HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1978-08-03, Page 5Brodhagen, Ray, and Carol
Scherbarth, Christa and
•Craig.., of California who
remained to visit with their
,•parents and other relatives,
Visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Mogk were
Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Bennewies of Waterloo and
Mts. Ella .Mogk of Hillside
Nursing home who spent a
few days with her son and
Sincere sympathy from
Brodhagen and community
,isextended to the bereaved
widow Mrs. Freada Mogk
in the death of her husband
Harold in • University
Hospital in Loncion4also to
daughter and son-in=law
Nancy and Bob • Weitzel,
grandchildren Rebecca and
Jason of Mitchell and one
brother Carmon and his
wife of London. He was laid
to rest in St. Peter's Church
cemetery in Brodhagen.
Holidaying for a week
with .Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Ahrens was their son
Clayton and grand-
daughters . Elizabeth and
Melanie of Burlington.
Visiting with Mr. -and
Mrs. Gordon Wolfe was the
latter's sister Mrs. Pearl
Adair of Stratford last
A large 6.towd enjoyed
the chicken barbecue at the
"Grandiar with Garage" •
- Built 'lb suit your requirements •
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BARBECUED CHICKEN—Earl' Bennewies oi-
Brodhagen prepares to hand out half a chicken
to one of the hungry people arriving at last
week's. C of C barbecGie. Although driving rain
hit before the barbecue was over the men were
able to finish cooking on coals and all the
chitken and 'trimmings', were sold. Logan's
reeve Carl Vock, centre and Greg Gerard in the
background were also Serving.
Points To Ponder
The things we remember Classified Ads pay dividends.
best are often those better
5 years—Annual Interest -
165 Du,ndas Street'West, Mississauga. Ont L5B 2N6.
Membbr of Canada Deposit Ins,urthnoesCorporation..
, • Rates subiect to change. Agent inquifes invited
ban Squirts win 3 -
ly have . returned from a
three week moter trip to
Vancouver and' yietOria.
Mr. and Mrs.' Louis
Kennedy and Peter visited
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaylore
this past weekend.
Mr. and Mr&. Don
Moylan and family and Mr.
and. Mrs. Louis. Kenhedy
and Peter attended the 25th
wedding anniversary
celebration 'for Mr. and ,
Mrs. Bill Kinahan on
Sunday. • ,
Mr. Frank. Woods, Tees-
, water visited Mrs. Jack
Malone one day this "past
Mr. Totnmy Hicknell,.t,
Calgary Alberta, called' on
Mr. and Mrs. ":Francis
klleknell this past week.'
Great news in soccer this
week Title • Squirts won a
game after working so hard
and waiting so long.! They
beat Goderich 3-0 ' in
Goderich - just watch them
go now! The Pee Wees beat
Goderich 8,2. This -was
svveet. revenge. The Atoms
played Seiforth and won
.4c 4-Wheel drive %YANMAR- giant *
4-wheel CHOOSE FROM drive*
`"2 wheel drive.*
* See and test these
fine machines today
The superb newcomer from
• ' Japan that *
won't settle *
P—.for *
Atoms play Tuesday night
against Clinton. The
Mosquitoes tied the game
they played 1-1. 'I under-
stand there was" a Tew
disappointed people after
that but that's the way it
goes isn't it? They play
twice next week. ,
The Bantams are away
playing this week. The
Juniors played Courtland
and lost 5-1.
Mr. John Shea, Mr.
Danny Murray, Mr.- Steve'
4 and •Master.
Craig MurrayOkiliIng4ith
Mr. Ken 'Muiray sfieht
three days this past week ,
up in Pringle township at
Pine Lake which they tell
me is near North Bay.
They went into a cottage
which was accessible by
boat only, through the
bush. they caught bass and
trout and had a really good
time. Who caught the most
fish? Craig •of course.
Pat- Malady and Gary
Malone , spent holidays in .•
Kitchener with Rick
Maloney last week.
K Baineld Rd., Clinton 452-3409 *
WE LIKE TO EAT—Rhonda, left, Monica and
Robbie' Jarmuth lined up with their mother,,
Barb of R. R. #1; Bornholm-, to eat barbecued
chicken at Brodhagen's-community centre last
week (Expositor Photo)
Paul Doig who suffered a fractured hip. when he
alai-Ted and fell recently is a patient in Strafford
General Hospial.
