HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 2file WING.I.IAM TIMES AUGUST 12, 1808.
Suc�:t ,1 hate, lit cit itt;le
il t ria I•
for ttltties Ot ,:11.,lieutatla, tits the Fell
fan raid a+rtlol that militia de-
partnieni, ha, taut to oilier the priut-
1ng of a ::tPt,t;tl slIpp!y. lilt• 15,000
are Dila', .pial ii'Oi't• l'I quilt tt.
M. Iia, a c: t i',
been.r;.,..t• J t, re-
cently _ r rte ;,,;.t ;,ts :, t• . t
ent tt, , •t'.. 01,1 It; 11.• t•.'itTlt•11,
Roads that "brok up" are batt
Make road improvements in shell
a way that will snake it permanent.
Whether oy statute labor or other
means undertake roadwork system-
a ieally. .
Appoint a saperviser who will
have eharge of all the roadwork,
Make read -heats five miles in
length, choose the best men as path -
masters, and kfep them in office.
Classify the I-oad, according to the
nature and extent of the traffie over
Specify the width of grade, amount
Of crown plant or drainage, kind,
width and del h of material to he
used, and see tltt these specifications
are carried out.
Positively _ tt� sa Purchase grat°el by the pit not by
rely Buren y' .te
Little Pills. the load.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Use clean road material.
Indigestion and. Too FRarty Eating. A per. I Strip the clay nd earth from over
tett re=far D zzin.�s, Nausea, Drowse- the gravel 'it bei.tre the time of per•
cess,Dad Taste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue forming statate ltibor.
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They ' "f
Begate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. If screening or+erushing is neces-
Srrlall Pell. Small Dose. Bary let this be 1ne before the time
Small Pice. of statute labor.
Substitution Do not scattemoney in making
trifling repairs ol1 temporary strue-
ilie :fraud of the flap 1 tures. Roads, culverts and bridges
l will always be
See you get Carter's, 1 construction in
IInanne.r, suitabl
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Litt14 Liver Pills.
Ile nut cover an al's gravel road
with rod and earth front the stiles of
tand sod
this earth .
the roadI. urn
outward and raise the centre with
new gravel.
Adopt every means to secure a
hard, smooth, waterproof surface.
Do not let stones roll loosely on
Do not let rata remain. They
make travelling difficult and spoil
the toad by holding Water.
;stake repairs as oon as the detect
Improve the draii age of the hills.
Make the crown ,f the roadway
higher than on levelround.
Change the locatio1 of a road if a,
steep hill can be avoi led.
Do not use wood fo culverts. Use
concrete, vitrified pi or stone.
Do not build woodel bridges. Use
iron, .stone or concrete.
a place in the museum. I notice the
'r' 'substitutes
Canadian customs fu bid 'bstitu.tes
of imitations of buttar. I hope red
talar won't signalize itself' over this.
"The keg of which this is a pot' -
tion was dug up recently (this year)
in n. bog near Danlavin, Connty Kil
dare. The staves are said to have
-1E- •-
t: Egniset.Ln
Sufferers ten years from weak heart
tion and ntprvousness.
Curets by Milburnrs Heart
and Nerve Pills.
No frits G:• profession is ex nil from
equircd, and their
the most durable
to requirements, 1s
most economical.
If statute 1abo is to be made suc-
cessful the work must be systemati-
cally planned aged some definite end
kept in view. ;t
Have the work properly laid out
before the day appointed to com-
mence work. Otily call out a sufficient
number of men and teams to proper-
ly carry out the work in hand, and
notify then of the implements each
I will be required/ to bring.
Let no pa.tbm4ster return a rate-
s tiers statute ;labor as performed
unless it has e n done.
