HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-10, Page 11PROFIT RAISING EARTHWORMS Can You Answer "YES" to These Questions? I Do you hke raising livestock', 2 Do you want a business of your own? 3 Do you need Virement or extra income' 4 Do you have a back yard or other land, PERHAPS YOU CAN BECOME A WORM GROWER! IF ACCEPTED AS A PRODUCER WE OFFER * Professional Guidance * Marketing Service * Exchange Membership * Complete Suppliet ACT TODAY! SEND FOR YOUR FREE BROCHURE! Send name, address,':phone, description of facilities to: NATIONAL WORM GROWERS EXCHANGE, INC it da••• rke Ind 615 "A" STREET • suynmA. TENNESSEE 37167 • (815) 254-7887 Please Check Your SUBSCRIPTION Expiry Date HERE'S HOW EXAMPLE Doe, VVilliarn P. R R.6 Walton, Ont. Dec. 1-0-9-8-7 Mr. Doe's subscription expires the first of December 1977. The digit to the right indicates the year of expiry. Please watch the date on your label and renew before your subscription expires. the. Tinton (fxpositor 527-0240 Seaforth ro I THE 1.1tHION E POSITOR AU alton has Manito visitors guests with Mr., and Mrs, Earl Mills were Mr, and Mrs. Murray Mills, Scott, David and Cathy of Brantford. Mr. and Mii. Clarence Switzer of Bond Head, Mrs. Crosby' Southern, Fordwich and Mr. and Mrs, Clinton 1Honeyford of Oowinstown visited 'wit It- l aitif Mrs. Earl 'Mills Tuesday evening. Institute members are reminded of the mystery car tour , An WednesdaY,. August 16, Those wishing to go are to meet at ,the ,ball at 9:30 a,m. Mr, and Mrs. Watson Webster of Clinton visited. with Mr. and Mrs, Ray Huether and boys on Mon, day, Civic, Holiday. atso calling on relatives enroute. Dr. ,Roy and Mrs. Wilbee and family of BQissevain, Manitoba spent holidays with' Mr. and Mrs, Ian Wilbee and family and other relatives in the' surrounding district. Mr. and Mrs. ill aVe Watson spent the civic holiday weekend at the home of their daughter and son-in, law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pritchard, Kim and Mark in London. Mrs. Eileen McFarlane of LisSowel spent a week, with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson recently, Civic Holiday weekend weeks, ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Johnston visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston at 'Rockton. .1!./Ir. and Mrs. Rae Houston and Mr. ant Mrs. James , Williamson ant returned home from a three week tour of the Western Provinces, Mrs. Allan McCall Mrs. Barbara Richniond and Mrs. 'Margery Huether have completed the specialist nhae of the 'special edu- cation course at the John Robert School for the hearing handicaps in London, which they drove back and forth from, during the past five Shower held in Winthrop St. John Says how to treat heat exhaustion trousseau that had been donated . by the ladies present. Needless to say it was not the average trousseau but it certainly brought a lot of laughs from those present. Marion McClure was in charge of the program with Sandy . Hulley as commentator and Joannb Boven, •Sharon Pethick, Sharon Eedy, Lynn Dodds, ,Debbie Hulley modelling the music of Miss Scott on the piano. Mrs. Robert Hulley A community shower was held recently for Sheila Simpson nee Sheila Campbell, daughter of Reeve Allan and Beatrice Campbell. The many ladies and children present enjoyed the unique program. A fashion show of Sheila's Debbie McClure read an address to Sheila, Who was presented with many beautiful gifts. Sheila thanked everyone present. The Winthrop Bantam Girls team with Cheryl McClure as coach was among The ball players who had a fantastic time in West Branch, Michigan over the weekend: Once more I am sure all the 'parents appre- ciate what the coaches are doing for these children.' sitting, around. On days like, that,: make the kids sit down and cool off occasionally, and be sure everyone drinks lots of water. Water's part of the treat- , ment if heat exhaustion does r strike. It Shows as a shock-like condition, with dizziness, muscle cramps, cold, clammy skin and some- times nausea and diarrhea. Get the victim into a cool lit the middle of one of the hottest, dryest summers on record, St) John Ambulance reminds you that heat can be a menace. it causes a loss of body fluids and salt that can lead to heat exhaustion. Elderly and obese people are most susceptible.' but it can catch anyone, even children. Normally over exertion will cause• it, but on a very hot day, you'll lose energy just place. If he is conscious, give hiM cold water to drink. If he's vomiting or has diarrhea add a half a teaspoon of salt to a pint of water or give him a salted broth. If he's unconscious, don't try to give him anything by mouth. Put him in what's called the recovery position, lying down, on his side with the head back so that if he is sick, he will not choke. oo • • • • • • 0 0000 • .. • • .; . • • • • ••••• ••••• _ •••• • ••• • • WHO GOES FIRST? Wingham and Walton tossed a coin to see which team would go to bat first when Brussels held a ball tournament : . on the weekend.. The Wingham team were the overall winners. (Photo by Langlois). Londesboro Lady home from B. • • Business Director • • • • • oo Emerson Hesk spent week- end with his duaghter Mr. and Mrs. Ron McLellan and Stephen at Mt. Hope. achy-Radford spent-last Balmer, Edmonton. Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Fowler Stratford visited on the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs' Claire Vincent_ Mrs. Bert Shobbrook We welcome Mrs. marion Leatherland from Blyth to the village on July 31st to the trailer borne she • purchased from. Mr. and Mrs. Carl N'esbitt. Mrs. Robert Gillisp ie. (Donna;Youngblut) returned to her home• in KamloopS EtC. on Saturday from spending 2 weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles ,Scanlin and Ken. Mr. Orville Newby spent Monday night with his, son Mr. and Mrs. Don Newby, New Hamburg. Mr, and Mrs. Leland Adams, Toronto Spent week end with his mother Mrs. Stella. Adams' and Gloria. ' ' Mrs. A lice Davidson returned home on Thursday from Keswick where she - attended the funeral of her brother-in -plaw David David- son, her mother went to Toronto with her and is spending a few days there. Miss Ivy Shaddrick of Kitchener spent .a few days • last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddrick. Mr. and Mrs. Claire J. Vincent spent last week in July visiting with Mr. Aind Mrs. Donald Vincent and Jodie Lynn at Hanna, Alberta. She also spent one day with Mr. and Mrs. John oo L. •• • • ir. • • • ••• • •• • • • lb • • • ••••• • SEWING • • Sewing Machine ServliN • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • , o • • FUNERAL HOME m Whitney-Ribey Funeral Home • OPTICIAN (-- DECORATING Th Graves Wallpaper 8 Paint Featuring Nkom o. Canadian' & Imported Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth r"" APPLIANCES —1 • • • • • • • • itkutorized factory warranty • Service and repairs to ' • • _GE:. FRIGIDAIRE • & INGLIS • APPLIANCES • • Service and repairs to all • • makes • • • • • • • • • N. • :it—APPLIANCES • • 'te • • • • • • • • • • • • • • r--CAR CARE • 41111k. • • • DATSUN week with Joyce Sewers at • Barrie. ' Mrs. Marjorie Bicknell, Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Colon Paterson, London spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hummel and children from Holmesville to the new home they built on property, mchased. from 'Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trick formerly Mai Sewers) and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shobbrook, Ajax visited with his Uncle Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. ' John 'Cartwright is attend- ing Walter Tkacz uk Hockey camp in St. Mary's this week. Mrs. Laura Forbes returned home from visiting in Bk. with her • cousin Mrs. Alberta Sims in Kelowna and Peter at 100 Mile House. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie, Robbie and Jennifer, Kitchener spent week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Radford, Dawn and Monica of Niagara Falls spent the long week ' end with, his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Radford. Mr. (--- Depot Service to all makes. Free estimates 90 day warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St. 2 dporri south of Hudsons) Stralf•rd, 271-9660 Closed Mondays David. lo'ngstaff • Ltd. Optician 87 Main St., South, Seaforth Appliance & Reftigeration Service ROSS W. RIBEY, DIRECTOR . , 87 Goderich St.., Seaforih. OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAMOLOGISTS • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • ',/e• • • • • • • & STEREOTh• • • • ' Prescriptions Filled Promptly Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30 p.m Wednesday - Closed Saturday - 9-12:Q0. COMPLETE OPTICA SERVICE PHONE, 527-1390 Don Horne Maintenance 527-0636 Seaforth IeT ELECTRICAL Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor SIDING BEARSS ALUMINUM SEAFORTH 527-1295 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service f INSURANCE _\ IS YOUR INSURANCk, UP TO DATE? See us about your' General Life Investment requirements RDOP focuses L On needs Of seniors 527-1303 For a ' complete line of aluminum siding, soffit and L fascia, eavestrough, doors, windows, railings, awnings and' shutters. Specializing fn custom encasements. Londesboro HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Auburn 526-7505 or Mitchell 348-8684 Greeting into the ' sanct- uary on Sunday morning was Gordon Shobbrook and ushers were Bill Jewitt, Brad Lyon. Kevin Radford and Bob Jameison. Following the call to worship a gospel hymn ' sing was held. The soloist Ann Snell was accompanied by organist Louise Mc- Gregor. Rev. children's story, discussed wanting to be popular 'and the junior teacher was Joan Whyte. The message was "A study of the Book of Psalm, text Psalm 55." Flowers were placed by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGregor in honour of the marriage of their- daughter Ruthanne to Gary Irvine in the church on Saturday. APPLIANCE • and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE Jirn./Broadfoot 482,7032 - ORGAN •• The needs of senior citi- zens in Huron County and the services available to meet them will be the main focus of:, Rural Development. • Oritreach Project (RDOP) activities here in the fixture, it was decided at a meeting last week. The RDOP Huron Com- mittee --met at Wingham Wednesday and. .,'after reviewing some of, the find- ings of last year's Cominunity survey and comparing them to provincial and national statistics, - endorSed a recommendation the group undertake a !'Focus 'on Seniors" as its" major goal over the