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The Wingham Times, 1898-08-12, Page 1
, 1N( VOL. XX.VII.- -NO. 1373. WINGHAM,NONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1.898. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE WE SELL CHEAP'. r Sm:ei Sale The time has' arrived when the wise storekeeper looks around his stock and notes what has to be got rid of before the summer season comes to an end. We have been doing this, and find not Nithstanding a wonderfully successful season. We have still good lines of seasonable goods in all departments that we Should like to get rid of before the arrival of our fall goods. With this end in view, for the balance of the season we shall sell all oar summer goods at either cost or a very small margin over, and some lines we will positively sell considerably below first cost. Do you want Dry Goods, Clothing, I3oots and Shoes, Millinery, Gents' Furnishings. If so come „,nd see what we can do for you. We want your money and. we are sure you will want our bargains when you see them. Remember, all summer goods at or nearly at coat. This particularly applies to Gents' Furnishings. Any- thing is Shirts, Ties, &e. We will sell at prices that will make you glad you.canre to see us. HOMUTH & RO'NLESI Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. Fall Term Opens September 1st. 7714 -7-t& time of the year to outer the famous A FAIR SKIN ean;he ohtlincd by using one of the many proper. ations which we sell. Some best for one Skin Trouble, some for+nother. Now is a good time to treat the skin with some some of the preparations. A good stock of Perfume always on hand. An L. HAMILTON DRUGGIST successor to Ohisholm's Drug Store. Istil-_L•,IL^JL^)JI�,,,,,c �5•T-�-0,,z L 'L 1-1 ., THERE'S THE DEVIL l,, 111GTO PAY Ci is ie our printing office, and we want j: to make hien earn it by plenty of 5J Horse Foil SAVE Owing to his intend- eI work., You see we believe in giving I ad removal from to n, Mr John Neelands intend- -AL the devil his doe. Bring all your r' offers for sale idsrich cottage on Minnie . printing here and you will help ns. �r� street. The boos . has all the modern ,f AWe will in return help you to the Gr1- conveniences and ill be sold on easy 11 best and quickest printing at the 0' terms. For full p, •titulars apply to JOHN l lowest prices. No job is too big or ] NRI LANns, Wingham. too small for us.' Estimates given I Id free. 11 TILE JARVIS CoN `ERT.—The Jarvis con- TIMES, WINGLIAM. ij l'n Slnt:wee s --Work • the new sidewalks moves steadily on ard. Tho walk on .Diagonal road is fi fished, and the one on the north side of Jo n street is about com- pleted. The walks are about all finished that have been orde ed by the council thus I ar. WE Weer News. that we are always local interest. If y. tante visits you, rep where from, eta; ,if' us know it, We wa this newspaper inter 'welly bear in mind lad to receive items of tr friends from a dis- rt it promptly, saying on go on a jaunt let ,t your help to make sting and reliable, TI!E Caors—Tho c has been favorable t but disastrous to the sections the cutting a few have finished. the majority will be The wheat and hay greater part of the o bulk of the peas are in. In some sectio finished threshing, exceptionally good. To BaANTFORD Wingham Firemen men's and Band T. ford and wile comp and book and lad will have some hot pete against but w. to come out on top have secured a epe Brantford and any ing to accompany t information from ntinned dry weather harvesting operations •oot Drops. In many well under way and f rain does not come hrough in a few days. are all in, and the is are housed. The ut but not yet hauled s the farmers have d the yield has been ednesday next the will attend the Erre- rnament at Brant- te in the hose reel er race. The boys companies to cotn- are looking for them in both races. They ial car through to .f our citizens wish- sm can procure full hief Manuel. GET ON THE LIST who is twentyone y have his name on t lists have been ise to see that their n should. CENTI1L+.L BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. . One of the largest, most popular, and moat successful Commercial S3hools in Canada. • Thousands of former students now in successful business life. Revises courses •of study ; beautiful rooms ; strong staff of teachers ; satisfaotion guaranteed. Rofer- .ences :--All Stratford. Write for beautiful catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Prineipajr. CHEAP REA I C Our Clubbing List. NO PAPER I� Following th taking n. week ing the sum have decided Tidies next w will be open for of general bu •work will rec prompt attenti issue of the Till ust 2Gth. XT WEEK.