HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-08-05, Page 88
,wnar..1•1411 c,.m=auv,.w.mr x,•110.110alif
Black h;1 ^:::,sr Goods.
The e'. incest Of London and Paris
Favorite.; in Ileautif?51 Rich Shades.
Many exclusive patterns shown for
the first time.
Colored tress Goods
Silk and Wool Mixture and a mag:
nificent array of costume cloth in
every new shade.
Rich, Black, Brocade Silk Dresses,
Black Dixie, Silk. Grand asscrt-
menr of fin`s. t' •r ;Tome and Shirt
Wai-ts, Pi:aitt,, :taut, :Ind Brocades.
Waterproofs in Ileptonette with
detatchable Capes, from $5.00 to
The regular monthly meeting of the
toWn conned wits held oa Monday
evening last. Members present
Mayor Morton, Reeve Hanna, Deputy
Reeve Angus, and Councillors Newton
Leratnex, IR,.,binson, Reading and Ken-
The minutes of last meeting read and
A petition to the Ontario Govarnmeet
signed by License Inspector and Chair -
Wm) of License Commissioners, asking
that- Cene-us of the town he taken to
see if the population will permit of an-
other hotel license being granted in the
town, woe presented, asking that the
council pass a motion authorizing the
Mayer t0 Bign the petition.
Robinson -Reading -That the Mayor
look into the matter of petition re. ask-
ing Government to have census taken
ra another hotel license in town and to
sign the Rama if correct,-Oarried.
The Treasurer's statement for the
month or July was read as follows:
New Kid Gloves
In all the new Fall Shades from
$1,00 to $1.50.
New Shoes
6 cases of New Fall Shoes just
New Suits
'Ve have just passed into stock 50
Men's Fine Suits, extra quality, also
Boys' New Suits, very special.
Saturday for Bargains
50 Remnants of Prints and 11us-
lins, reg, 121.c tor 7e.
50 pieces of Lace and Embroidery,
reg. 10. and 12e for 5c.
20 doz. Child's Fast Black Cotton
Hose, reg. 10c, Saturday for 4-e.
10 doz, Ladies' Silk Gloves, new
shades, reg. 40c and 45c for 25c.
50 pairs odd sizes in Fine Shoes,
reg, 51.50 and $1.75 for $1.00.
Shop early Saturday at
M. H. VP t1 DOO'S.
Pines . . $ 3 00
Rents 11 00
Rent Weigh Scales 1 50 as he was first at Williamson's fire. That
Loan From Bank2800 00 the Han.ilton & Toronto Sewer Pipe
52815 50 Co's aocouot be paid when certified oor-
To credit in bank 1013 88 rent by the Chairman of Public Works
A written report from Mr. Kennedy, Committee. That $3.93 of Young &
of Goderieb, re some repairs at the Pow- Pauhn'e $5.50 account oe pate, all that
er House was renewed which was referr- is certified to.
ed to the Fire Water and Light Commit- Your committee also submit the fol -
tee to report on at next tr.eeting, lowing estimate of receipts and expendi-
By-law No. 359 to borrow rooney to pay tura for 1898 :
for local improvement until same iscom-
pleted was read three times and passed.
By-law No. 360. to ammend by-law re
construction ot'sidewalas was read three
tames and passed.
Bylaw No, 361, granting 810.00 to the
aid of the Turnberry Agricultural So-
ciety was read three times and papsed,
By-law No. 362, fixng the rate of tax-
ation for 1898 at 2032 milia was read
three tines and passed.
A petition was read from Minnie A,
McDonald and otbere, asking that acon-
crete wat be laid on the west side ofShut
street from John to Victoria Street. The
Clerk's certificate was attached stating
that the petition was sufficiently signed.
Augus-Reading--That the request of
Minnie A. McDonald and others be
granted, that the Public Works Com-
mittee proceed with the work, and that
the Clerk's certificate be referred to the
Court of Revision. -Carried.
A. petition was read from 0. J. Reading
and others asking that a concrete walk
be laid an the north side of Patrick
from Centre to Shuter street and on the
west side of Shuter street to the end of
Mr. Reading's propetty. Clerk's certi-
ficate was attiaobed stating that tbe peti-
tion was sufficiently signed.
Angus- Kennedy -That the request of
C. J, Reading and others be granted,
that the Pub -to Works Committee pro -
need a it I, i he vtorkand that the Clerk's
e.-rtltichte be referred to the Court of
Revision. -Carried,
A petition was read'from Jas, Nelson
and others asking that a concrete walk
be laid on the west side of Minnie street
between the southeast corner of lot 478,
Gov't survey abd the north side of John
street. The Olerk's certificate was at-
tached stating tbat the petition was suf-
ficiently signed.