• L Ziztne'lHolo
been round it, but to have fallen off
on removal. It lay in a peasant's
garden, and the dogs fell on it for a
time. Mrs. Ilopkin�t, of Blackhall 1
Castle, Kileullen, County Kildare, got 1
it then, and I got this fragment from I
her. I melted a. piece, and it seems'
decidedly butterfish'+"
Mr Lefroy has come upon another •
find for Mr. Boyle that should be of
peeuliar interest tg that portion of
our population Whip is of Irish par
entagc. Ile ha; selured an "Ogham
stone," and it willI come, over to the
tnuseun: as soot as the small
sum necessary foil the transporta-
tion is raised. Autogham stone is a
stone which is occsionaily found in
Ireland, inseribeCi . vith the "ogh•l m"
alphabet, which w s current in Ire-
land prior to the n nth century. The
oghFtm alphabet is of the runic
variety, the chara `tors being straight
litres, generally up ight and parallel,
hut occasionally iitransverse. Mr.
1 Boyle commission 4 d Mr. Lefroy to
find him one, all that gentleman
has succeeded, tho Igh aghatn stones
are nut to be pick up easily. This
one can be brought to Toronto at a
cost of £1 or 4 1'ir. Boyle has
communicated web several prom:
inept Irish Cant t ans, and has al.
Dr. y iiliams' Medi int Co. ready met with a liberal response
Gentlemen,—A f .w years ago my from Very Rev, eau arris and
system became thoroughly run down Superior Teefy. ie hopes to
My blood was in a l frightful condi• enough soon to ad this exceedingly i
tion ; medical tresat Tent did no good. valuable article to lis collection.
I surfeited myself with advertised 9i
medicines, but withlcqually poor re Canadian Joga Lead.
sults. 1 was fintt y iucapaciatecl ,
from work, became horoughly des- --
pondent; and gave hope of living lir, 1?. W. Iiodsoti, Superintendent
much longer. Whir . in this con- Farmers' Institutes'} has received a 1
dition I visited my 1 me near Tara. letter from the rinour Peeking
A sister, then and n living in Tor- Company in referance to a small
at the parent- trial shiplltent of Canadian hogs re: I,
cently slaughtered by them. They I
say : "The shipme t consisted en:1
tu•ely of Yorkshires' The meat pro:
dotter by thein s of excellent 1
disease c r .; r'titens of the '� an p 1 b to his s�trs ! quality, %ery firm tnd the fat per:
nerves. Ti:. r :-nu' t., r..uk and .ttS Il r, later on, She I featly white. `.rile ppet'ranee of this
+ .ezor tet_:•a •sere-i�as racoon. provided me wittl s me of the ills
Mental 1ct.oL. p I rut of hugs was splendid and
conae•.;� �':��=e-orla�:u• g I anticipated at the time we slauguter•
I t others make the stat and begged me to take them• I did to
i h
11.1111111111111111ui.Inu111Y, S111,11.1111,•111•Imn INI lull 1; ,i
onto, was also visite
al home. Her hu$and had been
made healthy throufah the use of
Dr. 'Williams' Pink' Pills, and she
urged me to try tem. Tired of
trying medicines, I 1 ughed at the
proposition. : owev
Ilir. Donald Campbell, the well-known.
carriage maker of Irarristcn, Ont., said:
"I have been troubled off and on for ten
years with weak action of my heart and
nervous:ess. Frequently ray heartwould
flutter 'Teat violence,
palpita.:: ai(. :,
.farming ole c :eeemng.; . Osten 1 had
sharpy.: i ..:.tri myhea,t[macouldnotsleep 1 hardened by 1
we11 at n- at. 1 got o' box of M.ilburn'e i The a et'ator of 1
Heart and ::,'rve Pills and from them de- p
rived alr.:o -t immediate benefit. They re- should have ins
storedvi'.:rt.mya.e:aesandstrew thened ence work on el
myenti•e:'t'.;'.-anreifH9ani0everysymptom the ground has
of nerve oe it .trt t, out le, and enabling me sealed in dspthas and not to lease
to get restful, 'I:ealtll asleep."
Iiilburn'c Heart a d Nerve Pills cure this vtork until the time of statute
palpitation, throbbin , dizzy and faint labor, usually in June when the
spells, nervousness, leeplessuess, weak-
ness,fer•:aletroubles,a. ter effects of grippe, ground is hard and dry.
etc. Pr°cit Cc. a bon r 8 for ;