HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-10, Page 27Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.) Prize mpney paid in each of the Sections will be: $45;,$35; $25; $23; $20; $15; $13; $10; $8;.$8. In order for our Society to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize mcirity grant. there MUST be three exhibitors in each breed or groups of breeds.. If there are not three exhibitors the Society will pay 50% of the prize money offered. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Seaforth, offers a silver tray to any one tilleder with most points in any one breed. EGGS - Section G 5 4 3 2 5 '4 3 2 7 5 4 3 . 4. 3 2 2 4 3 2 • 2 in ClasseS 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 • ir.„,„, • eight cobs of corn must be exhibited at the Fair. ti It CORN • 2. Five tornatois, yellow. FIELD CROP.COMPETITIONS'' g414. .\S:epiakts onion Final SCore based on 75% Field score, 25% exhibit at Fair BARLEY • Donald Dodds. Rohl Fotheringham Mac •Stewart Donald Moy Ian • Francis Hleknell Arthur Bolton Russell Bolton Ken Campbell , Ken Carnochan , Larry Wheatley 2 bushel of barley must be exhibited at Fair , MIXED GRAIN Doug Hug111 Don Ke4 Charles Downey Gordon People. Tom Malady • Francis HIcknell Bruce VVtiltmore Mac Stewart Stanley HIllen Jos. Devereaux Robt, Fotheringham Ross Gordon Jim Hendersor '/, bushel of grain must be exhibited at the Fair 'Charles Downey Don McKercher Larry Wheatley Francis HIcknell Ken Campbell Ken Carnochan Jos. Devereaux Don Dddds Robt. Fotheringham Ross Gordon Jim Henderson Gordon Papple DUTIatiulj 1 I 1 Bruce Whitmore Mac Stewart Don Moylan Tom Melody Stanley HIllen Don Kelly ors s from dutch sets. 5. Five Red Onions. 6. 3 cucumbers, slicing, not over 7. FiVe cucumbers, pickling, not over 6". 8. Gherkins, quart box. 9. White Wails, shelled, quart box. 10. Butter beans, shelled, quart box. .garden variety Ate I I. Five pickling beet s. 12. Five table beets. 13. Five table carrots, short, 14.. Five table carrots, long. 15. Tivr; table parsnips-. , • 18. 1 tot, box 'multiplier onions * 17. Five peppers. green. ,,,, a, IS. Two sunflower heads, 19. Two cauliflower heads, 20. Two fall cabbages. Tui..4.J wirier Cabbages. '22, Two red cabbages. 23. 5 cobs garden corn. 24. Two pepper squash. 25, Two m uskmelons. 26. TwO Citrons, striped. 27. Two pie pumpkins, 7" diameter maximum. 28. Two hubbard squash, 29., One yellow field pumpkin. • 30. Two swede turnips, feed. 31. Three table turnips. Cannell's purple top. 32." Six quart basket. Irish cobbler potatoes, unwashed. 33, Six quart basket Sebago potatoes, unwashed. 34. Six. quart basket red potatoes. unwashed. 35. Six quart basket any other kind, correctly named. 36. CollectiOn of squash; 5 varieties, named. 37. Largest cabbage. $.argcst potato. i• 1::2 39. Largest pumpkin or squash. 40. Collection of garden produce, three of each, numbers of types and quality to be considered. 'THE HURON: EXPOSITOR, AUGUST 10, 1978 5A WHITE BEANS Final score hased 100% on field score, Must exhibit I Ot. of white beans at fair to be eligible for Additional entries until Aug. 151'78 • • WHITE BEANS '• Robt. Fotheringham Robert Calton Donald Moylan Doug Hugill Mac Stewart ' Bruce; Whitmore Larry Wheatley Ken Campbell Stanley 1-1111en Jos, Devereaux Russel Bolton Tom Melody Art Bolton Jim Henderson Ken Carnochan W.G.Thompson, Henson, donated $50.00 towards prize money to white bean class. Prize money in Field Crops - 1st $19; 2nd $18; 3rd $11; 4th $16; 5th $15; ' bth $14; 7th $13; 8th $12; 9th $11; 10th $10; all other exhibiting $6.00 each Committee - Clare Relth, Stuart Wilson, Thomas. Young Judged Thurs. ADULT SECTION, G - 3 Prizes: 1st, $4.00" 2nd. $3.00; 3rd, $2.00; 4th, $1.00 • I. 21/2 dozen Brown Eggs. 2. 