HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-10, Page 19Brussels man preaches-Carmel Bertha MacGregor 262-2025 Mr. Leslie Perry of Brussels conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday speaking from the Acts Chapter 8 verse' 26 "The Angel of the Lord spoke to Philip "Get yourself ready and go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza". Miss Brenda Pepper presided at the organ for the service of song and accompanied the quartette entitled "Pass It On" by Misses, Brenda,' Laurie Marylin and Joanne Pepper. There will be no service during the remainder of the month of August. Mrs. Hilda Beer and Mrs. Ralph MacArthur 'of Edmonton returned from a pleasant holiday in Bermuda. Mr. Ernie Davis recently underwent surgery in St. Joseph's' Hospital, London, Mrs. Don Gooding of Parkhill visited • over the weekend with her. mother Mrs. Edgar Muzin. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren, Jodi and Brooke returned to their home in Oakville after holidaying with their mothers Mrs. Bertha MacGregor and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Keyes and MT. and Mrs. Ed Corbett spent the weekend at the former's summer home in the Haliburton District. Banker honoured A most-enjoyable- evening was spent at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther on Wednesday •when the Staff, husbands , and wives aSsembled'.to honour Ron Sakkal, Administration Manager who has been transferred to Allision. During the evening Mr. Luther presented Ron with a gift for which Ron expressed sincere thanks. Mr. Thomas Tilley from the Bank ' of .Montreal Branch, .GOderich replaced Mr. Sakkal. FRESHLY MINCED • 23% OR LESS FAT BONE IN zehrs, s. MEDIUM GROUND BEEF $11 lb L FULL CUT ROUND STEAK 9 *1 NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS FINE QUALITY PURE HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR C THIS PAGE OF SPECIALS AVAILABLE IN ALL ZEHRS MARKETS, FROM 9 A.M. WED. AUG. 9 TILL CLOSING TUESDAY AUGUSTA, SHERRIFF 8 FLAVOURS SCHNEIDERS CHEDDAR , JELLY POWDERS .19 0 .z_ F' MIL CHEESE 12 oz. $119 R NEILSONS 5 FRUIT FLAVOURS ., SCHNEIDERS CHEDDAR DRINK CRYSTALS25 9_1 .59 MEDIUM CHEESE_L2s.zX1 .59, COLGATE at CALGONITE 60 02 $2.19 MOUTHWASH $.1.59 FOR DISHWASHERS Bertha MacGregor Retires but she still re THE IURON Xfornilt0 AUGUST 10 Uirl r,4*17 pj.r prts news Bertha MacGregor • Bertha MacGregor, Hensall Corres- pondent for four Huron County newspapers,. including The Expositor, isn't one to sit and twiddle her thurntts: For almost .50 years, Mrs. 'MacGregor has been a newspaper correspondent • a job she's done in her spare hours, after her fulltime work was finished. Working as a' correspondent has been more "a labor of love" than a moneymaking venture. Mrs. MacGregor started writing for the Exeter Times-Advocate years ago, when their original correspondent moved from the village and she's kept up her weekly column of *Hensel' news ever einee • More recently, Mrs. MacGregor started writing, Hensall news for the Huron Expositor as well as other county papers. Over the years, Mrs. MacGregor has learned the tricks of the correspondent's. trade. Some people prefer never to see their name in print. Others tell Mrs. MacGregor ' things of such a personal nature, that the correspondent knows they can't be pub. fished. After Return Mrs. MacGregor makes it a rule never to publish news about out-of-town visits until 111011110111111MM11•1•MMOW after the people have returned, since the news that a house is vacant might be an open invitation for someone to breakin. Since a great deal of a correspondent's news is received over the phone, Mrs. MacGregor said many people have learned to trust her to word the news correctly. Although for years, the correspondent wrote our her columns in longhand, now she types out the column and mails it to the four papers. • ' - When she originally worked only for the Exeter paper. Mrs. MacGregor would often race down to catch the conductor on the. old Huron-Bruce