Newton--Lern.ex-That the request
of James Nelson and others be granted,
that the Public Works Committee pro-
ceed with the work and that the Clerk's
certificate oe referred to the Court of
Revision, -Carried.
A. petition was read from T. Chisholm
and others asking that a concrete walk
be laid on the north side of Patrick
street from Josephine to Minnie street.
The Clerk could notcertifv that this pe-
tition was sufficiently signed.
Robinson -Reading -That the follow-
ing notice be inserted in the Wingham
Advance and TIMES two newspapers pub-
lished in the the town of Wingham, for
two successive weeks. -Carried. (At-
tached was the notice to be found in an -
Thos. J. Elliott, noting as con-
Winghaau Tanning Cw, leather
for W. W
Wingham Electrio Oe,lights for
J. 13, Gordon, freight and per-
mit for pipe on street
H. Hamilton, jr., work on streets,
Wm. Moore
11 i,
Thos Moore tt"
Geb. Fretwell " 4
F. Davidson, teaming on etroets,
Chas. Barber 4.
John Otubb, work on streets,...
W. O. Stewart Inspector on local
John Elder, Inspeotor en local
P. Deans drawing hose cart
Hamilton 4t Toronto Sewer Pipe
Co., Tile, eto.... • +•
Young e: Paulin, Supplies W. W.
Young & Paulin, nails and hard.
A. hood, work on streets
Jas. Duffield & Son, rep.,hone etc.
J, Lamarche, repairing W. W
A. E. Simmons, advertising ,
V, Vannorman. salary for July
We recommended that all the
accounts be paid e'•oept W. Pattisoo'sP.
Deans', Hamilton & Toronto Sewer Pipe
Co., that W. Pattison's account be paid
less 50a and that P. Dean's be paid $1 as
1 50
7 97 Take notice that the Mnnioipal Council
31 41 of the Town of Wingham intends to
construct as a. Local Improv oat:
2 91 A Cottere'o sidewalk bur and o, ,nit feet wide
b 25 Ien nc titie t to rddtthe e of concrete ' ewlitre • elk tion the east
5 63 81115 nt Minnia Street,
3 75 '.fhe estimated�t.ost of that posed wo,k is $275.78.
I $$ of which 817.78 is +o u5 r
((fed out of the general
funds of the Munk:1ralIand to assess tiro tical
4 12 cote thereof upon the ,erties abutting thereon,
18 30 and to be beueatte, 14 eby ; and that a statement
fl 09 In s e t xis tine said assessment
rout the last revised assessment
1.11.4 ntiloo of the clerk of the
D. M. Gordon
pays the highest prices for good Butter and Eggs; either
cash or trade. One price only to all buyers, and that the
lowest price at which goods can be sold. Now Avehave
made a
shnatn„ the nd of
and b e asides nt .owners thereof, so far as they
can boaseertaine in the prices of all souther goods, "1 o quote prices
Municipality and is open for iespect'ol during otlico so misleading., r^l� lq Mort
g, unless the goods are actually before you,
ncitrs•lzt?.1�1e'will. not submit to figures, but we pledge our word
la .:.
give,you for the NEXT '1. H I RTY DAYS the biggest
,...:lbargains in all lines of Summer goods ever offered in the
'town of Wingham.
t l
27 37 'urther take notieo thnt the last unbiieataonA5
1 (10 this notice will be oi the 121.a clay of Aueust, 1808.• ,
A Cou,t of Itevi.iun will be held on Monday, the
72 87 22ndCeuneil da> of •lucnst 18012, at 8
Tawn, o ciotkfar p.thmep„ uare „elt the
Chom Ifni I❑ the .ui<1
3 1 L of h. a, ing complaints against the proposed assess-
ment or aemY aay of the frontage nrnasnrnnnents, dr
any other e. anpisint which per8ons interested navy
desire to lnako, rod which is by law cognizable by,l
the Court.,
Dated Clerk's Unice, Win_hatn, kter, lot, 1895. .
5 50
2 00
2 60
3 60
34 00
11fon(iey , " .. 't••''t. lnvera of sport
may 1001. tic m :..n .. t .' i 1 i.• , n --
Riveit:idesof TOtt.t,tu Were Uu8uit to tint
away to play the match this evening, and
it will be played ou Menday evening next,
commei.ciug tit• 5.30 o'clock. This will be
a rets hot one: as both clubs are good ones
Every person turn out and encourage the
Exeter Juniors defeted the Clinton Jun-
iors on Friday by a score of 3-2.
The Teeewater baseball team passed
through town 00 ui'ndav on th,iry wit to
Blyth. They defeated Blyth by a score of
An endeavor was made to get the Wing -
ham 'ball team to go to Seaforth on Tues-
day last to play against Brussels. Tues-
day was ;eaforth's civic holiday.