2 1', Dozen. White Eggs. 3. Special: $3.00 for best trayadult ,Section) donated by United Dairy and Poultry Co=operative. Seaforth Branch, Seaforth Farmers Co-Operative donated $50 towards, these prizes. ' • Top Notch, Feeds, Seaforth doanted $50. Towards these PK4es. Seaforth News Printing Office offer( ildlonery valued at $10 to the winner of most points In this section. - prize. GRAIN - Section J Committee - I,ewis Co ne, Robert Fotheringham, Ken Gemmel', Gordon Pryce (Entries in this class must be in by I I o'clock) PIGS - Section F Class 1, Alfalfa Seed. 1:2 bushel 2, Timothy. V) bushel 3, Red Clover. 1,i bushel 4, Fall Wheat, bushel, 5. Barley: 'II bushel, 2'-row 5a Barley bushel' - 6-row SbBarley..bushcl. open to exhibitors who have . , „„. not previously won a prize 'at Seaforth Fair in Grain Section- • 6. Malting Barley. 1 /z bushel 7. 'Oats. ' bushel.„. ....... , .. , ..... .. , 8., Oats, '/2 bushel, open to exhibitors who have not previously. won a prize at Seaforth Fair in Grain Section 9. Mixed Oats and Batley, Bushel 1.0. White Beans. ' .1 bushel 11. Champion. v2 bushel class 1 - 10 Ribbon 12. Husking Corn on Cob. 8 ears .... .. • 13. .Ensilage Corn. 1 sheaf of eight stalks N.B. ' E 'additional cntty 1-10: 12 and 13; $1.0.0' if so merited 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 S 4 3 2 4 3 2 5 • 4 1 2 5 4 .1 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 Committee-Stuart Wilson,.Robert McMillan, Francis Hunt . Section F L Yorkshire Section-F-2 - Landraco and Lacombe Section F-3 - All other Breeds 1978 SWINE CLASSIFICATIONS 14. Bale of4irst cut hay 15. Bale of second-cut or third -cut hay 16. Fieldehopped hay, first cut, bushel 17. Field chopped hay, second cut.", bushel ,Seaforth Jewellers offers a $5 merchandise voucher to winner of most pOints in Section J. 1. Number of Classifications for Swine The classifications may be offered to individual breeds which have registered in ,a Canadian herdbook at least a minimum of 1000 head in the preceding year, 2. Six Classes for Breeding Animals • Plus the'"interbreed" Single Barrow Class'(Optional). All breeding class entries, must be owned by, and registered in the name of, the exhibitor, Ages to be computed from the date of birth to th e first day of the month in which the fait' opens and no animal to become ineligible to show during the •duration of the show, A. Boars (1) 8 months and under 10"months of 'age . (2) 6 months and under 8 months of age. B. Gilts (1) 10 months and under 12 Months of age (evidence of being in pig) (2) 8 months and under 10 months of age (3) 6 months and under 8 months of age C. Breeders Herd • A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to be represented. Each animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the above classes. Entries must meet with the requirements set out in General Rules 1 (b) Group Classes. 3. R,O.P. Requirements for Entries in Classes for Breeding Animals. All breeding class entries must be enrolled in or have completed a R.O.P. test. • .0, • • EntileX 220 days of age or younger at the time of judging which have not completed a R.O.P. test must show on the record of the sire, Entries which have completed test or are older than 220 days of age at the time of judging must show on their own records. Boar Performanotrrthi oF14ome Test Program Adjusted Age to 90 Kg. live weight - 175 days Adjusted Backfat to 90 Kg. live weight - not tO exceed 20 mm. ROOTS' & VEGETABLES Section K Committee: Mrs. Ron Driscoll, Mrs. Bob Fotheringham, Mrs. Wilfred Drager Prizes for all classes except 40 to be $1.50; $1.00; .75c Class 1, Five tomatoes, red. It is mandatory that official test results be listed cm the entry form and listed in the fait catalogue, if one is published. Prizes: 5.5,00; S4.00; $3.00t $2.00. SPECIALS - To winner of most points In Section K, a One year's subscription to The Huron Expositor.