remainder of the project. • The Huron 7 Committee included Doug Fortune from Turnberry Township council, Harold Wild (sitting in for Tom Dyell) from' Wingham council, Grant Stirling from county council, George Pen- fold of the county planning department and RDOP per- sonnel Louise Marritt of Turnberry and Tony Fuller,' Nancy McPherson, Jackie Wolfe and Marcia Armstrong of Guelph. All council members agreed to support the idea in principal provided it not cause them additional costs at this time. Anne Stewart of Seaforth, a student employed by the RDOP for the summer, reported On an intensive survey of the North Huron area She has ,been doing in order to compile a list of all services provided for senior' citizens by .non-agency groups. She said she found that while there are many groups helping seniors (168 to date) the distribution is very un- even, with most concentrated din Wingham, Brussels and Blyth-. Since this community base is already in existence the "committee is hoping to work, with the local groups and" earn the working of their specific programs, a representative said. Other paispf the county might be able 'to adapt some of the programs, to their areas. It *as also pointed out _that aS population continues to beeeitie "top heavy" due to a declining birth rate the needs ofsenier citizens will become increasingly more important. StatiSties released by the StienCe Council Of Canada indicate the proportion of ageil people is higher in small Urban centres than in either the' large centres or —1411111irrggions. In Wing; barn' 18 per cent of the population is over age 65, the committee was told. The committee decided an opportunity exists for Huron ,County, to develop and co- ordinate a program for senior citizens which ;,might be applicable to other rural area's in Ontario. ,-ELECTRICAL '----' Geo. A. Sills & Sons GULIIIRANSIEN GALANT! WURLITZIR lest In Organs and Pianos FREE Organ Lessons Low-Cost Monte! Plan AO this and more It Alitros ___0171 Stan McDonald's Winthrop • • Seaforth Insurance Agency 5-27-16)0 _IMPROVEMENTS MaclEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings. Mr. and 'Mrs. Eugene St. Louis and Paul attended the wedding of their son Mark 'David to Catherine Anne Mailloux at St.' Patrick's Church in Windsor on July 29, 1978. Their older son Timothy St. Louis of Clinton waS best man for his brother. There was a family dinner held at the Top Hat Supper Club after the ceremony. Prior to the wedding Mrs. Greta St. Louis held a linen shower in honour of Cathie in Windsor. Visitors with Bob and Marg Hulley on the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie,,Dorchester, Mr. Otto Walker, Cromarty: Mr..and Mrs. Larry Gardiner, Steveli, Lisa, Leanne; Lori Jo and Robbie Gardiner of Cromarty. • • Complete Line STEREO ot AND ZENITH TELEVISION S S • • %•, • • • • SALES & SERVICE Service to All Makes . Texaco Products PULSIFER MUSIC • • • • Gerald's Datsun Seaforth 527-1010 • \. • :f---CAR CARE • • SERVICE Seaforth Electronics • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (--- WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING' SIIAiORTIN 52741053 Closed Wednesdays HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 527.1620 Seaforth • • 17 Sparling St., 527-1150 • • • • (— PIANO Piano Tuning and .. Repairs Bruce Ptilsifer -/ 521-0053 or after six phone 482-9618 GORb'S GULF • • • • • • • (-FARM SUPPLIES -N 4.S4/10 Feed Seed, Fertilizer Farm Supplies, Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils, • • • • • 0 • Licensed Mechanic Service to all makes of •cars • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S • • Seaforth Coop ,527-0770 (—MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments • . Detroit Diesels • (527-0333 j PLUMBING Bill's Plumbing & Heating . Seaforth Complete Sewer Hook-Up Backhoc & Trucking FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 527-0203 (-RESTAURANT The • • • e • CAR ,CARE • Complete Line • • • • <SUNOCO> CAR CARE PRODUCTS • • • • • Now Doing Lubes and • - Tire Repair. • • • • • CALL GARY DILL 348,8383 OR 347-2435 Collect Call accepted at 348-8383 only , MITCHELL FORGE RESTAURANT Lie. L. L. B. 0. Home of C4TH PIZZA _ ReddliCheP Inscriptions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME 87 Godericb SI., West Agent for Wingham Memorials „Seaforth 527-1390 • • 1". WELDING oos Your Income • BUY THIS SPACE TODAY Call 527-0240 • • • • • • • • • ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. Vanastra 482-7931 SALES AND SERVICE OF Aluminum Welding Livestock Racks Edbro Hoists Grain Bodies Fifth-Wheel Trailers General Repairs Archie's Sunoco 527-0881 Sea forth Kentucky Style Chicken I • • • • • • • c" • • • • • • • • 527-0443 ,—OPTOMETRIST —'. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Seaforth Office ' 527-1240 Mon-.Fri. 9-5:30 I. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • o FLORIST •MacLEAN'S FLOWERS DECORATING Expert Interior & Exterior Decorators Kern Paints Walicovertngs Armstrong Carpeti Window Shades United Service 0 P' Flowers by wire "'° 527-0800 Saturday 12:00 Closed-Wednesdays. BY APPOINTMENT • HILDEBRAND • • • • • • ••••••••••• •********** PAINT AND PAPER Phone 50-1880 15 Main St , Seaforth Seaforth • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••eieee*******Oode••••••••ede • • •