- usual EEK.... usual custom of holidays dur- er mouths, we of to issue the k. The office the transaction ness and job ve the asual . The next s will be Aug-. LOCAL NEWS. OUR FALL FAIR.—T tractions for the Nor held here on Septem been completed, an features are promised prize lists are in the will be issued in a fe year promises to surp OrrxCIAL Tatax,—Tit G. T. R. passed thr Tuesday of this week board were Sir Charles president ; General M oral Superintendent tinpexiutendant Fitzgo Wibeubnrger and a ladies. The train wa and it only retrained in er to sage our subscribers the trouble of making two or more remittances we have made ,special arrangements with the publishers by which we aro enabled to offer the following publications in love rateson from nowh ©rntil�Janun y lett,,1t 00,t Special clubbing rates with all newspapers and magazines .quoted upon application- Ca.,h must accompany all orders TRUSS and Weekly Globe, 3125 Times and Western Advertiser, 140 Times and Fancily Herald and Weekly Star and Picture Timor and 1?arrnors" Advocate, • Thnes and Fanning, weekly, - Times and Ladies' Journal, Times and Montreal Weekly Wltnes5, Times and Farmers' Sun, • • 1 Times and Daily Globe • • Times and D;lil} World • Times mai 't •mtry Gentleman, Ad dress, 190 • 195 135 • 140 1 25 425 x0 e list of speeial at - 1 -Western fair to be ✓ 27th and 28th 'has some fine special The largo bills and nds of printer and days. The fair this s all previous ones. 11 13. +'LLLIOTP, WI1CGHAM. NEWSPAPER CiraNOE who has been connecte ton Tribune for near) disposed of it to Mr. for many years conn Toronto Globe. This one of the oldest newsp ern Ontario from aotiv proprietor takes posses and we wish him every dertaking. official train of the ugh Wingham on Among those on ivers-Wilson, the lager Hayes, Gen- McQuigan ; Local ald, Train Blaster umber of English a handsome one re a few minutes. MATCHED RAGE—A. which will create con oneheld the W willb on Friday Aug.19th. Bros. have a nice 1 Messrs. T. Bell k So that'Beatties, with th are to shut out Bell's race will be best 3 its place in the forenoon beard whether Gent' has secured the "pray its altogether likely t pea man will be on has some very good will be a means of tel stock the Mossrs.13o drivirg. cert in the opera h ing, Aug. 22rid, un Wingham football success. Many are Jarvis, who is .A. Ho will be assist Scott, Soprano, highly recommend large cities of C States. There wi tette choir, under Cline. Secure yo drug store, or fro Aug. 22nd—be sur Mr. J. Robertson with the Harris - thirty years has oho A. Coupland, ted with the the range removes one per men in West - service. The new on in a week or so access in his un- FIREMAN'S Ex August 19, will b civic holiday and .Wingham has con with the Grand T to run a big excur special train will 1 8.30 and the fare dren half price. London," has bee three hours sailin o'clock. Tickets Blyth band will b cursion train and. ly invited to atten be a good one. `rEvery British subject bars of age is entitled to ie voters' list. The d and it behooves all pea appear where tbey CIVIC HOEIDA A petit!on was pre- sented to Mayo Morton, on Saturday last, asking him o declare Friday, Aug - gust 10th, Wi gham's Civic holiday, which he has do o. Many of our towns- people will tak in the Firemea'e Excur- sion to fioderic se, on Monday even• er the auspices or the team will be a grand nxious to hear Harold rice's greatest tenor. by Miss Emily A. f Toronto, who comes d by the press of all the nada and the United also be a double quar- tile direction of G. W. r tickets at Morrow's members of the club. and be on hand. WANTEn—Butter