train which stopped in Hensel]. The conductor would take Mrs. Mac- Gregor's column and make sure it was dropped off in the Exeter mail, so it reached the paper before the deadline. With today's postal problems, Mrs. MacGregor's column isn't always so sure of reaching the papers before their Wednesday deadline. Until the, end Of June, Mrs. MacGregor's fulltime job was with South Huron Hospital, Exeter, where she has worked for the past 17 years. Retired When she retired, at 67 years, Mrs. MacGregor was head housekeeper at the hospital, but over the years. she's worked at a variety of ''Sin the hospital. and "I could tell you every corner and crack and crevice of that place," For some,years she was records librarian and then she took a course to move to the head housekeeper's position. While many people welcome retirement with open arms, Mrs. MacGregor finds she is missing the routine, "1 liked the work and the people. The hospital was part of my life," she .said. , One particular advantage of her job, was that Mrs. MacGregor had firsthand know- ledge of the Hensell residents who were confined for a stay in the hospital. Now the correspondent depends on her sister, also a hospital employee, to keep her posted on who's in hospital. Monday When she was working, Mrs. MacGregor wmte her column for the papers on Monday and sometimes Tuesday nights. She said as soon .as she came in the door on Monday, the phone would start ringing as people phoned in news of local happenings. Others slide, the news under Mrs. MacGregor's door, and she still finds the occasional note, since people don't realize she's home fulltime. Before working in Exeter, Mrs, Mace Gregor had worked in a number of Hensall stores and restaurants, including Brown's ; hardware and later their I.G.A, grocery store It was Henrietta Brown who was a type ketter at The Expositor, who persuaded Mrs. MacGregor to start writing her column for the Seaforth paper. Working in local stores proved a bonus for Mrs. MacGregor's newsgathering since sooner or later, most Hensall newcomers would drop into the stores, and the correspondent could include the information in her column. Today, it's, a bit more difficult keeping up with newcomers in the village, and Mrs. MacGregor admits many of the families she writes about are ones who have lived in Hensell for some years. Her Other Jobs In addition to her other jobs, for many years Mrs. MacGregor also did custom sewing fore her. neighbours. Now that she's retired, Mrs. MacGregor hopes to do more writing, although she finds news is harder• to come by in the summer, a situation that plagues all newspaper editors. This year, Mrs. MacGregor has taken 'on presidency of the Hensall Three Links, the village senior citizens group. Last year, Mrs. MacGregot was deputy district president of Huron District 23 of the Rebekkah Lodge, a challenge she "wouldn't have missed for anything." Her duties as district president' included' visiting the five other country lodges and hosting the visit of Ontario president. On Vacation Although her garden helps keep her busy, Mrs. MacGregor said she still •feels as if she's, on. vacation., In the futuree the correspondent hopes to travel and the place she particularly dreams of visiting is Hawaii. Also, part of her time is taken up with visits to her son Donald and hiS family in Rexdale, where her son is manager of the Bank of Montreal. Like any grandmother, Mrs. MacGregor likes to keep up with the 'activities of grandchildren Jodi, ten years old and Brooke. eight years. Retirement from her full time job isn't going to keep the ffensall correspondent from recording tile news of changes 'in the lives of her neighbours. • Those changes-births, deaths, marriages and visits may not be the stuff of headlines, but they drafter very much on a personal level. 'YR .