It was a yery fair crowd that visited the
baseball batch between the boarders of the
Dinsley and (.loan's hotels on the park
Tuesday evening. This game was full of
fun and there were several phenomenal
playa onbotb sides. Mr. Walker of the Din-
sley house handled himself on third base
like an old 'vet." at the gaie. Mr, G.
B. Roe, of the Queen's played first base
and get everything that come his way. If other column.)
each team had played their own catcher Reading -Angus- That the Public
the game would have bean more interest-
ing as most of the work was done in the
box. We understand that the boarders of
Swats' hotel have challenged the boarders
of the I)inaley house, and both the land-
lords have consanted to play. This game
will bo a very interesting one. The score
by innings :
To cash, Surplus from 1897,...$ 309 85
Taxes at 2034,inills on $556,790 11414 19
130 00
35 00
280 00
542 49
263 00
25 00
75 00
Dog Taxes
Poll Taxes
S,:hool Grauts ............... .
Sale Cemetery lots
8813074 53
Salaries... .................$ 1200 00
Printing, etc.... ... 175 00
Electric Light,...
Local Itnp. Debentures
Interest for deb. purposes
Interest on current loans
Grants 110 0
Tax exemptions 690 0
County rate.. ...... 370 0
Water Works..... 900 0
Property . 90 0
45 00
425 00
181 94
3215 00
170 00
Proteming Canadian Goods.
The issue of The Adelaide (South
Australia) Advertiser for June 14th,
just received, gives the particular of
a trail which prones that even in
that far country the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co. is as active in defend
ing its rights and protel,ting the
public against the' schemes of the
substituters and counterfeiters as it
is here at home in Canada, In the
trial in question Frank Ashley and
William smith were shown to have
been engaged in offering to substitute
for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, claim-
ing that the substitute was the same
as that justly celebrated medicine.
Both men were placed under arrest
on a charge of obtaining money under
false pretence and conspiring to
defraud the public, and evidence
was heard before the Chief Justice
of the Criminal Court, The defen-
dants' lawyer made a. strong fight in
their behalf, but in spite of this the
jury, after a short absence from the
court returned a verdict' of guilty in
both cases, The Chief Justice de-
ferred sentence until the close of the
sittings. In addressing the jury,
however, the learned judge spoke
0very strongly concerning the evils of
0 substitution and the dangers to the
0 victim that may ensue from this
0 nefarious and too common practice.
o -Toronto Globe.
3 0 1 1 x -b,
0 2 0 0 0-2.
CHtritUlI 1' OTES.
A meeting of the Wingham. District of
the Methodist church will be held here on
Tuesday, August 16th.
Bev T J Murdoek, the popular pastor of
the'1'eeswater Baptist church, has received.
and accepted a unanimous call to Clinton.
Reproached his farewell sermon in Tees -
water on Sunday.
A special meeting of the W C T IT will
be held at the Imine of 14trt1 E P Panlin on
the omit': r. l'ritb4 • t , vest 5114, to mite
arrangements 1'r that 4:144 ty Convention to
be held iu -Yttigunt 24th and
inking Fund .... 495 00
ubliu School including Gov't ' FALL !+'AIR DATES.
grant 3603 71
treets 700 00
isce&aneouses and incidentals 703 65
91:3074 53
Also that no committee exceed the
expenditure estimated in the foregoing.
Robinson -Hanna -That the report
of the Finance Committee be adopted
and cheques issued for the payment of
the respective accounts.. Carried.
Property Committee gave a written
report re renting basement of hall to
John Hanna,as reported at last meeting.
heading-Lemmex-That report of
property committee be adopted.• -Car-
Angus--Robinson-That $300.00 be
placed to the credit of the School Board.
Reeve Mauna began to give a verbal
report for the Fire, Water and Light
Committee, but Mayor. Morton said all
reports of committees should he made in
writing. Angus and Robinson moved
that the council adjourn and the meet-
ing adjourned accordngly.
Works Committee proceed to construct
a concrete walk on the not% aide of
John Street from Josephine street to a
point b8 feet west from the westerly
point of Lot 3, John Hanna's survey. -
The finance committee reported onthe
following accounts:
The Bell Telephone Co , rent of
telephone .... 7 50
Button & Passant, pumping`wat-
el' for streets 24 00
Thos, Moore, putting posts at hy-
drant 1 20
T. H, Manuel, work on W. W.by-
dran t 3 25
Jos. Mitchell, salary as fireman, 5 00
A. Brisbois and P. Soli, flushing
outdrain,,,. 50
H. B. Eiliett, nrinti,iz unit advee•
tisin; , ,. ,1184
W. Pattison, drawing hose and
cartage.... �... 1 00
T. Hall, advertisin........ 4 84
R. Saint, drawing hose 50
A. Ross.,etpress and stationery 1 83
T. I -f. Manuel, ealary.,7aly 8 54
Jas,Morrison Brass Ca.,Y testing
pump forhoae ,.,,..00
The second days' races on Thursday of
last week were largely attended. The races
were first-class' Little Mack, the Wing -
ham horse, did not make as good a show-
ing as was expected. The pea man was
here in all his glory, so we understand.
