good until he got Doan's Kidney Pills. Throughout the County of Leeds and the Town of Brockville there is no nr edi.. cine spoken so highly of for all kinds of Kidney Diseases as Doan's Kidney Pills. As Canada'spioncerkiclneypill,introduced by Mr. James Doan, of Kingsville, Ont„ in x88,, they stand to -day far superior to all the imitations and substitutes that have bean offered the public in their stead.. Mr. R. E. Pitt, the well-known con. tractor and builder, voices these senti- ments when. he says, " 1 have had kidney trouble for years. I had triad numerous remedies without much relief, and had given up my back as gone for good, but since using Doan's Kidney Pills the result has been marvellous! The pain is al& gone. I feel like a new man, and can highly testify to the virtues cf Doan's Kidney Pills." Doan's Kidney Pills are sold by ata dealers or sentby mail on receipt of price, 5o cents :, i'ox or 3 boxes for $x.25. Tho Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Out. was brought before him on a charge of witchcraft. It was said that she had bewitched two or three persons to death. The frightened creature, when asked if this were so, fell on her knees,. and weeping, confessed that the accusations against her were true. "Did you bewitch --to asked the judge. "Yes," was her reply. "Did you come in the form of a black eat, and breathe on him so that he languished away ?" t'I did " And then the grave judge heard a whisper at his ear, and his little daughter—she was only ten years old—begged him to ask the woman if she had bewitched John Symondes death ?" asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, *Ancient, thorough. As one man the aecilsationsmercy would be o l dimshown ]et . Tl ©farmer sates that lid indeed gtutted' and she etre er - ' • one senses at least. I an p Ile acknowledged his cheating an ness of at little girl, regularly. It is just as the animals to have this ns to have a craving for and even pepper. natural for ed to take part in outdoor sports and as it is tor names. If a tendency to headache is acids, salt l developed, he should be directed to outdoor life and play and away from too Much reading and school work. It is presumed that every modern schoolhouse is thoroughly ventilated. It is to the credit of nearly all teachers that they are alive to the importance of fresh air. Montague. of Dunnville, Cured of Ulcerated Itehiug Piles. Mr, Robert Montague, of Dunnville, Ont.. w•ites :—Wan troubled with itch- ing Piles for five years. and was so had. ly ulcerated. they were very painful so much Po, that I could not sleep, I could not sleep. I tried almost every medicine known when I was recom- mended to use Dr. Chase's Ointment. I purchased a box and froni the first ap• plication got relief. Have used two boxes and am now co opletely cured." A Farmer Outwitted. to death. The question was put and lime. A farmer sold a load of corn in a diatcly answered in the affirmative. town one day. When it was weighed How had she done it ? Then she he slyly steel ed on the scales, and told one of her former stories, at then drove off to unload. When the which all the company laughed. empty wagon was weighed he took The reason of the merriment was care not to be in it and congratulated that Jghn Symondes was the judge's himself that he had cheated the brother--in-ll•.w, and at that moment buffer in good shape. The grain was standing near him in court. dealer calleu him in and after figur- The judge then asked why she had ing up the load, paid him in full. made suet. r statement. As the farmer buttoned up his "Alas, sir, I knew .him not," re- coat to go cut, the buyer asked him plied the woman. "1 said so because to smoke with him and then talked you askedme." ." over the price of hogs and the crops, "Are you no witch ?" and the liklihood of the Maple Valley "No ; God knows I'm not." Railroad building up that way, until "Nor did you ever sec the devil ?" the farmer fairly squirmed in uneasi "No, never in my life." ness about his chores at horde. On further exaulinat,ion she said At last he could stand it no longer, sine had been told that, if she did not and said he must go. The dealer confess, she would be tortured until quietly said that it was not to be she did ' bat that if' she admitted all thought of ; that he would insist on ' doing what he pleased with his own L She was thereupon ac property. i d h release,l VIGOR for HEART and NERVES. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Anaemia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Weakness, Palpitation ,T'hrobbing,Faint Spells, Dizziness, or any condition ar- rising from Impoverished Blood, Dis- ordered Nerves, or Weak Heart. re YouOne of those who, when business i3 dui], doii't advertise ? Have you ever considered what a mistake that is ? When business is brisk you are Lound to ,;et a share in what it going. Of course. you can increase your trade by advertising liberally t;;c:n. But when the "off" season 1s 011, why not try and l capture the cus- tomers who are getting the nisi:. arit:s of life. It's your own fault, or there is something wrong \with your advertising, if you don't succeed. The best business men of the 4lvrld say that if you have something that every day •people want and you can make them know that you have it, you are on the road to a great business success. There is no other way of tel-`ini these people anything you wish them to know t:'.tite equal to the advertisement in the local newspaper. You cannot utilize the local newer aper in a bet- ter manner than by advertising in Why ? Because Tiil: TI\ti s readies all classes of people in the Town of Wingha m, ail itt the County of Huron and immediate vicinity. "1'1r.: "1-IMEs goes into the home in every section. Many advertisers have found that a liberal use of its coltlnnns have paid them. Why not you ? A Groat Mistake. Many women become so engrossed with the cares of home and children as to forget the outside world,and they let the children outgrow them, and their husbands must find other coun: sellors and rompanions, because they have failed to keep pace with them. This is a great mistake, and no woman should let her life be so crowded that in it she can find no time for mental growth and im: provement. It is a duty she owes to herself, and by spending even a few moments each day, she can do sotpe: thlui; in the line of "keeping up to date," and the result will more than repay the, effort. When huslband and children come to look upon the mother as a hottsehold drudge, a mere machine. to minister to their wentl , het influence is gone, and with it much of her opportunity of doing good. --Presbyterian Banner. 0 0 d probably her life to the .shrewd. sold himself too d A RAix,W'AYMAN'S STORY. compromised the affair. Now when Mr. W. Franks, in charge Dover. Grand r n d said: kYouanever11know you p he markets grain, he does not stand `Trunk Engine Shops, save taken pill ootiltits all Ilei a wanted 1Gh li tha newel bee „ ,, catn6 weak auk aplietitA faits. flood's ryas :—"Pour nor bones of Dean's Kidney •ever r moo. c.1, treed tit Co„ t on the scales or dell himself with his Pills cured me or a very bad attack of I°be mi taro, 110ta . brass. Sarsaparilla gives help by making the ic1ltd. Ii idney Complaint and Lame l3aek. The •lay pills tri tithe w1tL itnnti'!r :ttt9a6atHle• blood ileal rtrtl para. ills ONE GIVES RELIEF. Dont Spend a for Med icine until you have tried ollar You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabules for Five Cents. wiser* is rat up eh,.pi7 M grader fhs prsssaf demand fora for prim** If you don't find this sort of Ripans Tabulzs At the Druggist'S Send rive Cents to Tits itITANS CHEMICAL Cobir&NY, 24'07 1141 Spruce St.,, Frew York, and they will be sent to you by *till I Cartons will lit mailed for 45 cents. The chances ire tenial ane that Ripens 'r,1n&tos ate the (w y taediiine you seta.