Clinton Legion Pipe band under the leadership of
pipe major Peter Malcolm ofleafordi recently took top
fionorS in a tatoo at Otilla.
t. Co lum
.Fran Malone
The sympathy of the
community goes out to the
Murphy family in the pas-
sing . of Mr. Lucy Murphy
this week. •
`°" 'Mr.' and Mrs. Jilt? Mail-
laux of Toronto and Sister
Helen Rita of Bellville
visited Mr. and Mrs.-
Vincent' Lane- this past
We are pleased to repart
-Mrs. Anne Kennedy is out
'bf- Stratford Hospital , and'
"feeling much better.
Mt. and Mrs. Joe Visser
and family attended , the
Michiels reunion in
Komoka last Saturday.
We were pleased to hear
that Mrs. Helen Nolan is
feeling much better again.
'Mr. and Mrs. Lou O'Reil-
Built to last and last.
All fabrics are performance tested
styles. to suit-any taste.
Fine Furnishings for over 80 years
obert L. Plumsteet
Interiors - •
PHONE'- BUSINESS (619) 52?-0992 HOME i519) 527.9052
Visitors with Mi. and
' Mrs. Mervin Beuerman
were Dr. and Mrs. A. Craig"
Fisher and children of
Itua,:•a, New York, Mr. an
41. David Ostrom and
family of Lynchburg,
Virginia, Mrs. Randy
MaCDonald, and boys of
A large crowd gathered
at Bornholm Township .hall
where Darlene Williams
was honoured with a bridal
shower Tuesday evening.
Contests were conducted
by Mrs. Gordon Wolfe and
Mrs. Edgar Wettl,auffer.
The address was read by
Mrs. Richard Mulholland.
She received many lovely
useful gifts.
The showee was planned
by Miss Marie Meyer and
Mrs. Gordon Wolfe.
Another shower was
planned by her bridal
attendants Janet Walden,
Mary Jane Pulles and her
sister Pauline Williams.
Friends of Mrs. Henry
Rose will be pleased to hear
she ha& returned to her
home where she is
convalescing from
University Hospital in
London. ,
There was a, family
gatheting held at the ,home
of Ken and Margarie Smith
on S unday.,Guests were the
latter's father Mr. Rudolph
-Fischer of the Ritz -Villa,
Edwin and Olive
Scherbarth of Mitchell,
Ralph and Joyce Fischer and
Mark, Paul and Sheila
Chessel of Stratford,
Howard and Donna
Faumme, Debbie, Bonnie
and Franklin of Sebringville
Doug and Joy. Elliott,
Shaun and Kimberly of
Bill Vock who is a patient
in Ontario Crippled Centre
ein Toronto has been at his
home with his parents Carl
Betty Vock for 10 days.
Bill is still slowly improving
and le returning to the
' rehabilitation centre .for
- more therapy. Bill' has
many friends and relatives.
Our prayers and good
,wishes for • a speedy
recovery go his way.
Dick, Dorene Watsoh
and family attended a four
day reunion of the Clifford
(Fop) ,Watson family in
Cineirthrti, Olio: Dub and
Betty Watson hosted the
• Correspondent '
Mrs. John Templeman
Attending the United
Church Camp at Bimini last-
week from this 'community
Were Barbara Templeman,
Shirley and Steven Miller.
Mark , Miller and, Jim
Miss Judy Norris,
Brampton, ,visited recently
with Mrs, &a-in:Norris and
Mr,„„ and ,,Mrs. Bob Norris
and family.
- Mr.. • and Mrs.. John
Templeman visited for a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim. Greer, arid family,.
Armstewn, Quebec..
Visiting ahlie-same, home
Were Mrs. Stanley Stevens,
Fleur and Laing, Alice
Springs, Australia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed'
Lawrence, Marc and Erin,
Scarborough spent a' few
days with Mr: and Mrs.
Arthur Kemp.
.-Robert Norris visited for
a few days with Steven
Horst, Brodhagen.
Mr. and , Mrs. Rob
Templeman were guests'at
the' Stewart-German
wedding in Toronto on
and MrSAlob Norris
and Robert visited on the
,keekend with Mrs. 'Bessie
Meir, Windsor.