•i -1 „;4. •I •, I 1 Correspondent Jean Taylor 482-9155 e - On Thursday August 3, a well attended indication service was held for Reverend Bob McMullen, who will be taking the Brucefield-Kippen charge. The service was held at Kippen United Church, with a large joint cheer. The presiding minister was Rev. Stan MacDonald from Londesboro. Rev. J. W. Siebert of Stratford, a long time friend of the McMullen family, presented the sermon, A social hour was enjoyed while the Kippen ladies served lunch. We welcome. Bob, Anne Marie and baby, Jennifer into our community. Personals Mrs. Kathleen McMullen from Toronto visited with Rev. and Mrs. McMullen for the weekend. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grunewald, enjoyed a weekend at an Air ShoW featuring "antique' planes at Old Rhine Beck in New York State. A surprise birthday party 'was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martin, Seaforth, . for Mrs, Clark. Visitors attended from HamiltOn, Toronto, Calgary, Goderich, Greensville and Varna. Mr. Ralph Stewart of Calgary is holidaying with his cousin Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sillery. Brucefielcrs New minister SHOP, THESE WEEKLY STAR STUDDED SPECIALS PERSONAL TOUCH AQUA FRESH SHAVING SYSTEM FOR WOMEN $2 4 9 100 ML. ONLY • G• : OUR MISSION.... 0. -. ___., ...._ TO SEEK AND FIND i -14 got 77'''' Vc. - NEW WAYS TO ' - N SAVEYOLI MONEY! : . 58 the Square, GODERICH NOM Whet, CLINTON/Main Corner, StAFORIR BISCUITS 350 OK ONLY TRIANG LE OISCOUNTons,r0 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Townsend and family spent a few days camping at Sauble' Beach and crossed to Manitoulin Island on the M.S. Chi-Cheema•en. Mr. and Mrs. Jack DOWNY 2 LITRE LIDO ASS'T BIC DISPOSABLE SHAVER PKV ity 9 TOOTHPASTE 09' 3.91 ONLY 1 SCHNEIDERS COOKED VAC. PACKED PORTION HAM STEAK. SCHNEIDERS CARTWRIGHT RANCH CHOPPED SIRLOIN PATTIES SCHNEIDERS ROUND SMOKED DINNER HAM F ULLY LCOOKED BONELESS INSIDE ROUND 's orllTOP ROUND STEAK lb '1 Priiii/SAGE lb .78 TENDERIZEDBE ROUND . CUBE STEAK lb $2.29 SLICED SALAMI 6 Qz • PKG 69c SYS $2.98 ALL WIENERS 1 lb P KG $1639 SIRLOIN TIP - 12_ it STEA K' 40 oz. RETURNABLES PREPRICED 59' EA . 0 C PLUS DEP 1 lb PKG 9 NEW ZEALAND FROZEN SHOULDER. 6 °z 13 LAMB ROAST Ib 1.09 lb SCHNEIDERS SANDWICH STYLE $2.18 MEAT ROLLS 8 oz 65c VAN CAMPS 19 IN TINS SCHNEIDERS COLOURED OR WHITE BEANS WITH PORK 2 (F) 99c OLD CHEESE 12 oz $1.59 . CLUB HOUSE MANZANILLA OLIVES- LOOSE $1 .55 49c PACK SOUR CREAM 250 POTATO CHIPS 21255: • WESTONS LEMON FILLED HOSTESS REGULAR OR DIP 89c FRESH BUNS FOOD FRESH a AP 100 FT . Ib *1 19 SCHNIDERS SLICED SIDE• BACON ENDS OR KENT SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb. PKG. YOUR CHOICE 160 'SCHNEIDERS CHOCOLATE CIIIP PURE VEGETABLE OR ASSORTMENT C TRY OUR OWN BRAND ZEHRS CHOICE C ; We will be pleased to serve you in: HWY . Our manaper ,s: de Dale McDonald GODERICH HURON RD H "8 1 •OPEN WED-.-THURS,-FR.I. EVENINGS Inducted McGregor and family toured Ottawa and Thousand Islands returning to a Blue' Jay game in Toronto. Miss Janice Moffat spent last week visiting at Brantford and Niagara Falls. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS FL, OZ, BASKET RED RIPE FLAVOURFUL FIELD TOMATOES AYLMER CHOICE- PEAS, CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS OR PEAS & CARROTS b ,o ONNT0A.RilOGRGARDOWE N 8 o t t41,110 0 1 4QT. BASKET VEGETABLES 4 14 oz TINS FOR SCHEFFLERA MEAT PIES . THIS PLANT IS.IDEAL FOR REG. 5.99 6" POT ,HOME,HOME OR OFFICE 49 CAN. NO. 1 GRADE CELERY STALKS LUCKY CHARMS, TRIX OR COCOA PUFFS GENERAL MILLS CEREALS 22r57 69c IVORY DETERGENT LIQUID FOR DISHES' 24 oz 99ce I BEEF, TURKEY OR CHICKEN COLGATE - 2 VARIETIES 51' EA TOOTHPASTE WHOLE CRISPYFLAKE ZEHRS SHORTENING 1 lb 100 COOKIES ES 28 d, 8 or. PIES rOn- BATHROOM BOWL CLEANER NEILSONS TREATS FROSTSIdLES, OREAMSICLES OR ORANGE JUICE STICKS REG. 99' SAVARIN DINNERS 2 lb • CTN' OP 12 PoKFG6 69c WESTONS CHOCOLATE 59c SWISS ROLLS PKG OF 4_ ..69C BATHROOM TISSUE • 4 COLOURS COTTONELLE. 4 RGLI-$1 .09 SANI FLUSH 34 oz 79c NIAGARA FROZEN CONCNTRATED 99c ORANGE JUICE121/2o7 TIN 880 100 ml 4 VARIETIES - READY TO HEAT $1.49 11 oz. FROZEN