not lower --12c. Cash fel: best Dair y Tubs. G. E. KINO. PRINTED BEVELS Es—have your name and address printe• on the corner of your envelopes. Then i the letters are not call- ed for by the party to whom they were ad- dressed the post m -ter will communicate the fact to you inst ad of sending to dead letter office, saving ouble of sending pos- tage for its return. The TIDIES can give you printed envelop s nearly as cheap as you can buy theca b , nit. WONUEnFPLY Lien hamites have been and express their au fuly improved.appe+ during the past two tbeywill now comp, of the large cities an prise of those who i are not only durab thing is considered, as plauk ; although ham like other pia atohed horse race iderable interest ham race track g Messrs. Beattie ttle wager with . The wager is it horse, "Selina" orse "Tony". The , and will take We have not , of Kincardine, eges" or not but at the wheel and and. Wingham rsee and this race ing what kind of and Beattie are rsioN—Friday next Wingham and Blyth he Fire Brigade of leted arrangements nk Railway System on to Goderich. The ve Wingham about in here is 750, chil- e steamer, "City of chartered to give on the lake at 2 and 5 c, children 15. The in attendance on ex - at. Ali are cordial - this eeoursion. It VEn—Many old Wing - siting in town of late rise at the wonder- ance of our sidewalks ears. They say that e favorably with those are a credit to the en- troduoed them, They e, but, when every - are almost as cheap here a few in Wing- s who grumble at Dost. SMALL LOCALS. —Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. —Jarvis concert on Aust 22nd. —Flax spreading is in. all swing. Something special in white wool Mat- tresses at Ireland it Button's, Wingham. —Get your fall advertisement ready to plant in the Times.. —Division Court will be held here on Thursday, August 25th. —A.new platform ha beers placed at the entrance of the Baptist church. Store for sale or to re nt. Apply to D. Stewart, Winghrm, —The painting at t e school house, or- dered by the School ard, has been com- eted. 4 —We were pleased o see Mr. L. W.Han- son on tee street this eek after his serious illness.. --The electric li is nightly .destroy thousands of moth • beedles send. other inseots. Two smart boys anted to learn up- holstering. Apply to alter & Clegg. —The owner of a 10 flat, key with 23 on the side of it can h ve the same at the TrMxxs office. —Messrs. Bnrchall nd McDonald ship - a double decked car o logs to Collingwood on Monday. —Guelph bakers are still charging 110 per loaf for bread. It only l0c in all oter places. AN INCREASE or PER CENT.—We are V—Messrs. Elliott Br . have commenced in receipt of the v r onthly report issued 1 work on their new b ic1 residence opposite bythe Provincial 1 oard of Health of On- the It. C. Church.' tario showing the eatha from contagious Royal Carriage Oil Top Polish makes diseases in this P. evince as reported tobuggy tops like new. Sold at MeceleTx's the Registrar Gen: al by the Registrars of I Harness Shop. each municipality hroughout the province I —The conductors an brakemen on the • This report show • that the number of C. P. R. passengers tr ns have beep fat-- deaths ardeaths for the moba of April, May and tr�abed with new caps. June in lee? from consumptioc was 4294—We are pleased t see Mr, James and for the sante n .nths this year the num- Louttit on the str ets again alter her of deaths from the same disease was being confined to his ome for a nuraeber 501. This shows = n -increase of 73 or 10% of weekseti over last year. —Mr. Peter Campl WE DoN'T NE ;^ THEM—An exchange of cattle to mon treat states that there are seven classes of was tho finest load tl people who are a etrrment to the coin- manv a day. munity. First, t ose who go out of —A car load of co was received at town to do their t ding. Second, those Carr's flour mills tb weep, A car load who oppose iolpr. •ements. TThird,those of icb from Hainilto was received at who prefer a quiet own to one ofpushand John's restaurant. business. Fourth, hose who think they For the months o July and August, can do business sl ly and without ad- Ireland & Button Lave decided