`Visiting Saturday. with
Mr. and) Mrs. Russell,
Miller and family were Mr.
and Mrs., Emery Berta,
Mount Clemens, Michigan,
Mrs. Wilbur Miller and
Ken, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Duricati,Xtrkton,. MIss, Lee
Miller, St. Thomas and
Kevin. Killough, Ajax.
• Mr. 'and Mrs. Torn
Colquhoun and Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Dow returned
home on the Weekend from
a motor trip to the western
provinces ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller
and Betty Anne have
returned home from a
holiday in the western
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott
and Christopher visited on
the' weekend with Mr. and
.Vtrs. Dave Capling,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mayer, Exeter, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Johp
Templeman and' family..
':' Mt: and Mrs. Mervin
Dow, returned hOmeon the
weekend after visiting for
several weeks with
relatives and friends in
England. f
- Mr.- and Mrs. Jack
Burleigh and Joan,
Goderich visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Sam Norris and
Mr. and Mrs: .Bob Norris
and family, Joan remaining,
for a few days holiday.
Auxiliary Meets
Mrs. Bob Laing presided
for the July meeting of the
Cromarty Marion ;Ritchie
Evening Auxiliary, held in
the Sunday School rooms.
She based her program. On
-the picture, "The light of
the. World" hanging in the
Sunday. School rooms and
using that as her theme,
opened with a 'chorus of
"Knocking Knocking': Who
is. There" and the hymn,
"Behold a stranger at the
Mrs. Larry Gardiner read
scriptures pertaining to the
theme folloWed by prayer.
Mrs. Carter Kerslake chose,
as her topic the story•Of the"'
painting followed by the
hymn "0 Jesus thou, art
Members were delighted
with two duets sung by
Mrs. Tom Scott and M.
Jean Carey,. "Behold a
stranger at the door and
Who at , my door is
As .her special number
Mrs. Glen Elliott read a
poem, "The other side of
the door," written by ,Mrs.
Gwyn Willsmith. Roll call
was ansered with a verse on
"Home". Mrs. Duncan
Scott had the study book
telling • about the, education
system in the Caribbean
arid all joined in singing.
Brodhagen Community
—Center on Wednesday in
spite of the rain which we
needed so badly.
'Miss Gail gooks of
Victoria B.C. has been
holidaying with her uncle
and aunt Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Wurdell and
Also her grandmother Mrs.
Mary Tully of Mitchell.
C d at Brodhag
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
• 345-2757
The flowers en ,the altar
and flower stands
'beautified St. , Peter's
• Lutheran Church on
Sunday morning from the
wedding on Friday
SOrry to report Pastor
Arthur Horst is having
Surgery on his vocal' cords
on Monday morning.
Wishing 'him a, speedy
recovery. Then he.and..Mis,
Arthur Horst, Lois And
Steven are leaving for their
Les and Adelia
Weitersen sponsored -the
JUly bulletin at -St. Peter's
Lutheran Church..
Friends andrelatives of
Miss Carol • Gilk will be
pleased to hear she has
1"returned to the home of her
grandparents, Mr.. and
Mrs. August Scherbarth
wehre she is on holidays
from the General Hospital
where she was a patient in
Allan French ,of
IGtchener visited at his
borne with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert French last week.
Guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Brown vveretheir •
son-in-law and daughter
Ray and Jean Kettlewell
and Elaine of -Strathroy On
Mrs. Lavern ,Wolfe
accompanied Dick and
Dorene Watson and
Diamond where they were
guests of Dale and Star
- Bachart, Karrie and
Steven. Ralph and Joyce
Fischer and Mark were at
the same home on Monday.
H o
other nine members of the
family and Some of the
nieces and nephews were
present. ,
They came from as far
away as Dartmotith, N.S.
and Resenda, California.
▪ Dick had not seen some of
his brothers and sisters for
• over 25 years.
Mitchell fire department
was called to the home of
Ken Leonhardt on Sunday
-where the hay, was heating
in the barn. They hope they
got all the hot hay out of the
barn tfs time. They were
called to the same home on
Staffa kids camp
Let's give Canon's new little
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5. The P10-0 gives you full desktop
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The Canon P10-1). Just one in a dazzling
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