The summary of the races was as follows :
Elora McDonald, J. S. Brown,
London 2 1 2 1 1
Gertrude, W. P. Dulmage,
Wingham 1 2 1 3 2
Pavonia, H. Cargill R Son, Gar -
gill 43323
Selina, Beattie Bros, Wingham 34 4 4 4
Tirne, 2.201, 2 30, 2.33j:, 2.32 , 2.321.
2.27 Tans on 2.24 TROT.
Kitty It John Palmer, Rich -
Chicago .13e11, 11 Overmever, St.
Robt. EL, A. Scott, Delaware,
Hal, Forest, .Tames Hine, Mark -
Little Mack, Thos. Bell & Son,
Texas Minnie, O.K. Pollakswhy,
Brown Richmond, J. Matheson,
Nellie Walker, 11. C. Walker,
Nellie A., W. Bshrelly, Sirneoe,
Johnston, h. N. Fowler, Brant
Time, 2.26, 2.21t, 2,24.
Arline Witkea, J P Walsh, Col-
lingwood 1 1 1
Prince 11, 5 A Johnaton,
Patrolia....•2 2 2
1311nkey Morgan, J T IIethering.
'r 2 X29214!
Winghan Sept. '27.28.
Toronto Ang. '24 to Sept. 30.
London dept. 8 to 17.
lielgrave Sept. '20 30.
T�i�ioo .•i Sept. 20.21.
13rnsbe'8 ..Oct ti '7.
Ulu ton Snpr.20 21.
All Staple Goods, Boots. and Shoes, Ready-made
Clothing, Teas, &c„ &c., have all been subjected to a
' heavy reduction in prices, Straw Hats, fine and common,
• will be cleared out at cost. Some of them even blow
' 1 cot.
Came and examine our stock and be satisfied that
this is a genuine sale.
• 'Ask to sec our "Maypole" Soap. The finest and cheapest coloring
material in the world.
ton, Newbury . .... , , dis
Time, ,18 , 2.1 9, .
What does it do P
It causes the oil glands
in the skin to become more
active, making the hair soft
and glossy, precisely as
nature intended.
It cleanses the scalp from
dandruff and thus removes
one of the great causesof
It makes a better circu-
lation in the scalp and stops
the hair from coming out.
Prevents it
Cures leiness
Ayer's Hair Vigor will
surely make hair grow on
bald heads, provided only
there is any life remain-
ing in the hair bulbs.
It restores color to gray
or white hair. It does not
do this in a moment,' as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap-
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
Would you like a copy
of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? It Is free.
If yott do net ohtaln atithobenefits
yon e!poeted frohi the nso of the Vigor
write 5140 rentor abm,t it.
Address, R. 3. (1. AYLItM,
° Lowell, aas.
Have a good supply
(Haack & Co.), in all
that cannot be beaten.
st Drayton Tile
a, for sale at prices
We do Fine Printing.
ON, Direct Importer
Douse For Sale or to • t.
The undersigned offer's •r sale or to
rent a good two sto•:y f . me house, con-
taining seven roo pantry and fruit
closet ; summer 1 ' ohen and woodshed;
good stable, hard and soft water, together
with half an acre, or twenty acres of land
ifrequired. For particulars apply to
SEPTEMBER 8th to • th, 1898.
. Entries close 7th September. Spac allotts oa receipt of entry.
Our attractions will be grand, d ex •its uusurpassed. Yon can see all that
others can show, and to better ad van age RoyalDragoans, Prince O'Kabe's Taps, Sie
Hassan Ben Ali's L4eflins, and many o -r specials, the bast in the country. Fireworks
each evening, "Blowing up the Maine," asristed by all the ring and stage attractions.
Special excursion trains leavo London at 10 p. m. and after, so you can stay to the
Auction sale of Booths and Privileges, Wednesday, August 17th, on the grounds at
2 p. rn. Prize Lists, Programmes, ete., apply to
• of China Cups, Saucers and Plates, are very pretty,
fine goods, and you can buy one or a dozen at
of that "Old Reliable" line of Brown Semi -Porcelain Clips
and Saucers, Plates, Platters, Vegetable Bowls, &c., for
every -day use, and selling
As Cheap as Common White Goods.
N. Farqu .a arson
" The China House," Wingham.
7 hat is what everybody says when
they see our stock,
We make any style of Gold Rings to
We think we know as much about
watch,work as any other man in Canada,.
and will give
for a watch we can't fix.