to sell vertising . Fifth, hose who deride pub- Furniture at Factory prices. hcspirited men. .ixth, those who op- '—Dr Bryce. secreta of the Provincial pose any public e erprise that does not Board of Health, want all school authori- appear to benefit hem. Seventh, those ties to see that all chi) ea are vaccinated who seek to inju • the credit of any in -ion entering the sohools n September. dividual. o —The town of Harr' ton is to have a —The Hanover horse [new industry to be nown as the Har - was the moans of I riston Pork Packing ., Limited. The he Wingham sports. tal capital stook am pts to $100.000. roe, horse, ``Selina" —Mr. D. Bell's hors made things lively her race. Mr. J. E. for a few minutes M day morning. It rse "Lady Richmond" took a yon from oro' carriage shop to Mr. Bells store) There was not a thing broken. Everybody goes to Wingham. King's July and August Sale is on. Try the sale once. See the crowd. G. E. Ring, Wingham. II pleased with the way —Some evil -disposed the Hanover people were busy enough to sr the north end grocery can learn he has just ing• We would like t punished. A full stook of Bedroom Suites, Ex- tension Tables, Sideboards. and Parlor Suites, at Ireland & Button's, Wingham. —The voters' lists )ready issued and sent to Judge Masson will not bo reprinted. Although His Hono prefers the small pamphlet form, be 11 not reject those already issued in the arge form. FURNITURE NEws • The folowing from the Canadian Furnit •e and Unholsterers' Journal for July, 11 he read with inter - by our townspeopl of Wingham has a pleting the charm been ono of the be the furniture line, thing. The new fl & Clegg, who have dard factory and a shape to supply th holstered goods th in the country in general up-to-date strictly new. Bo practical, and kn the A, 13, 0 tip. P yeller in Canada ly in the west, th represented the their predecessor for a number of praotifial upholst and has for a nu Upholstering de Tbey could not h cation than Win shipping combina or equalled by an Thos. Bell & Son The Union Furni diem lines ; Mutt Walker & Clegg, G. T.X. and C. make up a team t point. We are no of a prophet, but w firm a good trade. for car orders early A. A. MO71EOW, Chemist and Druggist. 1FOOT ELM. 1 f We ask yon to use it because it will please you, and it is the only sure remedy for the feet. —You should heat evening, August 22n —Brussels defer by a score of 32 to —The road grad good work on some — The rural echo day next. Pupils this. — The Grand Ti brochure in the sI table. Have you seen Ireland & Button's .2.5ft Extension Tables?, Jarvis ou Monday ed Blyth last Friday has been doing some• if the streets this week is all re -open on. Ivlon- rhould make a'xpte of u`nk has issued a neat pe of a pocket: time: —A fine secretary front, has been pl ac ell shipped a carload Union Furniture F on Monday. This l', Mr. Wm. Nichols t has left here in on Mr. T. H. Rose' brick work was co HANOVER RACE races on Tuesda drawing a few of Messrs. Beattie won 3rd money i Swarts had his h over, but in the st heat there was a collision betwee • his horse and an- other one and th,t' were not permited to start in the ne t heat. The two men were fined $5.00 f +r starting in the 2nd heat after havin been forbidden to. Mr. • "The furniture town Swarts is not at last succeeded in com- he was treated b oircle. ft always has and from what w t shipping centres in cause for not bei ut now it eclipses every- CHUB Li, IA OWES. in of Messrs Wacker purchased the old Stan - e raridly getting into trade with a line of up - t will be set,cnd to none tyle, workmanship and ess, every design will be h men are thoroughly their business from rhaps no furniture tree better known, especial - n Mr. Walker, who has is Furniture Co., and , of Ingersoll, in the west years. Mr. Clegg is a rer of long experience, her of years managed the rtment for the Ellis Co. ve chosen a better lo - lain, which now has a ion that cannot be beat other town in Canada. furniture and desks; ore Co , cheap and me- & Fessant, chairs, and holstered ods, l t red o With g 1.I,. direct connection, t is strong at every a prophet nor the son bespeak for the new )ley expect to be ready xt month." The Provincial .unday Sobel Conven- tion ofOntario will sheld inPetorboro'on Oct. 25th and 37th The regular qua' erly Sacramental ser- vices in connectswith the Methodist church were held . Sunday morning last. Rev. D. Perrie p eached fu the Belgrave Presbyterian ebur, h on Sunday afternoon last. Rev. Mr. . 11, the pastor, is away on his holidays. Rev. T. J. Mur moved to Clinton enter upon his du tist church at tha Rev. H. E. Ma gational ' nal o church, Rev. J. W. Ped): last and will els. ing Sundays. Ile preached in th hero on Sunday The Salvation dates for this ye celebration to b Tuesda dayand eminent succes Salvation Arm masses, other ganisations. secure assistan al progress. . ock; of Teeswater, has where he will at once es as pastor of the Bap- plase. .n, pastor of the Congre- SU 'o pulpit the u 1 it for pp h at London on Sunday supply for the two coni- . J. W. Goffin, of Gerrie, Congregational church St. Eaton not in it. %6Ve give you a SALE rmy has appointed the and take your TRADE. The liveliest shop res Harvest Thanksgiving in three counties. King's Store, Wing - Saturday, Sunday, Mon- hath. 9 Aug. tilt to 801h. The which indispntedly the has bad in reaohing the se untouched by other or• e'll unite, and doubtless from every friend of mot. (person or persons ash the awning at ast Monday even- see the guilty ones —The following Globe : "33rd Hu fantry, No. 2 Com Lieutenant provisi stone, gentleman, is from Tuesday's on Battalion of In- any—To be second pally, Richard Van- te Ritchie, retired," —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. -The m e echo ntwl Hess and hopes to g proceeds of the abu reaped will lose no for it through h the —Many in this in the C. P. I1 hary toba nextTuesday.T —Harriston will 1 concrete walk this Silica Barytic Stone co tract. Mr John Quirk, onthe L1I&13, ha a week or so. He h reheurnatiemj —The Ontario G vidod for the obser May each year, by •'Empire Day." —A bunch of key, was left ab the post office. Owner can lave same by proving property and payin, for this advt. --Bishop O'Con tor, of London wilt hold ronlirmation services on the Rom- au Catholic Ohurin Lucknow on Sun- day Sept.4th. —The regular School Board was ing, but no busin: lar routine was t —Court 'Maiden this (Friday) even laws will receive every member sho has 'an eye on busi- t a share of the dant harvestjust just � me in making a bid lutnne of the Truss. nd desk. with yelling • in the office at the; tory. u is pushing things ew dwelling. Th menced this week:i inity will likely take •t excursion to ]Maxi- e fare out is only $10.. 75,000 square feet. ear. The Ingersoll o. have secured' the the genial conductor been laid off duty for been suffering from vernment has pro - ante, of the 23rd of the public schools as, —A number of youn went to Iifnoardine of They took the beat to Southampton, dine Sunday evenin morning. . They e re ant trip. Wren from town Saturday evening, from Kincardine turning to Eimer - and home en Monday rt having had a pleas- ntbly meeting of the eld on Tuesday even- s outside of the regu- nsacted. , C. 0. F. will meet xg. The new Court by- leir final reading and Id bo present. Dr. Macdonai• is now permanently at home anacan be consulted by his atrons. Mr, Thos. For es, of town, received an ugly kick from horse, on one of his legs below the kn , one day this week, while engaged in lowing at his farm in Morrie. He wad b ought home and wilt be laid up for sun. time.Y'a' Now that the Pc come a large ergs,n Wingham should season the team Senior League; tb funds to pay ext should rally aroun in any way they c 22nd, when larob here under their Should be paoked boys but' also beat season. rt•ball Team has be- zation and something; e proud of. Next ntends entering the y will require some snses. The citizens! them and assist theme n on Monday Aug. Jarvis will appear uspioee when the halls -Not only to kelp thea the best concert of the The Three stages. For the early stage, Scott's Bmuisioii ire a eure. For the second stage, 11 octet many. And for the ]sat staKos of liorta sumption it soothes the rough and prat* longs the life. - s 3